Chapter 147

Really let her abort the child, she has thought about it, she can't do it!

Bai Ge sat nervously on the sofa, tightly clutching Jiang Lu's hand, the palm of which was soaked in sweat.

Jiang Lu also squeezed Bai Ge's hand nervously, pursing her lips nervously.

Jiang Luan just called to say that Shi Mingyang was coming, and they both knew what his purpose was.

But Jiang Luan also added that Shi Mingyang said that he would give them a big gift.

Everyone knows what the greatest gift is for Bai Ge and Jiang Luan, and only Shi Mingyang can afford this gift.

A car parked outside Jiang's house, Jiang Luan handed the gift box to the nanny who picked it up, and turned around to take a box from Shi Mingyang.

"Where's my mother?" Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang asked happily as they walked side by side behind the nanny.

"Madam and Second Miss are waiting in the living room."

The nanny walked ahead quickly, and when she heard Jiang Luan's question, she turned her head and turned back, then raised her voice and yelled inside: "Madam, Second Miss, Eldest Miss and Mr. Shi are here."

Bai Ge and Jiang Lu looked at each other, stood up from the sofa, and Jiang Lu walked towards the door holding Bai Ge's arm.

Before they reached the door, the nanny came in. She put the gift box by the wall of the living room, turned around to boil water and pour tea.

"Mom, Xiaolu, have you eaten yet?"

Jiang Luan put down the gift box in her hand, went to the other side of the white pigeon and sat back holding her arm, Shi Mingyang put the things in Jiang Luan's gift box, followed behind them, gentle and polite, but not restrained .

"We've already eaten. Mingyang, please sit down, what are you doing here with such a thing?" Bai Ge patted the back of his daughter's hand and beckoned Shi Mingyang to sit down.

Jiang Lu is very contradictory now, she really wants to see her father, but Shi Mingyang uses tricks to separate her sister and brother Qingxuan, and makes her feel very uncomfortable.

She really hates Shi Mingyang, and she doesn't know how to hide her emotions, but he can let her see her father, and she can't treat him too badly.

Such contradictory feelings made her not know what to do, she just sat next to Baige with her mouth pouted, her eyes were drooped and she said nothing since Shi Mingyang came in, her little hands were tangled in her sleeves, and she was afraid of Shi Mingyang because My attitude towards him is too bad and I don't want them to see my father.

"It's the first time I'm here, so I don't know what to bring." Shi Mingyang waited for the mother and daughter to sit down before sitting down on the other side. His attitude was modest and respectful.

"Sister, didn't you say that Police Officer Shi is going to give some big gifts?"

Jiang Lu saw that they hadn't talked about summoning souls yet, so she couldn't wait to look at Jiang Luan, but she still didn't look at Shi Mingyang.

She had been deceived by Shi Mingyang before, so at that time she refused to call him Big Brother Shi, but called him Police Officer Shi.

"I'm not a police officer now." Shi Mingyang smiled, as if he didn't mind Jiang Lu's attitude.

Jiang Luan looked at Jiang Lu helplessly, and gave Shi Mingyang a sorry look.

Jiang Luan's memory of the previous events was a little fuzzy, she didn't remember any relationship between Jiang Lu and Shi Mingyang, let alone why Jiang Lu hated Shi Mingyang so much.

"Aluan told me before that Auntie Bai and Xiaolu wanted to meet Uncle Jiang. I learned a little about this from my grandfather when I was young, so I wanted to try it. I didn't dare to tell you because I was afraid that I would If you can’t do it, you will be happy for nothing. But Aluan is very persistent, so I have no choice but to try. If it doesn’t work, I hope you can understand.”

Shi Mingyang saw the nervousness of Baige and Jiang Lu, and smiled gently to relieve their nervousness, then closed his eyes, chanted a few spells, and his expression gradually became solemn.

The three of Bai Ge and Jiang Luan and Jiang Lu became nervous following the change of Shi Mingyang's expression. The three of them held each other's hands tightly and stared at Shi Mingyang without blinking.

The nanny came over after making the tea. Seeing the solemn atmosphere in the hall, she couldn't help slowing down. Just as she was about to put the teapot on the coffee table, she saw a phantom slowly walking in from the door of the hall. Through his body, she could even see the scene.

At the same time, Baige took a deep breath, and his eyes became blurred.

Because Jiang Luan had seen her before, she only had tears in her eyes. Although she was excited, she didn't show too much excitement.

Jiang Lu screamed "Dad!" She broke away from Bai Ge's hand and was about to pounce on it.

The tea in the nanny's hand hung in the air for a while, until she watched Jiang Lu pass through the phantom, and then she exclaimed, the tea tray in her hand fell on the coffee table, her knees gave way and she fell to the ground .

She has been in Jiang's family for several years, why can't she see Jiang Bo's face?

However, four years ago, she also watched Jiang Bo die with her own eyes, and she even attended Jiang Bo's funeral!
But this person suddenly appeared in front of her, and even Jiang Lu passed through him. She was lucky that she didn't faint on the spot due to such stimulation.

Hearing the movement from the nanny, Jiang Luan came back to his senses.

