Chapter 204 Mo Qingxuan's Rage
After waiting for an hour and seeing nothing, when they were anxious, their son called to say that Jiang Luan had given birth to a child, and the mother and child were safe, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, in less than half an hour, news came from the technology department that the stock market had changed, and Pei's shares dropped sharply. Most shareholders sold their stocks one after another. The stock market fluctuated.

In just half an hour, Pei's stock has dropped by five percentage points, which can almost hurt the entire Pei's.

Half an hour later, the downward momentum slowed down slightly, but the impact had already been caused, and the stock continued to decline at an irreversible speed.

"Mo Qingxuan is trying to force me to death?"

Grandpa Pei looked at the stocks that had improved despite the efforts of the employees, but still did not improve. He grabbed a pen washer from the manager's desk and threw it on the ground, like a fire-breathing dinosaur.

The manager’s face is full of earth. He loves to collect antiques. Although this brush washer is not very old, probably in the late Qing Dynasty, he likes it very much regardless of the workmanship and texture, otherwise he would not put it on the desk and look at it every day. up.

However, the boss smashed it with his own hands, so what can he say?
"Xiao Wei, inform the technical department that everyone will work overtime today. I will pay everyone in the technical department an extra month's salary this month! Be sure to make up for this loss!"

After venting his anger, Grandpa Pei also calmed down. He is also a decisive person who knows that if he wants to pull the mill, he must feed the donkey, and he never treats his employees harshly.


The manager clicked on the wechat group of the technical department, conveyed the words of Grandpa Pei, and then reopened the interface to continue operating the stock market.

The employees have a clear division of labor, operate independently, and then feed the data back to him, and then he personally integrates the data and reviews the results.

Seeing that the manager was busy, Grandpa Pei's expression improved a bit, and he didn't intend to stay here to disturb them anymore.

"If I can recover part of the loss, I will pay you one more month's salary, and I will pay you for this. Also, give me the data every half an hour."

Grandpa Pei saw the debris on the ground when he turned around, and knew that he had really gone too far just now.

The pen wash is only a few thousand yuan at best, and the manager's monthly salary is more than ten thousand yuan, but after all, it is something that people like and cannot be estimated by value.

The manager also knew his boss's temper. Although he felt sorry for his pen, he didn't feel resentment.

After all, let alone the boss in this situation, even if it was placed on him, he would get angry.

Seeing that the manager didn't mind, Grandpa Pei nodded, turned around and went back to his office.

Today's incident is all due to my wife's messing around and trying to overwhelm others, which caused this situation.

However, Grandpa Pei is not the kind of person who would shirk responsibility. After all, this matter also has his own indulgence and luck.

And after all, he is old, so what can he do to his wife?Beat her?Or scold her?
Obviously, it's not appropriate to do anything, it's better to solve the current matter first, Mo Qingxuan probably just taught them a lesson, and it's fine not to provoke him in the future.

Grandpa Pei had a good grasp of Mo Qingxuan's thoughts, and Mo Qingxuan was indeed just teaching them a lesson, letting them know that the Mo family would not be able to get away with it if they were provoked.

Those who want to take advantage of the Mohist family must have some awareness. In front of the Mohisth, they don't have any trump cards!

Pushing the computer away, Mo Qingxuan stood up from the chair. No matter how it was Mo Qingran's wedding today, he couldn't be there, so he had to say a few words of blessing.

A group of people had already left at this time, only Chu Huan, Bai Ge, and Mo Qingran and Pei Beichuan were sitting on the chairs outside Jiang Luan's ward.

"Mom, is Luan'er asleep?"

Mo Qingxuan came over, glanced at the closed door of the ward, leaned against the wall and asked Chu Huan.

"We went in and looked at it just now, and we were probably exhausted."

Chu Huan patted the chair beside him, motioning for Mo Qingxuan to sit down.

Mo Qingxuan shook his head: "I have to go to see the child's condition later, so I won't sit down."

Then he turned his head and glanced at Mo Qingran and Pei Beichuan.

Mo Qingran had already changed out of her wedding dress. Pei Beichuan had just bought it at a specialty store outside the hospital. The wedding dress was put into a bag and put aside.

"Pei Beichuan, take care of your grandparents' affairs by yourself. Don't let them harass Ranran anymore. Now that you're married, live well. If anyone dares to make trouble in the middle, I'll do it directly."

Pei Beichuan complained in his heart, what should he do if it was you who caused the trouble.

However, he is a brother-in-law after all, and for the sake of his future happy life, he still nodded seriously.

He knew what Mo Qingxuan meant, the "accident" four years ago was enough, if Pei Ruosang dared to mess around again, he would not let her go!

Jiang Luan's ward ushered in... No, it was two uninvited guests.

She and Wu Miaoke did not have much friendship, and even Wu Miaoke was a little hostile towards her.

