Chapter 217

Chu Huan's assumption was based on the premise that Mo Qingxuan took the initiative to beat Shi Mingyang. If the two sides did not like each other and made an appointment to fight, or Shi Mingyang made the first move, Shi Mingyang would probably not want to talk to Jiang Luan.

And they also knew that although Jiang Luan regarded Shi Mingyang as a friend, he didn't keep in touch with him often. Sometimes he called once every two days, sometimes every half a month. After work, the two basically didn't talk on the phone.

If you want to say how she knows, there is a white pigeon.

Mo Qingran nodded. She often ignored the fact that although Jiang Luan forgot about Mo Qingxuan, she didn't remember the fact that Shi Mingyang didn't. Instead of putting herself in Jiang Luan's shoes, she made many mistakes.

"Aunt Chu, you said Brother Qingxuan was injured? What's going on?"

Jiang Lu's eyes widened. How could brother Qingxuan get hurt?
"It's okay, it's just a little skin trauma, but it doesn't look good on the face. Okay, let's go out to bask in the sun."

Chu Huan comforted Jiang Lu with a smile, took Doudou with one hand and Jiang Lu with the other and walked out.

Jiang Luan stood at the gate of Qingluan Garden with Duo Duo in his arms, frowning slightly.

Every time she comes here, she feels very familiar, and the closer she gets, the faster her heart beats.

Although I haven't seen Mo Qingxuan for a few days, it still feels a bit strange that she came to the door by herself now.

Aunt Chu didn't know what she was thinking, since Mo Qingxuan was at home, let him go by himself, let's have a little fun together, how embarrassing is it just the two of them?
After thinking about it, Jiang Luan lifted his foot and walked in. Qingluan Garden was very quiet, there was no nanny or servant.

Probably didn't expect someone to come over. When Jiang Luan entered, Mo Qingxuan was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Seeing Jiang Luan coming in with Duo Duo in his arms, Mo Qingxuan's eyes flashed with embarrassment, he quickly covered it up, stood up from the sofa and walked towards her: "Luan'er, why are you here?"

Seeing the wound on his face, Jiang Luan understood why Chu Huan asked him to come to Qingluan Garden instead of letting Mo Qingxuan go out, probably to take care of his face.

"I'm resting today, and I just came here when Ran Ran came back. I thought you might not have seen Dodo for a few days, so I brought her here to show you."

Jiang Luan kindly took Mo Qingran and Chu Huan out to prevent Mo Qingxuan from knowing their intentions.

Who is Mo Qingxuan?When someone utters a word, he can guess the whole content by following the tone of the word.

"It was Ranran who called you to come to Mo's house, and then my mother asked you to bring Dodo to see me, right?"

Jiang Luan slightly hooked the corners of his mouth and did not speak, allowing him to hug Duo Duo to tease her.

Dodo doesn't know how to admit life, but compared to others, she obviously likes to be held by Mo Qingxuan. Just after being picked up by Mo Qingxuan, her eyes that smiled at him became crescent-shaped, which made Jiang Luan's mother feel very sad.

"Have you chosen Dodo's name?"

Mo Qingxuan hugged Duo Duo and turned around to sit back on the sofa. Afraid that the sound of the TV would disturb Duo Duo, he picked up the remote control and turned down the volume a little.

"Not yet, my mother said we'll talk about it when Dodo goes to school."

Jiang Luan sat down on the side, saw that Dodo didn't even look at her, and sighed inwardly, is this a natural blood relationship?

It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father's previous life, it seems that this statement is not false at all.

Realizing what he was thinking, Jiang Luan blushed suddenly, turned his eyes away from Mo Qingxuan's face, and turned to the TV.

"Isn't it hard to raise a child by yourself?"

Seeing that Jiang Luan stopped talking, Mo Qingxuan coughed lightly to break the deadlock.

Hearing Mo Qingxuan's gentle voice suddenly, Jiang Luan turned his eyes back pretending to be natural, and saw that he looked at him with gentle eyes. Although the bruises on his face seemed a little funny, it didn't affect him at all. Her noble and elegant demeanor made her heart skip a beat.

Is it because I know that he is Dodo's father, so my heart throbs, and I can't help but imagine the feeling of falling in love with him?
She asked herself, and the answer was clearly no.

She also assumed that if Dodo's father was Shi Mingyang, would she be tempted by Shi Mingyang?
Before Mo Qingxuan's accident, when she saw him "for the first time", she felt a little throbbing in her heart. When she heard Chu Huan and Mo Qingran's teasing, she couldn't help but blush.

However, facing Shi Mingyang, she never felt this way.

It is undeniable that Shi Mingyang is really outstanding, but with him, she just feels comfortable, but never throbbing.

Mo Qingxuan's aggressive eyes made Jiang Luan realize that his words were not just asking her if she was working hard, but a disguised gesture of favor.


Thinking of what Shi Mingyang said in his ear on the viewing platform that day, Jiang Luan suppressed the throbbing in his heart, pretending not to understand what he meant, with clear eyes and a calm attitude: "No, my mother is usually taking care of you. Dodo. And there is a nanny at home to take care of her."

Mo Qingxuan froze, she was clearly avoiding her own question.


Mo Qingxuan stopped talking, pinched Duoduo's armpit and hugged her over his head, looked up at her, Duoduo looked down at Mo Qingxuan's face, danced and danced as if she was going to rush over to hug his face, she couldn't be happier up.

