Chapter 139 give you another chance

So now they are fighting psychological warfare, whoever fights first will lose.

"Director, the other suspect you're looking for has arrived."

At this moment, a policeman came in outside the police station, followed by a timid figure behind him.

"Miss Wu, I'm sorry to invite you here so hastily. Please sit down."

Seeing someone coming, Li Lianbin stood up from the stool, pointed to the stool next to Shi Mingyang, and signaled him to sit down.

Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan looked at each other subconsciously, but quickly turned away and looked at Wu Miaoke.

When Mo Qingxuan saw Jiang Luan turn his gaze away, his gaze flickered, and he followed her to look at Wu Miaoke.

Wu Miaoke glanced at the few people in the room, twisted her fingers a little bit awkwardly, sat down beside Shi Mingyang, and looked at Li Lianbin with a little trepidation.

"Miss Wu, don't be nervous. Let me ask you, do you know Shi Yushan?"

Li Lianbin smiled kindly, trying to ease Wu Miaoke's nervousness.

"Grandpa Shi and I are neighbors. Grandpa Shi was very kind to me when I was young."

Wu Miaoke's face was a little pale, and her eyes flickered. When she mentioned Shi Yushan, her eyes were complicated, and her pink lips were slightly pursed.

"Then, do you know what is the relationship between Shi Yushan and Lawyer Shi?"

"I, I don't know. Are the two of them related?"

Wu Miaoke looked at Li Lianbin in confusion. Although she was very nervous, she also knew that Shi Yushan was in prison now. If the relationship between Shi Mingyang and him was revealed at this time, even if no one knew what Shi Mingyang had done, his future would be about the same. It can be considered ruined.

Li Lianbin put away his kind smile, his face was solemn, his eyes were like blades, and he stabbed at Wu Miaoke.

"Miss Wu should know that false testimony is against the law."

Wu Miaoke's face turned even paler, as if frightened, but she still insisted: "I really don't know, I've never seen Brother Mingyang and Grandpa Shi meet."

"May I ask what is the relationship between Miss Wu and Lawyer Shi?"

Li Lianbin pressed hard at every step, Shi Mingyang's psychological defense was difficult to grasp, but the girl in front of him who looked like a sister next door was very innocent. Although she had been protecting Shi Mingyang, she didn't have enough deep scheming.

"I, I met brother Mingyang when I was young, and we have been in touch for several years."

Wu Miaoke's face was slightly red, and she looked at Shi Mingyang like a girl in spring, but when she saw Jiang Luan, her eyes darkened, and she pursed her lips and fell silent.

Her reaction was obvious. Although she simply said that she had been in contact with her over the years, anyone with a discerning eye could clearly see that she liked Shi Mingyang.

By this time, Li Lianbin almost knew that Shi Yushan and Shi Mingyang were absolutely related.

But Wu Miao refused to admit it, and Shi Mingyang was even more impervious, everything seemed to be at an impasse.

"Ju Li, Shi Mingyang is my patient, and I have to take responsibility for him. He was seriously injured and was just discharged from the hospital today. If it's over, can you let him go back to rest first?"

Mo Qingxuan looked at Jiang Luan, who was clutching the corner of his clothes anxiously, but still pursed his lips, and asked Li Lianbin to let him go.

Li Lianbin had no evidence, no matter how unwilling he was, he could not continue to press him.

It seems that only after slowly checking.

"Okay, Xiao Jiang, if it's convenient for you, accompany me on a mission today." Li Lianbin nodded helplessly, then turned to look at Jiang Luan again.

Seeing Li Lianbin nodding, the police officer who was recording at the side quickly turned off the tape recorder, saved the file, turned it off and left.

"It's inconvenient!" Mo Qingxuan didn't wait for Jiang Luan to speak, but directly refused, walked to Jiang Luan's side, grabbed her hand without any explanation, and was about to go out.

"Let her go!" Shi Mingyang's face darkened, and he stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Luan's other hand. He watched Mo Qingxuan take Jiang Luan away in front of him time and time again, and this time, no matter what, he couldn't let him continue to be so arrogant.

Jiang Luan wanted to break free from Mo Qingxuan's shackles, but when he saw the way he looked at him, his heart turned cold and he gave up struggling.

Mo Qingxuan looked at her with cold warning eyes, and he glanced at Li Lianbin intentionally or unintentionally from the corner of his eyes.

She understood what he meant, he could let Li Lianbin let Shi Mingyang go, and he could let Li Lianbin keep him.

"Mingyang, go back by yourself, my mother is at Aunt Chu's house today, and she is still waiting for me to go back."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, trying to pull her hand out of Shi Mingyang's palm.

Shi Mingyang froze for a moment, puzzlement and pain flashed across his eyes, but he clenched his hand a little tighter, not letting her take it away.

"Aluan, accompany me back, and then I'll have someone drive you to pick up Aunt Bai." There was a pleading in his voice, and he looked at Jiang Luan earnestly.

Jiang Luan avoided his gaze and looked down at his big hand wrapping her palm.

The skin on his hands is very thin, with long and slender fingers. The shape of his hands is good-looking, but not delicate. Her white wrist makes the skin on his hands a little dark, but not too much. The two hands are clasped together. It looks very harmonious.

"I, I'm afraid that my mother will be in a hurry. May I see you tomorrow?" Jiang Luan's voice was also pleading, wanting him to let go.

If the entanglement continues, Mo Qingxuan will tell all the things he has mastered like beans in a bamboo tube, and Shi Mingyang will not be able to leave even if he wants to.

