Chapter 150
Mo Qingxuan's tall figure froze, and his eyes were cold and ruthless: "I'd rather you hate me than allow you to marry another man while pregnant with my child!"

Looking at Mo Qingxuan's expression, Jiang Luan was finally sure that he was not trying to scare her, but really wanted to kill the child.

Seeing the sharp needles approaching, her heart froze, she gritted her teeth and compromised: "I won't marry..."

Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan withdrew his fierce aura, raised his hand, and sent the others away. He bent over, hooked his lips, and sprayed a clear breath into her ears: "You should have promised earlier, it's easy to scare the child!"

The nurses put down the tools in their hands one after another, gave her an ambiguous look, quickly packed up the operating room, and left.

Soon, there were only two of them left in the operating room, one lying down and the other standing.

Jiang Luan felt weak all over. The wrists and shoulders that were forced by the nurse just now were tense, throbbing with pain.

She knew it was a psychological factor, they didn't have a lot of strength, they just pressed her, after all, they took care of her and didn't scratch her.

She stared at Mo Qingxuan bitterly, even though her nose was sore, she still held back her tears.

Mo Qingxuan also looked down at her, the corners of his mouth curled up in an evil way, but his eyes were cold and cold, and it was hard to tell what his emotions were.

The surgical light above his head was not turned off, and his eyelashes cast a shadow on his eyelids, making it even more difficult to see his emotions.

"Mo Qingxuan, didn't you say that you don't want to see me? Why do you want to force me? I don't want to hate you, isn't it good if the well water doesn't violate the river water?" After a long time, Jiang Luan spoke, his voice sounded extremely tired.

She really didn't want to get entangled with Mo Qingxuan anymore. In her memory, apart from him threatening her and forcing her, the two of them didn't have any pleasant memories.

"Don't even think about it! Jiang Luan, we are destined to be entangled for a lifetime, starting from the moment you were born!"

Mo Qingxuan grabbed Jiang Luan's wrist and pulled her up, close to her face, breathing on her face with a cold voice.

From such a close distance, Jiang Luan could clearly see the ruthlessness in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, the coldness that almost frostbite pierced into her eyes without any cover.

"Are you trying to force me to death?" Jiang Luan looked at the coldness in Mo Qingxuan's eyes in despair, accusing in a hoarse voice.

"I won't let you die, you dare to die!" Mo Qingxuan's pupils constricted because of Jiang Luan's words of death, and they got closer, and the scorching breath sprayed on Jiang Luan's mouth and nose with the opening and closing of his lips. The tip of their noses almost touched each other.

"Mo Qingxuan, what are you doing? Are you forcing me to this point, even interfering with my life?" Jiang Luan pushed Mo Qingxuan away violently, with a look of grief and indignation.

Mo Qingxuan's eyes were dark, her head moved forward slightly, and her lips were attached. Mo Qingxuan's eyes were scarlet, like a wild beast.

The response to Jiang Luan's anger was Mo Qingxuan's kiss, and he couldn't help being even more annoyed, raising his hand to give him a slap in the face.

Mo Qingxuan was dazzled by the kiss, and felt a gust of wind in his ear. With a soft snort, he accurately grasped her wrist with his left hand, straightened up and looked at her coldly.

"I only promised you not to marry Mingyang, but I didn't promise to let you humiliate me."

Jiang Luan stared at Mo Qingxuan fiercely, gnashing her teeth.

"It's up to you not to agree. If you want to live in peace, just give me a good time, don't try to provoke me!" Mo Qingxuan suppressed his desire and said coldly.

Jiang Luan's repulsion and disgust can always easily extinguish his desire and his tenderness.

No matter how she hurt him, he never thought of letting go, even if his heart ached like a torment, he wanted her to accompany him in the pain.

He can't just watch her and Shi Mingyang live together, even if he hates it, it's better than her personally pushing himself into a dilemma.

"You disregard human rights!" Jiang Luan's face turned pale with anger, and Qing Hong's water eyes were ignited with anger.

"With me, you don't even think about having human rights." Mo Qingxuan let go of her wrist, his eyes were fierce, but his expression relaxed a lot.

Such a scene of quarreling and bickering made him feel as if they had gone back to the past. Under his oppression, she showed her sharp little claws ferociously, but she never had anything to do with him.

Seeing her puffy appearance, he couldn't help being in a good mood.

"You... vomit..."

Jiang Luan's complexion changed, he jumped off the operating bed, covered his mouth and ran into the bathroom, lying on the edge of the sink and retching, only vomited some acidic water, feeling uncomfortable in his stomach.

Mo Qingxuan strode over, seeing her appearance, a look of worry flashed in his eyes, he turned around and gave her a few pieces of toilet paper.

Jiang Luan didn't care about arguing with him, turned on the water pipe, took some water with his hand to rinse his mouth, took the paper towel, wiped the corners of his mouth, looked up and saw himself in the mirror with teary eyes and pale face.

Mo Qingxuan took a glass of warm water and gave it to her. She hesitated for a moment before taking the water glass and drank half of it in one go before feeling better.

"Go back, Aunt Bai is still waiting at home."

Mo Qingxuan walked over and gently grabbed her hand, and smoothed the water-stained hair around her cheeks behind her ears, her eyes were gentle and doting, and the sharp-edged cheeks were soft.

