Chapter 137 Heartache
At this time, he wished that he was deaf and could not hear anything.

After Jiang Luan said that, the air in the car seemed to be sucked out in an instant.

He clearly felt the anger and grief coming from Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan slowly withdrew his almost stiff arm, his jaw tightened, his eyes were full of storms, and his breath was cold.

"Can you say that again!"

Mo Qingxuan had never been so angry before. When Jiang Luan angered him in the past, he still protected her carefully, fearing that his anger would hurt her.

But this time, he seemed to have lost his reason due to anger, his eyes were blood red, and he looked at Jiang Luan as if he wanted to tear her apart.

Jiang Luan had never seen Mo Qingxuan like this before, she only felt a severe pain in her heart, but she didn't know why.

Mo Qingxuan's anger was still in her memory. Ever since she came back a few months ago, he seemed to turn into a dynamite bag at any time and blow her to pieces.

She didn't remember how she felt when she faced his anger, but she clearly knew that it was definitely not the pain she is experiencing now.

His anger made her feel unable to resist. Apart from the fear and panic in her heart, there was also pain for which she could not think of a reason.

Her lips twitched, trying to say that even if she was pregnant, she didn't want to, but she couldn't open her mouth, her throat seemed to be strangled by someone, and she couldn't make a sound.

Jiang Luan's fear brought back Mo Qingxuan's rationality a little, he turned around and opened the car window irritably, letting the cool wind outside blow away his anger.

Along the way, neither of them said a word. Mo Qingxuan was facing the car window, blowing the wind with his eyes closed, while Jiang Luan kept looking down at his feet, his lips were tightly pressed, and his heart was in a state of confusion.

She said that not wanting a child was just a subconscious reaction, but she felt uncomfortable seeing Mo Qingxuan's ecstatic appearance.

But when she thinks about killing the child, she will feel as uncomfortable as suffocation, and she will never give up in her heart.

However, it would be unfair to Shi Mingyang if he didn't kill the child.

What she likes is Shi Mingyang. Shi Mingyang also said that he will marry her when he recovers from his injury, but she is pregnant with Mo Qingxuan's child, how can she have the face to marry him?

No matter how slow the car drove, the police station was still in the urban area. When he saw the sign of the police station, A Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Originally, the purpose of avoiding the right path was to allow the two people to solve problems and resolve conflicts in the car. As a result, the two ancestors were silent all the way to the end, and the low air pressure in the car was about to catch up with the ice cellar, which made him regretful enough.

After the car stopped, A Yang quickly got out of the car to help Mo Qingxuan open the car door, and bowed to wait for him to get out of the car.

Mo Qingxuan stepped out of the car door, stood beside the car, and reached out to Jiang Luan who was in the car.

When Jiang Luan learned that she might be pregnant, she was very upset, she didn't want to pay attention to Mo Qingxuan, she bent down and wanted to get out of the car door.

However, Mo Qingxuan was stuck in front of the car door, his palm still held in front of her steadily, without any intention of taking it back or moving out of the way.

The corner of Jiang Luan's mouth twitched, he turned back and got back into the car, and opened the door on the other side with his left hand, obviously intending to get out of the car from the other side.

A Yang was startled, and looked at Mo Qingxuan, only to see that Mo Qingxuan's originally indifferent eyes had already been stained with a little anger, and his face was as cold as ice.

This is the entrance of the police station. As a policeman, Jiang Luan even got out of the car illegally in order to avoid Mo Qingxuan.

The other side is the road, and there are cars passing by from time to time. It is undoubtedly extremely dangerous to get off from that side.

With a sullen face, Mo Qingxuan bent down and got into the car, grabbed Jiang Luan's arm, and pulled her down involuntarily.

"As a policeman, not only did he know the law and break the law, but he also deliberately chose to work in the police station. Is it expected that Bureau Li will not punish you?"

Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingxuan with thin angry water eyes, and saw a hint of sarcasm on his lips, his face was gloomy, his dark eyes were like deep dark eyes, so deep that he couldn't see the emotion, but she didn't know why she could feel it, He was furious to the extreme.

"Should I go to jail or be shot, what does it matter to you?"

Jiang Luan staggered and stood firm, struggling to break away from Mo Qingxuan's control, but it was in vain.

His warm palms were wrapped around her arms through the thin sleeves, and she could clearly feel his temperature. That feeling made her flustered, and she subconsciously wanted to escape.

Hearing her words, Mo Qingxuan's eyes flashed sullenly, but he didn't attack.

"Aluan, why didn't you come here until now?"

Just as the two were deadlocked at the gate of the police station, Shi Mingyang's gentle voice sounded not far away.

Jiang Luan looked up in shock, only to see Shi Mingyang standing at the gate of the police station a little weakly, his face was a little pale, but his smile was warm, looking at her with gentle eyes.

Taking advantage of Mo Qingxuan looking back at Shi Mingyang, Jiang Luan broke free from his control, walked quickly to Shi Mingyang's side to support him, and asked him to go to the police station to rest in a slightly reproachful tone.

"You have just been discharged from the hospital. You should rest more. What are you doing out?"

"You go first, but you haven't arrived for so long, I'm a little worried."

