Chapter 127 Ran Ran's Son

Mo Qingxuan looked contemptuously at Doudou, who was not even as high as his thigh, and felt that Pei Beichuan's words were ridiculous.

"I'm not lying. If you look carefully, you will find that Doudou and Ranran look very similar."

Pei Beichuan looked into Mo Qingxuan's eyes and didn't back away: "When I was with Ranran, Ranran froze her eggs in a hospital. After she left, I went to get the sperm and found a woman to give birth to a surrogate." bean."

Mo Qingxuan frowned thickly, looked at Xiao Doudou, and found that his eyebrows and chin were seven points like Ran Ran.

"Who gave you permission to do this?"

Mo Qingxuan showed a furious look on his face. Ran Ran was still innocent, and Pei Beichuan got her such a big son privately. What would Ran Ran think if he found out?
For so many years, he has never known that he has a nephew.

"It was suggested by Ranran back then. After she left, I was in pain for a while, and then I remembered the eggs we had gone to the hospital to freeze. I wanted to have a common child, as if she was still by my side. "Pei Beichuan's dark eyes were stained with pain.

After Mo Qingran left, he wanted to go over and explain, but Mo Qingxuan forbade him to get close to Mo Zhai.

Later, when Mo Qingran went abroad, Mo Qingxuan told him that Mo Qingran had already forgotten about him.

During that time, he was in agony, and if it wasn't for the idea of ​​having a child belonging to the two of them, he really might not be able to hold on.

"No matter how you explain it, it is a fact that you made Ran Ran sad. I will not give you another chance to hurt her."

Mo Qingxuan's face was cold, and he looked at him coldly.

Pei Beichuan pulled Doudou to stand up, and looked at Mo Qingxuan without hesitation, with firm eyes.

"I won't hurt her. The purpose of my press conference today is to let you know my determination. You don't want you and Jiang Luan to completely deprive her of the right to appear in her life because of a misunderstanding."

Pei Beichuan didn't know the current situation between Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan, but accidentally poked Mo Qingxuan's sore spot.

Mo Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and a gleam of pain flashed across his icy sharp eyes.

At this time, Jiang Luan happened to come over, only to hear Pei Beichuan mention his name, and looked at him in confusion, standing behind Mo Qingxuan.

She was a little curious when she saw the little guy beside Pei Beichuan.

Before she fell off the cliff, Ran Ran and Pei Beichuan had a very good relationship. Pei Beichuan was eaten to death by Ran Ran, and he loved her in every possible way.

The child's age should be around three years old. It is not impossible for what Pei Beichuan said to be the case when Mo Qingran went abroad four years ago.

Mo Qingran always complained to her that that girl Pei Ruosang always betrayed Pei Beichuan's news to that woman for some reason, and Mo Qingran was so angry that she wanted to kill them both to relieve her anger.

Pei Ruosang likes Cheng Ziqian, so he even has hostility towards the women around Cheng Ziqian, not to mention that the group of them who grew up together have such a good relationship.

That's why Pei Ruosang didn't want Mo Qingran to be her sister-in-law. It happened that another woman was always trying to curry favor with her, and when they got close, she always helped match that woman and Pei Beichuan.

At that time, although Pei Beichuan knew that Pei Ruosang was spoiled and had a bit of a young lady's temper, he still loved her very much and thought she was messing around. Even though he was annoying, he was never willing to say a harsh word to her.

Although Mo Qingran was dissatisfied with this, she didn't say anything.

Until that incident happened, Mo Qingran was heartbroken, and Mo Qingxuan deleted her memory when he saw her sad.

Mo Qingxuan told her the latter after she came back.

"I think, should we give him a chance? After all, he was innocent back then." Looking at the pitiful looks of Pei Beichuan and Doudou, Jiang Luan couldn't help but speak.

"Regardless of the facts back then, Ran Ran was sad and sad because of him. I will not let Ran Ran see him again!" Mo Qingxuan looked at Pei Beichuan coldly, his voice was cold, and there was a chill in his eyes.

That's when the remaining neglected journalists raised their cameras to take pictures.

Mo Qingxuan glanced over coldly, and said in a cold tone, "It's best to clear all the things captured in your cameras today. It won't do you any good to send out this kind of news!"

The reporters were stunned by Mo Qingxuan's cold eyes, regardless of whether they received a call from the company or not, they all ran away.

Mo Qingxuan was not something they could provoke, and losing his future for an exclusive report outweighed the gain.

Looking at the backs of the reporters leaving one after another, the corners of Jiang Luan's mouth twitched.

In City A, only Mo Qingxuan could do such things as threatening reporters.

"What about that child? Anyway, he is also Ran Ran's son."

Jiang Luan softened her tone, Doudou looked really cute, and she was also Ran Ran's son.

"I'll get someone to do a paternity test for him. If it's really Ran Ran's son, my Mo family can afford it." Mo Qingxuan's brows and eyes moved slightly, it's always good that Jiang Luan is by his side at this time.

"I won't give Doudou to the Mo family!" Pei Beichuan said suddenly.

