Chapter 209

Shen Ling remembers this kind of thing very clearly, and it seems that the things he has experienced are engraved in his mind. When someone asks, he can remember them without any hesitation.

This is also one of the reasons why Jian Xuan has been unable to change her image in Shen Ling's mind after the first bad meeting.

"So, what about moving souls?"

Mo Qingxuan's expression suddenly became solemn, and his voice lowered a little, as if he was afraid that Shen Ling would not hear clearly, or could not understand, so he said the four words Stranger and Soul.

This time, Shen Ling was silent, and she didn't answer in a hurry, as if she was thinking about whether there was such a witchcraft.

However, Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan clearly heard that after Mo Qingxuan finished asking, Shen Ling took a deep breath. Although it was not heavy, it brought a burst of air, which made people's hearts follow her involuntarily. He lifted it up fiercely, but couldn't fall down.

Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes at the same time.

How did they forget?People with witchcraft can not only teleport themselves, but also teleport others.

Most importantly, teleporting others is much easier than teleporting yourself!
Shen Ling's reaction undoubtedly gave them the best answer. Mo Qingxuan's guess was not all imagination!

"Where are you now?"

Shen Ling's voice was rare and not so ethereal, it felt like a fairy hidden in the clouds, pressing down on the clouds and landing in the world.

When Shen Ling and Jian Xuan rushed over in a hurry, Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan had just received the takeaway not long ago.

Mo Qingxuan signaled Jiang Luan to continue eating, while he ate a few mouthfuls quickly and gracefully, and pushed the barely touched lunch box to Jiang Luan.

Duo Duo is not weaned yet, Jiang Luan needs to make up for it.

Jiang Luan frowned, covered his lunch box, then lowered his head and ate his own quickly, and threw away the lunch box after eating. Mo Qingxuan's lunch box was put aside and waited for him to eat when he came back. Anyway, there was a microwave oven in the nurse's station.

When she arrived at Mo Qingxuan's office, Shen Ling had just talked about the issue of transferring souls of strangers.

"Eat so fast? Your body hasn't recovered yet, eating too fast can't digest well."

Seeing Jiang Luan coming down so quickly, Mo Qingxuan frowned at her.

Jiang Luan twitched the corners of her mouth, and really wanted to say, Boss, you are a legend in the medical circle of City A, can you stop talking so unprofessional.

It has been half a year since she gave birth, and it was still a normal delivery. She is almost in good health before confinement, and they forced her to rest at home for half a year. Except for her breasts being a little swollen and painful when it was time to feed the baby, she is very lively Huantao, there is no problem.

"Sister Luan, sit down quickly."

Jian Xuan put a chair not far from Mo Qingxuan, and asked Jiang Luan to sit down.

Jiang Luan took a look at the less obvious scars on his face, and asked while sitting down: "Ah Xuan, the scars on your face haven't healed after so long, won't there be scars?"

The corners of Jian Xuan's eyes twitched. He couldn't tell that Jiang Luan did it on purpose. He could see that he deliberately placed the chair next to Mo Qingxuan.

"Uncle Mo said that as long as you eat less ginger and garlic, there will be no scars."

In fact, the scars on his face are already very light. They only turn red when they are too emotional or too hot. Usually, they are pink close to the skin color. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it. It should be almost the same in two months. All right.

Jiang Luan watched him dodge with a little embarrassment, retreated to his seat and sat down, looked at Shen Ling in a good mood, and waited for her to continue.

Seeing that Jiang Luan also came in, Shen Ling didn't smile, but just nodded lightly, and continued his previous topic.

"The soul-shifting you mentioned is a particularly sinister way. When you asked me half a year ago, I never thought that someone would use that. The pain of tearing apart the soul is not something everyone can bear. The method is to use some special techniques to tear apart other people's souls, and then pull out your own soul to settle in the opponent's body, and then forcibly squeeze the opponent's soul into your original body. A body occupied by a sorcerer also perishes naturally."

Shen Ling said what he had seen before and some of his own opinions in one breath, and then paused, as if thinking about how to say it would be more convenient for these three people who knew little about witchcraft to understand him. the meaning of.

She didn't continue until she saw the three nodding.

"This kind of behavior is against the law of nature, so it was listed as a forbidden technique during the Qin Emperor's period. Because it was necessary to hide the truth from the people, when burning books and burying Confucianism, such books were put on the cover of Confucianism books and burned together. Yes. It’s just that there are some records left in the folk manuscripts, but they are not complete after all. For more than 2000 years, few people can really practice this technique. This is why I didn’t think about it at the time. After all, in this age, There are not many people who really know the real existence of witchcraft and magic, and even fewer know it."

"However, all forbidden techniques have disadvantages. The man used sorcery to forcibly strip other people's souls, but his own soul was also forcibly stripped out. Naturally, his cultivation base was greatly reduced. Moreover, he chose a mortal body. He didn't open his eyes. For spells, he can only use some spells, or props to assist spells. However, if it takes more than half a year, it is enough for him to open his eyes and return to the original level of witchcraft."

