Chapter 200

Mo Qingran turned back and looked at herself in the mirror.

Bright eyebrows and white teeth, flushed cheeks, a pair of bright eyes filled with happiness, and the moist lips couldn't help evoking a slight arc.

Slightly closing her eyes, she let the stylist draw on her face. Jiang Luan's question had already driven away all her drowsiness, and in her memories, the time has become less tormented.

"Actually, I dated him with a playful mind at the beginning. Although I wanted to restore my memory, I didn't have such a strong idea. Until I felt his heart, I especially hoped that I could restore my memory. I listened carefully Every detail he said, he tried hard to recall every wish he had made. At first I couldn’t remember anything, but he said it’s okay, and if he couldn’t remember, he would recreate the memory. Actually, I don’t know. He stuffed those memories in it for me again, or restored the previous ones."

"Those are not important anymore, you are very happy now."

Jiang Luan peeled a piece of orange and threw it into his mouth, feeling that it was not sour enough, but a bit too sweet, so he gave it to Jiang Lu casually.

Jiang Lu took the orange and put it down after eating two petals and feeling cold.

"Yes, I am very happy."

The corner of the lipsticked mouth raised a big arc, and Mo Qingran agreed with Jiang Luan's statement without hesitation.

Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingran's side face. She was already good-looking, but with makeup on, she looked even brighter and more charming. Coupled with a happy smile, it was almost impossible to take their eyes off her.

Sure enough, some people say that the most beautiful day for a woman is the day when she puts on her wedding dress, not because of makeup or clothes, but because of the almost invisible happiness on her face.

When the hairdresser finally put the veil on Mo Qingran, the door was pushed open from the outside, and everyone in the room looked back.

Jiang Luan frowned in confusion. Even if Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan entered Mo Qingran's room at this time, they would have to knock on the door. After all, it was the bride's room. Disgusting.

But, this is Mo's house, who can break into Mo Qingran's room like this?

The answer was soon revealed. It was a pair of old people. Pei Beichuan, dressed in a suit, soon caught up.

Meeting Mo Qingran's suspicious eyes, Pei Beichuan bowed his hands to her apologetically behind the old man, hoping she would understand.

"Ran Ran, you are a good boy. You intercede with your brother and let him not care about Ruo Sang's fault. She is still a child, small punishments are fine, and when she is released from prison, we must discipline her well."

The old lady rushed towards Mo Qingran as soon as she entered the door. If Mo Qingran hadn't dodged quickly, the wedding dress might have been torn off.

Hearing that the old man came here to plead for Pei Ruosang, Mo Qingran's face was also stained with anger.

What is a child?She, Pei Ruosang, is one year older than Jiang Lu, she is already 24, why didn't the guards do it sooner?

Can the mistakes made by children rise to the level of homicide?Which child would buy a murderer?

"Grandma, Ranran can't decide on this matter. Today is our wedding, can you stop making trouble?"

Seeing the anger on Mo Qingran's face, Pei Beichuan's heart shuddered, and he hurried to persuade his grandmother.

Grandpa and grandma must follow when they came to pick up the relatives. As a result, they rushed in before he got out of the car and caught him off guard.

"Why is this making trouble? Don't you feel sorry for your sister? Ruosang is certainly at fault, but she is a child after all..."

"Is she a child?"

Mo Qingran laughed angrily. She tore off the veil that the hair stylist hadn't put on, stood up from the chair, and pointed at Jiang Lu: "Then what is Xiaolu? Xiaolu is a year younger than Pei Ruosang." If Pei Ruosang is a child, wouldn't Xiaolu be younger? What is it that Pei Ruosang treats a child so cruelly?"

The old man was calmed by Mo Qingran's tone, and looked at Jiang Lu in the direction of her finger. His eyes were pure and his temperament was clean. He really didn't look like 23, but really looked like a child.

The old man's expression was not very good when the grandson's wife blocked her with her own words: "Why are you being so serious about children's nonsense? Ruosang has been in prison for almost half a year, isn't it enough?"

"Children's nonsense can kill people?! Don't be a double standard! If it weren't for Xiaolu's fate, she would have died, not the kidnapper. Ask yourself, is Pei Ruosang a child? How is she like that?" A child?"

Mo Qingran's face turned red with anger, and when she turned her head to see Jiang Lu's angry and aggrieved face, she felt even more annoyed.

She has a very straightforward temper. No matter who provokes her, she doesn't care about the identity of the other party.

For the sake of them being Pei Beichuan's grandparents, she just scolded them, and it was the best of humanity not to make them look bad on the spot.

"Ran Ran! Don't make it difficult for us! After all, this girl is still alive, but Ruo Sang has been in prison for half a year, right? No matter what she did wrong, this punishment is enough!"

Seeing Mo Qingran's domineering momentum, Grandpa Pei couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Okay! It's okay to let Pei Ruosang out of prison. I'll hit her with a car in the future. If she dies, I deserve to go to jail. It's her fate if she doesn't die, and I don't need to take any responsibility!"