Half a year ago, she rejected the good intentions of the Mo family, and then left. She didn't know where she went. She only heard Mo Qingran mention it once in a while, saying that she seemed to have found a job. As for what kind of job, she didn't bother. inquire about.

After all, they are not acquaintances, and even have some grievances.

Although she helped them, since she was determined to leave, she probably didn't want to have too much to do with the Mo family. They paid too much attention, which would cause her troubles instead.

She didn't know what kind of grievances she had with Wu Miaoke, she looked at her with resentment, but she knew that she had no friendship with her.

If it was because of Shi Yushan, Shi Yushan killed her mother, there was no need for her to hate herself because Shi Yushan was on the opposite side of her.

What's more, if she remembers correctly, it was Shi Yushan who provoked the Mo family and the Jiang family in the first place. If Wu Miaoke felt resentment towards herself because of this, it would be too unreasonable!

But this time Wu Miaoke appeared, with a faint smile on her face, her eyes seemed to be extraordinarily bright because she had let go of something, and people were surprised to find that she was actually a beautiful and dazzling girl.

There was a very clean aura about her, but it was covered by her resentment and superior attitude before.

Her cleanliness is not as pure and transparent as Shen Ling's, nor is it like Qiao Yixun and Jiang Lu's natural innocence with a kind of superior simplicity that is completely spoiled by others.

If Jiang Lu is compared to a lady of every family, Wu Miaoke is just a little girl, with no country atmosphere, no family demeanor, just that kind of clean feeling, which makes people feel indescribably comfortable.

"Sister Jiang Luan, I used to be ignorant and always troubled you. I just heard that you had a baby, and I sincerely want to bless you."

Wu Miaoke put the fruit basket in her hand aside, sat down on the chair, with a look of relief in her eyes, as if she had put down a lot of things.

Jiang Luan sat on the head of the bed, looking suspiciously at the man beside her, who looked a little familiar.

"Hello, you may not have a good impression of me. My name is Fang Congying. I am a reporter from the Anecdote File. Now I am Miaoke's colleague and her boyfriend."

The man scratched his head, and introduced himself generously, without any embarrassment.

"Oh, I remembered. The press conference took the initiative to let Miss Wu do the experiment."

Hearing his reminder, Jiang Luan remembered the press conference half a year ago, after which Wu Miaoke left.

"Sister Jiang Luan, you used to call me Keke."

Wu Miaoke reminded her with a smile that it was fine for Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan to call her Miss Wu, after all they had no contact with each other, but it seemed uncomfortable for Jiang Luan to call her Miss Wu, after all, they were of the same generation and had fought before make friends.

"So, Miaoke, after you left, you went directly to the anecdote file?"

Jiang Luan is good at good things, but still feels that calling Ke Ke seems too intimate, so she chooses the same name as Fang Congying.

Wu Miaoke moved her body, glanced at Fang Congying, with a happy smile on her lips: "Well, I just didn't want to trouble the Mo family, after all, it doesn't matter. But after I left the hospital, I met Ah Ying who was waiting on the side. He asked me if I would be interested in joining the Odd Files."

"At first I suspected that he had some other purpose and didn't want to agree at first, but he seemed to know my concerns, so he gave me a business card and left. After a few days, I really couldn't find a job in City A. Many people When they saw me, they all showed fear on their faces, and told me politely that they were not recruiting.”

A self-mockery flashed across Wu Miaoke's face, and soon disappeared.

"Then I wanted to give it a try, so I called Ah Ying. He was very enthusiastic, and he put down his work to pick me up. The people in the anecdote file are very enthusiastic. They are not so much a magazine, but a club. They are all very interested in my witchcraft, but they will not force me to demonstrate it to them. They are just curious, and they usually ask me for my opinion if they have any gossip about ghosts, and I don’t want to say anything. Everyone understands."

Speaking of this, Wu Miaoke's face seemed to be radiating light. In the anecdote file, she really found a new life and found her place.

"In fact, everyone has difficulties. Excessive persecution will only lead to backlash. We don't have many people who have heard about the files, but we know how to respect each other."

Fang Congying and Wu Miaoke looked at each other with warm tolerance and encouragement in their eyes.

Wu Miaoke, who had just arrived in the anecdote file, was wary of everyone and seemed shy and introverted, but he could see that it was not her nature.

Jiang Luan saw the real affection between the two people's eyebrows, it was not strong, but it could make people feel sweet.

"Can we see the baby?"

Wu Miaoke hesitated for a while, and said with hesitation.

After all, she is a person with witchcraft, and she has a previous record of framing Jiang Luan. Although she has no tricks in her heart, she can't guarantee that others will think about it.

"of course can."

Jiang Luan doesn't remember the quarrel between the two of them at all, and his heart is far less uneasy than Wu Miaoke's.

(End of this chapter)

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