Jiang Luan saw them enjoying themselves happily, with a smile in his eyes, but he was thinking in his heart when Mo Qingxuan was going to tell himself that he was Duoduo's father.


When Duoduo was happy, a loud monosyllable suddenly popped out, making the smile on Jiang Luan's face stiff.

Is it a coincidence?How can a half-year-old child speak?

Moreover, even if he could speak, how could he call Dad to Mo Qingxuan so coincidentally?

Mo Qingxuan obviously heard it too, his arm trembled slightly, and he almost threw Dodo off, but when he saw Jiang Luan's slightly frowning brows, he pretended not to hear it and continued to play with Dodo.

Before, he would ask Dodo to call him father when Jiang Luan was not around, but how could a half-year-old child know how to speak?Just giggle at him.

It is not uncommon for children to occasionally utter some unconscious monosyllables. It may be just a coincidence that it sounds like the word Papa.

Jiang Luan saw Mo Qingxuan hugging Duoduo for about an hour, and Chu Huan called the internal line and asked them to have dinner in the front hall.

Originally, apart from breakfast being eaten together, the Mo family usually eats lunch and dinner in their own courtyard. Whoever wants to eat in the front hall can just say hello to the nanny in advance.

However, Mo Qingran is a married daughter, so she is considered half of the guests, plus Pei Beichuan, Doudou, Mo Shangshu and Zhao Yun also ate in the front hall these two days, so the juniors naturally had to accompany her.

Mo Qingxuan handed Duoduo to Jiang Luan, without intending to go there.

The wound on his face was hard to explain when Zhao Yun saw it, and it was inevitable that there would be another nagging.

Jiang Luan hugged Duo Duo, nodded to express his understanding, saw a nanny coming and went directly into the kitchen in Moqingxuan Courtyard, it must have been ordered by Chu Huan, and without saying anything, went out with Duo Duo in his arms.

In the front hall, Mo Shangshu and Zhao Yun naturally wanted to ask why Mo Qingxuan didn't come, but Jiang Luan explained that he had no time to come over because he was seeing a case and ate in his own courtyard.

The two didn't suspect anything, and Zhao Yun just said not to get tired, so she focused on Duoduo.

When she was born as a daughter, Zhao Yun was somewhat disappointed. Every day, she told Mo Qingxuan to chase Jiang Luan back and give birth to a son. Don't let the Mo family's incense die.

The older generation pays more attention to the inheritance of incense, and it is not considered patriarchal. They also love Duo Duo a lot on weekdays.

Just before he left the dining table after eating, Jiang Luan's phone rang, apologized to everyone, got up and went to the side to answer the phone.

It was Li Lianbin who called, and his voice was not as kind as usual, but rather serious.

"Xiao Jiang, come to the police station after dinner."

Hearing that Li Lianbin's voice was different, Jiang Luan asked, "What happened?"

Li Lianbin paused on the phone, his solemn voice was somewhat hoarse: "Lao Cai is dead."


Jiang Luan's complexion changed drastically. Lao Cai's life in the police station is not easy these days. Because everyone rejects him intentionally or unintentionally, he seems more silent than before. I don't know if it is a psychological factor. She thinks he is a little more gloomy. I feel that I am not very active in doing things.

However, he never thought that he would die so suddenly.

"I'll be right back!"

Regardless of asking about the situation, Jiang Luan hung up the phone, went back to the restaurant and hurriedly talked to Baige Zhao Yun and the others before leaving.

Because they didn't drive when they came here, Uncle Wu sent them here, and the villa area is not very easy to take a taxi, so Jiang Luan went directly to the garage and asked Uncle Wu to take him to the police station, so he didn't care so much at this time.

Uncle Wu drove very steadily. He tried to drive as fast as he could without violating the traffic. Fortunately, today was not a weekend, and it was working hours. There was no traffic jam on the road, and he soon reached the gate of the first game.

"Uncle Wu, thank you, you can go back to Mo's house first. You don't need to pick me up at night."

Jiang Luan got out of the car and hurriedly explained to Uncle Wu, and quickly walked into the police station with her mobile phone.

"Xiao Jiang, are you here?"

The atmosphere in the police station was a bit sluggish. There weren't many people at the moment, but everyone's faces were tense without exception, obviously feeling uncomfortable for their attitude towards Lao Cai a few days ago.

"Director, Brother Cai, he..."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, looked back at everyone, and looked at Li Lianbin.

Li Lianbin's complexion is also not very good-looking. After all, he graduated at the same time. Although he has no brotherhood towards Lao Cai, after all, he has worked together for so many years. Some time ago, it was not easy to suspect that he had colluded with others because of jealousy. Now he is dead. , his heart is not feeling well.

"The forensic doctor is conducting an autopsy and the cause of death is not yet known."

Li Lianbin shook his head, his face was three parts lonely and seven parts sad, as for how much of this sadness was just acting, Jiang Luan didn't know.

"In the autopsy room?"

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, he didn't expect Li Lianbin to be so anxious.

It stands to reason that when a person dies, he must first contact his family members, go through the formalities, and do the most basic examination to determine the cause of death. If it is really impossible to determine the cause of death, an autopsy will be performed.

(End of this chapter)

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