Chapter 212 Revealed
"Ah Xuan, Su Yuman is dead..."

Seeing Mo Qingxuan coming in, Jiang Luan called out to him in a soft voice that made people's hearts ache.

Mo Qingxuan glanced at the people in the ward first, because he had been investigating Liu Yibo before, so he was not completely unfamiliar with these people, and Su Yuman's father, Su Yan, was not an unknown person in City A, he was in real estate , a listed company.

These should be the family members who came here after hearing that Su Yuman had an accident and was taken to the hospital.

Mo Qingxuan cast his eyes on Su Yuman after scanning the real or fake sad gestures.

Su Yuman, with sagging skin and dark circles under her eyes, lay quietly on the bed, her bloodless face was now completely pale, and she looked thinner and weaker as she lay under the quilt.

"Shen Ling, do you know what's going on?"

Mo Qingxuan didn't wait for those family members to open their mouths to crusade, and turned to ask Shen Ling who was following behind.

Shen Ling took a closer look, then touched her throat, and quickly retracted her hand as if stabbed by the coldness of a dead person.

"It should be that Liu Yibo used the illusion to drain all the blood from her body, and now the illusion is probably gone."

Shen Ling frowned with disgust.

It can be said that now Liu Yibo, or Shi Yushan has completely provoked Shen Ling.

His methods and means were too insidious. Shen Ling hated it because he followed his father's teachings or for other reasons. When he met Shi Yushan, a strange person with vicious methods, he was naturally more annoyed and disgusted than curious.

"Look, let me just say it. These country bastards are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. You feed him to school, and he grows sharp teeth to bite you to death! My poor man, why are you so miserable? ?”

A somewhat elderly woman suddenly broke out, and tears fell like money.

The woman was about 60 years old, but she was well maintained, with few wrinkles on her face, her eyebrows and eyes were painted, her lips were painted, and she was dressed in a fashionable fashion.

"Impossible, Yibo is cowardly and obedient to Manman, it is impossible for him to do such a thing!"

Compared to his wife, Su Yan is much calmer. At the beginning, he agreed to their marriage because he wanted his daughter to marry him without being wronged. After all, she is an only daughter and has been arrogant since she was a child. Otherwise, she would not be able to pamper her.

Before his daughter and son-in-law got married, he also checked carefully. The son-in-law's family background is clean, his character is weak, and he has been bullied by his daughter for so many years. It is absolutely impossible for him to do something bold.

He wasn't covering up his son-in-law, he was just discussing the facts, but his daughter was clearly dead, so hearing his wife's words made her feel uncomfortable.

"You still speak for that bastard! He killed our daughter, and you still believe him so much. When did he take away all your company and empty it all out, and you still say that?"

The woman rushed over to beat Su Yan with a sharp voice, the makeup on her face was already stained by tears.


Su Yan frowned impatiently and said angrily, the daughter he held in his palm since childhood is gone, how can he feel better?

The woman froze for a moment, her crying became weaker, but she still refused to calm down.

"You will only be fierce to me. If you have the ability, go and catch the murderer who killed your daughter and let me see."

The woman transformed from a high-pitched fighter into a fly, causing Su Yan a headache, but he had no choice but to let out a sigh of regret.

"Boss Su, people cannot be brought back to life after death, so let's go with our condolences."

Jiang Luan looked at Su Yan who seemed to be ten years older in an instant, and comforted in a low voice.


Su Yan looked up at her, and sighed again: "Thank you."

"Boss Su, it was not Liu Yibo himself who killed Ling Qianjin."

When Mo Qingxuan heard the woman's noise, displeasure flashed across his eyes, and his voice was cold.

The ward fell silent instantly, everyone turned around and stared at Mo Qingxuan with different eyes.

Jiang Luan looked at him with puzzled eyes, not understanding what he meant by telling Su Yan.

The eyes of the three policemen, including Lao Cai, were full of dissatisfaction.

Although witchcraft cases have plagued city A in the past six months, the police have kept such incidents secret, lest they cause panic among the public if they break out.

After Liu Yibo is caught, no matter who's soul is in his body, he will be arrested for the crime of illegal detention. It is not difficult for a prisoner to die quietly in prison. As long as he is shot secretly, no one will know about it. the truth of the matter.

Mo Qingxuan told the truth at this time, regardless of whether the two would believe it or not, it would definitely cause panic and dissatisfaction.

"Eldest son..."

Lao Cai's voice was full of anxiety, even Li Lianbin obediently called out to Mo Qingxuan when he saw Mo Qingxuan, he hadn't dared to threaten Mo Qingxuan not to speak.

But Mo Qingxuan just glanced at him, the coldness in his eyes made him flinch unconsciously, his lips moved, and he didn't dare to speak for a while.

