Chapter 210 Your grandfather is not dead

Shi Mingyang was really annoyed, Shi Yushan's death was confirmed by everyone.

No matter how many things Shi Yushan did, it was still his grandfather. He couldn't accept that his grandfather was dead, and others kept mentioning it in his ears.

"I'm just telling you, believe it or not."

Mo Qingxuan raised his eyebrows, he just reminded him that it was his own business to believe it or not.

Originally, he wanted Jiang Luan to tell Shi Mingyang, but after thinking about trying to avoid contact between Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang, he called himself.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly. After all, he did have an operation scheduled for a while.

Since the matter a year ago was resolved, more people are willing to seek him for surgery. After all, his skills are there, and no one wants to make life difficult for him.

After Mo Jinxiu was sure that his body had really recovered, he didn't stop him anymore, so he was still very busy in the past six months.

The voice on the phone was cut off suddenly, causing Shi Mingyang to grit his teeth, put the phone on the desk, and lowered his eyelids to cover the shadows in his eyes.

He was [-]% sure that his grandfather was dead, but he couldn't figure out why Mo Qingxuan would call himself out of nowhere and tell such a lie.

Mo Qingxuan didn't bother to lie to himself, and it was even more impossible for him to call himself for no reason and say such absurd things.

After thinking about it, Shi Mingyang clicked on the contacts on his phone, found a number, hesitated and dialed it...

As soon as Mo Qingxuan walked out of the operating room, the phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and took a look. It was Qiangzi.

"Qiangzi, what's the matter?"

After answering the phone, Mo Qingxuan asked in a deep voice.

"Eldest son, Fengzi and Archie are whereabouts."

There was anger in Qiangzi's voice, as if he was suppressing something.

"What about them?"

Mo Qingxuan's heart tightened, and he asked in a low voice.

"They...they are all demented. If you tell them not to answer, they don't even respond to beating them at all."

Qiangzi's voice was tight, and with his heart, there was a trace of sobs in his voice.

"Send me your coordinates, and I'll take people there. Take care of them and don't have any more accidents."

Mo Qingxuan hung up the phone, instead of going to the psychiatric department, he called Jian Xuan and asked him to tell Shen Ling to accompany him to the hospital gate as soon as possible.

The psychiatric department is in a separate area. When Mo Qingxuan arrived at the entrance of the inpatient department, Shen Ling was already waiting there, and Jian Xuan was not beside him.

"Where's Ah Xuan?"

Mo Qingxuan walked over quickly and asked a question.

"He wants to stay and take care of Jiang Luan."

Shen Ling has been following Jian Xuan, and now he doesn't feel uncomfortable acting alone, and seems to have no objections.

"Okay, let's go, let's talk on the way."

Mo Qingxuan nodded, turned around and walked towards the parking lot, followed by Shen Ling.

As soon as he got in the car, Mo Qingxuan turned on his mobile phone and saw the coordinates sent by Qiangzi. It was not too far from Liu Yibo's house. The area seemed to be an abandoned park, which was going to be renovated, but the construction had not started yet.

When the car was on the road, Shen Ling told Mo Qingxuan that when Mo Qingxuan was undergoing surgery, several policemen came, and one of them showed traces of being controlled by witchcraft, but it was not completely controlled, it was just a simple witchcraft like guidance, She had quietly solved it, but the man seemed to be in a bad mood.

Mo Qingxuan frowned, thinking that with Jian Xuan around, he should be fine, no wonder he wanted to stay and take care of him.

In fact, they have never understood the relationship between Shen Ling and Jian Xuan.

It is said that Shen Ling has been following Jian Xuan, but in fact Shen Ling is too innocent and has no experience and means to get along with others. Jian Xuan is not at ease that she is alone, which is one of the reasons why the two are like conjoined twins.

Everyone could see that Jian Xuan was interested in Shen Ling, but Shen Ling was so inexperienced in this aspect that he couldn't see any signs of affection at all. There was no difference between Jian Xuan and others.

In fact, there is a difference, probably because she feels sympathy for Jian Xuan, and probably because Jian Xuan's job is the most free, and she was recruited by Jian Xuan, so she should follow in the footsteps of the "boss" wherever she goes.

Temporarily putting aside his worries about Jiang Luan's situation, Mo Qingxuan briefly talked about the situation of Fengzi and Archie, and asked Shen Ling to check the situation.

"If it's really witchcraft, save a person for [-] yuan. If there are special circumstances, I will increase the price as appropriate."

Even when Shen Ling was talking about money, she was full of spirit. From the very beginning, she had agreed with Jian Xuan that her wages were settled on a case-by-case basis, and the price was only negotiated every time she made a move.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know why Shen Ling was so obsessed with money, but he also knew that every time she mentioned money, Jian Xuan's face would turn dark.

"OK, no problem."

Mo Qingxuan nodded, Shen Ling's asking price is not harsh, after all her ability is there, the price of [-] is really not much.

As soon as Mo Qingxuan stopped the car, he saw Qiangzi standing on the gravel road massaging his feet with his back turned to him. There were two people sitting on the ground in front of him, looking a little funny.

"It's them."

