Chapter 136 Assist in the investigation
"You just got out of the hospital, so don't toss back and forth. We drove two cars this time, and you can lie down in the back seat."

How could Li Lianbin not understand what Shi Mingyang meant, and made up his mind to let him go in a police car.

"Xiaoshi, are you not giving Uncle Li face? I've already said this, and you still refuse. Do you not trust Uncle Li?"

Seeing that Shi Mingyang still wanted to speak, Li Lianbin put on his airs of an elder at the right time, and said feigned anger.

Li Lianbin didn't give Shi Mingyang the slightest chance to refuse, obviously he was determined.

Shi Mingyang lowered his head, lowered his eyelids, concealed the stern look in his eyes, and said helplessly: "Then I will trouble Director Li, but I want Aluan to accompany me."

"I'll go too." Mo Qingxuan glanced at Li Lianbin, let go of Shi Mingyang's arm, and took a step forward.

"My lord, you don't have to go." Li Lianbin was sweating coldly and refused with a forced smile.

"I was the person involved in Chen Qihai's case at the beginning. Since Jiang's case has something to do with Chen Qihai, I should go there."

Mo Qingxuan squinted his eyes, looking at Jiang Luan from the corner of his eyes.

Confusion flashed across Jiang Luan's eyes, as if he couldn't figure out what Mo Qingxuan wanted to do.

Before, Mo Qingxuan threatened her with Shi Mingyang's criminal evidence, but now when Shi Mingyang was discharged from the hospital, Li Lianbin happened to be blocking the outside, so it was hard for her not to suspect him.

Maybe he was acting with Li Lianbin just to prove to himself that he wasn't the one who called Li Lianbin here.

But why should he explain it to her?

"Chen Qihai's case has been closed, this case..." Li Lianbin smiled politely, with obvious signs of refusal.

But Mo Qingxuan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, narrowed his eyes, and retorted in an undeniable tone.

"But this matter is an extension of Chen Qihai's case after all. No one knows the cause of Jiang Shi and Jiang Jiu's death. How can Director Li be sure that it has nothing to do with Chen Qihai's case?"

"Since Eldest Young Master insists, how about just listening in?"

Although Mo Qingxuan looked relaxed and casual, Li Lianbin did not dare to relax at all. It seemed that he had made up his mind to go together, so he could only accept it.

Mo Qingxuan didn't mean to take a police car, but called A Yang to drive his Maybach to the hospital gate.

After leaving the hospital, Mo Qingxuan opened the car door and couldn't help but drag Jiang Luan into the back seat of the car, and got in by himself.

His action was so fast that Shi Mingyang didn't even have time to object, the Maybach had already driven out.

"Lawyer Shi, get in the car." Li Lianbin opened the door of the police car behind him, the amiable expression on his face had receded, and he had a businesslike attitude. Although he was polite, he looked like he could not refuse.

Shi Mingyang hid the sharpness in his eyes, nodded to Li Lianbin gently and politely, then leaned on the car door and bent down to get in.

There is thick tempered glass between the back row and the front seat of this police car, and there are stainless steel bars. After the door is closed, Shi Mingyang feels like he is in a small prison.

This kind of treatment made Shi Mingyang's eyebrows sink, and there was a murderous and ruthless emotion in his gentle eyes.

Li Lianbin deliberately humiliated him. If he was simply assisting in the investigation, how could he use such a police car?

Li Lianbin also didn't get into the car in front, but sat down in the passenger seat of the police car.

This kind of police car seems to be specially prepared for emergency interrogation. The passenger seat faces the rear. Li Lianbin sat down and pressed a button, and a small window the size of a bowl was revealed.

"I'm just assisting in the investigation, not even a suspect. Is it bad for Director Li to use this car?"

Shi Mingyang leaned back on the back of the car seat, squinted his eyes and looked at Li Lianbin through the tempered glass, his expression unchanged.

The difference between him and Mo Qingxuan is that Mo Qingxuan is domineering, but he is gentle and introverted. In fact, the domineering and strong in his bones are not inferior to Mo Qingxuan at all.

"The other police cars are all on duty, and there are only these two left. Please bear with me."

He said things that made Shi Mingyang worry more, but his expression was not like that at all.

"Director Li intends to avenge himself publicly?"

Shi Mingyang raised the corner of his mouth, his expression looked a little mocking, but it seemed that he was just smiling gently.

One of the other two police officers got into the car in front, and the other opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. Li Lianbin's eyes flashed, and without revealing the truth, his address was changed from the polite Lawyer Shi back to Xiao Shi.

"Xiaoshi, you are worrying too much. As I said, it is only to assist in the investigation. This car was an accident. In fact, the other cars were all on mission."

Shi Mingyang curled his lips, Li Lianbin is really an old fox, he didn't want to tear himself apart at this time, presumably he was afraid that Li Ruiqing's matter would hurt his face if it was revealed.

What's more, what he said is obviously too false. There are not enough police cars. He can use his private car. This is actually allowed in the police station. If the situation is urgent, he can temporarily install the alarm on the private car, which is also allowed.

Besides, as the urban headquarters of city A, wouldn't there be enough police cars?
Today, all criminals in City A are working together, and they went out to commit crimes, right?

