Chapter 132 Calculation
Zhang Min threw away the black tight skirt she had replaced, walked to the side of the bed and fell down, rubbing her hair irritably: "I think that Mo Qingxuan is blind at all, and he only has that hairy girl with clear noodles in his eyes. How can I compare?" Is she bad? He doesn't even look at me. "

"As long as you often appear by his side, aren't there opportunities?"

Granny Zhang comforted her granddaughter, she lost her son in old age, and now she has only Zhang Min as a relative, even if she has no brains, she still has to plan for her and marry her into a wealthy family to live a good life.

"But he left me to work in Mo's Enterprise, and then ignored me. You don't know, his mother's eyes make me uncomfortable, and he has to do a lot of work every day. I'm almost bored to death!"

Zhang Min pouted and complained, she took two days off to find a way to get close to Mo Qingxuan.

But Mo Qingxuan didn't even give her the chance to get close, as long as she appeared by his side, he would be as indifferent as Liu Xiahui possessed.

Anyway, she is also bulging forward and backward, she wants to have a figure and a face, why is he not tempted at all?

"Be patient for a few more days, and I'll find a way to let you go to Mo's house in a few more days, and then he won't be able to let him go."

A calculating light flashed in Granny Zhang's eyes, she poured liquid into the wine glass in front of her, and took a sip.

"But you have told him everything, and you have lifted our cards."

Zhang Min sat up, took off the dress on her body, smoothed the pressure marks on it carefully, and hung it neatly in the closet.

"Without my incantation, Mo Qingxuan would never dare to try it casually. If I am required to perform the incantation, I am not the one who decides the time and place?"

"Grandma is the best."

Zhang Min put away her clothes, changed into home clothes, and ran over to Granny Zhang to squeeze her shoulders and beat her back.

Granny Zhang turned her head to look at her dotingly, and was about to teach her some tricks and tricks to seduce Mo Qingxuan, when Ah Jun knocked on the door and came in and said that Mo Qingxuan asked her to go to Jing'an Hospital.

Jing'an Hospital
After Jiang Luan woke up, he put his palm on Shi Mingyang's forehead to test the temperature, and felt that his forehead was still hot, and the fever did not subside.

"I'll go to Mo Qingxuan and ask him to prescribe some medicine to lower your temperature."

Jiang Luan moved her hand away anxiously, with an angry expression on her face.

Shi Mingyang had just had the operation not long ago, and the wound hadn't healed yet, so it's very dangerous to have a high fever now.

When Mo Qingxuan came over yesterday, not only did no one prescribe medicine for Shi Mingyang, there was not even a nurse to visit at night.

Shi Mingyang had a fever, and Jiang Luan was extremely annoyed by Mo Qingxuan's attitude.

She originally agreed to transfer to Jing'an Hospital because Shi Mingyang could recover better, but now it seems that it may not be the best choice.

Jiang Luan frowned. Although she hated Mo Qingxuan because he bullied her since she was a child, and oppressed her in various ways a while ago, she didn't think that Mo Qingxuan was the kind who disregarded the safety of patients because of his own selfishness. people.

"Ah Luan, seeing the two of us together, Mo Qingxuan felt uncomfortable. Maybe he just wanted to make me suffer a little. He should know it well, so you don't have to worry."

Of course Shi Mingyang would not let Jiang Luan go to Mo Qingxuan, he wished that Jiang Luan would never meet Mo Qingxuan for the rest of his life.

Jiang Luan looked at Shi Mingyang suspiciously. He and Mo Qingxuan had always disliked each other and fought secretly. She couldn't figure out why he would speak to Mo Qingxuan.

Shi Mingyang saw Jiang Luan's doubts, and there was a little worry in his eyes: "I don't want you to go to Mo Qingxuan. He is domineering by nature, and he was so angry when he left last night. I'm afraid that if you go to him, he will If you take the opportunity to blackmail you, you will suffer."

Jiang Luan's eyes flickered, Mo Qingxuan had already said the threat, and she promised him three conditions, and now the first two have been agreed, and he hasn't said what the third is.

"Then I'll wait for Uncle Mo to come to work and ask him to prescribe some medicine for you. You haven't recovered from burning all night, so you can't keep burning like this."

Jiang Luan hesitated for a moment, and felt that what Shi Mingyang said made sense.

Mo Qingxuan slammed the door and left yesterday, she must have been very angry, she appeared at this time, isn't she uncomfortable.

And now that Mo Qingxuan had Shi Mingyang's handle in her hands, she didn't even dare to resist, because she was afraid that Mo Qingxuan would angrily throw Shi Mingyang's criminal evidence to Li Lianbin.

Because Li Ruiqing was used by Shi Mingyang to make a big mistake, Li Lianbin had no choice but to send her abroad. He was annoyed by Shi Mingyang. Now that he got his criminal evidence, and Mo Qingxuan didn't stand in the way, wouldn't he punish Shi Mingyang to death?
Even if Shi Mingyang escapes the punishment of the law, these things he has done are enough to destroy his future.

He is a lawyer. If the things he has done are reported to the higher authorities, although there is no direct evidence that he did it, it is enough for the judiciary to revoke his lawyer's license and deprive him of the qualification to appear in court.

