Chapter 208 Liu Yibo is Missing
Mo Qingxuan's eyes were dark, he walked around the desk at the nurse's station, and strode forward to take the police uniform from Jiang Luan's hand. Jiang Luan was only taken aback for a moment before letting go.

"Where are you going to eat? I just resumed work, so I don't want to be too late."

And there are really many things going on in the police station recently, even if nothing else is said, the case is not closed yet, the person has been rescued, and the culprit has not been arrested, so she can't be too lax.

Mo Qingxuan frowned in displeasure, and was about to speak when Jiang Luan's cell phone rang, so he gritted his teeth secretly and watched her pick up the phone.

Jiang Luan picked up the phone and listened for a while, her brows furrowed, and her footsteps also stopped.

"Well, yes, I see."

Jiang Luan answered twice, hung up the phone and looked back at Mo Qingxuan, with helplessness in his eyes: "It seems that this meal will not be finished."

"What happened?"

Mo Qing was gloomy and gloomy, his eyes were a bit cold, but when facing Jiang Luan, his tone was still gentle, neither rush nor impatient, he was a standard suitor.

"Just now the director called and said that Liu Yibo was missing and the phone was turned off."

Jiang Luan raised her eyebrows, if Liu Yibo was really as innocent as the information said, it would be impossible for him to abscond before the police arrived, let alone disappear so thoroughly.

"Don't worry, you forgot that someone is watching him?"

Mo Qingxuan took out his phone and dialed it. After waiting for a while, there was no response, his sword eyebrows frowned, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

It's impossible for his people not to answer his calls. In this case, either something happened to them, or it's not convenient to answer the phone right now, so they turned off the mute.

Hanging up the phone decisively, he made another call, and this time the connection was quickly connected.

"Qiangzi, who is in charge of monitoring Liu Yibo today... You send someone over to check on the situation, remember to call their mobile phones to locate... That's it, let everyone be careful."

The corners of Mo Qingxuan's mouth pursed into a cold arc, a storm was brewing in his eyes, and the cold aura raged in the air. Jiang Luan, who was standing beside him, was the first to bear the brunt of it. His breath is not aimed at himself.

"It seems that Liu Yibo is not as simple as we imagined!"

After being silent for a while, Mo Qingxuan said coldly, but he still suppressed the cold anger in his voice. In front of Jiang Luan, he always restrained his temper subconsciously. This is why Jiang Luan was angry that he was still alive and kicking after more than 20 years. one of the reasons.

"What happened to the person you sent?"

Jiang Luan suppressed the uncomfortable feeling Mo Qingxuan brought to him, and asked with a little surprise.

"Both of them are very skilled, not worse than Ayang Ajun. But now they have lost contact."

Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly, the storm gathered in his eyes, coupled with the voice that seemed to come from the netherworld, it made people feel that a small storm formed around him.

Jiang Luan knew about Ayang and Ajun, and Mo Qingxuan valued his bodyguards very much, not just an employment relationship.

"No, you gave me Liu Yibo's information before. He was born in a rural area and his parents were farmers. How could he become so powerful all of a sudden? Could it be that they were delayed by other things?"

Jiang Luan frowned. She remembered Liu Yibo's information very clearly. Whether it was about him or his wife Su Yuman, she read every word. She just wanted to analyze the suspicious points.

Later, no doubts were found, so I put it aside, but all the information was recorded in my mind.

"Yes, Liu Yibo can't do it. Then what if Liu Yibo is not Liu Yibo?"

Mo Qingxuan turned around and walked back. By the way, he called and ordered takeaway. He couldn't go out to eat together, and he couldn't be hungry anyway.

When Mo Qingxuan called to order takeaway, Jiang Luan just followed him, frowning.

Seeing him hang up the phone, Jiang Luan objected.

"Didn't Shen Ling say that witchcraft cannot bring back the dead?"

She remembered it clearly, so even if she found out that Su Yuman was illegally imprisoned, she still didn't think about the possibility that Liu Yibo was no longer Liu Yibo.

After all, Shi Yushan was able to teleport and killed the old lady with teleportation, which only shows that his witchcraft has reached the full level.

Since even Shi Yushan can't use a dead body to bring back his soul, who else can do it?
"Maybe we went in the wrong direction in the first place!"

Mo Qingxuan took Jiang Luan into Su Yuman's room. Su Yuman was given a sedative and is still awake.

"Director Li called you just now to tell you to keep an eye on her and prevent Liu Yibo from coming to the hospital, right?"

"Well, someone will come later."

Jiang Luan answered his subsequent question first, and then continued the previous topic: "You said we went in the wrong direction at the beginning, where did we go wrong?"

"Let's not talk about that first, let's listen to what Su Yuman has to say."

Jiang Luan cast her eyes on Su Yuman, seeing that she was still sleeping, she didn't know what Mo Qingxuan was going to do.

