Chapter 205
Jiang Luan twitched the corners of her mouth, and adjusted the posture of her hands to make Dodo lie more comfortably: "The director didn't fire me, I'm really lucky."

Mo Qingxuan also twitched the corner of her mouth, how could she be lucky?Every time there is a reason for absenteeism, Li Lianbin is not particularly unkind, is he?
"Now that the baby is born, how do you still go to work?"

Mo Qingxuan pointed to his daughter who yawned and fell asleep again, and asked with a frown.

"Let's wait until she's half a year old, then she can eat some milk powder properly, and I don't have to guard her every day."

Jiang Luan pretended not to understand what he meant, tilted her head and thought about it seriously before returning.

Mo Qingxuan had nothing to say, just took Duoduo from Jiang Luan's hand, got up and put it in the cradle: "Go to sleep for a while, don't be too tired."


Jiang Luan nodded, and sure enough, she lifted the quilt, slid her body into the quilt, closed her eyes and was about to sleep.

After being discharged from the hospital today, she was already a little mentally ill, and a large group of people are here to look after the children. She is indeed tired at the moment.

Mo Qingxuan was taken aback when she saw that she slept right away, and walked over to help her stretch the quilt before going out.

Somewhere in City A, a middle-aged man wearing glasses had a grin on his face, and ruthlessly slapped a bronze mirror with gossip patterns on a piece of yellowish brocade cloth with complicated lines. .

"Mo Jinxiu, you killed my son and turned my grandson against me. I won't let you go! I want your whole family to die!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he pierced his middle finger with a wooden thorn, and flicked a drop of blood on the bronze mirror. With a faint halo, it started to spin on the brocade cloth.

After turning around for a while, the bronze mirror stopped and landed in a certain position, causing the middle-aged man to frown deeply.

"They are lucky!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, put away his things, and his face was also very ugly.

"Yibo, what are you doing?"

A surprised voice sounded from behind, a cold light flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes behind his glasses, and he quickly regained his composure, looking like an ordinary man with a gentle temperament.

"Nothing, why did you come back so early?"

His voice was gentle and indifferent, and a little cowardly, giving people the feeling that he was afraid of the woman in front of him.

The woman raised her vigilance, raised her eyebrows, and stretched out her hand: "Show me what you have hidden."

This woman is used to thinking about it at home, she doesn't give the man any face, and she doesn't know that the danger is coming to her.

"Nothing, just some patient files."

The middle-aged man carried the things behind his back, but he had no intention of showing them to the woman.

The woman obviously thought that her authority had been challenged, anger rose on her delicately made-up face, and she rushed forward to snatch it: "Can't I see the patient's file?"

With a casual push, the middle-aged man pushed the woman back a few steps, and took a few steps back before she managed to stabilize her figure.

The woman didn't seem to expect that her husband would do anything to her. She was stunned for a moment, then roared angrily and rushed over: "Liu Yibo, you wolf-hearted thing! If it weren't for me, would you be where you are today? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have a street on the street. Dogs are worse, now that you are capable and successful in your career, you dare to fight with me, right?"

"Something I don't know!"

A hint of sinisterness flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He stretched out one hand and easily grabbed the woman's neck. With a little force, the woman lost consciousness.

The middle-aged man threw away the woman like trash, wiped his hand on the curtain beside him in disgust, turned and left, and locked the door...

When Dodo was half a year old, Jiang Luan went to work.

After all, it is a career she chooses and loves. She has never planned to give up this job, even if she has been absent from work for more than a year for various reasons.

When I first arrived at the police station, the first thing to do was to familiarize myself with the current police station personnel and some major cases.

"Xiaojiang, there was a drowning incident in Lingdu Park, do you want to go together?"

Li Lianbin saw that Jiang Luan was seriously looking through the documents he had taken from him, and gave her the first police mission after her return.

Jiang Luan looked up and saw that he had already got up and put the hat on his head, closed the document in his hand and pushed it away, and stood up to follow.

Not many people called the police this time, because they heard that the person who fell into the water had been rescued, and some onlookers called 120 and the police respectively.

"Xiao Jiang, I'll drive, we'll take one."

Li Lianbin dismissed Xiao Chen who was driving, and got into the driver's seat by himself, letting Jiang Luan sit in the passenger seat.

Seeing that there seemed to be something in Li Lianbin's eyes, Jiang Luan knew that he had something to say to him, so he didn't refuse immediately, nodded and got into the police car driven by Li Lianbin.

Lingdu Park is neither too far nor too close. When there is no traffic jam, it takes only ten minutes to drive all the way. When there is traffic jam, it takes about half an hour. Anyway, the person has been saved, and the police should have arrived at the scene by this time. They are in no hurry.

"Xiao Jiang, what do you think of Lao Cai?"

