Chapter 211 Why Do They Look Like Bears

"But, isn't it very risky for him to do this? How can he ensure that the phantom does not touch others?"

Qiangzi frowned puzzled, but still found it inconceivable.

"This is related to the forbidden technique I mentioned."

Shen Ling explored the acupuncture points on Fengzi and Aqi one by one, while answering Qiangzi's question.

"Illusions may seem miraculous to you, but they are not unheard of."

Shen Ling has read a lot of online novels, and they have their own opinions and are easy to understand, and they know how to say it so that others can understand what they mean.

"But as you can see, illusions can't touch people's body temperature. After all, they don't exist. They can deceive people's eyes, but they can't deceive the senses. However, after some forbidden techniques, the illusioned people are no different from real people, but But it will do some simple things according to the command of the caster. What it sees and hears will be fed back to the caster, and the caster can control all the behaviors of the phantom thousands of miles away."

Shen Ling glanced at Mo Qingxuan, and said again: "You have also seen that the real Su Yuman looks like someone has drained her essence blood, but in fact that phantom survives entirely by her supply of essence blood. "

"But, didn't you say that there is no sign of witchcraft on Su Yuman's body?"

Mo Qingxuan frowned, watching Shen Ling ask questions.

"Yes, there is indeed no trace on her body. The other party just added something to her daily diet, and the phantom will automatically extract her blood."

Shen Ling nodded, with a hint of disgust on his face, as if he disdained such methods.

Qiangzi gasped, and looked at Mo Qingxuan, but saw that his boss looked calm and calm, he really deserved to be the boss.

At this time, Shen Ling was sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of the two of them, looking straight ahead, with a serious expression, uttering small whispers in his mouth, as if he was chanting a spell, and some sweat was faintly oozing from his forehead.

Mo Qingxuan and Qiangzi watched from the side, Fengzi and Aqi stared into Shen Ling's eyes at the same time, their faces still had a demented look, only occasionally showing a look of struggling, which seemed to be in extreme pain.

After about ten minutes, Shen Ling stood up from the ground, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, but Fengzi and Aqi still showed dementia.

"What's wrong? Can't you?"

Seeing that the two of them hadn't gotten better, Qiangzi couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

But after seeing Shen Ling's methods with his own eyes, he didn't underestimate the little girl, he was just worried about these two subordinates.

Shen Ling shook his head, the doubts in his eyes dissipated, and his eyes became clear again: "It's a bit complicated, and if I remove it now, my mana will definitely be damaged. If the other party appears at this time, I have no chance of winning."

"Let's go back first."

Mo Qingxuan glanced at Qiangzi, walked over to support one person with one hand and dragged away, Qiangzi hurriedly dragged the other person up and followed him on the car.

Shen Ling glanced around, seeing no change, and raised his heels to follow behind the two of them.

The reason why she stopped just now was because she felt unusual mana fluctuations around her. She suspected it was that person, and that person gave her a feeling of being threatened.

No matter how stupid she is, she also knows how to avoid the edge.

After the Maybach left, a middle-aged man walked out through the tall weeds. His eyes behind the glasses shone with a cold light. It was Liu Yibo who was being chased by the police!

"Hmph, they hired a good helper this time. This woman has managed to reach such a level at such a young age, much better than her. Moreover, her perception is too sensitive, and I was discovered as soon as I appeared. "

Liu Yibo, also known as Shi Yushan, casually pulled a handful of grass leaves and rubbed them to a pulp, with a somewhat apprehensive expression on his face.

When Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang went to visit the prison that day, he was trying his best to break through the restriction and control Jiang Luan. Unexpectedly, Jiang Luan suddenly mentioned the old woman, which made him unsteady.

The old lady was his partner of double practice when he was young. Originally, the combination of the two was a way of practice, but the old lady only knew how to practice witchcraft and knew nothing about the love between men and women. After the double practice, she fell in love with him wholeheartedly.

In order to obtain a higher level of cultivation, he pretended to be in love with him, stole decades of her cultivation level, and abandoned her heartlessly.

A year ago, he heard about the old lady again, and wanted to use her to deal with the Mo family again, but although she forgave him, she refused to help him deal with the Mo family. Will help the Mo family and prevent him from doing stupid things.

In a fit of anger, he pretended to compromise, and when she turned around to get him the token of love she treasured, he attacked her from behind and killed her.

In this life, he has been ashamed of too many people, and with his heart, he will naturally not feel that there is anything wrong with it. Only with the old woman, he feels ashamed in his heart, which caused him to suffer backlash at a critical moment.

He was kidnapped by the police and sent to the psychiatric department of Wellcome Hospital. The well-known Liu Yibo gave him a systematic and comprehensive examination and confirmed that he had indeed suffered from mental problems. Outside.