Mo Qingran cast her eyes on Grandpa Pei, her eyes burning with anger.

These two people are simply black and white, and dead and alive, as if the world revolves around their home is an axiom.

What does it mean to only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps? She has seen it today!

"You, what are you talking about? Young Nian has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. We won't let Beichuan marry a woman like you!"

Grandma Pei trembled angrily, and held her husband's arm so that she wouldn't lose her footing and fall.

Seeing Jiang Lu's eyes filled with tears because of Grandma Pei's words, Jiang Luan walked over and handed her a tissue, and patted her on the back, signaling that she didn't mind.

"Xiao Lu, today is Ran Ran's big day, and you are the bridesmaid. If you cry with red eyes, then Ran Ran's wedding will not be perfect."

Jiang Lu turned her head to look at Jiang Luan, her tears were shaking.

She grew up so big, when did she suffer such grievances?Listening to Grandma Pei's undisguised favoritism towards Pei Ruosang in every word, as if she was just a toy that Pei Ruosang had broken even if she died, she naturally felt uncomfortable.

However, the reason why Mo Qingran chose her was because she knew how to think about others, no matter how uncomfortable she was, she would not disregard the overall situation because of her own affairs.

Therefore, Jiang Luan was not worried about her, but was afraid that she would feel bad and changed the subject.

"Grandma, can you stop making trouble?"

Pei Beichuan's face darkened, he managed to chase Mo Qingran back, and he didn't allow anyone to destroy it, not even his own grandparents!
He lived in a boarding school very early, and after working, he spent more time in City A. Only Pei Ruosang grew up beside his grandparents. The two elders grew up holding her in their hands, otherwise they wouldn't be able to pamper her. Temper.

However, he didn't expect that his always shrewd grandparents would be so unprincipled in Pei Ruosang's affairs and protect her to such an extent.

Only now did he understand why Pei Ruosang developed such an arrogant and indulgent temperament.

"What's the fuss? Don't you just have the heart to live in that kind of place for three years? She's already 24. Will she be able to find a suitable in-law's house after three years?"

Mo Qingran sneered, now that Pei Ruosang is getting older again?Didn't you just say it was a child, what husband's family is the child anxious to find?
"If you make a mistake, you have to be punished. Everything she does is protected by the two of you, and she will never learn to bear it. How many stupid things has she done in these years? When did I not wipe her ass? If not She did something stupid, why should I marry Ran Ran now?"

Pei Beichuan counted Pei Ruosang's crimes in a deep voice, trying to make grandma see how he spoiled his granddaughter.

"After all, you are still for this woman! You heard just now that she was going to hit Ruo Sang with a car, why are you still protecting her?"

Grandma Pei stared at Mo Qingran resentfully, her previous low profile disappeared completely, and she completely regarded her as a femme fatale.

"Can you understand human language? If you don't understand human language, then..."

"Ran Ran."

Jiang Luan called her and cut off what she was about to blurt out.

After all, it was Pei Beichuan's grandma. If she was really asked to say that word, or something worse, it would be Pei Beichuan who would be the one to do it.

It is said that when a man gets married, he marries a family, and when a woman gets married, he marries a family.

Getting into trouble with Pei Beichuan's grandparents would not do Mo Qingran any good.

Mo Qingran also understood what Jiang Luan meant, and looked away angrily, not looking at the two old men.

Pei Beichuan glanced at Jiang Luan gratefully, and then looked at his grandparents with consoling words, pleading in their eyes.

"Grandma, after all, Ran Ran can't decide on such matters. Since the court has already sentenced her, the commutation of the sentence can only depend on Ruo Sang's own performance. Today is the day when the two of us get married. Can we talk about it later?"

"This kind of woman will have no peace when she marries into the family."

Grandma Pei was obviously still angry, she only remembered the words Mo Qingran threatened her before, but she never thought that Mo Qingran was actually just extending her theory to block her words.


Seeing that grandma has been insisting on this theory and idea, Pei Beichuan's expression darkened.

"Ran Ran is Doudou's mother, the only woman I recognize in my life! You are my grandma, even if you don't bless me, you shouldn't belittle her like this!"

Pei Beichuan picked up the veil that Mo Qingran threw away just now, casually took a crown-shaped hair crown from the table and fixed it for her with his own hands, and pulled her to go out.

Jiang Luan tugged at Jiang Lu and motioned her to follow. After all, she is a bridesmaid, so how could she be left behind?
Unexpectedly, when they got to the door, Grandma Pei was going to pull Pei Beichuan, and she swept Jiang Luan with her arm, Jiang Luan lost her footing and fell to the ground.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Jiang Lu's exclamation, Mo Qingran and Pei Beichuan also turned their heads and saw Jiang Luan clutching his stomach and sitting on the ground with a pale face. They were also terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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