Chapter 141 What is the Pei Family?

"No, no more..." The kidnapper swallowed hard, then shrank back to the head of the bed, pulling at the wound on his abdomen, his face turned pale, but he didn't intend to stretch his body.

"Yes!" Mo Qingxuan's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were as cold as ice when he stared at the kidnapper.

"Pei Ruosang took the initiative to lure you, and promised a lot of money to lure her to profit. He asked you to rape Xiaolu first and then kill her, leaving her body in the wilderness. After being discovered, he ordered you to kill her. You were scared and didn't see the way. , that’s when the car accident happened.”

Mo Qingxuan's cold voice made people shudder, and what he said made the kidnapper's heart shudder even more.

In this way, Pei Ruosang will not only be unable to escape legal sanctions, but will also be condemned by moral public opinion, and will become a laughing stock for the general public.

Although the relationship between men and women is relatively open now, the Chinese people are reserved and rarely put such things on the table.

Because Pei Ruosang was jealous of Jiang Lu, she lowered her identity to seduce the little hooligan, intending to kill him. This kind of gossip is definitely enough to set off a wave.

Dare to touch Xiaolu, she should have had such awareness long ago!
Shocked by his ruthless eyes, the kidnapper just nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, regardless of whether he would offend that young lady who seemed to have a big family.

Compared to Pei Ruosang's beauty and viciousness, he was more afraid of Mo Qingxuan's evil spirit.

"Very well, you have a good rest, someone will come to investigate and collect evidence in the afternoon. When you arrive, you'd better remember what you said now and 'seek truth from facts'."

Mo Qingxuan stood up, there was no intention in his eyes to make him seek truth from facts, and he almost jumped out word by word after speaking, with that cruel smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, he clearly told the kidnapper that it is best to take him Take the few words you just said as facts, otherwise you will bear the consequences.

He didn't know what the consequences would be, and he didn't know if he could escape death by doing so.

However, facing Mo Qingxuan, it was really difficult for him to develop a sense of resistance.

Because the kidnapper is not in good health, although the stitches have been removed, he cannot be discharged from the hospital yet.

So Mo Qingxuan called Li Lianbin and asked him to come over to investigate and collect evidence in person.

Li Lianbin was eating lunch when he got the call. After hanging up the phone, he quickly ate a few bites, went back to the police station, took a recorder and two police officers, and set off. He called Jiang Luan on the way.

Although Jiang Luan didn't want to see Mo Qingxuan yet, her desire to see the person who hurt Jiang Lu brought to justice finally overcame her rejection of Mo Qingxuan.

She called Cheng Ziqian, deliberately not letting him tell Xiaolu, for fear that Xiaolu would be irritated.

When Jiang Luan arrived at the ward, Li Lianbin and Cheng Ziqian had already arrived, and Mo Qingxuan was not there, which made her greatly relieved.

"Excuse me, where is the eldest son?"

Li Lianbin didn't seem to notice Jiang Luan's change, so he turned his head and asked the nurse who brought them in.

"Doctor Mo happened to be having an operation, so he asked me to bring you here before entering the operating room."

After the little nurse finished explaining, she left the ward and closed the door smoothly.

Li Lianbin expressed regret, turned on the recorder and began to interrogate the kidnappers.

When the kidnapper told them what Pei Ruosang asked them to do, Cheng Ziqian almost lost control. If Jiang Luan hadn't stopped him in time, he might have rushed to beat the kidnapper violently.

"Ziqian, calm down. I let you come here because I want you to see the person who hurt Xiaolu brought to justice instead of sending yourself to the detention center. I can't stand their behavior, so now we have to What to do is to see how the director handles it."

Jiang Luan took Cheng Ziqian's arm, although she was also full of anger, she still did not forget to persuade Cheng Ziqian.

The veins on the back of Cheng Ziqian's hands bulged, and he looked at Li Lianbin and the other two police officers, but saw them looking up at the ceiling, pretending that they hadn't seen anything.

Jiang Luan was speechless, this kidnapper had just removed the thread, and was beaten up by the furious Cheng Ziqian, is he still alive?

"Okay, the culprit is Pei Ruosang. If you are really angry, you can find someone to beat him up when he is discharged from the hospital."

Jiang Luan cast a cold glance at the kidnappers, not wanting Cheng Ziqian to beat him up in front of so many people. If he accidentally beat him to death, there are still three policemen standing around to testify.

"Pei Ruosang!" Cheng Ziqian clenched his teeth, making a rattling sound, and his face was extremely gloomy.

He hated Pei Ruosang, and hated himself even more.

If he hadn't accepted Pei Ruosang's confession so stupidly and didn't give her any hope, how could she hurt Xiaolu so frantically?
"Sister Luan'er, I'm sorry. It's all my fault that I hurt Xiaolu..."

Cheng Ziqian lowered his head and blamed himself all over his face. Although Xiaolu said that it was not his fault, he couldn't help but blame himself.

If Shi Mingyang didn't happen to find out that day, if the two kidnappers succeeded that day, he would regret it for the rest of his life!