Even if Li Lianbin didn't have definite evidence, he couldn't do anything about Shi Mingyang for the time being, but Shi Mingyang had just been discharged from the hospital and his body was still weak. He was in prison for a few days at this time.

Moreover, Li Lianbin wanted to arrange for someone to give him a hard time, and they had nothing to do outside.

Jiang Luan's averted gaze made Shi Mingyang furious, he straddled his long legs, walked around Jiang Luan, and punched Mo Qingxuan in the face.

"Mingyang!" The sudden change made Jiang Luan only have time to exclaim, but Mo Qingxuan blocked Shi Mingyang's fist with one hand.

Mo Qingxuan looked coldly, ignoring the painful palm that blocked Shi Mingyang's fist, twisted his backhand, and pushed Shi Mingyang away forcefully.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jiang Luan shook off Mo Qingxuan's hand, hurriedly supported Shi Mingyang who was staggering, and stared anxiously at his pale face.

"Lawyer Shi, this is the police station, please don't do anything casually." Li Lianbin was feeling upset, when he saw Shi Mingyang moving back being blocked by Mo Qingxuan, he scolded him in a deep voice.

"Mingyang, how are you doing? You have just been discharged from the hospital, and your body is still very weak, so you can't beat him." Jiang Luan looked at Shi Mingyang worriedly after Li Lianbin finished speaking.

"Then what should I do? Watch him take you away from me again and again?" Shi Mingyang didn't even look at Li Lianbin, and stared at Jiang Luan and growled in a low voice, like a wounded beast, not as calm as before tolerance.

When Jiang Luan heard his words, she lowered her eyelids and stared at one of his buttons, but her face was as pale as paper.

"Ah Luan, don't cry. Let's ignore him, okay?" Shi Mingyang stretched out his right hand and wiped the corners of Jiang Luan's eyes, only then did Jiang Luan feel the moisture in the corners of his eyes.

His slightly cold palms touched the corners of her eyes, tears seemed to find an outlet, and soon blurred her vision.

"Don't do this, I..." Jiang Luan was about to send Shi Mingyang back, but someone took his right hand from Shi Mingyang's back and held it firmly in his palm.

"Jiang Luan, I'll give you another chance to think about it!" Mo Qingxuan stared at Shi Mingyang coldly, but he was talking to Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan trembled and kept silent, letting Mo Qingxuan pull her away from Shi Mingyang.

After she was pulled away, Shi Mingyang lost his support and shook twice. If Wu Miaoke hadn't stretched out his hand to support him, he might have collapsed in the next second.

"Mingyang, I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow." Jiang Luan looked at Mingyang worriedly, turned her head and coldly shook off Mo Qingxuan's hand, walked out the door without looking back at anyone .

"Miao Ke, I'll leave it to you to send Shi Mingyang home." After Mo Qingxuan finished speaking, he ignored the others and walked out the door.

Looking at Mo Qingxuan's back, a bloodthirsty light flashed in Shi Mingyang's eyes. In order to be with Jiang Luan, he did not hesitate to remove all obstacles.

Mo Qingxuan is the biggest obstacle between them!

Leisure home

Chu Huan was talking to Bai Ge, and when they talked about Jiang Lu and Cheng Ziqian, they couldn't help feeling emotional.

Chu Huan knew that Cheng Ziqian liked Jiang Lu, and Baige also guessed before Jiang Bo's accident.

It's just that they rarely interfere with the children's feelings as adults, and they just go with the flow.

It turned out that Jiang Lu fell in love with Mo Qingxuan after the series of events happened, and Cheng Ziqian's liking for Jiang Lu became more and more uncontrollable, and he became more and more painful.

I thought there was no hope for the two of them, but I never thought that the turn of events would lead to this marriage again.

Jiang Lu is innocent and innocent. She was held in the palm of her hand since she was a child. Cheng Ziqian is calm and gentle, and loves Jiang Lu deeply. The two of them are a match made in heaven.

Just when he was talking about the happy part, he saw Mo Qingxuan drag Jiang Luan in, surprise flashed in Chu Huan's eyes.

Jiang Luan hadn't given Mo Qingxuan a good look these few days, and Mo Qingxuan was unwilling to force Jiang Luan, so even if the two came to live for leisure, they never came together.

Like now, Jiang Luan put on a face of resistance, but she didn't resist, while Mo Qingxuan walked in half-forcedly pulling her hand, which he had never seen in the past half month.

"Ah Xuan, are you bullying Luan'er again?" Chu Huan first protected Jiang Luan, while his son stood aside.

Mo Qingxuan ignored her, the corners of his lips pursed, he couldn't tell if he was happy or angry, after standing still in front of them, he looked at Jiang Luan and then turned his head to look at Bai Ge and Chu Huan.

"Mom, Aunt Bai, Luan'er is pregnant."

This sentence was so unexpected that Chu Huan and Bai Ge couldn't react for a long time.

Chu Huan was the first to react, stood up happily and pulled Jiang Luan to her side, staring at her flat stomach constantly.

"Mom, it's only been a month and a half."

Mo Qingxuan supported his forehead, feeling a little weak. He didn't remember the joy when he first guessed that she might be pregnant, and the ecstasy after confirming it.

After leaving the police station, he took Jiang Luan directly back to Jing'an Hospital for an examination at the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Although he had guessed it before, when he saw the positive result on the urgent test sheet, he almost tried his best not to hold Jiang Luan up and circle around.

(End of this chapter)

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