Chapter 142 Marry Me

When she walked to the door and was about to push it open, the door had already been opened from the inside.

Shi Mingyang's hair was a little messy, and he had already put on comfortable cotton home clothes. He looked at her with joy, and his expression was a little distorted.

"Mingyang, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Shi Mingyang's undisguised joy and excitement when he saw him, Jiang Luan inexplicably felt a little better, walked over to hold his arm and asked with concern.

Shi Mingyang's gentle gaze locked on her body, and he shook his head a little foolishly, expressing that he was fine.

"You just got out of the hospital, and you went to the police station again, don't be exhausted, just lie back and rest."

Jiang Luan noticed that the bedside table was a little crooked, and then thought of the collision sound he heard just now, guessing that he might have heard himself coming, and was in a hurry to get out of bed.

Shi Mingyang likes her, right? Why does she want to be jealous of Wu Miaoke?
Shi Mingyang obediently let Jiang Luan help him to sit on the side of the bed, and asked with some surprise and joy: "Didn't you say that the genius is here? Why did you come here so soon?"

"Don't you want to see me?" Jiang Luan pretended to be displeased, but couldn't hide the playful smile in his eyes.

"How come? I wish I could hang you on my eyelids 24 hours a day, and I can't bear to look away for a moment."

Seeing Jiang Luan's smile, Shi Mingyang joked with her in a good mood, but his attitude was very serious.

"Why didn't I find you so glib before?"

Jiang Luan laughed, shook off the quilt, watched him lie back on the bed, then covered him with the quilt, and sat down beside the bed.

"What I said is true, how could it be glib?"

Shi Mingyang took her hand and looked at her seriously.

Jiang Luan saw deep affection in his eyes, his heart beat faster, his palms were a little wet, and his cheeks were slightly red.

Seeing Jiang Luan's tense and flustered expression, Shi Mingyang seemed to be bewitched. With a slight force on his hand, he slowly pulled Jiang Luan over, and his eyes gradually became hot.

Jiang Luan realized what was going to happen next, but felt her heart beating faster and faster, her lips were a little dry, she involuntarily stretched out her tongue and licked her lips.

Jiang Luan's unconscious movement was like a special invitation in his eyes. Shi Mingyang's eyes darkened a bit, he stared closely at Jiang Luan's lips, and put a hand on the back of her head, impatiently wanting to taste it. The sweet taste of those pink lips.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Wu Miaoke's voice sounded at the same time.

"Brother Mingyang, you can eat..."

Her words seemed to be cut off by someone, and she stopped abruptly, and her originally rosy complexion became pale.

Hearing her voice, Jiang Luan came back to his senses, broke away from Shi Mingyang abruptly, stood up from the bed, his face was so red that it was almost bleeding.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, and their lips would meet.

While feeling rejoicing in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed, and felt a bit of resentment towards Wu Miaoke in my heart.

Shi Mingyang frowned and stared at Wu Miaoke in displeasure, he was almost about to kiss Jiang Luan.

That was what he longed for the most. If it wasn't for her, he would have already kissed Fangze by now.

"Well, I, I'm leaving first. I recently found a job, and the boss will scold me for being late."

Wu Miaoke lowered her head to hold back the tears that were about to fall, and her voice was a little choked up, she turned around and closed the door after she finished speaking.

Maybe it was because she was too emotional, she closed the door a little loudly, and the door made a huge "bang".

Jiang Luan swore that at that moment, she seemed to hear a suppressed sob.

"Wu Miaoke seems to be crying." In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Jiang Luan tried to find a topic, but it seemed unsuccessful.

"I regard her as my younger sister. Since I don't like her, I won't give her false expectations." Shi Mingyang said seriously.

Wu Miao grew up with him, she was like a younger sister to him.

She is different from Li Ruiqing, he can use Li Ruiqing, he doesn't care if he hurts her, but he can't use the same method on Wu Miaoke.

Therefore, he could only let her give up from the beginning and not give her any hope.

Jiang Luan's heart was beating like thunder, avoiding Shi Mingyang's sight, propped up the standing bed table beside him, turned around and went out to bring in the food that Wu Miaoke had prepared.

Watching Jiang Luan put the dishes on the bed table, Shi Mingyang's eyes followed her all the time, feeling very homely.

Wu Miaoke cooked five dishes, but only four could be placed on the bed table, so Jiang Luan had to push the bedside table over and put the last plate of braised chicken nuggets on it.

"Aluan, you can eat with me too." Shi Mingyang saw that there was only a bowl of rice on the bed table, and asked her to eat with him.

"No need, I've eaten at home." Jiang Luan shook his head and handed him the chopsticks.

"Let's eat less after eating. I don't have much appetite for eating alone." Shi Mingyang pushed the bowl away a little and didn't pick up the chopsticks, making it clear that he wouldn't eat if Jiang Luan didn't accompany him.

Jiang Luan turned around helplessly and went to the kitchen to fill up half a bowl of rice, and sat down on the edge of the bed opposite the small table.

