Chapter 213 Shi Yushan Is My Grandpa

However, his acquaintance some time ago has broken this balance. Everyone is willing to communicate with him, and they are used to seeing Lao Cai's smiling face like a chrysanthemum as soon as he goes to work.

Suddenly, this chrysanthemum face suddenly distorted, and there was a feeling of a superficial smile when talking to him. This huge gap made everyone's attitude towards him instantly cool down. I don't like to take care of his feelings.

Regarding this, Jiang Luan could only sigh helplessly, unable to help.

Who can blame this?Many people don't like to be content with the status quo, unwilling to be mediocre, and after stepping out of the circle that has been agreed upon, they can't go back.

Success, spread your wings and fly high.If he fails, he will be in a predicament like Lao Cai who is not a human being inside and outside.

However, none of these had much to do with Jiang Luan. Many of the cases she had taken over from Li Lianbin required her to handle them.

I don't know whether it's really the increase in witchcraft cases or whether Li Lianbin took a fancy to the resources around her and deliberately deprived her of resources. Eight and a half out of ten cases assigned to her were all about witchcraft.

However, although witchcraft cases are not easy to handle, after all, she has been in contact with many times and has become a doctor after a long illness. She is somewhat familiar with some routines and techniques. Jiang Luan would only call Shen Ling to ask her to help when he was inflicted with spells, or to lift someone's spells.

Fortunately, Shen Ling didn't have too much flirtatiousness, and he didn't feel that he was being manipulated around by others. Although he wasn't always on call, he didn't have any resistance.

The days back to work were hectic and fulfilling. Jiang Luan liked this kind of life, but he ignored Mo Qingxuan.

As for Liu Yibo, there has been no news, as if the world has evaporated. There is no record of his ride at the airport or train station, but all the police have been dispatched, but there has been no news of him.

On this day, just as Jiang Luan got home and was breastfeeding Duo Duo, she received a call from Shi Mingyang.

She couldn't bear to wean Duo Duo, so she would use a breast pump to maintain her milk supply every day when she was at work, feeding once before and after get off work, and using milk powder instead of breast milk during the day.

Duo Duo is very obedient, she never makes trouble, and she is not picky about food. Whatever is brought to her mouth, whether it is breast milk or milk powder, is good for her.

Jiang Luan was still very surprised when she received a call from Shi Mingyang. After all, Shi Mingyang had seldom contacted her in the past six months. It seemed that he deliberately separated the relationship, or it might be forced to let him give up.

She knew what Shi Mingyang thought about her, so she would not take the initiative to tease him.

Since you can't respond to his feelings and give him what he wants, wait for him to figure it out.

"Aluan, are you off work?"

Shi Mingyang's voice was a little low, as if he was in a complicated mood.

"Well, we're home."

Jiang Luan frowned suddenly, took a breath, lowered his head and patted her back with the hand supporting Duo Duo.

Duo Duo is teething, and she always bites when breastfeeding. Although it doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel good all of a sudden.

"what happened?"

Hearing Jiang Luan breathing in, Shi Mingyang asked with concern.

"It's okay, are you off work?"

Jiang Luan grinned, but asked him a casual question without answering him.


Shi Mingyang was silent for a while before answering, and before Jiang Luan could speak again, he said, "Ah Luan, can you come out and sit for a while?"

Jiang Luan looked down at Duo Duo, who was full of milk in her bosom and looked at her foolishly. The little girl thought she was talking to herself, babbling, saying words that only she could understand, her eyebrows and eyes curved, Very cute.

Jiang Luan didn't speak, Shi Mingyang heard Douduo's small babbling again, and knew that she was holding the baby now, but he really wanted to see her now.

"Aluan, it's only for a while, don't go too far. Shall we sit at that dessert shop on Yuehua Road?"

"it is good."

Shi Mingyang had already talked about this, and Jiang Luan couldn't refuse anymore, so he agreed with a sigh.

Jiang Luan got up, went to Bai Ge's room, handed the child to her, and told her to go out for a while.

Originally, the two were not in the same yard, but Baige temporarily moved to Jiangluan yard for the convenience of taking care of the children.

"It's so late, it's time for dinner, where are you going?"

Bai Ge took Duo Duo over, put her finger in her hand for her to hold, and asked casually.

"Go out to meet a friend, and I'll be back in the evening, you guys eat first, don't wait for me, I'll eat outside."

Jiang Luan waved her hand and was about to leave, but Bai Ge stopped her from behind: "Since I'll be back later, I'll ask Aunt Li to keep food for you. It's time for the baby to breastfeed, so try to eat as little food as possible from outside."

Jiang Luan thought about it, and Shi Mingyang asked her to go to the dessert house. When she was feeding the child, she really couldn't eat too much dessert, so she nodded and went out.

Just after leaving Baige's room, he bumped into Jiang Lu who was commuting.

The first thing Jiang Lu does after get off work every day is to tease Dodo, and now Dodo is closer to her aunt than her own mother.

