Chapter 126 You are despicable

"You guessed it." Pei Beichuan's gentle and domineering voice came from the phone.

He knew last night that he had told Mo Qingran so much yesterday that if he didn't make a big move, Mo Qingran would definitely avoid him in the future.

Although doing so might anger Mo Qingxuan, he could no longer care about it.

Doudou will be four years old soon. Although he never said it, when he picked him up from the kindergarten, he could clearly feel the envious eyes that Doudou looked at when other children acted like a baby to their mother.

Before Mo Qingxuan sent Mo Qingran abroad, he searched for a needle in a haystack, but couldn't find her.

Now that Jiang Luan survived and she came back, if he didn't act again, Mo Qingxuan might send her abroad again, and then he would really have to die alone.

"I didn't guess anything!" Mo Qingran denied without hesitation.

Her brother is now in a state of desperation because of Luan'er's affairs, and she doesn't want to provoke him at this time.

Moreover, she couldn't think clearly about the matter with Pei Beichuan, and she didn't want to think about it. The answer made her flustered.

In her memory, she had never been in a relationship. Suddenly, one day, someone came to her door and said that she had a close relationship with her before, and they separated because of a misunderstanding, and then they had such a big son.

If she is not insane, she is able to bear it.

"Ran Ran..." Pei Beichuan's voice was a little helpless, but also faintly painful.

Mo Qingran's unabashed repulsion and rejection made him very uncomfortable. Even though she lost her memory, she still didn't want to approach him.

"Don't call me that, I'm not familiar with you." Mo Qingran interrupted him and threatened, "If you dare to talk nonsense later, I won't let you go."

"You don't need to do anything, your brother won't spare me." Pei Beichuan smiled wryly, and hung up the phone without giving her a chance to speak.

Mo Qingran was so angry that she almost cursed, she threw the phone aside and stared at the TV.

It is now 53 points, and there are still 7 minutes left.

After Jiang Luan followed Chu Huan and the others out of the ward, Chu Huan went to find Mo Jinxiu, and Yan Luocheng and Bai Jin also left, saying they were going to find Su Lin to discuss Cheng Ziqian and Jiang Lu's marriage.

Jiang Luan looked at the backs of the two of them speechlessly, Jiang Lu had just agreed to Cheng Ziqian's relationship, what were the two of them in such a hurry to do.

Bai Ge took Jiang Luan's hand and talked to her all the way, but did not mention her and Mo Qingxuan anymore.

This made Jiang Luan heave a sigh of relief. She liked Shi Mingyang and didn't want her mother to object.

Her father was killed four years ago, her mother and Jiang Lu were the only relatives left, and her mother went crazy for another four years, so she didn't want to make her angry.

As soon as he left Jing'an Hospital, Jiang Luan saw Mo Qingxuan's Maybach parked outside the hospital.

Seeing the Maybach, Jiang Luan's face darkened, and he turned around and left with the white pigeon.

But Mo Qingxuan had already got out of the car, grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from Bai Ge.

"Aunt Bai, I'll ask A Yang to take you back. I want to say a few words to Luan'er." Mo Qingxuan called A Yang to drive over, then opened the passenger door and stuffed Jiang Luan in.

"Ah Xuan, Luan'er hasn't had a good rest these two days, so don't be too aggressive with her." Bai Ge looked at her daughter worriedly, but knew that she couldn't stop Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan has dominated Luan'er since she was a child, and she doesn't even have more say in Luan'er's ownership than Mo Qingxuan.

"I know, I won't do anything to her. Don't worry, Aunt Bai." Mo Qingxuan looked at Bai Ge and saw her nodding helplessly before turning and getting into the car.

A Yang was in the hospital, so he came here very quickly. When Mo Qingxuan was about to start the car, A Yang drove a car and stopped beside Bai Ge.

"Mo Qingxuan, what exactly do you want to do? You asked me to transfer Senior Shi back to City A. I have already agreed. What do you mean now?"

After Mo Qingxuan pushed Jiang Luan into the car, he immediately locked the door, so she couldn't get out. Seeing that Mo Qingxuan was about to drive her away, she glared at him angrily.

"You only remember the first one, the second condition is to live in Qingluan Garden."

Mo Qingxuan looked at the front with a cold face, not looking at Jiang Luan's repulsive expression.

"But I didn't agree!" Jiang Luan retorted coldly, feeling extremely angry.

What she likes is Shi Mingyang, but Mo Qingxuan is always entangled.

"It's up to you not to agree! Whether Shi Mingyang will go to jail or not is entirely up to you." Mo Qingxuan's sharp eyes flashed a hint of predation, and he threatened Jiang Luan again with this matter.

"Mo Qingxuan, you are despicable!" Jiang Luan's face changed, and he cursed angrily.

"It's noble for Shi Mingyang to seize love with a sword, but it's despicable for me to take revenge on Uncle Jiang and Aunt Bai with the evidence of his crime. When did you learn to apply double standards to me?"

Mo Qingxuan's face darkened, and he used anger to hide the pain in his heart.

"I've never loved you before, so why do you say Senior Shi is taking love with a knife? In my eyes, Senior Shi is a thousand times ten thousand times gentler than you." Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingxuan's side face coldly.

