Chapter 203 Premature Birth
Chu Huan sighed, took Bai Ge to sit down on a chair outside the delivery room, and began to explain what happened in the morning.

After listening to Chu Huan's narration, Bai Ge was speechless for a while. It can't be blamed that Chu Huan kept it from her. After all, they really couldn't help. A large group of people left in a hurry. What about Mo Qingran's wedding?
After three o'clock in the afternoon, Mo Jinxiu, who had sent off the guests, rushed over with Pei Beichuan and Pei Beichuan's parents.

"A Huan, I'm really sorry. I really didn't know that Beichuan's grandparents would make such a scene."

Pei Beichuan's mother, Tang Xue, walked over quickly as soon as she saw Chu Huan, with an apologetic face.

Those two old guys ignored Pei Beichuan's wedding and caused trouble in the Mo family. If they ruined Pei Beichuan and Mo Qingran's marriage, she would never forgive them in this life!

Although they were doing it for her daughter, Pei Ruosang should be punished if she did something wrong. It was also a lesson. The second brother of the Pei family really shouldn't have troubled Mo Qingran!
"Look at what you said, this kind of thing is not what you want."

Although the relationship between Chu Huan and Tang Xue is not as good as that of Baige and Ye Zi, they are still quite friendly.

That was when Pei Beichuan was a child, Tang Xue was not in good health, Pei Qingwen took her to the Mo family to seek medical treatment, Chu Huan saw her poorly ill, and occasionally talked with her, they liked each other's temperament, and saw that the younger generation played well, the two Gradually there was a connection.

If he didn't know her temperament from the beginning, how could he have friendship with her?

Therefore, Chu Huan also knew that she was not the kind of person who would feel jealous because of their embarrassment for Pei Ruosang.

What's more, Pei Ruosang was at fault for this matter. Although she is not in good health, she understands it very well in her heart, and she will definitely not mess around.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, the door of the delivery room finally opened slowly. Before they could rush over, a nurse came out pushing a stretcher cart. Jiang Luan looked extremely tired, his face turned pale, and his eyes were slightly closed .

Hearing the movement, Jiang Luan opened his eyes and glanced at them, smiled weakly, and closed his eyes again.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan came out with a baby in his hands, with a strange expression on his face, he couldn't tell if it was joy, surprise, or something else, everyone was very upset.

They didn't prepare this swaddle in advance, because they didn't expect it to be so sudden, so they didn't have time to go back to get it. It was the head nurse who reminded him that they didn't prepare it, so they had to ask a nurse to go out and buy it.

"2130 grams, the weight is slightly on the low side. The child has to be sent to the greenhouse for a day."

Seeing that Mo Qingran wanted to come over, Mo Qingxuan glanced at her and reminded her that it was not time to watch the children yet.

Mo Qingran stopped in her tracks, and her expression relaxed.

As long as Jiang Luan and the child are fine, otherwise she will be a sinner.

Although this matter has nothing to do with her directly, after all, those two old things came to trouble her.

Although Chu Huan doesn't understand medical principles, she also knows that although 2130 grams is a bit low, it is not very serious. After all, the due date is still more than half a month away.

"Can we go see Luan'er now?"

Seeing that Mo Qingxuan was about to leave, Bai Ge asked after him.

Mo Qingxuan originally didn't want them to disturb Jiang Luan, but seeing how worried they were, he didn't think it would be easy to stop them.

"Yes, but she hasn't recovered her physical strength yet, try not to let her talk, and don't make too much noise."

With Mo Qingxuan's permission, Bai Ge hurriedly followed Jiang Luan's stretcher, Jiang Lu, Chu Huan and Mo Qingran also followed.

Because Mo Qingxuan said not to make too much noise, the rest of the people didn't plan to enter the ward. After all, Jiang Luan had an accidental premature delivery, and Jiang Luan would feel uncomfortable if they went in and made noise.

The whole delivery process took eight or nine hours, and Jiang Luan had to give birth early because of her fetal gas. Her physical strength had already been exhausted.

"What about the child?"

Although Jiang Luan was in low spirits in the delivery room, she vaguely heard the cry of the child. Now that Mo Qingxuan was missing, she didn't know how the child was doing.

Seeing Chu Huan and their mother come in now, the first thing they do is naturally ask how the child is doing.

"After all, it's not yet time, and the child's weight is not enough. Ah Xuan was taken to the warm room."

Knowing Jiang Luan's worries, Bai Ge came over and held her daughter's hand to reassure her.

Jiang Luan nodded understandingly, starlight twinkled in her bright eyes, and looked at the four people in front of her expectantly: "Is it a man or a woman?"

There was an embarrassing silence, they only focused on seeing Jiang Luan, how could they get up and verify the gender of the child?

It wasn't until Jiang Luan asked them in the ward that they were stunned.

However, even if they wanted to ask, Mo Qingxuan ran away with the child in his arms, and they didn't have time to ask.

Looking at their expressions, Jiang Luan also knew that they forgot to ask, presumably it was because they were thinking about him that they forgot to pay attention to their children, and his heart felt warm.

"You have a good rest first, we will ask Ah Xuan later."

