Chapter 151 Shi Yushan's Prison Break

He hates it!Watching Mo Qingxuan take Jiang Luan away from him time and time again, he originally wanted to drive to keep up, but after climbing into the driver's seat, he felt that his chest hurt so badly that he couldn't use any strength, even when he raised his arm, it hurt so badly, he slowed down for a while Enduring the pain, I drove out, but there was no sign of the Maybach.

He wanted to call Jiang Luan, but he thought that she was by Mo Qingxuan's side now, if he called her and accidentally angered Mo Qingxuan, he wondered what he would do to Jiang Luan.

Therefore, he could only go home and lie down, staring at the phone, expecting Jiang Luan to call him.

When he could hardly bear the torment in his heart, Jiang Luan finally called, and he answered the phone immediately.

"He took me to the hospital." Jiang Luan bit her lower lip, she could hear Shi Mingyang's worry and slightly shortness of breath, she didn't dare to say what she promised Mo Qingxuan that she would not marry him, for fear that he would feel even worse.

His voice sounded weak, it must be that Mo Qingxuan's foot hurt him, she wished she could go over now to see how his injury was, but she didn't want her mother to worry.

"What did he take you to the hospital for?" Shi Mingyang's voice rose slightly, with a little confusion, as well as constant concern and worry.

"It's nothing, I'm not feeling well, he took me for a checkup." Jiang Luan lied, afraid that Shi Mingyang would ask, and changed the subject: "Are you really okay? Do you want to go to the hospital? It sounds like your condition is not very good it is good."

Sitting by the bed, Jiang Luan took off her slippers and socks, untied her hair, and softly advised Shi Mingyang to go to the hospital.

"Don't worry, Mo Qingxuan can't hurt me yet. I'll just take a rest. You must be tired after shopping all day today. Rest early."

Jiang Luan responded and asked him to rest early, then hung up the phone and stared at the floor in a daze.

After Mo Qingxuan returned home, Mo Qingran came to find him.

Mo Qingxuan was in a bad mood these days, so Mo Qingran never dared to look for him.

Doudou had gone to bed early, she didn't expect Mo Qingxuan to be in a good mood, and was thinking about how to get Mo Qingxuan to agree to restore her memory, when she saw him come back.

Seeing him look normal today, although he is not happy, at least he is not sullen.

"Ran Ran, why haven't you slept yet?"

Mo Qingxuan hung his coat on the hanger, raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Qingran.

"Brother, I want to tell you something."

Mo Qingran poured him a glass of water doggy-leggedly, carefully watching his expression.

Although she was not afraid of Mo Qingxuan, but when Mo Qingxuan was in a bad mood, no one except Luan'er would dare to shoot him.

Luan'er is the only one who can get hit without a hair being injured. Others will lose their skin if they don't die, even if she is his own sister.

Mo Qingxuan didn't answer, sat down on the sofa on the other side, and unbuttoned his collar.

Who is Mo Qingran? Is the water her young lady poured delicious? You need to know what it is.

"What do you think."

"See when you have time, you restore my memory."

Mo Qingran was also unambiguous, put the teacup in front of him, and sat on the other side.

It's okay to let her play dog ​​legs for a while, but she can't keep bowing and laughing, and she knows enough is enough, this trick is basically useless on Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan's expression darkened when he heard this, and he got up immediately to leave: "No! It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

"why not?"

Mo Qingran became anxious, jumped up from the sofa, and looked at Mo Qingxuan's back.

"My own memory, I have the right to decide whether to restore it. Why do you help me make the decision?"

Mo Qingxuan's back stiffened, his jaw tensed, a storm was brewing in his eyes, and his fists were clenched by his sides.

Just now Luan'er asked him why, and now Ran Ran also asked, why did he?Because he loves her, because he is her brother, because he wants to protect them from harm!
"Why should I? Just because I am your brother! Just because I don't want you to ruin yourself!"

Mo Qingxuan's voice seemed to freeze the air around him, without turning his head, he finished speaking coldly, strode out of the living room, and went back to Qingluan Garden.

Mo Qingran slapped the tea table in front of her angrily, then frowned and shook her hands, then stomped back to her yard.

Pei Beichuan flipped through the photo album, and there was Mo Qingran from four years ago.

Those photos were all secretly taken by him from different angles, and there were many that Ran Ran didn't know about.

In the photo, Ran Ran is sometimes playful, sometimes cunning, sometimes domineering, and sometimes quiet.

Some were bullying him, some were hugging his neck and acting like a spoiled child, and some were eating.

At the back is a photo of him and Doudou. Doudou has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. Although he is sometimes naughty, he knows how to love others and rarely makes him worry.

There is a picture of Doudou kneeling on the desk, struggling to cover him with a blanket.

He remembered that at that time he worked in the study until midnight, he was so sleepy that he couldn't stand it, so he fell asleep on the desk, and when he fell asleep, he felt someone touch him, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Doudou covering him with a blanket.

Doudou couldn't find him until midnight, and came to the study in a daze. Seeing him sleeping on the desk, she ran back to the room and brought her blanket to cover him.