However, that idiot Liu Yibo injected him with psychotropic drugs, which not only made him sober, but also successfully got rid of the drug restriction imposed by the police station all along.

He knew in his heart that he was sentenced to death, and even if he recovered, he would not escape death, let alone revenge, so he decided to take a gamble.

After he successfully seized the house, he forced Liu Yibo's soul into his body, controlled his body with witchcraft, and teleported continuously.

Liu Yibo had a good life, and he was not really relieved until the next day when he teleported to the front of the car and was killed.

Although he is not a psychiatrist, but with the help of witchcraft, no one has become suspicious for a year.

He endured the oppression of that crazy woman for half a year. He couldn't bear it anymore and locked her up half a year ago. He threw in a little food every day, like feeding a dog. Her wealthy and powerful family became suspicious, and he didn't know at the time that he was being watched.

He wasn't afraid of those ordinary people, he just wanted to avoid unnecessary troubles and make it easier to hide. He didn't expect that woman to be discovered today.

It was discovered that those monitors also attacked Liu Yibo's wife Su Yuman, so he never opened the curtains to avoid being peeped.

After today's accident, the first thing he thought of was to deal with the people who followed and monitored him, lead them to this remote small park, use witchcraft to control them, and then searched his soul, and found that they were actually sent by Mo Qingxuan.

In the past six months, he has done a lot of things.

He secretly used some methods of control and incitement to make Wellcome Hospital and the major media unite against the Mohists, but he believed that what he did was very secretive, and it was impossible for anyone to know.

However, Mo Qingxuan sent someone to monitor him as soon as he came back from overseas to recover from his injuries, which made him feel very strange.

He had been waiting here for a long time, just to wait for Mo Qingxuan to come over.

I left for something just now, and when I came back, I found that they had come, and the woman quickly found herself, and ended the act of dispelling the witchcraft.

After all, he didn't have Shen Ling's ability. He didn't know the details of women, so he didn't dare to act rashly and watched them leave.

"Don't think that you can escape with this woman. No matter how powerful she is, she is still young, and Jiang is still old and spicy!"

A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth, and Shi Yushan's voice was full of arrogance that was bound to win.

His spell realm is not stable. After all, he has only used it for a year. Although his memory has not been lost and he has avoided many detours, it is only a year after all. Fortunately, he has decades of accumulated experience, as well as some props he has saved before. A lot of odds.

"Did you discover something just now?"

After the car drove for a while, Mo Qingxuan asked.

Shen Ling glanced at Mo Qingxuan, his eyes flickered with aura, and said, "Well, there is an aura that makes me very uncomfortable. I think it should be the person behind the scenes this time."

"If it's him, are you sure you can beat it?"

Mo Qingxuan turned the steering wheel slightly, turned the steering wheel, and didn't look at Shen Ling.

Shen Ling shook his head: "In another year, maybe I can be better than him, but not now, I just entered the fourth and fifth grades, and the situation is not stable, if he is also at the [-]th grade, plus some treasures, I have little chance of winning. "

Mo Qingxuan was silent, if Shen Ling couldn't do it himself, how about adding Shi Mingyang?

Wu Miaoke's witchcraft is average, and she is easy to soften her heart. If the other party is Shi Yushan, she is likely to be unsteady, confused, and even whether she will help is another matter.

As for Shi Mingyang, he was unwilling to ask him for help unless it was absolutely necessary.

Moreover, Shi Yushan is his grandfather, although he misses Jiang Luan, who can guarantee that he will fight against his grandfather for Jiang Luan's safety?
Just when Mo Qingxuan was thinking about countermeasures, Jian Xuan called.

"Brother Xuan, come back quickly, something happened."

As soon as the phone was connected, Jian Xuan's slightly anxious voice came over, which made Mo Qingxuan's brows tighten and his breath became cold.

Jiang Luan was with him, what happened?

"What happened?"

Mo Qingxuan clenched the steering wheel tightly, exuding a cold aura from his body, his eyes were tinged with gloom, and it seemed that he had sucked out all the air in the car.

"I can't tell on the phone, come back quickly."

As if afraid of him asking, Jian Xuan hung up the phone immediately after saying these two sentences. Hearing a busy tone from the phone, he returned to silence. Mo Qingxuan thumped the steering wheel angrily, stepped hard, and the car swished out.

It's about this time, running a red light and speeding is no longer a problem, I hope Jiang Luan is okay!
When Mo Qingxuan rushed to Su Yuman's ward, many people gathered there, including Jian Xuan and Jiang Luan.

Seeing with his own eyes that Jiang Luan was fine, Mo Qingxuan felt relieved all the way, and couldn't help but glared at Jian Xuan angrily, unable to articulate a word.

(End of this chapter)

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