Chapter 135 Wu Miaoke's Tangle
"Your mother was killed by my grandfather, do you hate him?" Shi Mingyang raised his eyelids to look into Wu Miaoke's eyes, and asked without answering.

Wu Miaoke was stunned for a moment, a trace of hatred appeared on her face, she said a word heavily: "Hate!"

"Then why do you care about his life?"

Shi Mingyang didn't dislike Wu Miaoke, although he was a little annoyed by her attempt to kill Jiang Luan some time ago, but he didn't hate her because of it.

In his heart, she will always be the little sister who followed him by the hem of his clothes.

"He loved me, he taught me my witchcraft. I hate him for killing mother, but..."

Wu Miaoke herself also felt conflicted, but she didn't know how to describe her thoughts.

She felt sorry for her mother, Shi Yushan killed her, but she still felt sorry for him.

"But you are different. He has always been so kind to you. You are his only relative. No matter what he does, he is your grandfather and your only relative!"

"Coco, I know he is my grandfather. But he has done so many wrong things. Back then, it was my father and your father who wanted to kill Mo Jinxiu, so they would suffer the consequences themselves. My grandfather's so-called revenge is simply irrational, there is no Reason. I don’t want him to be sentenced to death, but people have to pay for what they do wrong, don’t they? I’ll go see him in a few days, if possible, can you go with me?”

Shi Mingyang looked at Wu Miaoke with gentle eyes, warm as usual, it seemed that Shi Yushan didn't kill Wu Miaoke's mother, it seemed that Wu Miaoke didn't help Mo Qingxuan deal with them.

"Brother Mingyang!" Wu Miaoke threw herself into Shi Mingyang's arms, crying heartbreakingly.

Shi Mingyang gently patted her on the back, letting her cry happily in his arms.

She has never been a strong person. Since her mother died, she has been able to sustain herself with hatred for Shi Yushan.

Shi Yushan was arrested and sentenced. She didn't feel the pleasure of revenge as she had imagined, but was filled with a sense of loss.

Shi Yushan has always tried his best not to let others know about Shi Mingyang's relationship with him, and Shi Mingyang also went to school in other places.

Therefore, she stayed with Shi Yushan much longer than Shi Mingyang since she was a child.

Shi Yushan also loved her sincerely, so her mother was killed by Shi Yushan, which made her unable to accept it for a while, and her hatred was more violent than ever.

Although she has been helping Mo Qingxuan and the others, she is not familiar with them after all, so she can only pretend to be strong when facing them.

Seeing Shi Mingyang now, and hearing his gentle words as before, the defense line in his heart collapsed involuntarily.

"Okay, you're a big girl now, you won't be pretty anymore if you cry."

Wu Miaoke cried for a long time before Shi Mingyang supported her shoulders to make her sit up straight, then reached out and gently wiped her tears away.

"Brother Mingyang, will you still marry me?" Wu Miaoke looked at Shi Mingyang hopefully, even though she knew it was impossible, she couldn't help but want to ask.

Shi Mingyang looked at her apologetically, his voice was soft, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

"Ke Ke, I have always regarded you as my younger sister. Grandpa wanted me to marry you. The only person I like is Luan. I am not worthy of your love. I believe you will find a man you love and love you too .”

Wu Miaoke pursed her lips, pretending to be happy, but tears filled her eyes quietly.

"Thank you for telling me, Brother Mingyang. You are my brother and always will be!"

Jiang Luan watched from the side, not feeling jealous at all, but felt that Wu Miaoke looked so distressing.

Although she has hurt herself before, she is actually innocent, and her temperament is a bit like Jiang Lu.

It's just that she followed Shi Yushan since she was a child, so her concept of good and evil is a bit wrong, so she does some extreme things.

Now that her mother is dead, she doesn't know how to face her grandfather who loved her the most since she was a child. The person she likes just regards herself as her younger sister.

This series of blows brought her a great understanding, and made her understand that many things are not the more secure you hold on to, and only by letting go can you truly liberate yourself.

"Miss Jiang, I'm sorry for thinking of harming you before. I wish you and Brother Mingyang happiness." Wu Miaoke turned to face Jiang Luan, her eyes no longer had the jealousy and hatred of the past, and there was only calmness and apology in her eyes.

Jiang Luan shook her head and smiled kindly: "You are Mingyang's younger sister, so naturally I won't hold grudges against you. I just hope that you will think twice about doing things in the future, and with good intentions, God will never treat you too badly."

"Thank you." Wu Miaoke looked a little complicated, turned and left after speaking.

Tears fell the moment she turned around, and she didn't dare to reach out to wipe them away, for fear that people behind her would find that she was crying. Even if everyone knew it, she wanted to leave the last trace of dignity.

"She likes you very much." Seeing Wu Miaoke's back disappearing outside the door of the ward, Jiang Luan whispered.

"Like is not sympathy. If I accept her and be with her because I feel sorry for her, it will be a kind of harm to her."