After putting Doudou to sleep, he went to check the surveillance, and saw the little guy rubbing his eyes in the video, stood at the door of the study for a while, then turned and ran away.

It didn't take long for him to drag the blanket and run over. He tried hard to cover him with the blanket, but he couldn't do it. Finally, he put the blanket on his lap and climbed onto the table by stepping on the horizontal bar between the legs of the table, trying to put the blanket on his back. Cover him with a blanket.

He cut out the picture of Doudou kneeling on the table trying to cover him with a blanket, washed it out, and put it in this photo album.

At that time, Doudou was only two and a half years old.

Thinking that Mo Qingran was finally willing to listen to him, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

She is finally willing to accept the past and understand the past. Now Doudou is by her side. Although he misses Doudou very much, he believes that one day she will come back with Doudou.

In the quiet space, the phone rang suddenly. He came back to his senses, let go of the photo album, and picked up the phone.

It was Mo Qingran who called, and he calmed down his heartbeat in surprise before answering the phone.

"Ran Ran, what's the matter?"

His voice was a bit magnetic, and after being deliberately lowered, it sounded hoarse, like sandpaper.

"Pei Beichuan, I'll give you a chance. These days, I asked my parents to help me carry Doudou, and the two of us are going on a date. Either you restore my memory, or let me fall in love with you again. Otherwise, we have no chance! "

Mo Qingran's voice sounded a little angry. As soon as the phone was connected, he finished his thoughts in an orderly tone, which was extremely domineering.

Pei Beichuan was overwhelmed by this huge surprise. He didn't know why Mo Qingran made such a decision suddenly.

"You don't want to, do you? You don't want me to take Doudou abroad tomorrow, don't even think about seeing him again!"

Mo Qingran was annoyed by Pei Beichuan's silence, and was about to hang up when Pei Beichuan's voice came from the opposite side.

"Of course I would. But, why? Didn't you say two days ago that you need to know what happened four years ago before you can decide whether you want to deal with me?"

"It's up to you! I changed my mind, okay?" Mo Qingran snorted softly, the anger in her tone ready to come out.

She didn't believe that without Mo Qingxuan, she would not be able to recover her memory. Just in time, she also took this opportunity to see if Pei Beichuan was worthy of her love.

If she fell in love with this man again without the memory and emotional interference of the past, it means that he is really her favorite.

"Okay, okay, starting from tomorrow?"

Pei Beichuan followed her words in a good-tempered manner. Although he was very happy in his heart, he didn't show any particular excitement. He didn't intend to hand over the control to Mo Qingran.

"Yesterday at noon, Shi Yushan, who was suspected of witchcraft and was sentenced to death, was mentally disturbed. The police transferred him to the mental hospital of our city. Last night, Shi Yushan disappeared from the ward strangely and disappeared. The police are currently pursuing them with all their strength. I hope the general public can see Afterwards, notify the police in time to carry out the arrest..."

Jiang Luan was having breakfast with Bai Ge and Jiang Lu when he suddenly heard a piece of news, looked up in surprise, and saw Shi Yushan's photo on the TV, beside his photo, the hostess was broadcasting.

"Mom, Shi Yushan has escaped from prison." Jiang Luan put down his chopsticks, his face pale.

She went to the prison with Shi Mingyang to visit the prison yesterday. At that time, Shi Yushan seemed to be emotional, but she didn't expect that he would lose his mind because of it.

However, he disappeared again, probably using teleportation.

Is he insane for real or fake?If it was fake, then all of them are in danger now.

Shi Yushan jumped over the wall in a hurry, and after he escaped, he would definitely take revenge on those who sent him to prison.

Shi Mingyang, Wu Miaoke, Aunt Chu, Heiying, and her, all of them are in danger.

"How did Shi Yushan escape from prison? Luan'er, Xiaolu, you don't want to go out these few days. By the way, you have to call Chuchu, Ah Xuan and the others, and tell them to be careful."

Bai Ge almost knocked over the plate in front of him, pushed the plate away, got up and took the phone to call Chu Huan.

"Sister, since Shi Yushan can teleport, why does he pretend to be crazy? Isn't he able to teleport in prison?"

Jiang Lu didn't have the heart to eat breakfast anymore, she looked at Jiang Luan anxiously, Shi Yushan was very hostile to Jiang Luan, and now that he escaped from prison, he might hurt Jiang Luan.

In the past few days, because Jiang Luan had agreed to Shi Mingyang's marriage proposal, she had been making a fuss and didn't talk to Jiang Luan very much. Now that Shi Yushan escaped from prison, she forgot her grudges for a moment and became worried about Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan's concern warmed Jiang Luan's heart, and he comforted him: "When he was arrested, we told the police that he would teleport, so the police didn't know how to restrain him. Now we don't know In any case, even if he teleports to escape, it will definitely take energy to break through the prohibition, and he probably won't have enough ability to come out and harm people in a short time. We just need to be careful, and remember not to eat outside casually."

Jiang Lu nodded, the worry between her brows dissipated a little, she got up and sat next to Jiang Luan, leaning on her to watch her mother call Aunt Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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