Mo Qingxuan seemed to see Jiang Luan's thoughts, raised his right hand to signal her not to speak, walked to Su Yuman's bedside, took out the phone, tapped and swiped the screen with his slender fingers for a while, melodious and soothing pure music It rang, adjusted the volume to an appropriate level and placed it next to Su Yuman's pillow.

Then, he opened and closed his thin lips, and a somewhat seductive low-mellow voice sounded in the air, which seemed to have a demagogic power.

"Su Yuman, who is your husband?"

His voice was soft and soothing, not as gentle as usual, but straightforward, as if he wanted to confuse people deliberately, Jiang Luan even had a feeling that he wanted to tell him all the thoughts and secrets in his heart.


Su Yuman, who fell into a deep sleep after taking a sedative, also spoke under such instigation, her voice was slow and dull, like talking in a dream.

"do you like him?"

"I love him……"

Mo Qingxuan did not continue this topic, and his voice shifted to another direction without a single pause. It seemed that the previous two questions were just to make her let go of her guard, and she had no interest in her answers.

"Who imprisoned you?"

"I...I don't't know..."

Su Yuman's voice was suddenly tainted with panic, and a panic expression appeared on his originally relaxed face.

"He is your husband!"

Mo Qingxuan's eyes darkened slightly, and his voice became softer and more misty, cloudy and misty, but with a certainty, Jiang Luan had the illusion that he seemed to be in a dream.

"No...he's not...he's not Yibo..."

Although there was panic in Su Yuman's voice, it seemed to be very sure, not like self-deception at all.

Moreover, hypnosis is to dig out the deepest things in the heart. Even if you don't want to admit it, you will tell the secrets in your heart that you don't even know. Self-deception is not valid under hypnosis!

Mo Qingxuan snapped his fingers, and Su Yuman's tense face suddenly relaxed, and the expression on his face also relaxed, and he returned to the state when Jiang Luan and the others came in. It seemed that what happened just now was just Jiang Luan's hallucination.

However, Mo Qingxuan's cell phone was still playing music.

Jiang Luan watched as Mo Qingxuan leaned over to pick up his mobile phone from the pillow, frowned and wiped it on the quilt before turning off the music.

I can't tell, he still has a cleanliness fetish.

If Mo Qingxuan knew what Jiang Luan was thinking, he would definitely cry out for himself.

In fact, he just remembered Su Yuman's appearance when she was helped in by Jiang Luan, and that action was just for peace of mind. In fact, he didn't like his things to be smelled of other women.

"Now I have initially confirmed my thoughts. Liu Yibo is not the original Liu Yibo. Although there is no difference on the surface, after all, my people cannot enter his house, and the curtains of his house are not usually drawn. I don't know. It was also my oversight."

In fact, never refusing to open the curtains is the biggest doubt, but because he learned from Shen Ling that Liu Yibo cannot be Shi Mingyang, nor can he be replaced by others, so he relaxed his vigilance, and he doesn't like other things. care.

Jiang Luan remained silent, and Mo Qingxuan didn't intend to say anything, but just made another call.

This time, after the call was connected, Mo Qingxuan directly turned on the speakerphone, so that Jiang Luan could also hear it.

"Brother Xuan, what's the matter?"

Jian Xuan's voice sounded like a lost cockfight came from the phone. Hearing his voice, Jiang Luan unconsciously raised his eyebrows.

His voice usually means that he has suffered from Shen Ling again.

It's strange to say that although Shen Ling speaks too directly to others, he won't be particularly irritating, but when he meets Jian Xuan, he can always make him angry.

It's fine that she did it on purpose, but she didn't, and Jian Xuan was so angry that she didn't know what was going on.

Mo Qingxuan didn't talk nonsense and asked him to call Shen Ling.

"Brother Xuan, you can just call Shen Ling directly, why do you always call me?"

Jian Xuan, who had just been pissed off, was obviously not willing to be a microphone.

He couldn't figure it out, Shen Ling was provided with a mobile phone, but everyone was willing to call him when they were looking for Shen Ling. Could it be that he was so like Shen Ling's personal nanny?
"Stop talking nonsense! I didn't save her phone number."

Mo Qingxuan interrupted him impatiently, he seldom looks for Shen Ling, why remember her phone number?
When Jiang Luan heard the sound of teeth grinding on the phone, Mo Qingxuan hummed lightly, and the sound of teeth grinding immediately turned into a cough.

"Hey, Mo Qingxuan, are you looking for me?"

Shen Ling's voice was as clear as ever, like a clear spring washing people's hearts.

Shen Ling is probably the only one who calls Mo Qingxuan by name and surname. She can't imitate their names, and she doesn't know how to call him Eldest Young Master or Miss Jiang.

She always called people by their first and last names, but without being offensive, as if she was supposed to call them that.

"Well, didn't you say half a year ago that witchcraft doesn't exist, resurrecting the dead?"

Mo Qingxuan didn't care about what she called him, and asked directly when he heard the call was changed.

Being polite with Shen Ling is a waste of time. The most important thing is that she might automatically log off if she thinks you are boring before you finish your opening remarks. Getting straight to the point is the best way to communicate.

(End of this chapter)

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