Shi Mingyang's voice was gentle but firm: "Aluan, I like you, so I can only apologize to Keke!"

Jiang Luan's eyes shifted, and he looked at him, Qinghong's watery eyes collided with his black jade-like eyes, her heartstrings throbbed uncontrollably, and the air was filled with a warm atmosphere.

When Mo Qingxuan entered the door, what he saw was the picture of the two looking at each other affectionately, he felt a pain in his heart and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

This feeling is more painful than when I picked up the jade pendant at the foot of the mountain!
"The hospital is not a place to talk about love, please pay attention." Mo Qingxuan's cold and deep voice was like a pot of ice water, instantly dispelling the warmth in the air.

Jiang Luan frowned, turned her head and saw the stinging pain in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Doctor Mo came at the right time. It just so happens that we have completed the discharge procedures and packed our things. Then don't bother me."

Shi Mingyang supported the bed and stood up. In the past two days, he occasionally walked around for a while with Jiang Luan's support, so when he stood up, he didn't have any symptoms such as weak legs. Layers of sweating.

Jiang Luan walked over quickly, supported his right arm with both hands naturally, and asked worriedly: "Mingyang, you are just right, don't be too anxious to walk."

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm a little weak after lying down for a long time."

Shi Mingyang patted the back of her hand soothingly, his face was a little pale, but there was still a gentle smile on his face.

"Luan'er, let me come, you have been injured yourself, don't get exhausted."

With a warm voice, Mo Qingxuan walked to Shi Mingyang's left and held his arm, and looked at Jiang Luan with gentle eyes like water.

"No, I can do it myself."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips and did not look at him, still holding Shi Mingyang's arm.

She didn't believe that Mo Qingxuan would support Shi Mingyang properly. The two of them dislike each other for a long time, and everyone has seen it.

"Thank you, Doctor Mo, I can use some strength myself, and I won't tire Aluan."

Shi Mingyang moved his arm, trying to pull it out of Mo Qingxuan's hand, but failed. Instead, he pinched his elbow sorely, frowned slightly, and refused in a gentle voice.

"Although you can be discharged from the hospital, after all, your heart and lungs are injured, so you should not exert yourself. It is best not to exercise strenuously in the past few months."

Mo Qingxuan narrowed his eyes, intending to tell Jiang Luan.

He knew in his heart that Jiang Luan liked Shi Mingyang now, and now that Shi Mingyang was discharged from the hospital, if he wanted to do something to Jiang Luan, Jiang Luan would not refuse.

When he said that, at least Jiang Luan would have some concerns because of his words, so that he wouldn't do something that she would regret in the future.

Shi Mingyang naturally understood what Mo Qingxuan meant, and a ruthless light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

Just like that, Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan sandwiched Shi Mingyang, helped him out of the ward, and took the elevator.

As soon as they went downstairs, they saw Li Lianbin waiting in the lobby with two policemen.

Seeing them coming down, Li Lianbin came up to meet them, and first said hello to Mo Qingxuan.

"Eldest Young Master, we are here to bring Mingyang to assist in the investigation, and hope that we will not cause trouble to Eldest Young Master."

Jiang Luan subconsciously looked at Mo Qingxuan, suspecting that he had called Li Lianbin here.

"Xiao Jiang, you haven't been to the police station for several days. Although you are on vacation now, the police station still has a lot of things that need you. You have to go for a walk when you have time, right?"

Li Lianbin didn't seem to notice Jiang Luan's suspicious gaze on Mo Qingxuan, and said to Jiang Luan again.

Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan looked at Li Lianbin with cold eyes. He said that because he wanted Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang to go to the police station together. What did he want to do?
"I don't know what Director Li wants to investigate? You also know that I have just been discharged from the hospital and I am still very weak. It may not be convenient to go to the police station now."

Shi Mingyang looked at Li Lianbin gently, as if he didn't know what Li Lianbin meant.

He can go to the police station, but he must never go in a police car in full view.

"It's about Chen Qihai's case."

Li Lianbin didn't mind revealing a little bit.

"Isn't Chen Qihai's case closed long ago? Besides, if we investigate this, I shouldn't be the person Director Li will bring along."

Surprise flashed in Shi Mingyang's eyes, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at Mo Qingxuan on the left, his meaning was self-evident.

"Chen Qihai's case is over, but his eldest daughter-in-law, Jiang Shi, and Jiang's younger brother, Jiang Jiu, died of inexplicable reasons. Some people say that it has something to do with you. Although I personally believe in you, the process still has to go. Don't worry, if this matter has nothing to do with you, I will personally send you back."

Li Lianbin's attitude was very normal, he didn't seem to hate Shi Mingyang at all, his tone was natural, it was still the same as before, it was the kindness of an elder when speaking to a younger generation.

"In this case, Director Li will go first. How about I go home first?" Shi Mingyang is a lawyer and understands the influence of public opinion on him.

Although he was confident that Li Lianbin would put himself back obediently, the nature of being taken away by the police in a police car was different.

(End of this chapter)

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