The doctor's hands cover the sky, and the male gods can't stand high

Chapter 152 Will this kind of person feel guilty?

Chapter 152 Will this kind of person feel guilty?

"Chuchu, have you watched the news?"

After the call was connected, Bai Ge tightened her grip on the phone and asked.

"What's the matter?" Hearing the nervousness in Bai Ge's voice, Chu Huan frowned suspiciously, and signaled the nanny to turn on the TV, only to see that the morning news in City A was broadcasting that a farmer accidentally picked up a copper coin from the Qianlong period in the field and sent it out. A small fortune.

"Shi Yushan escaped from prison. While we were having breakfast, we happened to see the news. The news said that Shi Yushan was insane, was transferred to a mental hospital, and disappeared mysteriously."

Bai Ge took a breath. Shi Yushan killed Jiang Bo, almost killed Jiang Luan, and drove herself crazy for another four years. Naturally, the last thing she wanted was for Shi Yushan to escape legal sanctions, but now she was most worried about everyone's safety.

"Don't worry, Pigeon. Be careful these few days, and try not to eat outside. I don't think he's in a good condition now. Maybe the police will catch him in two days."

Chu Huan comforted Bai Ge, hung up the phone and watched everyone tell them the news.

"I think they asked for it. People like him who have done all kinds of bad things should be shot on the spot, and there is no reprieve."

Mo Qingran took a bite of the fried egg, rolled her eyes and said.

"Ran Ran!" Chu Huan stared at her dissatisfied, "Don't take it lightly. Although you haven't had any confrontation with Shi Yushan, he was targeting all of our Mo family and Jiang family from the beginning."


Mo Qingran put down the fried egg in her hand and nodded.

She knows how to protect herself, and she is wary enough of any stranger who approaches her, and she doesn't like others to disrupt her rhythm.

"Maybe Shi Yushan is really crazy?"

Mo Qingxuan put down his chopsticks, thoughtful.

He remembered that Li Lianbin once mentioned to him that Shi Yushan was restricted in his body, so he couldn't teleport.

As we all know, the potential of a lunatic is unlimited. Perhaps after he became insane, he broke through his own limitations, broke through the restriction, and teleported away.

"But, is this possible? How can a lunatic still remember the spell of teleportation?"

Chu Huan looked at Mo Qingxuan and didn't quite agree with his words.

Shi Yushan has many tricks, maybe pretending to be crazy to get a chance to leave the prison, and then find some psychotropic drugs in the mental hospital, so as to break through the restriction and escape from the prison is also possible.

After all, Goddess Zhang said that witchcraft works on the spirit.

"Shi Yushan has been with witchcraft all his life. Maybe witchcraft has become his instinct. When he is crazy, he will use witchcraft regardless of the harm he will suffer."

"Brother, don't you know Director Li? Wouldn't it be good if you give him a call and ask him about the specific situation of the restraint in his body?"

Although Mo Qingran decided to secretly fight against Mo Qingxuan's tyranny, she didn't intend to have any grievances with him, and it was only limited to Pei Beichuan and Doudou's affairs.

Mo Qingxuan glanced at her, then took out his phone and connected it to Li Lianbin.

The phone rang four or five times before Li Lianbin picked it up: "My lord, I was just about to call you. What's the matter?"

His voice sounded exhausted and his voice was a little hoarse, apparently he hadn't slept since Shi Yushan escaped from prison last night.

The police didn't really believe in witchcraft until last night.

Before that, after all, they had never seen it with their own eyes, so they had always been a little dubious about Shi Mingyang's charges, but when so many people witnessed an old man in shackles disappearing from their eyes alive, such a shock made them unacceptable.

Although Li Lianbin had no doubts, he had never seen real witchcraft after all. At this time, he really understood how powerful witchcraft is.

"We're watching the news. I want to know what kind of restriction you put on Shi Yushan before he couldn't teleport, and how you did it."

Mo Qingxuan cut to the chase and asked about Shi Yushan directly.

"This... I can't tell you some secrets. I can only tell you that someone from above called us to add antipsychotic drugs to his meal every day. It stands to reason that these are drugs for treating mental illness, but it is not ruled out. Mental disorder caused by overdose. Moreover, Shi Mingyang and Xiao Jiang visited him yesterday morning."

Li Lianbin rubbed his eyebrows, Shi Mingyang visited Shi Yushan, which was undoubtedly good news for him, but since Shi Mingyang dared to go, he was sure that he couldn't make a fuss about it.

Moreover, Shi Yushan's escape from prison attracted great attention from above, and he couldn't spare his energy to think about other things.

If things about Shi Mingyang were revealed at this time, he, the director, would have basically done it.

Mo Qingxuan lowered his eyelids. It seems that the country also has a special department, so Shi Mingyang was asked to come to City A as a special police officer, instead of using him as a guinea pig for autopsy.

"Does Director Li think his mental illness is real or fake?" Mo Qingxuan held the phone with his slender fingers, seemingly carelessly, but the front part of the nails of his left hand that was placed on the table was faintly white, showing that he was exerting force.

Li Lianbin pondered for a while, maintaining his usual caution, and gave an ambiguous answer.