Chu Huan tucked the quilt for Jiang Luan, her eyes were soft, she didn't really care about the sex of the child, it wasn't that she didn't pay attention to Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan's children, but that their children must be the best, gender didn't matter. important.

That's why she didn't ask Mo Jinxiu or Mo Qingxuan to check the gender of the child in Jiang Luan's belly.

Presumably Mo Jinxiu had the same idea, so he didn't check it either.

After all, no matter how powerful Mo Jinxiu is, he is not a know-it-all, and he did not intervene during Jiang Luan's birth checkup.

After staring at the little person in the conservatory for a long time, Mo Qingxuan saw her ruddy and tender cheeks like tender flower petals, so he decided on a baby name for her in his heart, Duo Duo.

As for the name, he actually started to think about it when he was in Crest Hospital in Country Y, but because he didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl, he was quite entangled, so he chose several, but he was not satisfied, so he put it aside for the time being. .

After all, it was the long-awaited child, and he didn't want to choose the name too casually.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a large group of people standing in front of the huge glass window. The faces of Qiao Yixun and Mo Qingran were pressed against the glass, as if they could see the children clearly.

Mo Qingxuan didn't care about them, he pulled the corners of his mouth in a good mood, walked out, and closed the door of the greenhouse by the way.

"Brother, is the child a boy or a girl?"

Seeing Mo Qingxuan coming out, Mo Qingran pulled his face off the glass, staring at Mo Qingxuan with shining eyes.

"Her name is Dodo."

Mo Qingxuan's heart was filled with joy, and there was a trembling sound when he spoke, and he walked away regardless of how the people behind him struggled.

After seeing his daughter for such a long time, he had to look at the woman who gave birth to his daughter and made him worry about it.

"Hey, brother Qingxuan, you haven't told us whether the child is a boy or a girl yet."

Qiao Yixun saw that Mo Qingxuan's answer was irrelevant, and she was about to leave after speaking, stomping her feet and raising her voice to complain.

Her voice was so loud that it made people's ears numb. Mo Qingxuan stopped in his tracks, turned around and gave her a cold look. Seeing her take a step back in fright, he turned and left.

"Yixun, this is a hospital."

Mo Qingran looked at Qiao Yixun with a headache. Fortunately, she was not allowed to be a bridesmaid in her previous marriage, otherwise her wedding would be truly unforgettable.

"But Brother Qingxuan hasn't told us yet..."

Qiao Yixun stuck out her tongue, her voice suppressed to the point of whispering.

Although she has few tendons, she dare not be presumptuous in front of Mo Qingxuan.

Although Li Jin loved to bully her, she still dared to resist in front of him. Facing Mo Qingxuan's cold eyes, she could only tremble.

"Which father do you see named his son Dodo?"

Mo Qingran rolled her eyes, almost vomiting blood because of Qiao Yixun's lack of awareness.

"Is it a girl?"

Chu Huan reached out to push the door, but couldn't open it, his face turned dark.

Ah Xuan, that brat!When the door was closed just now, I locked the door by the way, no wonder I walked in a neat and easy way, regardless of the crowd behind me.

Mo Qingxuan stood outside the ward, looking at Jiang Luan inside through the small glass window on the door.

Naturally, Jiang Luan lived in a high-end single ward, which included a bed for a companion in addition to the hospital bed. Although it was not as luxuriously equipped as the high-end VIP ward on the top floor, it had quite a few things that should be there.

The side of her bed was facing the door, and her peaceful sleeping face could be seen from the outside.

Jiang Luan's face was pale, and there was a little sweat on his forehead, but there was a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

Giving birth was really exhausting. Although it was a bit dangerous, but Mo Qingxuan delivered the baby himself, so there was no danger.

The smile at the corner of her mouth was a bit prickly to him, the feeling of being jealous with his own child was really not that pleasant.

Since he feels uncomfortable, others can't be too comfortable.

With a thought in mind, Mo Qingxuan's eyes were dark, with a hint of murder on his face.

Just because Jiang Luan is fine, doesn't mean that the pair of old things are not guilty!Attempted murder will also be sentenced!

Turning around, he went back to his office, turned on the computer, tapped his fingers nimbly on it, waited for a while, the window icon flickered, opened the web page sent by the other party, continued to dance on the keyboard, and tapped on the keyboard with his bony fingers Like the most elegant dance in the world.

About half an hour later, Mo Qingxuan hit a button heavily, then exited the webpage, deleted all traces, and closed the notebook.

Leaning on the back of the chair, he stretched out his hand to rub the center of his brows, and Mo Qingxuan's gloom that had been condensed between his brows dissipated a bit.

Since you have made a mistake, you must have the awareness to bear the consequences.

Presumably those two people are trying to remedy it now?
However, the damage has already been done, and all they can do is to prevent the influence from spreading. Besides, what else can they do?

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die!Mo Qingxuan's Nilin in this life is Jiang Luan, whoever touches Jiang Luan must be mentally prepared to bear his wrath!
At this time, in Pei's headquarters, Grandpa Pei stood behind the manager of the technical department with a gloomy face, looking at the messages on his computer that were fed back by other employees. Those messages and data made him feel unknown.

After leaving Mo Zhai, he didn't even have time to go home, and he drove quickly to the private airport with his wife, and the two of them took the plane back to the head office.

(End of this chapter)

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