"it is good."

Shi Mingyang couldn't object too much, so he had to agree.

If Aluan can stay by his side forever, he is willing to keep burning.

"Then I'll buy you breakfast first." Jiang Luan washed his face, and handed Shi Mingyang a warm towel to wipe his face.

Not long after Jiang Luan went downstairs, Mo Qingxuan entered the ward.

"Did Doctor Mo finally remember my patient?" Without Jiang Luan, Shi Mingyang did not hide his hostility towards Mo Qingxuan at all.

"A bitter trick, a good trick." Mo Qingxuan ignored his sarcasm, his brows were cold, and his eyes looking at Shi Mingyang were as cold as a knife.

"It's no match for you. Aluan has been at your house these days, right? I don't know what you used to threaten her."

"Luan'er is my fiancée, there is nothing wrong with living in my house, do I need to threaten her?" Mo Qingxuan snorted, as if the person who threatened Jiang Luan was not himself.

"Aluan herself doesn't think so. She has already agreed to be my girlfriend. When I leave the hospital, I will propose to her. Do you think she will agree?"

"Then I think, you have no chance to be discharged from the hospital." Mo Qingxuan walked to the bedside, put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, and looked down at Shi Mingyang.

Wearing a white coat, he looked a little more gentle, noble and handsome, with a forceful aura rushing towards his face with his gestures and gestures.

"A small gunshot wound can't be cured. I think Jing'an Hospital is going to make headlines." Although Shi Mingyang was lying on the hospital bed, his momentum was not weak at all.

Different from Mo Qingxuan's domineering aura, Shi Mingyang didn't seem to show his sharp edge, and he looked at Mo Qingxuan without losing the wind at all.

"The bullet injured the internal organs. It was not discovered during the operation in W City. It was only when I was transferred to Jing'an Hospital that I found out that there was a small area of ​​burns in the atrium. I needed another heart surgery to cut off the burned part."

Interlaced like a mountain, Mo Qingxuan's medical attainments are no match for Shi Mingyang's.

Shi Mingyang's heart did suffer some damage after the bullet grazed his lungs, but the burns were completely negligible.

But Shi Mingyang is in his hands, so what does he say?
It's okay to find a reason to keep him in the hospital for half a year.

As for the others, we will wait until he is discharged from the hospital.

Shi Mingyang narrowed his eyes, as if he was studying the authenticity of Mo Qingxuan's words.

"Ah, that's right. The burnt part is a bit tricky. No one else in this world can do it except me. Also, even the most sophisticated instruments are hard to find. When the instruments can detect it, the heart will almost fester It even rotted."

What Mo Qingxuan said was half true and half false. Anyway, what he said was true. No one can guarantee that the accident he said would not happen, right?

Taking a step back, Shi Mingyang didn't lose anything if he didn't believe what he said with hostility towards him, right?
He didn't believe that Shi Mingyang wouldn't panic.

"A person who used a scalpel to cut off the patient's aorta during the operation, causing the patient to lose too much blood and die, can also say the same thing."

Shi Mingyang remained calm on the surface, but the strength in their hearts was the same.

Although he didn't know whether what Mo Qingxuan said was true or not, he knew in his heart that even if he wavered a little, he would lose this contest.

Although Aluan likes him now, he knows in his heart that if it wasn't for the fall in love, Aluan would never be able to move on in this life. What she really loves is Mo Qingxuan.

Therefore, he can't lose.

Because all people with outstanding abilities are not willing to admit that they are inferior to others, especially rivals in love.

He lost because he met A Luan too late, if they met A Luan at the same time, no one knew what the result would be.

"This matter has come to an end, and you still solved the case yourself. If you doubt your ability and judgment, you can overturn the case. It just so happens that I don't quite understand the deaths of Jiang Shi and Jiang Jiu."

Mo Qingxuan's eyes were still cold, reminding Shi Mingyang that he was digging up a case he had already solved.

Shi Mingyang's eyes showed a sudden look.

"A Luan was threatened by you with this."

His tone was very affirmative, he was as smart as Mo Qingxuan, and he could get a general idea of ​​the whole thing from the other party's unintentional sentence.

He is a lawyer, better at grasping every detail, and then deduce the real answer based on these clues.

"If you think it's a threat." Mo Qingxuan was not surprised that he guessed it.

"If your so-called criminal evidence is meaningless, will Ah Luan still listen to you?" Shi Mingyang curled his lips, his eyes were unpredictable.

"If you think that your grandfather should be charged with all the crimes, I have no problem. But Li Lianbin should be eager to tear you apart now, right?"

"Li Lianbin's hand can't reach the Ministry of Justice yet." Shi Mingyang's expression was indifferent. At worst, he gave up his status as a special police officer. Anyway, he applied for that position in the first place just to get close to A Luan.

"It seems that you are very confident that the review by the Ministry of Justice will not affect you." Mo Qingxuan nodded, glanced outside the door, turned and walked out.

Shi Mingyang frowned, and slowly tightened his fingers under the quilt.

It seems that Mo Qingxuan has more things in his hands than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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