Chapter 153
Mo Qingxuan combined Li Lianbin's words with Chu Huan's deduction and had a new idea.

Shi Yushan is a death row inmate, and the police will not care about the mental state of the prisoner who will be shot at that time. As long as he can prevent him from harming others with witchcraft, the control of drug dosage will naturally not be too strict.

Excessive use of psychotropic drugs will indeed damage the central nervous system, leading to nervous disorders and mental disorders.

Under such circumstances, the human spirit is actually very fragile. When Shi Yushan heard the name of the person he killed, recalled the process of killing the person, and was afraid of retribution, he might really go crazy.

"This is also possible. But anyway, everyone should be careful when going out in the future."

Chu Huan thought for a while and nodded in agreement, but to be on the safe side, I still told everyone to be careful.

"I want to arrange for Doudou to go abroad in the past two days. If you are okay, Ran Ran, we can go together. If you still don't want to go back, I can arrange a housekeeper for Doudou over there."

Mo Qingxuan thought of what Mo Qingran said yesterday, and said seemingly casually.

Mo Qingran came back to see Jiang Luan, and now he has seen and played, and it's time to go.

I want to come back, when will I bring a man back with me!
In his heart, that man could be anyone, but he couldn't be Pei Beichuan, that guy made Ran Ran sad, how could he helplessly send Ran Ran into the abyss of pain again?
"Why do you suddenly want to send Doudou away?" Chu Huan stared at his son displeased. Can't see the opportunity!

"Ran Ran, what do you mean?"

Mo Qingxuan didn't care about Chu Huan, and stared at Mo Qingran with deep eyes.

Now that Shi Yushan escaped from prison, he happened to send Mo Qingran away, so at least Mo Qingran was safe.

"I do not go!"

Mo Qingran raised his chin slightly, looked at Mo Qingxuan stubbornly, and showed his attitude.

"You don't have to leave, but Doudou must leave! I'll hire him a housekeeper."

Mo Qingxuan lowered his eyes and pressed his lips tightly. He didn't get angry because of Mo Qingran's rejection, but he was determined to send Doudou away.

"You don't have to rush to refuse, Doudou still has to go to school."

Seeing what Mo Qingran wanted to say, Mo Qingxuan interrupted her with a determined look.

"it is good."

Mo Qingran nodded in agreement, and did not attempt to protest.

Not to mention whether she will recover her memory, at least for now she has no intention of breaking up with Mo Qingxuan, after all, Mo Qingxuan is doing it for her own good.

In the future, if she regains her memory or decides to be with Pei Beichuan, she will just take Doudou back.

Mo Qingran agreed too quickly, and Mo Qingxuan looked at her suspiciously, but saw that her expression was natural, and she didn't mean to be angry.

"Do you really want to send them away? There are so many kindergartens in City A, so Pei Beichuan may not be able to find any one. Moreover, the aristocratic kindergartens you attended before have to sign an agreement to send your children. Without the consent of the parents, anyone There is no way to take the child away."

Chu Huan couldn't bear it, the little guy Doudou was taking advantage of her more and more these days, why was she willing to send him abroad?
"Now that the kids have decided, let's not interfere."

Mo Jinxiu hinted that Chu Huan should stop talking, and he was also reluctant to leave Doudou, but he knew better than Chu Huan.

Mo Qingran has no feelings for Pei Beichuan now, and the relationship status of the parents may affect the child.

Doudou is very smart, but he is only a child after all, it is better to send him away, and when everything is over and their relationship is smoothed out, then bring Doudou back.

After Jiang Luan returned to the room, he called Shi Mingyang. Shi Mingyang was very surprised, obviously he didn't know about Shi Yushan's escape.

Shi Mingyang nervously told Jiang Luan to stay at home these few days and not go anywhere.

If Shi Yushan was pretending to be crazy, he would definitely go to him and tell her after he confirmed the news and ensured her safety.

Jiang Luan didn't know how to face Shi Mingyang, so he agreed.

At least these few days don't have to see him, don't have to face him.

She didn't know why Mo Qingxuan was going crazy, she knew that if she insisted on being with Shi Mingyang, not only would he kill her child, but he would even do other things.

"Aluan, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?"

Shi Mingyang's gentle voice came from the microphone, waking her up from her contemplation.

A flash of pain flashed in Jiang Luan's eyes, and she took a deep breath, trying not to make a choking sound.

"No, I'm just a little scared. Your grandpa's witchcraft is too powerful. I'm afraid he will hurt my mother and Xiaolu."

"Don't worry, be careful these few days, and I will tell you when I have news about grandpa."

Shi Mingyang's voice suddenly stopped, and he took a quick breath, as if he was frightened.

"Mingyang, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Luan gripped the phone tightly, worried that Shi Yushan had gone looking for it.