"Okay, young master, can we eat?"

Shi Mingyang nodded in satisfaction, first picked up a chopstick dish for Jiang Luan, and then started to eat.

It was already two o'clock at this time, and he was indeed hungry, so he was not slow to eat.

Wu Miaoke's fried dishes tasted very good, Jiang Luan thought that his cooking was definitely not as good as hers.

After the two finished their meal, Jiang Luan cleaned up the dishes, and when he came back, Shi Mingyang sat on the bedside and looked at her.

"Aluan, do you know what I was thinking just now?"

Jiang Luan looked at him in confusion, walked to the bed and pushed the bedside table back to its original place, and cleaned up the bed table.

"My father died when I was young, and then my mother left. My grandfather sent me to the orphanage because he wanted me to be his revenge tool, so that more people could not know about our relationship. So I was the youngest What I long for is to have a family, a family member who can eat with me and live together. I just saw you sitting opposite me eating and seeing you clean up the dishes, I suddenly felt very warm, and I really want to keep this feeling forever A Luan, will you marry me?"

Jiang Luan had just folded the bed table, and was about to move the bed table aside, when he heard Shi Mingyang's words, he suddenly looked up at him.

Shi Mingyang's jade-like eyes showed seriousness and full of passion, which showed that what he said just now was neither a momentary excitement nor a joke.

He is serious!
But, what about Mo Qingxuan?
"Mingyang, me, can you give me time to think about it?" Jiang Luan pursed her lips, moved the bed table to the wall and leaned against it, her eyes twinkling, full of apology.

"Ah Luan, I know what you are worried about. I don't want you to be controlled by Mo Qingxuan because of me." Shi Mingyang seemed to understand what Jiang Luan was thinking, and looked at her firmly.

"I will bear the consequences for what I have done. Although I did it to protect you, I didn't expect to evade legal responsibility for this reason."

Jiang Luan was about to speak, but Shi Mingyang waved his hand to signal her to listen to him.

"I want to marry you, and I don't want to be separated from you even for a day. Therefore, I will resign as a special police officer and a lawyer as punishment for myself. At the same time, I can prevent Mo Qingxuan from threatening you again. Ah Luan, If I have a way to save myself from going to jail, will you blame me?" Shi Mingyang stared nervously at Jiang Luan, wondering if she would blame him.

Jiang Luan shook her head: "How could I blame you? It's not your fault, you have been fighting against your grandpa to help me. If it wasn't for your persistence, my mother would be dead now. If it wasn't for you, Xiaolu Maybe it has been ruined. How can I blame you?"

"Thank you, Aluan, thank you for not blaming me." Shi Mingyang pulled Jiang Luan over to let her fall into his arms, with strong confidence and viciousness in his eyes.

Mo Qingxuan, no matter what plans you have, they will never succeed!

Jiang Luan raised her head from Shi Mingyang's arms, looked into his eyes and said seriously: "You don't have to thank me, I should thank you."

Shi Mingyang watched her lips open and close close to his chin, the hot breath seemed to spray on his face, his Adam's apple moved, and the arms around her involuntarily tightened.

"A Luan..." Shi Mingyang's voice was low and hoarse, his Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably, and he lowered his head slowly.

Jiang Luan closed her eyes and felt Shi Mingyang's lips pressed against her. His kiss was just like his own, warm and gentle, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

Jiang Luan tightened the quilt nervously, and accidentally bit Shi Mingyang's teeth. Shi Mingyang slightly raised his head and looked at her in confusion, thinking that she was unwilling.

Jiang Luan took the opportunity to struggle out of his embrace, blushing and bowing her head to apologize.

"Yes, sorry. I didn't mean to."

Shi Mingyang smiled knowingly, he felt like a young boy whose heart beat for a first kiss.

This was the first time he and Jiang Luan kissed, it was sweeter than expected, and it moved his heart even more.

This kind of feeling cannot be given by any other woman, not even a stunner like Li Ruiqing.

"Do you want to do it again?" Shi Mingyang was eager to try, as if he was ready to jump up at any time to catch Jiang Luan and continue.

Jiang Luan took a step back in fright, blushing almost to the point of bleeding.

Shi Mingyang was amused by her reaction, so in order not to scare her, he had no choice but to give up that tempting idea.

"Just kidding. Now, can you agree to marry me?" He remembered the previous topic, and stubbornly wanted to hear her answer.

Jiang Luan nodded invisibly, fearing that Shi Mingyang would say something that would make her blush and heartbeat, she hurriedly said "I'll go first", opened the door and ran out as if fleeing.

Looking at the back of Jiang Luan running away, Shi Mingyang carefully recalled her reaction, and it took him a long time to realize that she had agreed to his marriage proposal. He couldn't help jumping up from the bed happily, hugging him happily like a child. The quilt rolled over the bed.

Jiang Luan agreed to marry him, and soon she will be his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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