Shi Mingyang let her support him, explained in a gentle voice, and then turned his head to look at Jiang Luan intently, with worry in his eyes.

"You were taken away by Mo Qingxuan. I was afraid that he would harm you. It's great to see that you're fine. Ah Luan, I'm sorry. I promised to protect you, but I just watched Mo Qingxuan take you away from me. , and did nothing."

Jiang Luan shook his head, and lowered his head to prevent Shi Mingyang from seeing the panic in his eyes: "It's not your fault, you are still weak now. It won't be too late to protect me when you recover completely. Besides, I am a living person , what else can Mo Qingxuan do to me?"

Shi Mingyang saw Jiang Luan's dodging eyes and absent-minded appearance, his eyes sharpened, his eyes turned to the back, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Mo Qingxuan following behind, leisurely and natural, like a stroll in a garden.

Shi Mingyang coughed, looking weak, put his left hand on Jiang Luan's shoulder, and gave her part of his body weight.

Jiang Luan felt his body sinking, looked up and saw Shi Mingyang's paler and weaker face, walked quickly a few steps, helped him sit on a chair, turned around and took out a paper cup from the small cabinet under the water dispenser, took it A cup of hot water came over and handed it to him, with an anxious look on his face, completely forgetting what he was still worried about before.

"Mingyang, how are you? Does the wound hurt again?"

Shi Mingyang took the paper cup while Jiang Luan wasn't paying attention, and gave Mo Qingxuan a provocative look from the corner of his eye, just held the paper cup in his hand, and looked at Jiang Luan tenderly.

"I'm fine, don't be too nervous. It's just that I just got out of the hospital and I'm not quite used to it yet. I'll probably be fine tomorrow."

Jiang Luan cast a reproachful look at him: "Don't take your body seriously, after all, you have just been discharged from the hospital, after the chief has finished asking, go back and rest."

Shi Mingyang nodded, handed the paper cup to one hand to hold it, and held Jiang Luan's hand with the other hand, holding it in the palm of his hand, looking at her with gentle and focused eyes.

Mo Qingxuan clenched his fists, so he could not resist rushing forward and throwing down Shi Mingyang who was pretending to be dead.

"Luan'er, you are pregnant, you should also pay attention to rest."

For some unknown reason, Mo Qingxuan spoke in a strange way, but stared at Shi Mingyang.

It has to be said that Mo Qingxuan, who has always been talented, can't help but be stupid in terms of emotions, and now he is even more like a child, as long as it can stimulate Shi Mingyang, he doesn't care what he says.

Moreover, he really wanted to see Shi Mingyang devastated with jealousy.

Jiang Luan's face turned pale immediately after Mo Qingxuan's words, as if his blood had been sucked out of him in an instant, and his whole body felt cold.

She didn't dare to go to see Shi Mingyang, but felt suffocated and uncomfortable, wishing to dig a hole to bury Mo Qingxuan.

She didn't want to hide it from Shi Mingyang, but she just wanted to wait for his recovery to be better, and then tell him about it slowly, for fear that he would not be able to bear it, and that he would no longer love her.

However, when Mo Qingxuan said this, the feeling of sadness and loneliness that seemed to vent her anger made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Aluan, what nonsense is Mo Qingxuan talking about? You are not pregnant, right?"

Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan's instantly pale face, and felt that her hand became stiff and cold in his palm. He already had the answer in his heart, but he still couldn't help but want to deny it from her.

During this period of time, Aluan has been with him, he can clearly see her affection, and she doesn't have any similar guilt, and she doesn't know how to face it.

Why did the two of them get along for a while, and Mo Qingxuan said such words, and Jiang Luan didn't intend to accuse him of spitting blood at all.

During this time, what happened?Why are they here so late?
"Me, I'm not sure either."

Jiang Luan avoided Shi Mingyang's gaze, feeling extremely uncomfortable, but still whispered.

"I, I didn't come for these two months of monthly leave, because I didn't pay attention to it because there were too many things. I just remembered what Mo Qingxuan said just now. Maybe it's not pregnancy, but maybe some kind of illness."

At this time, Jiang Luan really hoped that she would have a disease like menopause, so that she wouldn't have to be caught in the middle.

She likes Shi Mingyang, but is pregnant with Mo Qingxuan's child, this kind of cognition almost drives her crazy.

There was blood in Shi Mingyang's jade-like eyes, and jealousy almost overwhelmed him.

He remembered the day when he found the hickey on her neck, she told him that they were meant to be together.

She said that Mo Qingxuan had taken root in her heart a long time ago and had grown into a towering tree. Even if her sister liked Mo Qingxuan, she would not back down.

That time, Jiang Luan was firm and told him very clearly that the person she loved was Mo Qingxuan, and she would never change until death!

It was that time that made him firm in his idea of ​​making her fall in love with him no matter what means he used.

Even though she later realized that it might be because she doubted herself and said those words to make her give up, she still couldn't help the pain and her whole heart flinched.

He didn't want to ask why she suddenly remembered that she hadn't had her period for two months, and he didn't want to ask what happened to them on the way, why they arrived so late.

He only wanted Aluan to be by his side all the time and not to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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