Chapter 218 The Death of Lao Cai
Although there are not so many concerns in modern times, it is indeed a kind of disrespect to be dissected after death, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, no matter who the deceased is, an autopsy is a last resort.

Lao Cai was still fine when he got off work yesterday. When Li Lianbin called her, it was obvious that he had died not long ago. Why was he sent to the autopsy room so quickly?

The most important thing is that Lao Cai's family members are not there, obviously Li Lianbin did not notify the family members.

"Want to see it?"

Li Lianbin saw Jiang Luan's doubts and didn't explain, but asked her if she wanted to go with her.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, then shook his head.

It's not that she hasn't seen dead people, but she couldn't bear the shock of Lao Cai sitting there quietly yesterday, greeting her after get off work, but lying on the autopsy bed for autopsy today.

Li Lianbin didn't seem to want to go either. Seeing Jiang Luan shaking his head, he turned back to his office and motioned Jiang Luan to follow.

After entering the director's office, Li Lianbin closed the door, motioned Jiang Luan to sit down, and then picked a chair to sit down himself.

"Director, is there anything strange about Brother Cai's death?"

Jiang Luan sat across from Li Lianbin, with doubts in Qing Hongshui's eyes.

Li Lianbin who entered the office seemed unwilling to put on a show. He didn't look so sad, but there was a bit of regret in his eyes.

Hearing Jiang Luan's question, he sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face: "It's probably his own fault."

Jiang Luan didn't understand what he meant, the doubts in his eyes became a little bit more serious, and he probably knew in his heart that it must have something to do with witchcraft.

Sure enough, Li Lianbin quickly confirmed her guess.

"He died very strangely. He didn't have any wounds on his body. He was still at work this morning. When everyone was going to eat at noon, they saw him still sitting there, and he didn't move. Everyone thought he didn't want to Talk to people, so no one cares. After eating, I found that he was still sitting in that position, so I went over and patted him, and it turned out..."

The muscles on Li Lianbin's face suddenly twitched, and Jiang Luan clearly saw the flash of fear in his eyes.

"I just patted him, but the flesh on his body shrank rapidly, and he turned into a skinny appearance almost instantly, and then fell on the table."

Jiang Luan's eyes widened suddenly, as if he couldn't understand Li Lianbin's meaning for a while.

The office was quiet for a long time before Jiang Luan let out a breath of foul air: "Don't you think this way of death is very similar to Su Yuman?"

"I know, but Su Yuman didn't die so quickly."

The fear on Li Lianbin's face had disappeared, but there was still a trace of panic in his eyes.

He also thought about what Jiang Luan said, so he said that Lao Cai did it on his own.

"I'm still not sure if it's Shi Yushan who took Liu Yibo away, so let's call that person Liu Yibo first."

Jiang Luan leaned forward slightly, making his own analysis.

"Liu Yibo drew Su Yuman's blood just to maintain the illusion, so he couldn't let Su Yuman die. He just didn't want to expose himself too early. Su Yuman's death would be a trouble for him. So, even though it took half a year , although Su Yuman was thin and thin, she still survived. After Su Yuman was rescued, her existence was meaningless, and she might even bring trouble to Liu Yibo, so Liu Yibo killed him without hesitation. Killed her. This shows that Liu Yibo has enough means to kill people instantly."

"As for Lao Cai, after unraveling the guiding spell, he is not good at dealing with people and was rejected by everyone. It is useless to Liu Yibo. At this time, Liu Yibo only needs to take away a part of his body, whether it is nails or hair, to create an illusion , and then let him drink something. If he really colluded with Liu Yibo, it would not be difficult for Liu Yibo to do this."

Li Lianbin nodded: "I think so too. Because I only told you about this matter, I hope you can help investigate who Lao Cai has contacted these days, and see if you can find a breakthrough."

"Okay, but I think it's more reasonable to investigate who Brother Cai had contact with before his death, right?"

Jiang Luan looked at him suspiciously. Lao Cai's body was dissected immediately, and investigation is not a taboo. Why did he ask himself to investigate instead?
At this time, he only dissected and did not investigate, which made people more suspicious, right?
Li Lianbin frowned, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "I just want to tell you first, even if they find out about their status, what's the use? I will directly assign the task to you when I go out later. Others should also won't say anything."

Jiang Luan remembered the expressions on the faces of the others when they came in, and probably understood Li Lianbin's concerns.

Now everyone is blaming themselves for their attitude towards Lao Cai in the past few days. Even if something is found out, they are leaning towards Lao Cai in their hearts, and they will report it when they think of the most suitable reason for him.

It's not considered cover-up, it's just a subconscious compensatory psychology, and at this time, this kind of psychology can be easily used by Liu Yibo.

Liu Yibo is not an idiot, otherwise he would not have taken over the identity of others without being discovered for more than half a year.

