The doctor's hands cover the sky, and the male gods can't stand high

Chapter 199 Don't Go Out With Anyone Casually

Chapter 199 Don't Go Out With Anyone Casually
He didn't pause, pretended to be unconscious, parked the car on the other side, motioned Jiang Luan not to move, got out of the car and went to the other side to help her open the car door.

Jiang Luan was puzzled in his heart, but thanked him calmly, with a light smile and soft eyebrows and eyes.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing that she was about to walk away, Shi Mingyang stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, and leaned closer, feeling the scorching gaze pierced like a knife, with a smile on his face, and when he straightened up and faced Jiang Luan, his face was full Gentle, clear eyes.

"Have hair."

He showed her a piece of black hair he was pinching in his hand, and threw it away casually, with a natural attitude, and there was no sign of abnormality.

"Thank you."

Jiang Luan seemed to hear the sound of teeth grinding, raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced behind him, found nothing wrong, turned around to say goodbye to Shi Mingyang, and took out the key to open the door.

The door of the Maybach on one side suddenly opened, Jiang Luan glanced over, and suddenly understood why Shi Mingyang did what he did just now.

The tall figure of the man stood between the two cars, one black and one white, casting a shadow, his eyes burning with unknown flames, as if he wanted to cremate Shi Mingyang directly.

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

Mo Qingxuan's suppressed angry voice was like a voice from hell, and Jiang Luan noticed that his eyes had locked on himself.

"cellphone is out of power."

Jiang Luan raised the phone in her hand, 20.00% of the battery is not too much, it is more than enough to make three or two calls, but this reason is taken for granted by her, it is fair and above board, and it cannot be refuted.

Mo Qingxuan paused, remembering that the current Jiang Luan is no longer the woman who just came back more than half a year ago and was at odds with him, nor is it the girl who has been twisting with him since childhood. He really does not have the qualifications to question her now.

However, he is annoyed!

Why did Jiang Luan stay with Shi Mingyang, and why did she hang up her phone when she was with him?

This is something that has never happened before.

This was the first time in his life that Jiang Luan hung up on his phone, and when he was with Shi Mingyang, he couldn't help but get angry!

While Mo Qingxuan's expression was changing, Jiang Luan had already retracted his phone by himself, and was about to climb in when he opened his car door.

Mo Qingxuan slammed the car door before she got in, and said in a cold voice, "Driving with such a big belly, the police have privileges?"

Jiang Luan gave him a strange look: "The traffic law only stipulates that you can't drink and drive, and you can't drive while fatigued. This is the first time I've heard that pregnant women can't drive."

"Aren't you driving tired now?"

Mo Qingxuan wanted to find a trace of fatigue from yesterday between her brows, but now she is full of energy and has a rosy complexion. How can she look tired at all?

"I slept well last night."

Seeing the reluctance in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, Jiang Luan couldn't help laughing.

It's quite amusing for this strong man to be embarrassed, but he dared to bet on her, how could she easily spare him?
This is also Shi Mingyang's brilliance. He didn't explicitly say that his method would harm Jiang Luan. Insane decision.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't see the teasing smile in Jiang Luan's eyes, his jaw was tense, his face was as black as ink, and his eyes were gloomy. He forcibly took the key back from her hand and locked the car door again: "I'll drive you back, your I'll ask Ah Jun to drive the car back for you at night."

Ever since Granny Zhang and Zhang Min were sent to prison, Ah Jun, who had nothing to do, returned to Mo Qingxuan's side to follow.

Jiang Luan thought about it, it was not good to go against him too much, so she shook off his hand, opened the door of the back seat by herself and got in.

Mo Qing gritted his teeth, but after all, Jiang Luan obediently got into his own car, only hummed, and coldly glanced at the BMW that hadn't left yet, got in the car and left.

Seeing the Maybach going away, Shi Mingyang clenched the steering wheel in his hand, the elegant and gentle smile disappeared from the bottom of his eyes, replaced by a gloomy look.

reluctant!Can't bear to let go!
Seeing Jiang Luan fighting with him at ease, seeing the two of them get along with each other freely, jealousy crawled in his heart like countless poisonous insects, biting him occasionally, the pain is so painful!

Trembling and stiffly laying his head on the steering wheel, as if he was afraid that the deathly silence would erode him, a small laugh escaped from his mouth.

Shi Mingyang raised his head slightly until he felt the coolness on the sleeves, and was surprised to find that there was a shiny black spot on the black sleeves, as if it had been soaked in water.

Does he have a heart too?Will he cry too?

Mo Qingxuan kept his face sullen all the way, originally he didn't want to talk to Jiang Luan, but Jiang Luan also sat quietly in the back without saying a word, he couldn't help but feel even more congested, and the air in the carriage dropped several degrees because of his breath.

"You're approaching your due date now, it's best not to run around, or Aunt Bai will be worried."

There was a cold and hard line on the corner of his lips, Mo Qingxuan finally took the initiative to speak.

Jiang Luan blinked, her face full of innocence: "I called my mother this morning."