She got up apologetically and helped the nanny up. She had notified her at short notice before, so Bai Ge and Jiang Lu probably didn't remember to send the nanny away. She herself was a little distracted because she was about to see her father again, so she forgot about it.

And Shi Mingyang, seeing that the nanny didn't leave, he naturally thought that she knew everything, why would he think of sending her away?
"I, am I right? Is that person really the master?"

The nanny was supported by Jiang Luan, as if she had finally found her own voice, she grabbed Jiang Luan's arm and tremblingly looked at Jiang Bo who was looking at Baige.

"That's right, he is the boss!" Hearing the nanny's voice, Bai Ge staggered around the coffee table and kept looking at Jiang Bo.

Jiang Bo's mouth moved, but they didn't hear the sound.

Jiang Lu looked shocked, and once again faced the fact that her father was dead.

When she couldn't wait to throw herself into her father's arms, but passed through him, she felt that the world almost collapsed.

Jiang Luan turned his gaze to Shi Mingyang, only to see that his face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was leaning against the back of the sofa as if prostrated.

"Mingyang, are you alright?" Jiang Luan quickly walked over to sit beside him, handed him a cup of tea, and looked at him worriedly.

Shi Mingyang shook his head, looked away from Jiang Bo, took the teacup from her hand, cooled it down, and drank it all in one gulp.

"I'm sorry, I'm not capable enough to allow you to receive Uncle Jiang's words, but I can translate for you what you want to say. Just now Uncle Jiang was asking how you have been all these years."

"Will you be exhausted like this? You don't look very good now."

Jiang Luan took the teacup and put it back on the coffee table, and took out a tissue to wipe his sweat.

There seemed to be a lot of sweat on his forehead, and his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat, which made him look weaker and more embarrassing.

"It's okay, it's okay to say a few words."

Shi Mingyang smiled at her reassuringly, took a heavy breath, and enjoyed her service.

Baige, who heard Shi Mingyang's words on the other side, had already understood Jiang Bo's meaning, nodded with tears in his eyes, raised his hands and placed them in Jiang Bo's raised palms, the cool temperature was not Jiang Bo's body temperature, but It made her feel as if he was holding her hand, as if he was still alive beside her.

"We are all fine, you don't have to worry about us. Luan'er is very good, and Xiaolu is also very obedient. Abo, I miss you so much."

Bai Ge's lips trembled, tears blurred her vision, and Jiang Bo in front of her eyes became more and more blurred, but those affectionate eyes could not be mistaken.

Jiang Bo tightened his fingers, but he could only pass through Baige's hand, with a sad expression on his face.

Bai Ge took a few steps forward and leaned against his chest, her eyes were misty, she didn't care at all that she couldn't really touch him, it seemed that with just this movement, she could feel him by her side.

"Aunt Bai, Uncle Jiang asked if the people hiding in the dark were caught. Did they hurt you?"

Shi Mingyang coughed, raised his spirits and said again.

Bai Ge suppressed her sobs and shook her head: "It's okay, nothing happened."

"Don't lie to me." Shi Mingyang took a breath, and smiled slightly at Jiang Luan's suspicious look, "Uncle Jiang said that."

"I saw Luan'er four years ago. At that time, she had only one breath left and she was seriously injured."

Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan distressedly, and when he said that, his voice was a little shocked. If he didn't think that they couldn't hear Jiang Bo's voice, he might have lost his voice already.

Bai Ge finally came back to her senses and looked at Jiang Luan fixedly, which she didn't expect.

She only heard from Jiang Luan that she had an accident four years ago and was rescued by the old woman. She never thought about what Jiang Luan went through four years ago and how the old woman saved her.

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, shook her head, and signaled that we'll talk about it later and see Dad first.

"Dad, I'm fine. Look, I'm fine now." Jiang Luan raised her hands pretending to be relaxed, stood up from the sofa, walked to Jiang Bo, and stood beside Baige.

"Luan'er, I don't know..."

Bai Ge looked at her distressedly, touched her face with her fingers, and felt her warm skin.

Jiang Bo stepped aside, his face full of horror, and his figure became more transparent.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, then remembered that she had drunk the talisman water given by the old woman. When she met her father before, she hadn't drunk the talisman water yet.

"Ah Luan, come back quickly. You are protected by a spell, and you are alone and in two bodies, which hurts Yin Qi the most. You will hurt Uncle Jiang."

When Shi Mingyang saw Jiang Bo get out of the way, his expression changed, and he asked Jiang Luan to come back.

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Ah Luan, Uncle Jiang told you not to blame yourself. It's good that he can see you." Shi Mingyang took Jiang Luan's hand to comfort her, conveying Jiang Bo's meaning.

Jiang Luan raised her head and saw Jiang Bo looking at him softly, with a smile in his eyes, clearly not blaming her at all.

"Dad, I miss you so much."

On the other side, Jiang Lu finally came out of the blow, two lines of tears fell down, her voice choked up.

Hearing Jiang Lu's voice, Jiang Bo beckoned her to come over. He stared at her slightly excitedly, his lips moved, but there was no sound. After speaking, he turned his head and stared at Shi Mingyang again.

(End of this chapter)

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