Chapter 133

Do you really want to watch him threaten Aluan with this?
"You can threaten Ah Luan to compromise with my future, what do you have to be proud of?" Seeing Mo Qingxuan's strong hands clasping the door lock, Shi Mingyang sneered provocatively.

Mo Qingxuan's breath was suffocated, the veins in the hand holding the door lock bulged, and the joints were slightly white.

There is no doubt that Shi Mingyang's knife was accurately inserted into his heart, which is what he cares most about.

"It takes witchcraft to make Luan'er like you, so what are you proud of?" Shi Mingyang can do things like poking people's hearts, and Mo Qingxuan is not bad either.

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingxuan slowly unscrewed the door lock, and when he turned around to close the door, his cold eyes pierced Shi Mingyang through the crack of the door.

When Luan'er's witchcraft is solved, he will not let him go!
After Mo Qing closed the door of the ward and glanced at the elevator, Jiang Luan hadn't come back yet.

He didn't stop, and went straight back to the office, where Granny Zhang was already waiting.

"How is it? Did you see it?" Mo Qingxuan walked to the leather chair and sat down before looking at Granny Zhang, completely ignoring Zhang Min who was sitting next to her making a show.

"His rank is very high." Granny Zhang looked a little shocked.

Forget about Shi Yushan and the old lady, they are about the same age as her, and they may have expert guidance, so it is not unreasonable to be better than her.

But Shi Mingyang was only in his 20s, and his level of witchcraft was already so high, and he might reach the full level in a few years.

"It seems that you can't break his witchcraft?" Mo Qingxuan narrowed his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and stared at Granny Zhang with clear eyes.

"I can't break it, but it's still possible to cast a spell to protect Miss Jiang." Hearing the meaning implied in Mo Qingxuan's cold tone, Granny Zhang hurriedly expressed her opinion.

If she was useless at all, it would be hard for her to imagine what Mo Qingxuan would do to her.

Mo Qingxuan's energy in City A is not something she, a little sorceress, can fight against.

The reason why he endured her now was because he didn't want her to wait for an opportunity to retaliate, but it was more because she still had a place to use her.

Granny Zhang knew very well that the reason why Mo Qingxuan endured her now was because she didn't want her to wait for an opportunity to retaliate, but it was more because she still had a place to use her.

Mo Qingxuan's expression softened a little, and just as he wanted Granny Zhang to leave first, Chu Huan's voice sounded outside the door.

"Ah Xuan, are you there?" Chu Huan said as he pushed open the door, he was taken aback when he saw not only Ah Xuan was there, but also two other people.

"Zhang Min, didn't you go to work today?"

"Grandma hasn't been feeling well these two days, so I've asked for two days off."

Seeing Chu Huan, Zhang Min restrained himself a little, at least he stopped winking at Mo Qingxuan.

Hearing Zhang Min's words, Chu Huan turned his attention to Granny Zhang.

"This must be Granny Zhang. I've been hearing from Ah Xuan that you're helping him, but I haven't been able to meet you." Chu Huan smiled politely, walked to Mo Qingxuan's desk, and pushed her away to Mo Qingxuan. Come and sit on the chair.

"Ma'am, you're being polite. It's just a trick that is difficult to be elegant." Granny Zhang said politely, but her expression was full of self-satisfaction.

After Shi Yushan and the old lady, she was hit by Shi Mingyang again, and now she saw a rookie who didn't understand witchcraft at all, and she couldn't help feeling proud.

Granny Zhang is treacherous and cunning, but she doesn't have enough scheming, just a little cleverness.

So it didn't take long for Chu Huan to see through her thoughts.

"Ah Xuan, do you know why Granny Zhang is here for something important?"

"Shi Mingyang had a fever yesterday. I don't think it's normal, so I asked her to see if it was witchcraft."

Chu Huan seldom came to the hospital. Mo Qingxuan called Ah Jun and asked her to come and have a look.

Originally, Chu Huan wanted to go to the company to deal with some matters. After receiving a call from Mo Qingxuan, he asked Mo Han to push the work to Mo Han, so he came to the hospital and happened to meet Granny Zhang.

"The results of it?"

Chu Huan looked at Granny Zhang and activated his supernatural ability. You can't believe what this kind of person says, but you can use inducements to make what she thinks in your heart appear in Chu Huan's perception.

"Yes, his fever is indeed a witchcraft trick."

Granny Zhang moved her butt uncomfortably. The look in Chu Huan's eyes made her very uncomfortable, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

"He just finished the operation, what did he think? How could he use witchcraft to make himself feverish?" Chu Huan frowned, turned his head to see Mo Qingxuan's gloomy face, and showed a sudden look, "Is it because of Luan'er?"

Mo Qingxuan pursed his thin lips into a straight line, and nodded stiffly.

Chu Huan saw the faint blue marks in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and the tiredness that was perfectly concealed, and he knew that he didn't sleep all night last night.

"The witchcraft on Luan'er, can Granny Zhang solve it?" Chu Huan looked at his son distressedly, and watched Granny Zhang change the subject.

"My witchcraft level is not as good as that person, so I can't solve it. But I can cast a spell on Miss Jiang to protect her. During this period, if the eldest son can make Miss Jiang fall in love with him again, it should be no problem of."

After listening to Granny Zhang's words, Chu Huan lowered his eyes and wondered what he was thinking.