"Don't go out with anyone casually." Especially those with ulterior motives, "Outsiders don't take good care of them..."

But he didn't say anything after all, saying that others didn't take good care of him and something happened. Isn't this cursing his own child?

"Senior Mingyang is not an outsider. He is thoughtful and will be fine."

If Shi Mingyang hadn't asked all the questions before, Jiang Luan would not have dared to say these words under his low pressure.

Hearing this, the air in the car seems to have been sucked out, even the dullest person can feel that the driver is in a very bad mood now!And very grumpy!
Senior Mingyang!Who allowed her to call her so intimate?
Senior Mingyang is not an outsider, so who is an outsider?he?

"Luan'er, I'll take you to dinner first."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Qingxuan decided not to send Jiang Luan back yet.

"But I just ate...don't you have to go to work?"

As soon as Jiang Luan said her refusal, she changed the subject knowingly and wittily. The aura exuded by Mo Qingxuan was really terrifying, making her feel that if she continued to speak, she would be in danger of being dismembered.

"No! I just came back, and my dad won't let me go to the hospital."

Jiang Luan no longer refused, making Mo Qingxuan's complexion better and his voice clearer, at least not so gloomy.


Jiang Luan nodded, and leaned on the back of the chair to look at Mo Qingxuan who was driving ahead.

From her angle, she can see that his bony hands are firmly holding the steering wheel. The skin on the side of his face looks delicate, but not as creamy as some girls' skin. His skin is good, but not It will make people think of a little boy, because he has broad shoulders and a straight back. Even if he has a side face, he can see that his facial lines are firm, elegant and noble.

Even when he was angry, there was something about him that made people feel happy.

But he didn't know that no matter how angry Mo Qingxuan was in front of her, he was still somewhat rational.

In front of others, it is a crazy lion, no one can catch it, and when the low air pressure blows, it is a cold air generator, and it is as silent as a cicada within ten meters.

Mo Qingran's wedding was scheduled three days after Mo Qingxuan's return.

The marriage certificate was received early, and the wedding photos were taken, waiting for Mo Qingxuan to come back to attend the wedding.

In the end, Mo Qingran chose to let Jiang Lu be the bridesmaid. After all, it would be too funny for Jiang Luan to be the bridesmaid with her big belly. If it was even more funny, the bride and groom were taking their oaths, and the bridesmaid was about to give birth.

Early in the morning, Jiang Luan and Jiang Lu were dragged up from the bed, they were busy changing into dresses, and then went to Mo Qingran's yard.

Because they were afraid that it would be too late, both Jiang Luan and Jiang Lu lived in Qingluan Garden nearby.

When they arrived, Mo Qingran was tossing sleepily with the makeup artist.

Seeing Jiang Luan approaching, Mo Qingran seemed to have seen a savior, and finally regained consciousness.

"Luan'er, is it okay if we don't get married? Anyway, I already have sons, so it's not bad for this procedure, just take me to their house."

Getting married is a real pain, being picked up from the bed at five o'clock, washing your face and brushing your teeth is all passive, it's been an hour, and you just put on your wedding dress, then you have to do your hair, make up, and then Then the process has to go.

God!She's going crazy just thinking about it.

Jiang Luan patted her dumbfounded, and motioned her to sit down obediently: "This is the only time in your life, so just be patient. Otherwise, you will regret it later."

"I will absolutely never regret it!"

Mo Qingran almost raised his finger to swear that the sky would be struck by thunder, "It's better to cut me off with a knife if I suffer the punishment of this day."

"What nonsense are you talking about on the big day? Be careful when Aunt Chu hears that she will punish you."

Jiang Luan spat at her, and handed a hairpin to the hairstylist: "Here, use this."

Mo Qingran caught a glimpse of the hairpin Jiang Luan handed to the hairstylist from the mirror, and finally showed a happy expression on his face: "You still know me best, Luan'er."

The hairpin was not bought on the spur of the moment, but Mo Qingran took it out of the collection on purpose. Among the bright and bright jewelry, it looked a bit ordinary, simple in style, but very beautiful.

It was given to her by Jiang Luan when Mo Qingran and Pei Beichuan announced their relationship.

Because that day happened to be Mo Qingran's birthday, this gift was endowed with a special meaning.

"Ran Ran, how did you think of Pei Beichuan?"

Jiang Luan sat and watched the hair stylist and make-up artist tossing on Mo Qingran, and asked while holding his chin.

Mo Qingran turned to look at her, but the unsuspecting hair stylist pulled her hair, grinned in pain, and went to look at Jiang Lu again.

Jiang Lu also looked at Jiang Luan warily before meeting her eyes.

However, Jiang Luan seemed to have not noticed the small movements of the two of them, and still looked at Mo Qingran calmly and seriously with his chin on his hands.

"That's how I remembered it. Because at the beginning, I went there with the intention of retrieving my memory. He took me to every place we had been to together, and told me carefully when we went. What happened there and what was said. I was thinking at the time, even if I didn't recover my memory, such a person who can remember every detail of our time together and every word we said is worth entrusting."

(End of this chapter)

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