"It's not your fault!" Jiang Luan supported his arm, her voice soft but firm, "Ziqian, you can't punish yourself for the crimes committed by Pei Ruosang, and no one has the obligation to pay for the mistakes of others. Pei Ruosang has been Being spoiled by her family, she will always have to pay for her actions. No matter what the Pei family says this time, we will definitely send Pei Ruosang to prison and teach her a lesson she will never forget. The Pei family will not teach their daughter, Just let us teach!"

"Ahem, Xiao Jiang. Now that we have made a record, we will leave first. Bai Hui will start serving his sentence when he can be discharged from the hospital. As for Pei Ruosang, we will contact the police in City G to send her back to City A. If Pei's family When you find trouble with the police, you need the eldest son to put pressure on the Pei family. You also know that the Pei family is not that easy to provoke, neither of us are easy to offend."

Li Lianbin coughed and focused everyone's attention on himself before expressing his thoughts.Bai Hui is the saddest kidnapper in the surviving history.

Hearing Li Lianbin mention Mo Qingxuan, Jiang Luan subconsciously frowned, glanced at Cheng Ziqian and didn't speak.

Cheng Ziqian knew what Jiang Luan meant and nodded in response.

"Pei Ruosang buys murderers to hurt people and instigates others to hurt people's lives. It's unreasonable. If they dare to protect her, not only the Mo family, but also our Cheng family, Qiao family, Jin family and Jian family will not stand by. Pei Ruosang What is home?"

Cheng Ziqian still looked very angry. If Pei Ruosang was here, Jiang Luan had no doubt that he would rush to beat her up.

"The most important thing is me."

Jiang Luan looked at Bai Hui, who had shrunk into a ball on the bed and wished he could become transparent, with a cold expression.

Li Lianbin looked at Jiang Luan, and felt that Jiang Luan's aura at this time was very similar to Mo Qingxuan. Although he was not as strong and domineering as Mo Qingxuan, he had some charm.

Then he glanced at Bai Hui sympathetically, and suddenly felt that he should not be called Bai Hui, but cannon fodder.

It's not good to offend anyone, but to offend this group of people.

These five families can be regarded as covering the sky with one hand in City A. Offending any one of them is equivalent to offending six major families and six local emperors at the same time.

All of them grew up holding Jiang Lu in their hands. They went to kidnap Jiang Lu, that would be a really old birthday star eating arsenic and getting tired of work.

Sitting in the office, Mo Qingxuan watched the anger of Jiang Luan and Cheng Ziqian in the camera, his face was calm, and he didn't feel complacent about his scheme.

He had been staring at Jiang Luan all the time, and he could clearly see the relief that Jiang Luan didn't see him after entering the ward.

His heart seemed to be numb with pain, compared to the heart-piercing pain when he saw Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang, Jiang Luan's attitude didn't seem to be able to hurt him anymore.

His eyes fell on Jiang Luan's stomach in the picture. The clothes Jiang Luan was wearing were not tight, but they were not very baggy. They were casual clothes that she often wore. At this time, there was no sign of pregnancy at all.

But he knew that in her lower abdomen, there was a little life, a child of the two of them.

Counting the time, the child should have been there when he had her for the first time.

It wasn't until everyone left the ward that he reluctantly looked away and turned off the computer.

He hadn't had lunch yet. After calling Li Lianbin, he explained a few words to the nurse and went back to the office. When he thought of Jiang Luan, he felt a dull pain in his heart, and he had no appetite at all.

After Jiang Luan, Li Lianbin and Cheng Ziqian said goodbye at the entrance of the hospital, they took a taxi directly to Shi Mingyang's house.

Shi Mingyang's house is in a neighborhood in the city center. She knows the location, but she has never been there.

After listening to the kidnapper's words in the hospital, she only felt tightness in her chest and suppressed an unknown fire. She wanted to talk to Shi Mingyang and listen to his gentle voice to comfort her.

After Jiang Luan rang the doorbell, it was Wu Miaoke who opened the door. She was wearing a smock with her hair neatly tied behind her head, as if she was cooking.

When seeing Wu Miaoke, Jiang Luan felt a little uncomfortable.

Although it is known that Shi Mingyang regards Wu Miaoke as his younger sister, it is no secret that Wu Miaoke likes Shi Mingyang.

"Miss Jiang, why are you here?"

Wu Miaoke was also a little surprised to see Jiang Luan when he opened the door, he just froze for a moment, and let her in uncomfortably.

Shi Mingyang's house is about [-] to [-] square meters, with three bedrooms and one living room, as well as an independent kitchen and bathroom. The living room is too big, except for a TV cabinet, a sofa set, two coffee tables, and a large shoe cabinet , and an oversized fish tank, the living room still looks very empty.

"Ke Ke, who's here?" Shi Mingyang's voice came from the room, making Jiang Luan feel a little uncomfortable again.

She suddenly felt that it might be a mistake for her to come, and her previous desire to talk to Shi Mingyang disappeared at this moment.

"Miss Jiang is here."

Wu Miaoke pursed her lips, did not look at Jiang Luan, raised her voice and answered, then said to Jiang Luan in a low voice: "Miss Jiang, brother Mingyang is resting in the room, you go in and talk to him, I will do it first meal."

Jiang Luan was also a little embarrassed when she saw that Wu Miaoke didn't even look at herself after she finished speaking, but turned and went into the kitchen.

At this time, there was a collision sound in the room, and Jiang Luan hurriedly walked towards the direction of the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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