He knew that Mo Qingxuan would snatch Doudou away if he knew that Doudou was Ranran's son. Since he was determined to hold a press conference, he naturally hoped to give Doudou a complete home instead of letting Doudou leave him. Become a loner again.

"It's up to you! If you use Ranran's genes to breed children, I can definitely sue you."

Mo Qingxuan glanced over coldly, showing no affection for Pei Beichuan.

Ran Ran was heartbroken and cried for several days, but he remembered it clearly.

"When I went to deposit the eggs, it was Ran Ran who signed it with me. I am fully qualified to use it. Even if you sue, it will be useless."

Pei Beichuan didn't budge an inch, exerted a little force on his hands, and the pinched Doudou cried out in pain.

"Dad, you're hurting me." Doudou wrinkled her nose and shrunk her small hands. Pei Beichuan looked down at him apologetically, and looked up at Mo Qingxuan's eyes.

He knew that Mo Qingxuan had loved Ran Ran and Luan'er since he was a child, even though they were actually the same age as him.

But he couldn't figure it out, which family doesn't quarrel between men and women in love?
It would be too unreasonable to protect the younger sister and not allow the man to get close just because of a misunderstanding?
Jiang Luan had nothing to do with Mo Qingxuan's stubbornness. She couldn't figure out why Mo Qingxuan didn't want Pei Beichuan and Mo Qingran to be together even though he knew that what happened back then was a misunderstanding.

After all, four years ago, Mo Qingran and Pei Beichuan liked each other, and he never expressed any objection.

"Pei Beichuan, who gave you permission to spread rumors about me?!" When the hotel lobby was at an impasse, there was a sudden roar, and Miss Mo Qingran rushed in angrily.

Seeing Mo Qingran come in, Mo Qingxuan's expression changed, and he looked behind her, and sure enough, he saw Jian Xuan following behind her, sweating profusely.

"Ran Ran, why are you here?" Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingran, she came, what should Shi Mingyang do?
"Can I not come? If I don't come, my reputation will be ruined! I don't even know who you are, so why do you say I'm your girlfriend?"

Mo Qingran came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, so she didn't understand Jiang Luan's meaning at all.

"Ran Ran, you go back first, I will settle this matter."

Mo Qingxuan glared at Jian Xuan, with a cold voice, and said directly to Mo Qingran after finishing speaking: "Take Ranran back."

"My own affairs, I am entitled to know the truth!"

Mo Qingran didn't want to add to Mo Qingxuan's worries before, so she didn't think about these things. Now that Pei Beichuan is having trouble, she doesn't intend to continue to be kept in the dark and act like a fool.

"Mom." At this time, no one expected that Doudou let go of Jiang Luan's hand, ran to Mo Qingran and stretched out her arms to hug her thigh.

The corners of Mo Qingran's mouth twitched as she looked at Xiao Douding, who let her be his girlfriend yesterday, and now hugged her thigh and called her mother. This kind of transformation, which was faster than riding a rocket, made her a little unacceptable.

She came to denounce Pei Beichuan, why did Doudou come to join in the fun?How could she give birth to such a big son?
"Doudou, I don't know what your father told you, but I'm really not your mother."

When Doudou heard Mo Qingran's denial, the corner of her mouth twitched, as if she was about to cry: "You are my mother."

Mo Qingran, one head and two big, simply ignored it and looked up at Mo Qingxuan.

"Brother, you have also seen it. Everyone is here today, and you have to say everything clearly. No matter what your considerations are, I believe that you are doing it for my own good. However, for my own affairs, I think I should have the right Make up your own mind."

Mo Qingxuan pursed his lips and looked towards the door of the hotel. At this time, Cheng Ziqian, Li Jin, Qiao Yiye, and Qiao Yixun also came over.

"Ranran used to love Pei Beichuan, so she couldn't take the blow, so she felt so uncomfortable. Now that she has lost her memory, I think if you tell me what happened back then, she will look at it more objectively, and at least she won't be overwhelmed with pain. You Tell Ran Ran everything exactly, and let her make her own decision."

Jiang Luan broke the silence in the air, she didn't look at Mo Qingxuan, but at Doudou beside Mo Qingran's legs.

Maybe Doudou was really sad because Mo Qingran didn't recognize him. At this moment, her small face was covered with tears, and she was rubbing against Mo Qingran's leg.

The corner of Jiang Luan's mouth twitched, this little guy's personality was nothing like Pei Beichuan's, but rather like Ran Ran's.

Mo Qingxuan turned his head to look at Jiang Luan, seeing that she was not looking at him, his eyes darkened, and then turned to Cheng Ziqian and the others who were walking towards the door.

Cheng Ziqian and the others looked at each other, seeing that he was silent, but seemed to agree with Jiang Luan's words.

They also feel that emotional matters are like knowing how warm and cold a person drinks water, and that others can give advice when two people are at odds at most, and it is not good to force them to intervene.

They didn't understand why Mo Qingxuan rejected Pei Beichuan so much, but they could understand how he loved his sister.

Mo Qingxuan has been more mature than people of the same age since he was a child, so not only those who are one or two years younger than him, even Luan'er and Ran Ran who were born in the same year, the same month and the same day as him, he also takes them into his wings, protect them.

(End of this chapter)

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