Even, he was insidious and cunning, he killed people one after another, but he was able to escape the police, the Mo family, and MIE's searches time and time again.

"Well, I will try my best. But brother Cai's family, don't you plan to notify?"

Jiang Luan thought of Lao Cai's family. It was unreasonable that they hadn't shown up for so long. The only explanation was that Li Lianbin didn't notify them.

Li Lianbin shook his head: "I will not inform them for the time being. After all, it is related to witchcraft. The request from above is that the fewer people know about it, the better. I want to wait until the results of the autopsy come out."

Jiang Luan frowned. Witchcraft works on the mind, and the dissection may not yield any good results. However, if he had eaten something before, there might still be something in his stomach that he hadn't had time to digest.

Unfortunately, after Su Yuman died a few days ago, Su Yan disagreed with the autopsy and sent her directly to the funeral home.

After all, Su Yan was considered a respectable person in City A. He didn't want to, the police and the Mo family couldn't force him, and Su Yuman's experience was sympathetic, so they couldn't force him.

Now that something happened to Lao Cai, it is understandable for Li Lianbin to dissect him. Lao Cai's family background is average, and no one in his family can sue Li Lianbin.

"Director, can you give me a copy of the information on Brother Cai's family?"

Jiang Luan hadn't been working in the first bureau for a long time, and he didn't even know all the staff inside the police station, let alone their family members.

"It's fine if you agree to come down, let's go, I will give you the information in front of everyone, and let them feel at ease."

Li Lianbin usually had a good relationship with the policemen under him, but Lao Cai was too abnormal during this time, getting hot first and then cold, and instead set up Li Lianbin. Although he would not be alienated from everyone, many people couldn't work with peace of mind.

After going out, Li Lianbin didn't explain anything in particular, he just gave Jiang Luan information about Lao Cai's family, and he didn't deliberately lower his voice when he gave a general introduction.

Lao Cai's family background is very simple, a single-parent family with only a mother, a wife, and a son who is in college.

His mother worked in the factory for him to resign after graduation and stay at home full-time to take care of his children.

His wife has a strong temper and is from the countryside. She married him because she had a city hukou, and she sold clothes in a shopping mall. She also complained a lot about Lao Cai's uselessness.

After Jiang Luan listened to Li Lianbin's introduction, he read the documents carefully before taking a taxi to go out.

According to the information above, it is obviously inappropriate to find his son now. His son is already in his senior year, and it is the critical time to find a job. At this time, he cannot be distracted.

And his wife usually quarrels with him most of the time. According to the data, they have a bad relationship and often quarrel, which is much worse than the situation between Liu Yibo and Su Yuman.

It's no wonder that Lao Cai is always depressed on weekdays. He was a single parent since he was a child, and was strictly controlled by his mother. Later, he got married and had children, and his wife was not a worry.

Jiang Luan didn't think about it anymore, and locked the information in the drawer of his desk. Since he hadn't changed his police uniform before, he didn't need to bother to change it again. He took a mobile phone, a communicator, a recorder, and the like, and greeted everyone. , go out and take a taxi.

The conditions in Lao Cai's family are not good, they can only be considered well-off, more than less than more than the next.

I have lived frugally for many years. In addition to providing for my son to go to college, I also bought a 90-square-meter house with three bedrooms and one living room in a community near the outskirts of the city.

The guards at the gate were not strict, so she had no trouble getting in. She found Lao Cai's house according to the address, and after knocking on the door, it opened after a short wait.

The person who opened the door was an old lady in her [-]s and [-]s. She could see that she had suffered a lot when she was young. Her back was hunched over, her skin was dry and wrinkled, her hair was gray and dry, but her clothes were very clean. It must have been Lao Cai and his wife. The service was good.

Facing this old man, Jiang Luan suddenly found that she couldn't speak. She looked old and weak, could she bear the pain of losing a child?

"Girl, what's the matter?"

The old man was not old at heart, seeing Jiang Luan standing at the door staring at him with a complicated expression, he spoke first.

Her teeth had fallen out, and she felt a little hard to speak, but she was powerful, her words were clear, and she didn't make her voice louder. It was obvious that she was not deaf.

"Old man, I am brother Cai's colleague."

Jiang Luan thought for a while, and introduced himself first.

Unexpectedly, when the old man heard her self-introduction, his body trembled violently, and his expression turned ugly.

Jiang Luan was taken aback by the old man's reaction, and took a step forward to hold her elbow, fearing that she might not be able to stand stably.

However, the old man quickly returned to normal, and gently pushed Jiang Luan's arm away to stand on his own. The loose flesh under his eyes trembled rapidly, showing that she hadn't calmed down yet.

"come in."

The old man let out a long sigh, stepped aside, and let Jiang Luan enter the room.

At this time, Jiang Luan also understood that the old man knew something. Although he couldn't bear it, he went into the house, closed the door, and waited for the old man to come to the front before following him.

(End of this chapter)

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