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Anyone with a certain status will respectfully call Mo Qingxuan the eldest son, not only for his medical skills, but also for his means, and Su Yan is no exception.

However, the cause of his daughter's death was related at this time. Mo Qingxuan seemed to know something inside. He had been in the business field for decades, and he was considered a genius. How could he fail to understand what Lao Cai meant?
Without Mo Qingxuan's words, they would probably never know the real cause of their daughter's death until they died.

"I tell you this, I have my own considerations."

On the surface, Mo Qingxuan seemed to be simply stating that he did not sympathize with them or speak well of Liu Yibo, but Jiang Luan knew that he was explaining to himself.

As for others, what does Mo Qingxuan need to explain to others when he does things?
"Your son-in-law may have been taken out of his soul a year ago and died. His body lived in someone else's body. Of course, these are just guesses at the moment. But what is certain is that the current Liu Yibo is not himself. , As for who it is, there is no concrete evidence to prove it.”

Mo Qingxuan's eyes fluttered, seeing that the doubt in Jiang Luan's eyes had disappeared, and his voice became clearer.

However, Su Yan and Su Yuman's mother, He Ning, were at a loss, completely clueless.

For those who don't read online novels, and usually turn on the TV and watch the financial channel's news broadcast, Mo Qingxuan's words are really hard to understand.

"My lord, do you mean that Yibo is already dead? But, some time ago, Yibo visited us."

Su Yan was a little hesitant. Even if he didn't read the novel, his mind was not slow. Although he couldn't fully understand it, he probably understood what Mo Qingxuan meant that Liu Yibo had been dropped a long time ago.

"I've said everything I need to say, and you can understand the rest yourself. I'm just telling you this to remind you that that man is no longer your son-in-law who you bully and trample on. You'd better pay attention when you see him. Also, I don’t want you to spread the things I said today.”

Mo Qingxuan didn't intend to explain to him, but just told him his purpose.

There was a look of embarrassment on Su Yan's face. They really looked down upon Liu Yibo. Although they accepted him as their son-in-law, they still looked down on him from above, and their usual attitude was not amiable.

Especially He Ning, who considers herself superior, would be sneering and sarcastic every time she sees Liu Yibo. This situation did not get better until he became famous in Wellcome Hospital.

However, after all, it is good for face, and it is not good for one's face if one's own affairs are put on the table.

For anyone to say this, he would not agree to it. Even if he laughed on the surface, he would not feel good in his heart, and some resentment would arise to some extent.

However, this is what Mo Qingxuan said, and he couldn't even feel resentful.

"Actually, I can tell that Manman really likes Yibo. Otherwise, I wouldn't agree to the marriage of the two of them."

After being silent for a long time, Su Yan showed a touch of relief on his old face.

"If Yibo killed Manman, I don't think she would die in peace. Manman, did you hear that, the person who killed you was not Yibo, but someone else."

"Boss Su, Ling Qianjin knows about it."

Jiang Luan comforted him.

From the moment Su Yuman said with certainty that it was not her husband Liu Yibo who imprisoned her, Jiang Luan knew that this woman really loved her husband.

She knows some of her husband's habits, so she can tell the truth from the fake through some details.

Liu Yibo also likes Su Yuman, otherwise, a man with a bit of blood would not have been bullied for so many years without resistance.

Shi Mingyang forced himself not to think about what Mo Qingxuan said to him, put the phone aside, and continued to deal with the cases piled up in his hands.

As a result, at three o'clock in the afternoon, he received another call.

This phone call finally made his expression change drastically. Even though he was determined, he couldn't help standing up from the stool suddenly. The stool legs made a loud friction sound on the floor, like a shrill scream, which made his teeth ache.

He clenched the phone tightly in his hand, listening to the voice coming from the phone, he occasionally gave a reply, his voice was also hoarse and rough, like the sound of mechanical friction.

After hanging up the phone, he threw the mobile phone out of his hand, watching the mobile phone falling apart on the floor, a happy and distorted smile flashed across his eyes, but there was a hint of resentment.

Why, why come back? !
The police had no clue, and Lao Cai seemed to be normal.

After Shen Ling exposed him to the channeling technique, although he still got close to others, the passionate smile on his face disappeared, and he looked more and more fake.

Obviously, the so-called witchcraft guidance is to forcibly distort his character and guide him into someone he is not familiar with. It is very beneficial for him and the people behind him to get along well in the game.

Due to human nature, Lao Cai played in the first round for decades in a low-key way, and he was nodding familiar with everyone. Although he could not be said to be able to get along well, after all, he was respected by everyone because of his seniority. At least no one underestimated him. him, or hostile to him.

(End of this chapter)

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