Chapter 128 She almost died in love

There was no one else in the hall at the moment, the reporters were scared away by Mo Qingxuan, and the hotel manager and waiters were invited out by Jian Xuan early in the morning, leaving only a group of them.

Mo Qingxuan lowered his eyelids, no one could see the emotion in his eyes, but the aura on his body was so cold, his jaw was tense, and he didn't seem to intend to speak.

After a long time, he finally spoke, his voice was deep and slow, but it seemed to be suppressing a storm.

"You all thought that I erased Ranran's memory just because I couldn't see her being sad, but you didn't even know that Ranran almost committed suicide back then."

The blood on Pei Beichuan's face receded instantly, and his figure swayed.

He didn't expect Ran Ran to commit suicide.

Mo Qingxuan glanced at Pei Beichuan sharply, and continued coldly: "When Ranran found out that Pei Beichuan was sleeping with other women, she ran home crying and didn't say anything no matter what her family asked. She was depressed She was locked in the house for three days, and when I went to see her on the fourth day, she was about to jump off the window sill. If I hadn’t discovered it in time, she might have fallen.”

Jiang Luan frowned and looked at Mo Qingran.

She is very clear about Mo Qingran's temperament. When her feelings are frustrated, she may feed that man to a pig, or ruin the couple's reputation, but how could such a thing as suicide and martyrdom happen to her? ?

Mo Qingran's face also became strange, how could she commit such a thing as suicide?

For a moment, there was a strange atmosphere in the lobby.

Except for Doudou who has been holding Mo Qingran's thigh to wipe away tears for some reason, Mo Qingxuan who is looking at Pei Beichuan with a murderous look, and Pei Beichuan who is full of pain and remorse, the rest of the people are looking at Mo with strange faces. Qing Ran.

Mo Qingran even had the expression of hearing the Arabian Nights.

"Brother, are you kidding?" Mo Qingran jumped up in a daze, "You're not talking about me, are you? If the man I like dares to cheat, I'll make him so hard that even his parents can't recognize him, How could it be possible to commit suicide?"

"I'm not joking."

Mo Qingxuan had a serious expression on his face.

"Ran Ran, it was Ruo Sang who got me drunk and let that woman sleep with me while I was drunk. She just wanted to misunderstand you and break us up."

Pei Beichuan looked at Mo Qingran guiltily, his voice full of suppressed pain.

"Pei Ruosang again? Is she a professional marriage breaker? She's sick. She has nothing to do to make troubles all day long? Speaking of Pei Ruosang, we haven't settled with her for kidnapping Xiaolu the last time she asked someone to kidnap her. "

Mo Qingran looked at Cheng Ziqian. Pei Ruosang hurt Xiaolu because he liked him. If she knew that Cheng Ziqian and Xiaolu were already together, wouldn't she be crazy?
Pei Beichuan's face was full of embarrassment: "Ruosang has been spoiled since she was a child. She got into a big disaster this time, and grandpa has already asked someone to take her back."

Mo Qingran's face darkened: "How can there be such a cheap thing? Xiaolu almost died, so you just take her away and teach her a lesson? Is your Pei family so good?"

"No, Grandpa said he would give you an explanation." Pei Beichuan explained anxiously, afraid that Mo Qingran might misunderstand.

"What do you want to say? Pei Ruosang has a bad mind, so she should stay in prison for a few years and be disciplined, otherwise she might do something stupid next time."

At this moment, Mo Qingran couldn't care about the main purpose of coming here.

When Pei Ruosang was mentioned, she got angry. Xiaolu was raised by all of them. How could she not be angry if Pei Ruosang dared to hurt her?

"Yes, I also know that Ruo Sang is wrong. But she is my sister after all."

Pei Beichuan remembered that when Mo Qingran was angry with Pei Ruosang, he used to coax her with nice words, but now he is not even qualified to coax her, so he can only present this powerless fact.

In fact, back then, he still thought that Pei Ruosang was pampered and tolerated her many behaviors as much as he could. Who made him only have this one younger sister?

But since what happened four years ago, he has been completely disappointed in her. Most of the time, as long as she doesn't cause a catastrophe, he doesn't bother to care about it. It's her own fault that she suffers outside.

Pei Ruosang was really spoiled. He used to indulge her a lot because she was his only younger sister, but once he disliked her, he felt bad about it.

"Hmph." Mo Qingran snorted, moved her legs, and then noticed that Doudou had been hugging her legs to wipe her tears at the moment. He took out a pack of tissues and handed it to him.

"So, he is really my son?"

Doudou's eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously holding the tissue.

"Who knows? Just based on Pei Beichuan's one-sided words, why should we believe it?"

Mo Qingxuan looked at Doudou in Mo Qingran's arms. The interaction between the two of them was kind of warm. Coupled with their similar looks, no one would suspect that they were mother and son.

Hearing what Mo Qingxuan said, Mo Qingran lowered his eyelids and stopped talking, took out a tissue and wiped Doudou's nose.

In any case, she still likes Doudou very much, although it makes her very uncomfortable that he calls her mother.

After Mo Qingran wiped Doudou's nose and tears away, he threw away the tissue, flicked his forehead, and put him down.