After talking so much in one breath, Shen Ling felt thirsty, so she got up and took a cup to drink water, leaving them to digest what she just said.

"Shen Ling, we all understand what you said just now. I want to ask you, what level of witchcraft do you need to use for the sorcery you mentioned?"

"Level [-] is what you call the full level."

When Shen Ling said this, his face was very disdainful. For a group of people who have no experience, the full level of twenty is only for them.

Witchcraft is a side branch of Taoism, the number nine to five is the supreme, every five levels is a hurdle, and level twenty is only four or five, which is far from the real full-level superior state.

Jiang Luan looked at Shen Ling's disdainful face in surprise, thinking that the old woman finally broke through the limit of the full level, but the so-called full level was just a joke.

There won't be too many twentieth-level gods, but there is only one twentieth-level god who has enmity with the Mo family.

"That is to say, when Shi Yushan teleported to the road and was hit by a car, the soul in his body might have been replaced by that Liu Yibo?"

Jiang Luan's eyes were filled with disbelief. If this was the case, then Shi Yushan would be too scary.

Mo Qingxuan shook his head, turned his face to look at her, and said in a clear voice, "Not necessarily, there is no evidence that the soul-changing person is Shi Yushan, it's just a guess."

Jiang Luan frowned, it would be fine if it wasn't for Shi Yushan, but...

Who else would Wu Miaoke remind them to pay attention to besides Shi Yushan?

"I don't know who you are talking about, but I must take care of someone who uses magic."

Ever since Shen Ling heard that strangers moved their souls, she has always been very serious and caring.

Is it really like what she said, her father's admonition when he was alive, to pay for the sins of others and to justify the name of witches?

This time, she, who has always been quiet, was angered. Could it be that she has encountered similar things before?
Jian Xuan was also taken aback by Shen Ling's tone, she had never seen her with such a serious expression, and there seemed to be a trace of sadness in her pure and clear eyes.

"Okay, then please."

Jiang Luan got up and solemnly thanked her.

Shen Ling shook her head: "It's not troublesome, I also have selfish intentions."

What selfishness, she did not say.

After the discussion, the four of them went back to the psychiatric department to see Su Yuman. Shen Ling did feel the aura of witchcraft in Su Yuman's body, but he didn't use it directly on her, but was infected by high-ranking sorcerers around him. No one can feel this kind of breath except Shen Ling.

Now that it was basically confirmed that Liu Yibo was indeed possessed by someone, even though they didn't say anything, they all almost believed that it was Shi Yushan.

"Do you want to tell everyone about this?"

Glancing at Su Yuman who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Jian Xuan frowned and asked.

"Tell them, let them pay attention too. Luan'er, you..."

Mo Qingxuan's eyes flashed, and he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Jiang Luan listened to him only once, and cast a puzzled look over her.

"Pay attention to your own safety. The number one enemies in Shi Yushan's eyes are the Jiang family and the Mo family. You should try not to go out alone at ordinary times."

Jiang Luan nodded, but felt that what Mo Qingxuan was going to say just now should not be this.

"Okay, I have another surgery in a while, I'll make preparations. Ah Xuan, Shen Ling, you two are here to guard Su Yuman with Luan'er, remember to call me when Liu Yibo comes over or if there is anything unusual. "

Mo Qingxuan waved his hand and arranged for the three of them to act together before turning around and leaving in peace.

After returning to the office, Mo Qingxuan was not in a hurry to make preparations for the operation, but took out his phone and made a call.

"Hello. Did the eldest son make a wrong call? I don't remember any friendship between me and the eldest son. Not only that, we should be enemies."

There was a slight rejection in Shi Mingyang's voice. Although he let go of Jiang Luan, it didn't mean that he and Mo Qingxuan turned their fighting into friendship. These are two concepts.

"I don't have any friendship, but there is something I think I need to tell you, and you also need to know."

Mo Qingxuan also didn't like talking too much nonsense with him, so he directly ignored the slight provocation in his words.

"tell me the story."

Shi Mingyang paused for a moment, unable to figure out what Mo Qingxuan was going to tell him.

"Your grandpa may not be dead yet."

Mo Qingxuan didn't talk nonsense, his voice was calm and waveless, as if he was just telling him that I'm in the hospital now.

There was deathly silence on the other side of the phone. After waiting for a while, Mo Qingxuan heard Shi Mingyang's voice squeezed out between his teeth, with a ruthless voice: "Mo Qingxuan, what do you mean by making fun of the dead? My grandfather's body was cremated , The police were also present at the time. If you still don’t believe it, you can ask Miaoke. She saw my grandfather was cremated and buried his ashes. If you still don’t believe it, I can’t help it. "

(End of this chapter)

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