Chapter 220 Missing 1
Jiang Luan pursed her lips and looked at the woman apologetically.

Although this kind of thing will not bring too much trouble to Li Lianbin or even the police station, but the posture still needs to be sufficient.

"Thank you." The woman thanked Jiang Luanmei for disturbing her son, then looked at her anxiously, and said, "Can I go and see Lao Cai?"

Jiang Luan frowned, she couldn't make a decision.

Not to mention that Lao Cai's death was horrific, and now that he has been dissected, the family members may not be able to accept it.

The key point is that this kind of thing involves witchcraft, and the above means to hide it as much as possible, and try not to let the public know, she can't make this decision.

In the end, Jiang Luan used the communicator to talk to Li Lianbin and told him the woman's request. Li Lianbin paused and agreed to take the woman back.

After returning to the police station, Li Lianbin asked someone to take the woman to see Lao Cai, while Jiang Luan gave Li Lianbin the recording pen in his hand, and then roughly talked about the information he got, without adding any personal opinions, and let Li Lianbin make his own judgment .

Li Lianbin put away the recording pen and looked at Jiang Luan: "Take Xiao Chen and Xiao Wang to Lao Cai's area to find the police. I'll call them and let them help you check the surrounding area."

"I want to bring a friend over there."

Jiang Luan thought of Liu Yibo's cunning, and it would be useless for them to go there. With Shen Ling, at least they could sense if there was a witchcraft aura nearby, and they wouldn't have a group of people blindly looking for it.

"Whoever you want to bring with you, you can see for yourself. After this matter is over, I will give you a vacation."

Li Lianbin didn't need to think about who Jiang Luan was going to bring, and immediately made a joke in a good mood.

"I haven't worked much for more than a year. If you give me another vacation, everyone will have opinions."

Jiang Luan laughed and rejected Li Lianbin's offer.

"What advice can they have? After this busy period, everyone will take turns to relax and relax."

Li Lianbin took the opportunity to buy people's hearts.

"Okay, thank you Director."

The relaxed attitude of Li Lianbin and Jiang Luan also infected everyone, and they responded with a spirited response, and their complexions improved a little.

Jiang Luan and Li Lianbin looked at each other, turned back to the locker room to change into police uniforms, let Xiao Chen Xiaowang go first, she took a taxi home and drove her own car, called to ask Shen Ling's current location, drove over and took Shen Ling left the city.

Jian Xuan didn't follow because he still had something to do in the bar.

"Jiang Luan, what grievances do you have with that evil witch?"

Jiang Luan picked up Shen Ling and walked out of the city, and Shen Ling asked as soon as he got into the car.

Ever since Su Yuman was killed, Shen Ling has called Liu Yibo a wicked witch. She has always disliked vicious sorcerers and is extremely repulsive.

Jiang Luan gave Shen Ling a strange look, it was strange that Shen Ling would be curious about such things.

"If that person is Shi Yushan, I can tell you that it is the revenge of killing the father and the son. But it is not very sure that the person is Shi Yushan. After all, he died at this time last year."

Jiang Luan turned around and explained to Shen Ling while driving.

"Tell me."

Shen Ling leaned on the back of the chair, turned her head to look at Jiang Luan's profile, her clear eyes reflected Jiang Luan's reflection, there was no gossip or curiosity, it seemed like she was just asking casually, but she told others clearly that she must tell her the answer.

Jiang Luan sighed helplessly, with a serious expression on his face.

In fact, she didn't want to mention it, but Shen Ling was different. What she asked must be intentional, so she wouldn't consider whether she would expose people's scars and poke people's wounds, and she wouldn't bring these things up When you listen to the story, you will only ask when you really think it is necessary.

"More than 20 years ago, Shi Yushan's son and two other people wanted to kill Uncle Mo. In order to save Uncle Mo, Aunt Chu killed them by mistake. Shi Yushan has an extreme temperament and hates the Mo family and the Jiang family. Five years ago, he killed my father and almost killed him. Kill me. Last year, he was sentenced to death and died in a mental hospital. His behavior and methods over the past year made us suspect that he is Shi Yushan. However, it is still uncertain after all."

Jiang Luan briefly talked about the grievances and grievances of the three families in a few words. As for the emotional entanglement, Shen Ling was not interested in talking about it.

Sure enough, Shen Ling didn't ask any more questions, but frowned and cast aside Shi Yushan's character.

"There is an injustice and a debtor. It was Mo Qingxuan's parents who killed his son. What did he do to you and your father?"

Jiang Luan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Shen Ling seems to pay attention to karma, no matter who is right or wrong, if Shi Yushan killed Mo Jinxiu back then, would Shen Ling take it for granted?