There are not enough cars, so why don't you bring someone to assist in the investigation and send out two criminal cars?The country's resources can be wasted casually, right?You don't have a fare when you leave the car, right?

"The police station is really busy today." I don't know if he said something mockingly or sighing, Shi Mingyang leaned back again, closed his eyes and went to rest.

After all, he had just been discharged from the hospital, and he felt a little tired just now, and his forehead was already sweating a little.

Although his injury was not as serious as Jiang Luan's, he still hurt his lungs. Although Jing'an Hospital's medical conditions were good, his hospital stay was shorter after all.

"Mo Qingxuan, you said that as long as I promise you three conditions, you will not show Ming Yang's criminal evidence."

Jiang Luan was not stupid. Although she wasn't sure whether Li Lianbin's appearance in Jing'an Hospital had anything to do with Mo Qingxuan, she guessed Mo Qingxuan's purpose.

He was reminding her that he could bring out the evidence anytime he wanted.

At that time, as long as he revealed a little information during Li Lianbin's interrogation, it would be enough for Li Lianbin to detain Shi Mingyang.

"But I just said two conditions." Mo Qingxuan closed his eyes to hide the pain in his eyes, and his voice was light, as if he was trying to suppress some emotions.

Because of Shi Mingyang's suspicion of him, Jiang Luan forced him to question him, and her undisguised dislike for him, it hurt his heart deeply.

"What's the third condition?" Jiang Luan turned pale, subconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes with his fingers, and stared back at Mo Qingxuan's side face.

It is undeniable that Mo Qingxuan's side profile is very good-looking. His nose bridge is not as exaggeratedly high as that of foreigners, but it is also sharp-edged and has a good-looking shape.

The knife-like outline is especially distinct when viewed from the side.

Usually his gaze is so captivating that it is easy for people to ignore the shape of his eyes.

His eyebrows are very thick and slightly raised, and his eyelashes are also slightly long. At this moment, they cover his eyelids peacefully, restraining his domineering aura, making people unable to look away.

Mo Qingxuan suddenly opened his eyes, facing Jiang Luan's ecstatic clear water eyes.

Jiang Luan subconsciously looked away, feeling a little flustered.

What she likes is Mingyang, why is she staring at Mo Qingxuan in a daze?

Seeing Jiang Luan's averted gaze, a smile flashed across Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and he changed the topic softly.

"Is the dysmenorrhea gone?" Her menstruation has always come on time, and he remembers it better than she herself.

The past few days happened to be her period, but she didn't look uncomfortable.

Jiang Luan saw that he didn't answer her question, but instead asked her a private question, she pursed her lips in displeasure, but in the next moment, she only felt a roar in her head.

There were so many things during this time that she kept forgetting them.

Not only this month, she also didn't come during last month's menstrual holiday.

Mo Qingxuan was fine before seeing Jiang Luan, but suddenly his face turned pale with panic, and he quickly sat up straight and held her hand, with undisguised concern and worry in his eyes.

Her hands were very cold, and the palms were already sweating, a little sticky.

Jiang Luan felt the warmth in his hand, and subconsciously pulled it back. With too much force, the back of his hand slapped Mo Qingxuan's face loudly.

Feeling her repulsion, Mo Qingxuan's expression froze, ignoring the tingling cheeks, and just looked at Jiang Luan with his jaw tensed.

On the other hand, Jiang Luan shrank to one side, glanced back and forth in panic, but did not look at Mo Qingxuan.

The atmosphere in the car was momentarily tense.

Seeing Jiang Luan's reaction, Mo Qingxuan was suddenly blessed. He seemed to understand why she reacted so suddenly. A ecstasy flashed in Qingjun's eyes, and his heartbeat was uncontrollable.

"You, how long has it been since your period?" As soon as the words came out, Mo Qingxuan realized that his throat was a little dry, and he couldn't speak very fluently.

Such a situation has never existed for him.

Never thought that in such a desperate situation, there would be such good news.

Jiang Luan jumped up all of a sudden, hit his head on the roof of the car with a "bang", then fell back down, rubbing his head with his right hand, his face was extremely ugly.

"Don't worry about it!" Her voice sounded a little hoarse, and there was inexplicable panic and helplessness in her sharp voice.

"Okay, okay, I don't care." Mo Qingxuan took her hand away from her head in a good temper, gently pressed it on her head, and rubbed it for her, his eyes were smudged with a smile, making him look more noble and elegant .

His hands were dry and warm, covering her scalp, it really didn't hurt that much.

"Even if I had it, I wouldn't want it!" Perhaps stimulated by the smile in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, Jiang Luan shrank her neck, avoiding his big hands covering her head, and said without thinking.

The smile in Mo Qingxuan's eyes suddenly froze, his palm rested on the top of Jiang Luan's head, he forgot to move, and there was no reaction for a while, as if he was digesting the meaning of Jiang Luan's words.

Jiang Luan's words were like a basin of ice water, extinguishing his joy and kicking him from heaven to hell.

A Yang drove the car cautiously, slowed down, and deliberately took a long detour to avoid colliding with the police car behind.

(End of this chapter)

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