Chapter 138 Interrogation
"Aluan, no matter what, please don't leave me. I will love you as always."

Shi Mingyang's fingers tightened, and he squeezed Jiang Luan's hand tightly, the pain in his jade-like eyes was so obvious.

Jiang Luan felt a pain in his heart, and squatted down on Shi Mingyang's knee. Shi Mingyang quickly removed the paper cup in his hand and put it on the table beside him, so as not to be sprayed by him.

Before he could speak, he felt her tears smudged on his pants.

"I'm afraid you don't want me. I don't want to be with you with someone else's child."

"Fool, why would I not want you? I just want to be with you, I don't care about anything else!"

Shi Mingyang stroked Jiang Luan's hair, and brushed her hair away from her ears. Her short hair covered his knees so that he could not see her face.

During this period of time, she hasn't taken care of her hair, so the original short ear-length hair has grown a bit longer, and it is more charming than the previous pretty one.

When Mo Qingxuan heard the two people express their feelings to each other in front of him, he clenched his fists subconsciously, and the pain in his eyes uncontrollably vented out.

What kind of pain is it to watch the woman I have loved since I was a child and grow up saying that I can't leave him and wants to be with him?

"Cough cough..."

Li Lianbin cleared his throat in embarrassment.

He couldn't figure out what was going on with the three people in front of him. Jiang Luan was still in love with the eldest son some time ago, why is he so in love with Shi Mingyang now?

He doesn't understand the world of young people, but his daughter's revenge must be avenged.

Hearing Li Lianbin's cough, Jiang Luan raised his head from Shi Mingyang's knee, and lowered his head to wipe away his tears in embarrassment. He only felt that his eyelids were swollen and sore from crying. Seeing Li Lianbin sitting down on a chair behind the table, he also He lowered his head and found a chair to sit down on.

Mo Qingxuan sat far away on the other side, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, showing an attitude of watching the crowd.

"Lawyer Shi, we received an anonymous report a few days ago. The cause of Jiang's and Jiang Jiu's deaths was that someone lowered their heads and led them to the river to make them jump. I don't know what Lawyer Shi thinks?"

Seeing that everyone was seated, Li Lianbin glanced at a policeman sitting in front of the computer, but the policeman was focused on the keyboard.

In his hand, there was a small tape recorder, and the slightly flickering red light indicated that the tape recorder was also working.

"Shouldn't the police believe in the facts? Director Li also believes in such a miraculous thing as dropping his head? Moreover, the evidence is still anonymous. Is Director Li willing to believe the nonsense of a person who doesn't even want to reveal his name? "

Shi Mingyang has a gentle expression and sharp words. At this moment, he seems to be the lawyer who talks in court again.

The policeman's fingers were flying on the keyboard, and the sound of typing on the keyboard resounded in the ears of everyone present, adding to the tense atmosphere for no reason.

"Our principle is not to let go of any clues, nor to wrong anyone."

Li Lianbin looked serious and his voice was low.

"Besides, Lawyer Shi used to be a special police officer of this bureau, so he should know whether these things are true or not."

Some time ago, because Shi Mingyang wanted to get in touch with Jiang Luan, he exposed his ability to see ghosts and became a special police officer of the police station. Now he said that, but it was untenable.

"Being able to see ghosts is the reason for a person's constitution. Who knows if such a thing as lowering his head really exists?"

Shi Mingyang was blocked by Li Lianbin, and he didn't appear to be flustered. Instead, he acted as if he only believed in the facts.

"It's a matter of opinion. After all, there are still many unexplainable things in this world, aren't there?"

Li Lianbin clasped his hands together and put them on the table, staring at Shi Mingyang with sharp eyes, trying to find a breakthrough point.

But Shi Mingyang is a lawyer, and he is more proficient in these interrogation methods and psychological warfare than the police, so how could he easily reveal his flaws?
Jiang Luan watched Shi Mingyang and Li Lianbin nervously. She knew that Li Ruiqing's matter made Li Lianbin hate Shi Mingyang to the bone.

Originally, Li Ruiqing's being deceived by Shi Mingyang would not make Li Lianbin crazy, but after learning that Shi Mingyang used Li Ruiqing to commit heinous crimes, and even offended Mo Qingxuan, she had to go far away to another country.

Although Li Lianbin is old and cunning, he is also a good policeman who is self-denying and dedicated to his duties.

He was lucky because Li Ruiqing didn't kill anyone, and he helped her escape legal sanctions, and there was a cloud of evil fire in his heart.

Under such circumstances, he hoped that Shi Mingyang, the chief criminal, could be brought to justice, which would make him feel better.

She subconsciously glanced at Mo Qingxuan when she heard Li Lianbin say that someone had submitted a letter anonymously, but saw that he just raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, still looking like he was watching a big show, and didn't even look in his direction.