Mo Qingxuan wished he could sew Jiang Luan's mouth shut so that such hurtful words would not come out of that mouth.

How dare she say she never loved him?
He admits that he has seldom been gentle to her since he was a child, but anyone can see clearly how he treats her, why can't she see it?

However, he also knew very well that a large part of Jiang Luan's attitude towards him was due to Shi Mingyang's tricks.

So he could only swallow this bitterness, because these were not Jiang Luan's original intention, because at this moment Jiang Luan was cast into witchcraft.

"No matter what you say, either you live in Qingluan Court, or I will sue Shi Mingyang tomorrow. The evidence in my hand is definitely enough for him to go to jail until he dies!" Mo Qingxuan did not argue with Jiang Luan, and continued the previous threat.

Jiang Luan's face was livid with anger, but he knew that what Mo Qingxuan said was true.

Whether Shi Mingyang instigated the 47-bed patient to jump off the building, bribed Jiang to kill Chen Qihai, or induced Li Ruiqing to inquire about Baige's birthday and give her something to drink, each of which is enough for him to go to prison for decades.

Regardless of whether Shi Mingyang was forced by his grandfather or not, he did all these things.

"I promise you." In the end, Jiang Luan chose to compromise.

As long as Mo Qingxuan can let Shi Mingyang go, it's no big deal to let her live in Qingluan Garden.

It's just that in my heart, I feel even more annoyed with Mo Qingxuan.

Jiang Luan felt a tightness in her chest. Mo Qingxuan used this incident to threaten her to live in Qingluan Garden. She should have hated him.

But she felt that she couldn't hate it.

She could see his injury, his loneliness, and hear the pain in his voice.

Every time at this time, her heart felt as if someone had grabbed her heart hard, feeling stuffy and aching.

Obviously hate him for always forcing herself, hate him for threatening her with Shi Mingyang's charges, hate him always appearing by her side, but she just can't hate it.

It was as if the hatred had just been born in her heart, but was suppressed by something.

Hearing these four words, Mo Qingxuan's expression softened a little, and his eyes softened.

After all, he couldn't bear to be really angry with her, he had always been.

No matter how much she angered him, he would only vent it in other places, deeply afraid that he would do something to hurt her under the control of his anger.

Hearing her resentful but helpless voice, his mood suddenly improved.

She is still his Luan'er, even if she loves Shi Mingyang now, her temperament has not changed.

At this moment, Mo Qingxuan's phone rang.

He parked the car on the side of the road and picked up the phone. Jian Xuan's anxious voice came from the phone.

"Brother Xuan, Pei Beichuan took Doudou to hold a press conference at Xinye Hotel, publicly declaring that he and Ranran were once lovers."

Mo Qingxuan's complexion changed suddenly, the aura on his body instantly became sharp, and there were storms gathering in his eyes.

"You call Ziqian, Yiye, Ah Jin, and they all go to Xinye Hotel. Also, all media reports are prohibited. Call the media present at the press conference and ask them to recall all their people back."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jian Xuan to speak, Mo Qingxuan directly hung up the phone and threw it aside, started the car, accelerated the accelerator and rushed out.

"What's going on?" Jiang Luan felt Mo Qingxuan's anger, and asked in surprise, completely forgetting that he was still angry at his threat before.

"That bastard Pei Beichuan!" Mo Qingxuan cursed, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

At this time, there were not many cars on the road, but they were not too few. Mo Qingxuan was so rampant in the urban area, several times he narrowly passed other people's cars, and Jiang Luan was terrified.

When Jiang Luan heard Pei Beichuan's name and combined with Mo Qingxuan's previous arrangements, he roughly guessed what happened, so he didn't speak, but just sat quietly in the passenger seat, feeling very worried.

I don't know if Mo Qingran knows about this matter, she doesn't have any memory now, according to her temperament, the next moment she will either call them to ask for an answer, or go to Xin Ye Hotel to tear Pei Beichuan apart.

After Mo Qingxuan parked the car, Jiang Luan resisted the urge to vomit and followed him into Xinye Hotel.

Maybe Jian Xuan's call played a role. When they arrived, there were not many reporters in the lobby of Xin Ye Hotel, and some reporters were withdrawing.

"Pei Beichuan!" Mo Qingxuan shouted angrily, and rushed forward to punch Pei Beichuan.

Pei Beichuan was knocked down to the ground by his punch, probably because he was kicked by the stool, his face turned pale for a while, and he struggled to sit up.

"Father." Seeing Pei Beichuan being knocked over, Doudou anxiously turned around and pushed down on the stool, ran to Pei Beichuan and squatted on the ground.

Pei Beichuan smiled at him reassuringly, and barely sat up while propping himself up on the ground.

"What happened four years ago was that Ruo Sang framed me. It was a misunderstanding."

"Now that you have a son, what are you talking about misunderstanding. Do you think we are all fools?"

Mo Qingxuan's face was condensed, and he stared at Pei Beichuan solemnly.

"No, Doudou is the son of me and Ranran."

Pei Beichuan pulled Doudou to stand up, took a step forward and looked at Mo Qingxuan.

"Ran Ran went abroad four years ago. This child looks less than three years old. You say he is Ran Ran's son? Pei Beichuan, your lies are too clumsy!"

(End of this chapter)

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