Chapter 149
Shi Mingyang was still grateful for his grandfather's love for him one moment ago, but he was suddenly scolded at the next moment. Although he was used to such a grandfather, he still didn't react for a while.

Shi Yushan suddenly saw Jiang Luan, and his expression changed, pointing at her to question Shi Mingyang.

"Mingyang, why did you bring her here?"

"Grandpa, she has agreed to marry me, and I brought her to see you."

Shi Mingyang took a deep breath and tried to look more natural.

He remembered that his grandfather said before that if Jiang Luan fell in love with him, as long as Jiang Luan fell in love with him, he could even marry her.

Shi Yushan stared at Jiang Luan who was sitting on the side looking at him with hatred, and a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He knew that Mingyang would not let him down.

Mingyang must have used love to Jiang Luan, but what does that matter?No matter what method is used, the result is the most important thing, isn't it?

Seeing Shi Yushan's smile, Shi Mingyang and Jiang Luan looked at each other, feeling a chill welling up in their hearts for no reason.

Shi Yushan's reaction was really abnormal. He who was furious just a moment ago suddenly became so happy when he heard that Jiang Luan was going to marry Shi Mingyang. No matter how you looked at it, it was abnormal.

Seeing Shi Mingyang in a daze, Jiang Luan pursed his lips, took the intercom phone from him, and looked at Shi Yushan with hatred in his eyes.

"Shi Yushan, did you kill the old lady!"

She doesn't care what Shi Yushan's expression is, in her eyes, Shi Yushan is a lunatic!
He killed his father and hated the Mo family and the Jiang family. Perhaps it was a double standard and a transfer of hatred, but what about the old woman?

Why did he kill the old woman?
Hearing this, Shi Yushan's ferocious face froze suddenly, and immediately distorted. The expression on his face couldn't tell whether it was ridicule, grief, or anything else, it was extremely terrifying.

"Yes! That old woman has always liked me, but she refused to help me. If she had helped, the Mo family would have been mine by now, and my son's revenge would have been avenged long ago! Damn her, it's all on her own I found it! Hahaha!"

Shi Yushan looked crazy, and he frantically threw the intercom in his hand aside, obviously he was laughing wildly on the other side, but the laughter heard on the intercom was distant and dull, as if it came from the sky.

When he found out that the person who helped Mo Qingxuan and the others might be the person he knew, he was almost sure of winning, and he believed that the old man would definitely help him.

But when he told his plan, the old lady flatly refused, saying that she had taken a fancy to Jiang Luan as an apprentice, and she would not help him to harm others. At that time, he suppressed his anger, and when she turned around, he took the opportunity to attack her .

That idiot didn't believe that he would harm her until he died.

Talking about hating him, talking about hating him, but never defending him.

Even he himself didn't expect the sneak attack to be so successful!

"Shi Yushan, you deserve to die! Why did the old woman want to help you? Why did you kill her? She didn't do anything to hinder you, why did you kill her?"

Jiang Luan gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, but Shi Yushan on the opposite side couldn't hear anything, he just smiled crazily, and said what he deserved...the old woman...asked for it...and so on.

The walkie-talkie hung over there alone, sending a few words from time to time, but couldn't continue a whole sentence.

Shi Mingyang and Jiang Luan watched the police take Shi Yushan away, and told them that the visit was over because the prisoner was too emotional.


Shi Mingyang looked sadly at the back of Shi Yushan being taken away. Grandpa had been stubborn all his life, but he still didn't come out in the end. Is he going to be shot in hatred and end this sinful life?
"Why? He has already killed so many people. Why doesn't he let the old lady go? Just because the old lady refuses to help him harm others, he wants to kill her. Why?"

Jiang Luan also looked deeply shocked.

She had already guessed that Shi Yushan had something to do with the old woman before, but she didn't expect that Shi Yushan was so cruel, because the old woman refused to help him harm others, so she died.

"Aluan, I'm sorry. I don't know."

Shi Mingyang hugged Jiang Luan, he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to come to see Shi Yushan, he thought it would make him feel better.

But now he felt even more uncomfortable.

In fact, the paranoia in Shi Mingyang's bones came from Shi Yushan.

It's just that Shi Mingyang's paranoia is his love for Jiang Luan, he can't stand not having her, no matter what means he uses, he must get her.

But Shi Yushan's paranoia is the hatred imposed on him by himself, a kind of hatred that comes from double standards.

Shi Mingyang had other worries in his heart. When his grandfather heard that Jiang Luan agreed to marry him, his expression was so weird that he was startled.

He knew that he must have overlooked something, and that matter was very important!
When Shi Mingyang and Jiang Luan walked out of the detention center, they saw the thin figure leaning against the wall of the detention center.