She suddenly couldn't figure it out, Mo Qingxuan was the most suspected person who wrote the anonymous letter, and his behavior made her unable to see through it, nor could she understand it.

However, even though she didn't like Mo Qingxuan, she still knew him a little bit.

If he wanted to cause trouble for Shi Mingyang, he would not even bother to write an anonymous letter. He might even hold a high-profile press conference, or let someone send the evidence to Li Lianbin directly.

If he just used this method to threaten her, then he didn't need to come to the police station at all. He could take her back to Qingluan Garden from the beginning, and let Shi Mingyang deal with it alone.

Or, he was here to watch the fun, or just wanted to see Shi Mingyang's distressed appearance?

Jiang Luan became more and more confused. She couldn't figure out why, so she had to turn her attention to Li Lianbin and Shi Mingyang again.

"So, after collecting evidence, Director Li believes that I have something to do with this matter?"

Shi Mingyang looked at Li Lianbin without hesitation, and there was still a gentle smile in his eyes, which seemed to be confident.

There is no evidence to prove that he had contact with Jiang, and it is impossible to have any redundant witnesses.

Unless, the police station can find another person who can see ghosts.

Li Lianbin's eyes sank, he opened a drawer, took out a document bag from it, untied the cotton rope wrapped around the button, and took out a stack of bound A4 papers from it.

He looked down at the handwriting on the document, checked it one last time, then looked up at Shi Mingyang, and raised the document in his hand.

"After receiving the report, we contacted the police in W City to assist us in some investigations. It turned out that 23 years ago, you were sent to a Nanshan orphanage in W City by an old man at the age of [-]. During your stay in the orphanage, you often went out , No one knows where you went. Half a month ago, City W captured Shi Yushan, who was sentenced to death by using witchcraft to kill many victims. Coincidentally, this Shi Yushan and Lawyer Shi were The same surname, I wonder what Lawyer Shi thinks?"

After Li Lianbin finished speaking, he didn't even look at the document in his hand, and put it directly on the table beside him, and didn't intend to show it to Shi Mingyang.

"There are so many people with the surname Shi in this world, one surname doesn't mean much."

Shi Mingyang glanced at the documents that Li Lianbin put aside, the smile in his eyes faded and turned sharp.

"But we followed this clue to find out that he was the one who sent you to the Nanshan Orphanage 23 years ago. Although he was named Wang Yaoxian at the time, after many comparisons, our police have confirmed that Wang Yaoxian and Shi Yushan are the same the same person."

Li Lianbin finally showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. In that smile, there was a joke of cat and mouse, and the pleasure of revenge.

He deliberately didn't finish talking just now, just to use one evidence after another to trap Shi Mingyang when Shi Mingyang was lucky and tried to argue.

A seriousness finally flashed in Shi Mingyang's jade-like eyes. Now he couldn't be sure how much Li Lianbin had mastered.

The thick document in his hand may be just a smoke bomb, and there may be only a few that really contain information about him.

It could also be some irrelevant passerby speculation or something, or really all about him.

He can be sure that Li Lianbin doesn't know everything about him, but the problem now is that he doesn't know what Li Lianbin has mastered and what he doesn't know at all.

"I was still young, so I didn't know who sent me there. Maybe he just happened to know my father, or for some other reason, he couldn't raise me, so he sent me to the orphanage."

Shi Mingyang decided to follow what Li Lianbin said first. Since he did not directly arrest him, but brought him in the name of assisting in the investigation, then you mean that he has no direct evidence to prove that he and Jiang, Jiang What does the death of the two of them have to do with each other?

"Coincidentally, when you mysteriously disappeared in the orphanage, Shi Yushan also disappeared, and no one around him knew where he went."

Now that he knew that Shi Mingyang might have something to do with Shi Yushan, Li Lianbin didn't let go of any clues. The two parties investigated at the same time, and he really found some coincidences.

"So, based on this, Director Li concluded that I had a secret meeting with Shi Yushan?"

Shi Mingyang chuckled, he didn't know if it was ridicule or what, but he didn't show any guilt.

"Perhaps, to learn witchcraft?"

Ignoring Shi Mingyang's ridicule, Li Lianbin threw out his guess directly.

Shi Mingyang's heart shuddered, seeing Li Lianbin's expression without any temptation, he just looked at him affirmatively.

He can be sure that no one knows the place where he and Shi Yushan met, and the most the police can find is that they are missing.

However, Li Lianbin is the best at reasoning, his answer is undoubtedly the correct answer, and he himself is quite sure.

Now his only chance of winning is that reasoning and speculation can never replace real evidence, and Li Lianbin is very clear in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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