Chapter 148: Seeing the Old Ones Again
Shi Mingyang understood, and explained to Jiang Lu: "Xiao Lu, your father said that he misses you very much. He also said that you have grown up, you are very beautiful, and you are very similar to your mother and sister. You are the most worrying thing for him. Seeing you now makes him feel relieved."


Jiang Lu's eyes turned red, and she threw herself into Baige's arms, her shoulders twitching slightly.

Bai Ge caressed her daughter's shoulder, saw Jiang Bo's figure getting thinner and thinner, and hissed, "Abo, don't worry about us. We're fine, you can go at ease."

Although he was reluctant, since he was already dead, it was too unfair for him to miss Yang Shi and worry about them.

"Dad, I will take good care of Mom and Xiaolu, don't worry."

Jiang Luan didn't dare to approach Jiang Bo, but only looked at him from a distance.

Jiang Bo said something again, but no one heard him, and then his figure slowly faded, turning into a puff of green smoke, and disappeared in front of their eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm not capable enough to let Uncle Jiang appear for so long. He's gone."

Shi Mingyang's eyes flickered, he hugged Jiang Luan lightly, and rubbed his chin against the top of her hair, hoping to dispel her sadness.

Jiang Luan shook her head, her voice choked up: "No, we are all very grateful to you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have seen Dad."

"Mother Chen, you go and tidy up a guest room and come out. It's getting late, Mingyang, you look very bad, you can rest at my house today."

Bai Ge calmed down, wiped away her tears with a tissue, and gave Jiang Lu some tissues, and looked at Shi Mingyang gratefully.

"Thank you, Aunt Bai."

Shi Mingyang's complexion was indeed not good. In fact, his lips were already pale. It was still a bit difficult for him to perform witchcraft such as summoning souls.

In fact, even Granny Zhang can do the soul-calling.

A full-level old lady who can easily summon souls, reveal souls, and let the souls speak, but it is still a bit tiring for someone like Shi Mingyang.

At night, everything was silent, under the faint light of a dim wall lamp in a certain room, a man stood there, although there was no one else in the room, but he was respectful and serious.

"Uncle Jiang, I really like Aluan, and Aluan likes me too. You should have seen it today. If Aluan doesn't like me, she won't let me get close to her."

Shi Mingyang's voice was not deliberately lowered, but it was not too loud. In addition, all the doors and windows of Jiang's villa had a certain sound insulation function, so there was no need to worry about someone eavesdropping.

"Impossible! Luan'er and Ah Xuan really love each other, you must have used some kind of witchcraft! Let me tell you, no one in this world can separate Luan'er and Ah Xuan."

As a father, Jiang Bo knew his daughter very well.

Before he disappeared, he asked why he didn't see Mo Qingxuan, and why Luan'er seemed very close to Shi Mingyang, but Shi Mingyang didn't convey it to him, nor did he explain it to him.

At that time, he knew that there must be something wrong.

"Uncle Jiang, nothing is impossible! I can give what Mo Qingxuan can give to Aluan. I can also give what Mo Qingxuan can't give her. I will treat Aluan well for the rest of my life, and I am sincere to her!"

Shi Mingyang looked firmly at a point in the void. If anyone was present at this time, he would see Shi Mingyang staring at the air, and his gaze didn't even reach the wardrobe opposite.

Only he knew that what he saw was a rather imposing man, and he was staring at him suspiciously at this moment.

After a long time, Jiang Bo sighed, and his voice was erratic: "The dead should not care about the affairs of the living. I just hope that you don't disregard Luan'er's wishes. If she breaks free one day, she will definitely hate you. you."

Shi Mingyang's pupils constricted, his fists tightened subconsciously, pain appeared in his eyes.

"I won't give her this chance. Besides, even if she hates me, I still want to do it. I can't stand it, watching her with Mo Qingxuan. Uncle Jiang, believe me, I will treat Ah Luan well .”

"You insist on going your own way, and I can't help it. Anyway, I should thank you for helping me meet their mother and daughter today. Now I have my last wish, and I can no longer stay in the world. Shi Mingyang, please do it yourself. I Believe me, you can't control Luan'er for the rest of your life, if you stop early, maybe you still have a chance to save her."

"Uncle Jiang, I apologize for killing you by my grandfather. Is it because of this that you dislike me and Aluan?"

Shi Mingyang clenched his fists, and for a moment he almost wanted to break Jiang Bo's soul, but he was A Luan's father after all, so he didn't want to do that yet.

He is dead, and getting his approval doesn't seem to be that important, but for Shi Mingyang, this is the only chance to get the approval of Jiang Luan's family. If Jiang Bo agrees with him, he will feel much better.

Now except him, no one can see Jiang Bo, which also gives him great convenience.

Jiang Bo froze for a moment, his eyes flashed with confusion, and after thinking for a while, he showed a look of sudden realization.