Shi Mingyang didn't speak, and some rustling sounds came from the microphone, as if someone was walking.

Jiang Luan's heart suddenly became tense, not knowing what happened to Shi Mingyang.

"Aluan, you don't have to worry, you will never be in danger again." At this moment, Shi Mingyang finally spoke out.

His voice was hoarse and rough, and it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength to say these few words, and he almost collapsed in the end.

Jiang Luan had never heard such a voice as Shi Mingyang's. In his impression, his voice was always gentle, neither fast nor slow, clear and organized, and it sounded very comfortable.

Just when she was wondering, the voice from the mobile phone turned into a well-regulated mandarin, and the content was also inexplicable, as if it was about a car accident.

"...died on the spot, and the police have cordoned off the scene."

Next, the voice of the reporter interviewing the driver.

"Sir, can you tell me about the situation at that time?" The reporter's voice sounded very steady, as if it was not at the death scene, natural and calm.

"I was driving at the time, and suddenly a person appeared in front of my car, and I bumped into it before I could react."

There was panic in the driver's voice, and there was a trace of suppressed excitement. Maybe it was because of being able to go on TV, or maybe it was for other reasons. In short, the voice sounded extremely uncomfortable.

"Did that person fall from above, or rushed out from the side?" The reporter obviously didn't understand the meaning of the sudden appearance, and guided the driver to accept the interview.

"No, no, no! He just appeared suddenly. There was no one in that place, but it seemed that he was there. I can be sure that he appeared there out of nowhere."

The driver's voice was even more frightened, and his words were a bit long-winded, obviously not knowing how to express.

"You mean, he really appeared out of nowhere, instead of falling or rushing over?"

The reporter's voice was finally filled with curiosity, but it was still clear.

"Yes!" The driver's voice was sure.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the reporter came, but it was interviewing the police, without any connection.

"Excuse me, do the police believe what the driver said?"

"This can only be determined after seeing the monitoring records. At present, it cannot be ruled out that he deliberately shirks responsibility and evades legal sanctions."

The policeman's voice sounded full of righteousness, but Jiang Luan frowned.

It sounds like you are at the scene of a car accident, but what a truly responsible policeman should do at this time is to deal with the traffic accident, not to be interviewed.

At this moment, another voice appeared on the intercom of the policeman.

"The director ordered the team to be withdrawn."

There was bewilderment and panic in that voice, something was obviously bothering him.

"Is the perpetrator arrested?"

The policeman who was being interviewed paused and asked.

"The monitoring showed that the deceased rushed out by himself, and the driver was not responsible. Just leave a phone call and ask him to cooperate with the investigation and evidence collection later."

Li Lianbin's voice sounded, probably through the walkie-talkie, because Jiang Luan could hear the harsh electrical sound.

Shi Mingyang's voice rang from the phone again, it sounded calm, but it made Jiang Luan inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Did you hear that? My grandfather has teleported under his wheel."

After receiving Jiang Luan's call, he turned on the TV and happened to see the news.

"But, but didn't he escape from prison last night? Why did he... I'm sorry, I..."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, and secretly scolded herself for making things difficult for Shi Mingyang.

He didn't know anything, and she asked him, which was undoubtedly sprinkling pepper water on his wound.

"This time today, it should be his second teleportation. Maybe he is really crazy, he only knows that this ability is fun, and he uses it subconsciously. Teleportation needs to have a goal in advance, and he didn't set a goal. , Within a range of three kilometers, it is possible to teleport anywhere."

As if he didn't hear her apology, Shi Mingyang expressed his opinion.

"Aluan, grandpa has been calculating all his life, but it ended up like this. I can't show up. I want Ke Ke to take back grandpa's body and fulfill my filial piety on my behalf. I'm sorry, the wedding may have to be postponed."

Shi Mingyang talked to himself, not letting the silence occupy the space, as if he was afraid of loneliness.

"this is necessary."

The two talked for a while, then hung up the phone.

Not long after the phone hung up, Li Lianbin called.

Li Ruiqing has gone abroad, Jiang Luan has not gone to work, and the police station has been very busy recently, so Li Lianbin wants her to return to work.

Speaking of which, since she came back for a few months, she didn't go to the police station very much, and going to the police station once in a while was just a formality, and others would definitely feel dissatisfied.

Jiang Luan was also a little embarrassed. Mo Qingxuan overbearingly forbade her to go to work because of her injury before, and after so many things happened, she never went.

After packing up his things, Jiang Luan went downstairs and told Baige Jiang Lu that Shi Yushan was dead, and then went out.

When Jiang Luan arrived at the police station, Wu Miaoke had already arrived.

"Miss Wu, you are not a relative of the deceased, so we cannot let you take his body away."

(End of this chapter)

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