As soon as the police car started to move, Li Lianbin asked.

Jiang Luan turned her head to look at him, not understanding what he meant, but saw that he was just staring at the front, without any emotion on his face, as if he was just asking casually.

"I haven't been in the police station for a long time, so I don't know Brother Cai very well, so I can't tell."

A gleam flashed in Qing Hong's eyes, and Jiang Luan was not in a hurry to reply. Although what she said was true, most of them didn't know what Li Lianbin meant by asking.

As far as she knew, Li Lianbin still relied heavily on Lao Cai, because the two graduated from the police academy at the same time and had worked together the longest. It can be said that Li Lianbin trusted him very much.

"It's okay, just say what you think."

Li Lianbin was not impatient, and signaled Jiang Luan to go ahead.

Jiang Luan paused for a moment, this time he didn't look at Li Lianbin's expression, he was an old fox anyway, no matter how much she looked, she couldn't see anything.

"Brother Cai is mediocre, and he treats people kindly. Although he has not made great achievements in these years, he has not made great mistakes. He is usually a bit dull and doesn't seem to fit in well with others."

Although Jiang Luan was short-lived in the first round and often absent from work, he had read a lot of cases in the police station and knew a lot about them.

"It's to the point."

Li Lianbin didn't have any special reaction to Jiang Luan's words, but just nodded lightly and gave a comment.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Li Lianbin didn't intend to continue, Jiang Luan asked a question.

"Xiao Jiang, do you know why I don't ask other people, but I want to ask you?"

Li Lianbin sighed, a look of loneliness finally appeared on his face.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, her eyes flashed apologetically, Li Lianbin treated her badly.

Because she and Li Ruiqing are good friends, Li Lianbin has treated her like a nephew since she was in school, and is very kind. Later, from internship to work, Li Lianbin has been in the first round, and Li Lianbin has taken good care of her, even if she is absent from work. For a year, he didn't mention anything like canceling her establishment.


Jiang Luan smiled apologetically, and knew that Li Lianbin understood what she said just now.

She herself doesn't like to comment on others in private, and thinks it's bad, but doesn't it mean that she is wary of Li Lianbin?If Mo Qingran asked such a question, she would definitely tell the truth.

Li Lianbin didn't speak, but motioned Jiang Luan to continue.

Jiang Luan thought about it seriously this time, and then said: "Actually, I am not familiar with Brother Cai, and what I just said is also my opinion. But I think he is narrow-minded, and although he treats people kindly, he is not sincere. I It felt like he wasn't happy with where he was."

So much to say, no matter how much Jiang Luan can't say and doesn't want to say, it's not that he is still wary of Li Lianbin, it's just that he doesn't like to speak ill of people behind his back.

I believe that Li Lianbin asked her to say that it was because she already had calculations in her heart.

Sure enough, Li Lianbin just sighed sadly this time, and didn't speak any more.

Li Lianbin didn't speak again until Jiang Luan was still in Li Lianbin's car when he returned after dealing with the drowning incident in Lingdu Park.

"What you just said is right. Lao Cai is indeed the kind of mediocre person who is unwilling to be mediocre and refuses to admit that he is mediocre. Moreover, he is narrow-minded. I am the same age as him. Why do you call me uncle when you call me uncle?" Brother Cai?"

Jiang Luan frowned, but said nothing.

This was the year of her internship, she called Uncle Cai, at that time Lao Cai smiled and asked her if she looked that old.

Although it was a joke, she remembered his gloomy face at that time, and changed his words immediately.

She could never forget his face at that time, so no matter how kind he was later, she always felt uncomfortable when facing him. She always thought it was her own illusion, and she was a little embarrassed to reject Lao Cai at the same time.

"He is not old. Although he is not old in his 50s, he always wants to compete with young people in his 30s."

Li Lianbin sighed again. Although there was an element of acting, he was really uncomfortable.

"Some time ago, I found that Lao Cai started to buy people's hearts. Some people who had objections to him in the past are now getting closer to him. Only a few people found something unusual and came to me. I just say they think too much It was nothing at first, but I accidentally discovered that Lao Cai has something to do with the recent witchcraft cases."

Li Lianbin's voice became solemn, and his face was a little gloomy.

Jiang Luan was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that in the documents Li Lianbin had given him earlier, there were indeed more traces of witchcraft in recent cases.

Because of my own experience and the fact that there is such a master of witchcraft as Shen Ling by my side, I didn't pay much attention to it.

However, she remembered that Shen Ling once said that warlocks cannot meddle in the affairs of ordinary people at will, and that they will be punished by God if they abuse witchcraft against ordinary people.

She read the document seriously, and vaguely remembered that the witchcraft cases started half a year ago, and then more and more, although they were not shocking, they broke the rules and let things like witchcraft come into their field of vision. .

(End of this chapter)

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