Chapter 146
As a result, Pei Beichuan rushed back today, personally pulled out Pei Ruosang, and persuaded the elders of the Pei family to let him go. This was the successful conclusion.

"Thank you very much. I hope Director Li can tell me the result if it is convenient for me after the official sentencing."

Mo Qingxuan shook Li Lianbin's hand with a smile, and made a small request along the way.

"That's natural. Don't worry, Eldest Young Master. That Bai Hui has already been sentenced. After he is released from the hospital, he will serve three years in prison."

Li Lianbin also gave him a tacit smile, he knew that even if Pei Ruosang was daring, he would not dare to kill someone, Bai Hui insisted that it was naturally arranged by someone secretly.

Li Lianbin took Goddess Zhang and Zhang Min away when Li Lianbin left. Mo Qingxuan watched them leave. After getting into the car, he breathed gloomyly. With the sound of brakes, he dodged all the vehicles, shuttled between the vehicles, and didn't care whether he ran a red light or not.

When he arrived at Xuanye, there was no one in Xuanye, Jian Xuan and Qiao Yiye were not there, so he went into the private room where they usually hang out, opened a bottle of wine, and filled half of it almost in the blink of an eye.

The cold white wine seemed to extinguish the burning pain in his stomach, he felt cold all over his body, and his stomach was full of pain.

"Brother Xuan, listen to what they told you to come..."

When Jian Xuan pushed open the door, there were already three wine bottles in front of Mo Qingxuan, and he was still holding a bottle in his hand. His voice was cut off in an instant, and he carefully walked to a corner and sat down.

"Drink with me."

When Mo Qingxuan saw him coming in, he threw a bottle of white wine over without a word, his eyes seemed to be stained with drunkenness, but those who knew him well knew that Mo Qingxuan would not get drunk even if he drank alcohol.

Jian Xuan hurriedly took over the flying object, his palm hurt from being knocked, and he regretted sitting so far away.

This bottle of wine would cost tens of thousands at least. If Mo Qingxuan smashed it, he would really have nowhere to cry.

Brother Xuan remembers to invite them to drink before, but this time he drank alone, regardless of whether he was accompanied or not. It seems that this time his heart was hurt more.

He didn't have the guts to ask, so he secretly sent a group text message to Cheng Ziqian, Qiao Yiye, Qiao Yixun, and Li Jin under the table.

"Xuan Ye, come quickly."

Jian Xuan drank one sip at a time, glanced at the door from time to time, and secretly scolded these boys who came here very quickly, why are they so smudged today.

After Mo Qingxuan drank seven or eight bottles, his stomach probably couldn't take it anymore, so he stopped, leaned on the back of the sofa, closed his eyes, and didn't know if he was asleep or thinking about something.

Jian Xuan heaved a sigh of relief and took the bottle away. He is not a pervert like Mo Qingxuan. After drinking a bottle with him, he was already a little dizzy.

The first one to come was Qiao Yiye. His company happened to be fine, so he came as soon as he received the text message.

Then there was Cheng Ziqian, he brought Jiang Lu along, this was Jiang Lu's first visit to Xuanye after they dated.

Qiao Yixun came with Li Jin, Li Jin's face was gloomy, Qiao Yixun followed behind him obediently, but his face showed great pride.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Yixun jumped to Jian Xuan's side and asked, but before Jian Xuan could speak, Li Jin grabbed her by the collar.

"Don't you have eyes yourself?" Li Jin forced her to sit on the sofa next to him, and pointed to Mo Qingxuan's direction with his gaze, so as to avoid angering Mo Qingxuan by this rough-looking idiot.

It's not the first time that Li Jin called her a fool. Although Qiao Yixun was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to refute.

She wrinkled her nose, snatched the collar back from his hand in dissatisfaction, followed his gaze to look at Mo Qingxuan, then stuck out her tongue and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

Mo Qingxuan opened his eyes, his gaze flicked across them, he got up and went to the bathroom, and when he came back, except for Qiao Yixun and Jiang Lu, everyone threw a bottle of liquor.

"Drink!" His voice was emotionless, his face was as gloomy as ice, and he had no intention of talking to them.

Jiang Lu looked at him in surprise, Brother Qingxuan looked so haggard, except for the period after his sister "died" in her impression, Brother Qingxuan was like a god, no matter what happened, he looked like a god .

Now he looks gloomy, and there seems to be endless pain hidden between his brows.

Is it because of my sister?She already knew from Bai Ge that her sister now likes Shi Mingyang for some reason, but she hates Brother Qingxuan's appearance. Is it because of what her sister did?

Jian Xuan looked at the wine in his hand with a bitter face, and complained with his eyes that the rest of the people came too late.

He had already drank a bottle before, and now he will drink another bottle, so he can't go straight until tomorrow.

At this time, how could he have the time to feel sorry for his precious wine, what he cared about was his stomach.

Cheng Ziqian looked at Jiang Lu, squeezed her hand, and thoughtfully brought her a bottle of drink, and asked her and Qiao Yixun to drink together.

Jiang Lu asked him to drink less in a low voice, got up and sat next to Qiao Yixun to talk to her in a low voice.