Mo Qingxuan opened the car door and stepped down, and glanced at Shen Ling who came down from the other car door.

Shen Ling nodded, closed the car door and walked towards them, walked behind Qiangzi and pushed him away, and looked down at the two men sitting on the ground.

Qiangzi was about to have an attack, but Mo Qingxuan pressed his shoulders. Turning around, he saw Mo Qingxuan shaking his head at himself. He calmed down and looked at the woman in front of him who was teasing Fengzi like no one else was there.

Shen Ling watched them for a long time before making a comment.

"Why do they look like bears?"

The veins on Qiangzi's forehead twitched violently, and anger burst out from his eyes.

Can't bear it!Even if this woman was brought by the eldest son!It's pathetic enough that Mineko and Archie have turned out like this, and the damn woman criticizes them for looking like bears.

Is it wrong to be strong?Not strong enough to be a bodyguard!

"How? Were they witchcrafted?"

Mo Qingxuan patted Qiangzi on the shoulder, signaling him not to worry, then looked at Shen Ling's back and asked.

He knew what kind of person Shen Ling was a long time ago, and he would have been angry if he wanted to. She had no intention of speaking, and she didn't care about her impressions, so she just said it out of her mouth.

Hearing Mo Qingxuan's question to Shen Ling, the anger in Qiangzi's eyes dissipated, and he looked at Shen Ling suspiciously.

Did this woman even know witchcraft?I heard that most witches and witches have weird tempers and hideous faces, but I have never heard of such a beautiful woman.

The point is, he might believe that she knows fairy magic, but witchcraft, no matter how you look at it, has nothing to do with such a woman full of aura!

Shen Ling nodded, and walked around the two of them, with doubts in his eyes: "That man has many tricks. Although this dementia technique is not a high-level witchcraft and does not require the level of witchcraft, it is also listed as a forbidden witchcraft. Dementia surgery is a bit troublesome to solve, and the two of them are 13 each."

"no problem."

Mo Qingxuan agreed quickly, since Shen Ling said so, it can be understood.

"Are they really under witchcraft?"

Qiangzi was shocked. When Mo Qingxuan asked him to send someone to monitor Liu Yibo, he didn't explain the reason. How could he have thought that it had something to do with witchcraft?
"Well, Liu Yibo should have done it."

Mo Qingxuan cast his gaze in the direction of Liu Yibo's house, but he couldn't see anything from here, it was blocked by many tall buildings, so he couldn't see anything.

This "Liu Yibo" was really calm, knowing that he had been under surveillance for half a year, but he didn't reveal anything, until he fled in a hurry, he still didn't forget to attack the two of them.

"However, we haven't noticed any unusual behavior of him in the past six months. And isn't he an ordinary psychologist?"

Qiangzi was puzzled, just like he didn't understand why Mo Qingxuan let himself monitor this extremely ordinary man for half a year, and he also couldn't understand why Mo Qingxuan said that this ordinary man knew witchcraft.

This is so ridiculous, now if someone tells him that you are dreaming, maybe he will lie down as soon as he closes his eyes.

This world is so broken!
"He never opened the curtains at home, how do you know that he has nothing unusual? For example, he imprisoned his wife at home, do you know?"

Mo Qingxuan put his hands in his pockets and looked at Qiangzi.

It stands to reason that Qiangzi shouldn't make such a mistake. Before Su Yuman faded out of people's sight, he had already asked them to start monitoring Liu Yibo.

Qiangzi's face turned pale for a while, and he didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or depression.

"We did see his wife go out and never come back, and not long after that he told people that his wife had gone on a trip. So, we didn't suspect it."

Mo Qingxuan raised his eyebrows, he believed that Qiangzi would not lie to him.

"Are you sure you only saw his wife go out, but didn't see her come back?"

"I'm sure!"

Qiangzi looked directly into Mo Qingxuan's eyes without any avoidance, with a firm and serious expression.

"It's not a rare spell to use illusion to blind others' sight. It's just a phantom, and it can deceive ordinary people. People who have opened their eyes can tell it at a glance."

Shen Ling chanted a mantra casually, tore off a piece of hair from Fengzi's head and threw it away. Before the hair fell to the ground, it turned into Fengzi's appearance, walking, sitting and lying down, it was difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

"You can try to shake his hand."

Shen Ling glanced at the shocked Qiangzi and Mo Qingxuan, who was calm on the surface but couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. The expression on his face clearly said, you two bumpkins.

Qiangzi didn't mind Shen Ling's rudeness this time, but walked up to "Fengzi" tentatively, and called out: "Fengzi."

"Brother strong."

Fengzi replied with a serious face, and his voice was the same. If he hadn't seen Shen Ling's supernatural powers with his own eyes, he would really have thought that the person in front of him was Fengzi.

Qiangzi stretched out his hand to shake Fengzi's hand, and Fengzi stretched out his hand with a flattered expression on his face...

Then Fengzi watched Fengzi who was still alive a moment ago, and instantly turned into a strand of hair.

"This kind of fantasy cannot touch strangers, otherwise it will change back to its original form."

Shen Ling saw Qiangzi staring blankly at the hair on his fingertips with a shocked expression on his face, and kindly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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