Jiang Luan turned his head to one side, and looked at him warily with his lips pursed. At this moment, he was smiling, elegant and elegant, which was very different from the cold and ruthless, hellish Satan-like appearance before.

She couldn't think of how a person could become so fast, such Mo Qingxuan made her very uncomfortable.

I looked up at the wall clock on the wall, it was already ten past nine, my mother and Xiaolu would definitely be worried at home.

Jiang Luan frowned, took out the phone and called Bai Ge, saying she would be back in a while.

On the phone, Bai Ge hesitated to speak. She knew that what she wanted to ask was whether Mo Qingxuan had done anything to her, but she didn't mean to explain. She just said something and then hung up the phone.

"Does it feel better?" Mo Qingxuan asked in a gentle voice as he watched her drink the remaining water in the cup and then throw the paper cup into the trash can.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, then nodded stiffly.

"You felt sick just now, it should be caused by emotional agitation. The fetus can feel the mother's emotions, and you will feel uncomfortable. It is the child protesting. Remember to keep a calm mind at all times, and the child will be born healthy."

Mo Qingxuan opened the door of the operating room, stood at the door and waited for Jiang Luan to come over, and gently explained the reason for her discomfort just now.

"Isn't it because of you that I'm emotional?"

Jiang Luan gritted her teeth, unable to figure out how someone could be so brazen.

Who threatened her by killing the child just now, and now she is blaming her for being emotional and making the child uncomfortable!

A smile flashed across Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and he didn't take it for granted: "You are not ambiguous with other men, how can I be angry? Be good, and I will naturally do my best to make you live comfortably."

"Mo Qingxuan! I'm not your pet or a reproductive machine! I have no reason to listen to you!" Jiang Luan glared at him. She would never hide herself in front of him, and would always get angry at him unscrupulously.

"You are not my pet or a fertility machine. You are the mother of my children."

Mo Qingxuan stared into her eyes, neither angry nor domineering, he just told her in a declarative tone that the child in her belly belonged to him and was the hub between them.

Jiang Luan's face turned pale, she lowered her head and said nothing, not knowing what she was thinking.

The color of Mo Qing's eyes changed, and the silence spread in the air, only the footsteps of the two people echoed in the corridor.

It was almost ten o'clock when Mo Qingxuan sent Jiang Luan home, Jiang Lu had already gone back to her room to sleep, only Bai Ge was still sitting in the living room, and Chen Ma was still cooking in the kitchen.

"Ah Xuan, it's so late today, I'll ask Mother Chen to clean up the room you used to live in, and you can call Chuchu and let me stay here." Bai Ge looked at the tiredness in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and asked He stays.

Mo Qingxuan turned his head and glanced at Jiang Luan, who had always kept a distance from him, and was silent for a moment. Seeing that she hadn't raised her head, she turned her head and refused with a smile.

The lines on his face are much softer than when he was waiting for Jiang Luan to come home during the day, he looked lifeless

"No need, Aunt Bai. I'd better go back. Luan'er was not feeling well just now, so you all should rest earlier."

"You didn't eat at night, I asked Mother Chen to heat up the food, you and Luan'er can have some together." Bai Ge looked at Jiang Luan, sighed inwardly, and asked Mo Qingxuan to stay.

She watched Mo Qingxuan grow up, and she couldn't control Jiang Luan's thoughts. Seeing Mo Qingxuan suffering, she felt bad too.

"I'm not hungry, I'm leaving first." Mo Qingxuan left after speaking, not giving Baige a chance to stay.

Baige sent him out the door, watched his car go away, and then turned back.

"Luan'er, there are still some biscuits in the refrigerator, you take them out and eat them first. Mama Chen will heat up the rice in a while, you can eat some."

When Bai Ge came back, Jiang Luan was still sitting on the sofa thinking about something, his eyes fixed on the wooden floor under his feet.

Hearing Bai Ge's words, Jiang Luan came back to his senses and shook his head to show that he was not hungry.

"No need, I can't eat anything. Mom, I'm going to bed first, you and Mama Chen should go to bed early too."

Bai Ge frowned, watched Jiang Luan go upstairs, wanted to say something, but just sighed.

Jiang Luan was concerned about Shi Mingyang, so he called him first after returning to his room.

The phone rang once, and the other person picked it up, as if waiting for her call.

"Aluan, are you okay? Did Mo Qingxuan treat you well?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Shi Mingyang asked anxiously without waiting for her to speak, with a short ending, as if holding back something.

"I'm fine, but how are you? You were kicked to the chest by Mo Qingxuan just now, did the wound open? Is there any discomfort now?" Jiang Luan shook his head, thinking that Shi Mingyang couldn't see it, he hurriedly asked with concern.

Mo Qingxuan didn't put any effort into that kick, and the muffled sound that Shi Mingyang made when he hit the car said everything.

She didn't want to anger Mo Qingxuan and make him do anything to hurt Shi Mingyang again, so she didn't even mention Shi Mingyang in these two hours.

But she was always worried in her heart, afraid of his wound opening, worried about his body.

"I'm fine, Aluan, I'm just afraid that he will hurt you. Where did he take you?" Shi Mingyang took a quick breath, stubbornly wanting to know where Mo Qingxuan took her.

(End of this chapter)

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