Qiao Yixun thought about drinking baijiu before, and the more everyone stopped her, the more she worked hard. In the end, Li Jin poured her half a glass and forced her to drink it up, and then carried her back, who was staggering drunk, and she was never here again When everyone was drinking, they clamored for wine.

After Jiang Luan left the cafe, he was very upset.

She didn't want to believe Mo Qingxuan's words in her heart, but she remembered that what happened that day was very strange.

Neither Mo Qingxuan nor Mo Jinxiu prescribed antipyretics to Shi Mingyang, and Shi Mingyang himself didn't say anything.

Even when she wanted to find Mo Qingxuan and ask him to prescribe him antipyretics, he still tried to stop her.

She knew that Shi Mingyang might have guessed something and didn't want her to have anything to do with Mo Qingxuan, but she couldn't bear him making fun of her body and making her worry.

Intellectually, she could understand him and didn't think there was anything wrong with him doing so.

However, I felt uncomfortable in my heart. After all, he cheated on her.

Just when she didn't know what to do, Shi Mingyang called and said he missed her.

Jiang Luan was holding the phone, listening to Shi Mingyang's gentle voice saying witty words on the phone that didn't match his temperament, his heart warmed.

She finds it very strange that every time she hears Shi Mingyang's voice or sees him, she can't help throbbing in her heart, even if there was a little grudge in her heart before, it disappeared after hearing his voice.

"Then I'll go and see you, okay?"

Jiang Luan heard her voice was so gentle that it didn't seem to be her own. She was casual and occasionally a little playful, but in front of Shi Mingyang, she always became not like herself.

Is this the power of love?
"Really? Do you want to come?" Shi Mingyang's joyful voice reached Jiang Luan's ears along the radio waves. The joy from the heart made Jiang Luan involuntarily curl his lips.

"Of course it's true, wait for me for half an hour."

Jiang Luan hung up the phone, reached out for a taxi, reported Shi Mingyang's address, and went to his side.

As soon as Jiang Luan got out of the elevator, he saw Shi Mingyang waiting at the door. He still looked weak, but his face was much rosier than when he was just discharged from the hospital.

"Why did you come out? Go back and lie down, you haven't recovered yet."

Jiang Luan helped him back with concern, closed the door behind his back, and helped him to sit on the sofa.

"I saw you getting off the car on the balcony, so I was waiting at the door. I want to see you soon." Shi Mingyang grabbed Jiang Luan's hand and looked at her affectionately.

Jiang Luan twitched her hand uncomfortably, but without success, she let Shi Mingyang grab it.

Jiang Luan hadn't been here since the day Shi Mingyang was discharged from the hospital. On the one hand, it was because she was a little embarrassed and felt embarrassed seeing Shi Mingyang, and on the other hand, Mo Qingran always took Doudou to find her these days. She has no chance to come out.

"Ah Luan, you promised to marry me last time, right?" Shi Mingyang grabbed Jiang Luan's hand, fixed his earnest eyes on her, and his face was full of uneasiness.

Jiang Luan hadn't come to see her for the past few days, he wanted her to figure it out for herself, but she didn't come over, which made him more and more uneasy.

Today, I really couldn't bear to miss her, so I couldn't help but make a phone call, but Jiang Luan immediately agreed to come over, which made her very happy.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, Shi Mingyang's uneasiness made her feel very uncomfortable, Shi Mingyang is a lawyer, he should have the winning chance, full of confidence, he shouldn't be so uneasy.

Remembering that Mo Qingxuan said angrily that he never wanted to see her again, it should be because he didn't want to pester him anymore, right?
He, perhaps tired, wanted to give up.

Thinking of this, Jiang Luan felt inexplicably depressed, as if she had lost something important.

Jiang Luan shook his head, and shook Mo Qingxuan out of his mind, not thinking about him.

Didn't he give up exactly what he hoped for?In this way, no one will stop her from being with Mingyang. The two of them can date, get married, and be together forever.

No one threatened her domineeringly again, let her leave Mingyang, let her live in Qingluan Garden...

The child in her belly was born to them, and she believed that Shi Mingyang would not mind, he would love this child as much as she did.

"Mingyang, I'm pregnant. This child..."

Jiang Luan bit her lower lip and looked at Shi Mingyang anxiously. Although she knew that he would not mind, this child was not his after all, and he had no right to ask him to treat him as his own.

"It's okay, the baby is yours, that's enough for me. I just want to be with you."

Shi Mingyang's eyes flickered a few times, his face was tense, he struggled and hesitated for a moment, then solemnly looked into Jiang Luan's eyes as if to promise.

As long as Jiang Luan is with him, they will have their own child in the future, and this child will be his after birth.

Mo Qingxuan looked at Jiang Luan helplessly, and his child called him father, this was the biggest blow!

"Mingyang, thank you."

Jiang Luan breathed a sigh of relief, what she was most afraid of was that Shi Mingyang would not accept this child.

Although she had told Mo Qingxuan that she would not want this child, it was only temporarily unacceptable, and she couldn't understand Mo Qingxuan's surprised look.

(End of this chapter)

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