"Sister, where are you going?"

Jiang Lu saw that Jiang Luan was putting on her coat, looking like she was about to go out, and looked at her suspiciously.

"It's something to go out, Dodo is in the mother's room, you go."

Jiang Luan waved her hand, afraid that Jiang Lu would ask more questions, so she left without stopping.

It wasn't that she was guilty and wanted to keep Bai Ge and Jiang Lu from it. The main reason was that she understood that they didn't seem to have a good impression of Shi Mingyang. After hearing what Shi Mingyang said half a year ago, she probably knew why everyone rejected him so much. .

Jiang Lu looked at her back, pouted, and walked towards Baige's room.

When Jiang Luan arrived at the dessert house, Shi Mingyang was already sitting in it.

The business of this dessert house is pretty good, and the environment is also good. There are many guests inside, including couples, girlfriends, some with children, and some alone like Shi Mingyang.

I have to admit that Shi Mingyang is still very handsome.

He sat quietly by the window. On the table in front of him was a cup of poplar nectar, a cup of hot drink, a plate of sago, and two servings of mousse. Those tempting desserts on the table seemed unable to attract his attention. He kept staring at the door, pretending to be waiting for someone.

Among the guests sitting in the dessert room, some women stared at him with salivating and admiring eyes, but he also treated them as nothing.

Seeing Jiang Luan standing at the door, Shi Mingyang's eyes lit up for a moment, and a perfect gentle smile appeared on his face. The surrounding air seemed to be lit up, blinding his eyes.

Seeing Shi Mingyang's undisguised joy after he appeared, Jiang Luan frowned slightly, and a familiar smile appeared on his face.

"Senior Mingyang, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Jiang Luan also ignored the scrutinizing gazes around her, and sat down opposite Shi Mingyang.

In fact, she is not a person who likes to attract attention, but since she was in school, there are always some eyes following her.

Although her appearance is not stunning, she is also pretty and lovely. There are few girls in the police school. This appearance and outstanding grades have really attracted many suitors. There are boring people who rank the school's beauties. She always in the top five.

After a long time, getting used to it becomes natural, but getting used to it doesn't mean liking it.

Especially because she is a guest of a certain handsome guy, and there is more or less jealousy and scrutiny in her eyes, she doesn't like it even more.

"It's okay, I came early."

With tenderness in Shi Mingyang's eyes, he bent down and pushed Mousse in front of her, with a natural and casual attitude, as if he had practiced countless movements, and no one could find a single flaw.

Jiang Luan pursed her lips slightly, and brought the not-too-sweet hot drink in front of her, with a hint of apology in her eyes: "I can't eat too many sweets now."

"It's okay to eat less."

Shi Mingyang didn't mind, his eyes became more gentle, but with a touch of sadness.

"Aluan, I thought I had no relatives."

Jiang Luan looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

He thought it meant that he had it again now, but his expression didn't look happy.

"Shi Yushan is my grandfather."

Shi Mingyang remembered that Jiang Luan had forgotten him, so he naturally wouldn't remember that Shi Yushan was his grandfather, and Mo Qingxuan must have never told her.


Jiang Luan's expression changed, and she almost knocked over the hot drink in front of her. Both of them had the surname Shi, but she never thought of linking them.

Although there are not many people with the surname Shi, they are not uncommon. Occasionally, there is a person with the same surname, and she will never bring the two together.

However, Shi Yushan is good at witchcraft, and his rank is not low. Shi Mingyang also has the eyes of the sky, and he entered the first bureau as a special police officer.

These are coincidences that don't feel like coincidences, why has she never wondered why?
Facing Jiang Luan's shock, Shi Mingyang responded with a wry smile, but didn't say anything, waiting for her to accept it, but still never saw him again.

This time, her reaction was much bigger than before she lost her memory. Maybe she knew it slowly at that time, there was a process.

This time, it was full of hatred for Shi Yushan. They hadn't known each other for a long time, and they knew that he had something to do with Shi Yushan all at once, and they had nothing to say if they couldn't accept him.

When Shi Mingyang's eyes gradually dimmed, and self-mockery appeared in his eyes, Jiang Luan slowly raised his head to look at him, the shock in his eyes had subsided.

"Senior Mingyang, he is him, and you are you. I'm sorry, even if he is your grandfather, I can't help but hate him."

Because Mo Qingxuan did it deliberately, she didn't feel much grief over the death of her father Jiang Bo. Although she felt uncomfortable, it was far from the extreme.

People are such strange creatures. Because they don't feel much grief, they pass on their hatred, and pass on the greater hatred to the murderer. It seems that this can make them feel better.

To Shi Yushan, she really couldn't have any good impressions!

Shi Mingyang was stunned. He didn't expect that this was what Jiang Luan thought after being shocked.

He thought...

"I told you that he is my grandfather, not to tell you not to hate him, nor to speak for him. Aluan, you should know that the one living inside Liu Yibo is my grandfather."

(End of this chapter)

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