Although Doudou is not fat, she is almost four years old after all, and it is still very tiring to hold her for a while.

She didn't know if she wanted to restore her memory. Although she believed that she would not commit suicide by jumping off a building because of a man's betrayal, if it could be avoided, who would want to be sad again?
She didn't like being kept in the dark, and wanted to know what kind of past there was between Pei Beichuan and her.

But not now, she is in a turmoil right now, she already knows enough, she hasn't had time to digest it, and she doesn't want to think about other things for the time being.

"Ran Ran, you're here, Senior Shi..."

Seeing that everything was said and done, Jiang Luan finally couldn't help asking.

"Wu Miaoke just passed by, and Jing'an Hospital has dedicated nurses, don't worry."

Mo Qingran glanced at Mo Qingxuan, saw his jaw tense instantly, stuck out his tongue and said.

"Go, go back."

Mo Qingxuan didn't look at anyone, and precisely grabbed Jiang Luan's little hand behind him with his right hand, and dragged her out of the hotel.

Mo Qingran looked at the father and son in turn, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Ran Ran." Pei Beichuan took a step forward, but accidentally knocked against the table leg, making a loud noise.

Mo Qingran looked back at him, and said with a cold expression.

"If you let me know that you slander me again, I will see you hit me again and again."

"Mom, do you want to see Doudou?"

Doudou grabbed the corner of her clothes and looked up at her.

Mo Qingran bent down and nodded his forehead: "You can go to me, but you are not allowed to bring your father. Also, you are not allowed to call me mother, you can call me auntie."

Now she still can't figure out that Doudou said yesterday that she wanted to date her, but she actually wanted to match her with his father, she is an idiot.

Doudou pouted and thought for a while, then nodded reluctantly.

Although he didn't understand why his mother knew that he was her son, he was still not allowed to call her mother.

"Sister Ranran, let's go."

Cheng Ziqian and the others waved their hands at Mo Qingran, and oiled the soles of their feet before she got mad.

Cheng Ziqian has been avoiding Mo Qingran for the past few days, fearing that she will press him again.

Although Mo Qingxuan said everything by himself just now, he doesn't have to be afraid that Mo Qingran will force him to ask him more questions, but there is no guarantee that Mo Qingran will settle accounts in the future. Who made them lie to her about her and Pei Beichuan under the pressure of Mo Qingxuan? Don't you know?
They walked quickly, but Jian Xuan didn't dare to leave.

Mo Qingxuan told him to be optimistic about Mo Qingran. He couldn't stop Mo Qingran from rushing over today. Mo Qingxuan will definitely settle accounts with him. Now there is still a chance to make amends, and that is to send Mo Qingran back to the hospital safely.

Mo Qingran didn't bother to argue with them. After talking to Doudou, she got out of the hotel and got into Jian Xuan's car, ready to go back to the hospital.

Seeing everyone leaving one after another, Pei Beichuan stared at Mo Qingran's back in a daze.

He succeeded. The purpose of his development conference was to make Mo Qingxuan have to tell Mo Qingran what happened between them.

But he never expected that Mo Qingran would have the idea of ​​jumping off a building four years ago.

If he had known earlier, he would rather take his time and chase Mo Qingran back, rather than be so reckless.

However, he still couldn't believe it, according to Ran Ran's temperament, how could she jump off the building?

Mo Qingxuan took Jiang Luan back to Mo's House, and then directly back to Qingluan Garden.

Jiang Lu doesn't live in Qingluan Garden now, that room is vacant, and Mo Qingxuan had someone clean it up a long time ago, waiting for Jiang Luan to move in anytime.

It's just that he never dreamed that when Jiang Luan really lived in, she would love someone else.

Mo Qingxuan didn't say a word along the way, apparently Jiang Luan had angered Mo Qingran when he asked about Shi Mingyang's situation.

He couldn't stand Jiang Luan caring about other men in front of him, but he couldn't say anything.

He knew that Jiang Luan was not to blame, so he couldn't even lose his temper with her.

It just so happened that it was time to eat at this time, Mo Qingxuan asked someone to send the meal to Qingluan Garden, and sat down to eat with Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan looked at the dishes on the table, they were all her favorites, but when she thought of Shi Mingyang who was still in the hospital, and Mo Qingxuan who was sitting opposite and staring at him, she didn't have any appetite, so she just lowered her head to eat the food.

Mo Qingxuan saw that she didn't eat food, so he picked up a slice of meat with chopsticks and handed it over.

Jiang Luan saw the chopsticks stretched out, blocked it with his own chopsticks, moved the bowl aside, and the sliced ​​meat fell on the table.

Mo Qingxuan's expression changed, he dropped his chopsticks, got up and went back to his room.

He was afraid that if he didn't leave, he couldn't help asking why she treated him like this, why she rejected him so suddenly.

After Mo Qingxuan left, Jiang Luan raised her head and pursed her lips to look at the closed door. Subconsciously, she clenched the chopsticks tightly in her hand, randomly ordered food, ate half a bowl of rice, got up and went back to her room.

The things in the room are all new. The things Jiang Lu used when she lived here before have all been replaced. The color of the bed is warm, and the color looks very comfortable, not too dark or too gorgeous.

(End of this chapter)

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