After a while, she looked up at Mo Qingxuan.

"Ah Xuan, do you have anything else to discuss with Granny Zhang?"

Mo Qingxuan shook his head: "I asked her to come here mainly to see how Shi Mingyang's witchcraft level is. I was about to send her away just now, and you just happened to come."

"Oh." Chu Huan nodded, "Let Ah Jun send them back to rest later, didn't Zhang Min just say that Granny Zhang was not feeling well?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Huan stood up and looked at Granny Zhang with concern: "You help Ah Xuan, but you must pay attention to your health, and tell Ah Jun if you need anything."

"Thank you Ma'am for your concern. I'm just getting old, so it's inevitable that I'll have a headache. Minmin is filial, and insists on coming back to accompany me."

Granny Zhang stood up, took advantage of the situation and pulled Zhang Min, who was staring at Mo Qingxuan's nympho, to the side, and praised her vigorously.

"It's a blessing to have a filial child." Chu Huan smiled, and Mo Qingxuan had already called Ah Jun to pick up Granny Zhang and the others.

"Grandma, I want to stay and see if there is anything I can help." Zhang Min looked at Mo Qingxuan reluctantly, and acted like a spoiled child while hugging Granny Zhang's arm.

She has been in City A for so many days, and she has seen Mo Qingxuan only a handful of times, and she has never spoken much.

How could she use tricks to seduce Mo Qingxuan if this continued?
"There's nothing wrong here. Go back and take care of your grandma. Your grandma is not feeling well, and she is short of a caring person to accompany her. She doesn't even have someone to talk to when you're not around."

Before Granny Zhang could speak, Chu Huan blasted past with a sugar-coated cannonball.

Zhang Min opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

This can be regarded as shooting herself in the foot. The excuse she made before was used by Chu Huan to silence her, and she didn't even know how to refute it.

"Thank you Ma'am for your concern." Granny Zhang squeezed Zhang Min's hand secretly, just at this time Ah Jun came in, so she had to go out.

Ah Jun greeted Chu Huan and Mo Qingxuan, and went out to follow the grandparent and grandson.

"Ah Xuan, how did you bring Doudou back?"

Chu Huan had wanted to ask a long time ago, but Granny Zhang and the others were there before, and she didn't want to say these commonplace things in front of outsiders, so she had to suppress it for the time being.

"It happened that he was in a private kindergarten run by the father of one of Ah Xuan's friends, so I sent someone to bring him here. Is Doudou making trouble?" Mo Qingxuan said briefly, then asked again.

"Doudou is very well-behaved, but he didn't make trouble. We fooled him when he wanted to call Pei Beichuan. It was last night that Pei Beichuan stayed outside Mo's house all night. We didn't know what was going on, and we didn't dare to tell Ran. Ran and Doudou."

Chu Huan sat down on one side, sighing a little.

She and Pei Beichuan's mother also had a little friendship. Seeing the two children quarrel like this, Mo Qingxuan refused to let go, and she didn't know what to do.

She saw Ran Ran's sadness four years ago. Although she also felt that it was normal for her boyfriend and girlfriend to have misunderstandings, she was also afraid that what would happen if Ran Ran regained her memory and couldn't think about it anymore.

Mo Qingxuan's eyes flickered, and instead of asking, he asked if Chu Huan had noticed Granny Zhang's mental activities.

"Ah Xuan, you should think about this matter again." Chu Huan shook his head, frowning, she could understand Granny Zhang's mental activities just now, so she questioned Mo Qingxuan's thoughts again.

"Grandma Zhang is lying to me?" Mo Qingxuan's eyes felt cold, but his heart sank again and again.

"Not quite."

Chu Huan shook his head, with some helplessness on his face: "She is very scheming and dare not lie to you. Her witchcraft is indeed not as good as Shi Mingyang, but whether casting a spell on Luan'er can guarantee her from being harmed, even she herself has no idea." Be sure. You also know what their grandparents are thinking, she just wants to take this opportunity to let Zhang Min get close to you. She doesn't really care what happens to Luan'er at that time. She even hopes that something will happen to Luan'er."

Mo Qingxuan's jaw was tense, his fists were pressed heavily on the table, and storms gathered in his eyes.

It seems that Granny Zhang can no longer use it.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan's reaction, Chu Huan sighed.

Mo Qingxuan is such a calm person, whenever things happen to Luan'er, he will always show his emotions.

Four years ago, after Luan'er's car fell off the cliff, he was like a walking corpse, and people could not feel a trace of life and death from him.

In the past four years, everyone could see the changes in him, and he didn't come back to life until Luan'er came back.

She didn't dare to imagine, if Luan'er just married Shi Mingyang like this, or if something happened to Luan'er by forcibly undoing the witchcraft, would Mo Qingxuan be able to bear it.

Jiang Luan bought breakfast for Shi Mingyang, and put a soft pillow behind him to make it easier for him to sit up and eat.

"Have you eaten yet?" Seeing that Jiang Luan only brought one portion, Shi Mingyang asked as he leaned on the bed so that Jiang Luan could help him.

"I ate downstairs." After Jiang Luan helped him sit up, he smoothed the quilt. He still had a fever and couldn't catch the wind.

She is very skillful in doing this, and taking care of Shi Mingyang has become more and more convenient these days.

(End of this chapter)

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