"I can't say that well, but the visit of Shi Mingyang and Xiao Jiang yesterday morning was stopped halfway because Shi Yushan was too emotional. After they left, Shi Yushan became mentally disturbed. Because he was a death row prisoner, he didn't notify his family. "

Mo Qingxuan frowned, Li Lianbin's meaning was obvious, although on the surface it was Shi Yushan himself who was agitated and mentally disturbed.

But other factors cannot be ruled out, such as what Shi Mingyang did or said that stimulated Shi Yushan, or Shi Yushan took too much psychotropic drugs, and his mental center was extremely fragile. Seeing Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang together, he couldn't accept it and went crazy.

There is another kind of thing that no one wants, that is, after seeing Jiang Luan, he aroused hatred, and he didn't want to die like this, so he pretended to be crazy, took the opportunity to leave the prison, and waited for the opportunity to escape.

"Can you send me the video record of their meeting?" Mo Qingxuan glanced around anxiously, and asked for the video of Shi Mingyang and the others visiting the prison.

Maybe seeing the video will help him judge.

"Originally, the video recording cannot be streamed to the outside world, but since the eldest son opened his mouth, I will send it to you in a while. But I hope the eldest son will delete it as soon as possible after watching it."

Li Lianbin didn't mind throwing this difficult problem to Mo Qingxuan to solve, so he didn't hesitate, and let Mo Qingxuan owe him a favor.

"Then thank you Director Li. Just now Director Li said he was going to call me, I don't know if it was..."

This sentiment Mo Qingxuan has accepted, but whether or not to pay it back, and how to pay it back, is up to him.

"It's not a big deal. Pei Ruosang's sentence has come down. He will serve three years in prison. He will pay 20 yuan for the victim's mental loss and 40 yuan for the family of the criminal suspect Lu Yan who died in the accident. As for that Bai Hui, his injury has already healed. Almost, because he is an accomplice, he was sentenced to one year."

"Only three years?"

A cold light flashed in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, and his voice was cold, with a bit of sarcasm, as if he felt that the sentence was light.

"My lord, after all, Jiang Lu is fine. Three years is a lesson for Pei Ruosang. Besides, this is a decision made by the superiors, and there is nothing I can do about it."

Li Lianbin's voice sounded helpless, and everyone knew what he didn't say.

This kind of punishment can be regarded as two offenses. After all, although the energy of the two elders of the Pei family is not as good as that of Mo Qingxuan, they are not what the police station is willing to offend.

Mo Qingxuan lowered his eyelids, said thank you, and hung up the phone.

Not long after the call was hung up, Li Lianbin sent a video link. He clicked on the link, and Chu Huan and Mo Qingran came over to watch it.

In the video, there is no suspicious interaction between Shi Mingyang and Shi Yushan. Shi Yushan only developed symptoms of madness after Luan'er spoke.

"Would a person like Shi Yushan go crazy because of guilt?"

Mo Qingxuan tapped on the table. On the surface, it seemed that Shi Yushan went crazy because of Luan'er's question and remembered that he had killed the old woman, but was it really like this?

A trace of hesitation flashed in Chu Huan's eyes, and he said uncertainly:
"Not necessarily, no matter how evil a person is, he will have feelings. Maybe his evil thoughts suppress his feelings for a while, but maybe he will wake up after killing the old woman."

"This kind of person has no heart! After he killed the old woman, he wanted to kill Aunt Bai and Wu Miaoke's mother. Besides, you were also there when Shi Yushan was arrested. Did you find anything wrong with him? ? If he suddenly came to his senses, how could he still shoot Luan'er?"

Mo Qingran curled her lips. She would never believe that a person like Shi Yushan, who was so bad in his bones, would regret killing someone.

From the very beginning, so many people died at his hands.

There are Uncle Jiang, Chen Qihai, Jiang Shi, and Jiang Jiu. He almost killed Luan'er and Aunt Bai. They don't know how many unjust dead ghosts they don't know.

It is better to believe that a sow can climb trees than to believe that he has a conscience!
"This is also where I wonder. If he wants to teleport, why must he pretend to be crazy and go to a mental hospital instead of a prison? You know, prisoners on parole for medical treatment are guarded much more strictly than prisons. I can't think of why he would Unnecessary."

Chu Huan frowned, and sat down on the stool next to Mo Qingxuan.

"Ah Xuan, what did Chief Li just say about how to control Shi Yushan?"

Mo Jinxiu patted Chu Huan on the shoulder, signaling her not to worry too much, while looking at Mo Qingxuan and asking.

Mo Qingxuan stared at the mobile phone in his hand, his eyes were cold and sharp, and his face was serious. Hearing Mo Jinxiu's question, he raised his eyelids to look at him, and then lowered them again.

"It's some antipsychotic drugs. Shi Yushan may not have feelings for the old woman. Maybe he killed too many people. He seems to be nothing on weekdays. He used too many psychotropic drugs to cause nervous disorders and weakness. Luan'er mentioned that others may not have it." Too much influence, but the old lady and him have known each other in the past, and it is possible that they are acquainted. Suddenly hearing Luan'er mentioning the old lady, it is also possible that he was frightened for a while and caused a mental breakdown."

(End of this chapter)

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