The walls are made of blue bricks. I don’t know how many years they have gone through. Those blue bricks look old and vicissitudes. The thin figure is leaning there, holding the other arm with one hand, hanging his head and thinking about it. what.

Her hair was braided into two braids hanging down her chest, and she looked pitifully thin.


Shi Mingyang let go of Jiang Luan's hand, walked over slowly, and called her softly, as if afraid of waking her up.

Wu Miaoke raised her head, her eyes were dazed, her lips were a little pale because of her tight pursing, and she looked even more pitiful.

Shi Mingyang and Jiang Luan called Wu Miaoke before they came, she was silent on the phone for a long time, didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

At first they thought she would not come, but they did not expect that she would come anyway, and they did not know how long she had stood here.

"Why don't you go in when you come? Grandpa is a little emotional today. May I come with you tomorrow?"

Shi Mingyang stood in front of Wu Miaoke, his shadow covered her whole body, the sunlight seemed to be split by him, leaving that shadow covering her.

Wu Miaoke shook her head, her expression was confused and empty, her voice was a little weak: "No need, I don't know why I came here. I just want to take a look, this is enough for now."

Wu Miaoke knew Shi Yushan far better than Shi Mingyang did. She knew that even if she appeared in front of Shi Yushan, he would not feel guilty, and instead would accuse her of transferring her mother to Jing'an Hospital without telling him.

Shi Yushan will never reflect on himself, and will never care about the people around him. In his eyes, anyone who destroys his plan deserves to die.

"Ke Ke, in another ten days, you will never see him again."

Shi Mingyang looked at Wu Miaoke with pity, he understood her entanglement, but he could do nothing about it.

"If you can't see it, you don't have to worry about it anymore, do you?"

Wu Miaoke suddenly raised her head and stared into Shi Mingyang's eyes, with determination in her confusion, a little hysterical.

"He killed my mother, but I can't forget the years of staying with him since I was a child! He died, so I don't have to be so entangled! I don't have to feel sorry for my mother and feel sorry for him at the same time! I want him to disappear, Never appear in my life again! I hope everything will pass like this, and I even hope that I never knew him!"

Wu Miaoke yelled at Shi Mingyang, tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, ran across the skin on his face, and dripped down his cheeks, looking very embarrassed.

"Ke Ke..." Shi Mingyang stretched out his hand to help her wipe away her tears, his eyes filled with distress.

"Do not touch me!"

Wu Miaoke dodged to the side, not letting him touch her.

"Jiang Luan has always been the only one you like, so don't provoke me again. You never know how hurtful your words that I will always be your sister are! Shi Mingyang, you are the same as Grandpa Shi. It’s the same, they’re all too egotistical. For your own sake, you’ll never care about hurting anyone. As long as you believe in something, you’ll do whatever it takes.”

Shi Mingyang withdrew his hand, looked at Wu Miaoke with gloomy eyes, and watched her vent her hysteria.

"You think you give a lot, but in fact it's all to show how much you love and how much you give. You have to get something in return for everything you give, and you think you deserve it! You are always on top Give others your love and you feel that it is their fault that they don't appreciate it. You don't know how pathetic you are!"

Wu Miao didn't care, she wiped away the tears blocking her sight with her sleeve, turned her head and rushed out.

Shi Mingyang clenched his fists, his eyes were cold, the words Wu Miaoke said pierced deeply into his heart like thorns.

Is not it?
He likes Jiang Luan and has given so much for her, shouldn't he be rewarded for his efforts?
She will be very happy with him, and he will give her everything, why can't she like him?

Everyone thought he was wrong, even Wu Miaoke, who once admired him the most, didn't recognize him, but what does that matter?

"Ming Yang." Jiang Luan knew that Wu Miao hated her, so she didn't come over, but just stayed quietly.

Seeing Wu Miaoke running away hysterically, she came over and took Shi Mingyang's arm, looking up at him with concern.

"Aluan, I never thought of hurting Keke."

Shi Mingyang turned his head and hugged Jiang Luan in his arms, and said in a low voice.

"She's just feeling uncomfortable. It'll be fine if she thinks about it after a while."

Jiang Luan let Shi Mingyang hold her and comforted him softly.

In the Mo residence, Mo Qingxuan sat on the sofa without saying a word, his jaw was tensed, and the aura of rage raged around him. In front of him was a broken mobile phone.

Jiang Luan wants to marry Shi Mingyang, why?
Why did she agree?When did he allow her to agree to marry Shi Mingyang?
"Ah Xuan, don't worry, we will find a way to make Luan'er change his mind. We still have time before they get married, and we will definitely find a way to get Luan'er out of Shi Mingyang's control."

Chu Huan carefully walked around the debris on the ground, motioned for the nanny to sweep up the debris, and sat beside Mo Qingxuan and said worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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