"Your surname is Shi. I remember that 23 years ago, three people wanted to kill Jinxiu, but they were accidentally killed by Chu Huan when he transferred the bullet. One of them was surnamed Shi. Your grandfather must have wanted revenge, right?"

Jiang Bo was regarded as the overlord when he was alive, but after he died, he took everything lightly. After learning the cause of his death, he didn't fly into a rage, but behaved very calmly.

"Although your father took the blame back then, your grandfather was also eager for revenge. I don't blame him for anything. You are innocent, and I won't blame you for this. I just think from Luan'er's point of view, after all, she is mine. Your own daughter. Anyway, do it for yourself. I'm leaving."

Jiang Bo knew his daughter best, so he didn't give Shi Mingyang a chance to speak, turned around and walked through the wall, and finally walked around the house, looked at the three people he missed the most, and left with infinite nostalgia.

After Jiang Bo left, Shi Mingyang slammed his fist on the wall, making a muffled "boom", and there were bursts of tingling pain in his joints, but it couldn't beat the pain in his heart.

Why is Jiang Bo so sure that he can't control Jiang Luan for the rest of his life?

Even if he can't, maybe he can make her fall in love with him before she gets rid of him, move her with his love, and let her fall in love with him because of her habit.

Why did everyone believe that Jiang Luan belonged to Mo Qingxuan, why did no one think highly of the two of them?

Why did no one see his love?No one recognizes his love?
Jiang Bo told him very clearly that he didn't resent him, and he didn't feel resentful because his grandfather killed him, nor did he have any prejudice against him.

However, because of this, he was even more uncomfortable!

Instead, he would rather Jiang Bo not accept him because of resentment and dislike him.

Shi Mingyang rested for the night, and his complexion improved a lot. After talking with Jiang Bo last night, he suddenly wanted to see his grandfather, so after breakfast, he asked Jiang Luan to accompany him to see his grandfather.

"Is it right for me to go?"

Jiang Luan frowned. Although she liked Shi Mingyang, she didn't have any affection for Shi Yushan.

Shi Yushan killed his father, nearly killed himself, made his mother insane for four years, and killed the old lady. His crimes are too numerous to record, and asking her to visit the prison can only be a curse at him.

However, she couldn't refuse Shi Mingyang, especially after seeing the expectation and sadness in his eyes.

"It's nothing inappropriate, Aluan, can you go with me? I know my grandpa has done a lot of things that you can't accept, but I hope you can go with me. After all, he is my only relative."

Shi Mingyang looked at Jiang Luan, with guilt in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. He knew that if someone did those things to himself and his family, he would definitely not forgive that person.

"You just go with me, you don't need to talk to him, it doesn't matter if you don't even look at him. I just want you to meet my family, as my fiancee."

Under Shi Mingyang's expectant eyes, Jiang Luan nodded in a mysterious way, and agreed to visit the prison with him.

Shi Mingyang put his arms around Jiang Luan's shoulders and held her in his arms, his voice choked up: "Thank you, A Luan."

"No. 73, someone is watching you."

In some empty prisons, the voices of the prison guards were extraordinarily loud, with a slight echo, inexplicably solemn.

The chains were opened one after another, and the sound of jingling made people feel chills in their hearts.

Finally, Shi Yushan's obviously thin body appeared on the other side of the tempered glass.

The moment he saw Shi Yushan, Jiang Luan could hardly restrain his hatred. The old cheeks were full of crimes, and they were countless wronged souls under his command. No matter how you looked at it, it was horrible.

The moment Shi Yushan saw Shi Mingyang, his muddy eyes lit up instantly, and his face was full of excitement.

He was almost sitting on the stool. With trembling hands, he picked up the intercom and put it next to his ear, staring eagerly at the phone in Shi Mingyang's hand, motioning for him to pick it up.

Shi Mingyang glanced at Jiang Luan, picked up the intercom and put it to his ear, moved his lips, but said nothing.

"Mingyang, Mingyang, it's great that you're okay." Seeing Shi Mingyang pick up the phone, Shi Yushan's eyes flashed with excitement, and the old hoarse voice came through the walkie-talkie, which sounded a bit sharp.

Shi Mingyang didn't speak, but just looked at Shi Yushan.

This was the first time he felt his grandpa's care. Since the incident, he always felt that he was just a revenge tool of his grandpa, and he never cared about himself.

But now, he really felt that grandpa cared about him, and he was always regretting that the shot hurt him.

Before Shi Mingyang finished thinking, Shi Yushan on the opposite side had a tense face and cold eyes, and cursed at him: "Who told you to rush up? After all, you are still fascinated by your enemy's daughter and decided to let go of your hatred, right? You Are you worthy of your father? Jiang Bo and Mo Jinxiu killed your father, but you fell in love with Jiang Bo's daughter. Not only did you give up your hatred for her, you also disregarded your own life. You want to drive me to death, don't you?! "

(End of this chapter)

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