"Shen Ling, do you think it's right for Shi Yushan to seek revenge from Uncle Mo and the others?"

Jiang Luan tilted her head slightly, thinking it's better to ask.

"Whoever uses magic to harm others, death is not a pity. I'm just saying that the grievances are with their two families, and that evil witch should not talk about other families."

Sure enough, Shen Ling's thinking was very simple, discussing the facts rather than vague views of justice.

Jiang Luan breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he had already reached the outskirts of the city, and there were relatively few vehicles, so he sped up a little.

"How are the two people Mo Qingxuan asked you to save a few days ago?"

"It's a bit complicated, but I have basically recovered my sanity now. I will go again tomorrow, and it should be almost there."

Jiang Luan nodded, and said, "Tomorrow, I'll take a leave of absence and go together."

Fengzi and Aqi must know something, after all, they were the ones who watched Liu Yibo that day.

"Well, whatever you want."

Shen Ling nodded. Anyway, it was their own business, and she was only responsible for breaking the spell.

It happened to be here too, Jiang Luan saw a police car parked at the gate of the police station, it should be Xiao Chen and Xiao Wang who arrived.

She took Shen Ling into the police station, and sure enough, she saw Xiao Chen and Xiao Wang sitting inside, and the person sitting with them should be the director here.

"Jiang Luan, this is Director Yang of Xinmian Police Station."

When Xiao Chen saw Jiang Luan coming in, he got up from his chair and introduced him to that person, then pointed to Jiang Luan and introduced him to the director.

"Hello, I probably know a few places you mentioned, can we go now?"

Director Yang also stood up and laid hands on Jiang Luan. His attitude was not amiable, but he didn't show any contempt. He looked like a serious person, not tactful enough.

After exchanging pleasantries, Director Yang got into the police car of Xiao Chen and Xiao Wang to lead the way, and Jiang Luan and Shen Ling followed behind.

Director Yang took them to three places, one was an abandoned factory building, there were a few osmanthus trees and some wildly growing weeds in the yard, and there were indeed cobwebs and worm silk in the dilapidated places such as the corners.

There is also a park that has not been built. Half of the construction has been put on hold for unknown reasons, and weeds are overgrown everywhere.

The last thing I went to was a piece of private houses with big demolished characters written on them. Some houses had been demolished in half, but it looked like they hadn't started construction for a long time.

Everywhere, Shen Ling said that he didn't feel Liu Yibo's breath, so there were only two possibilities.

One is that Liu Yibo used some means to seal up the witchcraft in himself, and the other is that Liu Yibo is not around.

When everyone was about to return disappointed, Shen Ling suddenly stopped, closed his eyes, and frowned slightly. Seeing that she seemed to be sensing something, Jiang Luan raised his hand to signal Director Yang and the others to keep quiet.

After a while, Shen Ling opened his eyes, and the flash of light in his eyes made people's heart skip a beat. Even Jiang Luan couldn't help trembling in her heart, and Xiao Chen Xiaowang next to her was even more dazzled. Confused, blushing, but Director Yang coughed lightly and looked away uncomfortably.

Jiang Luan looked at Shen Ling, tilted her head and waited for her to speak. Looking at her appearance just now, she should be sensing something.

"There is indeed a smell of witch soup here. It should have been two days ago, and now the smell has almost dissipated."

Shen Ling's voice was a bit ethereal, like a dream, more fairy-like than before.

Jiang Luan noticed the change in her, and he was in doubt, not knowing whether it was good or bad.

"It seems that the person has left. Let's go back too."

Director Yang coughed heavily, dispelling the feeling of falling into a dream brought by Shen Ling, and asked to leave.

This place is very uncomfortable, and it always feels a little gloomy. When I heard Shen Ling say that people with witchcraft came here, I felt even more uncomfortable.

Jiang Luan glanced at Shen Ling, and seeing that she had no objection, she nodded and followed Director Yang and Xiao Chen Xiaowang, and Shen Ling followed Jiang Luan.

Finally, there is a clue, but now it is broken, and the rest is at a loss.

"Brother Chen, Brother Wang, it's past six o'clock now, I won't go back to the police station, I'll call the chief later."

After working all afternoon, there were no clues, and Jiang Luan was thinking about Duo Duo who was left behind in Mo Zhai, so she didn't plan to go back.

Little Chen Xiaowang also knew that Jiang Luan had a half-year-old daughter at home, so he told her to be careful on the road, and then drove Director Yang away.

After the group left, a head popped out of the window of a private house, watching the two cars separate, the tension in their eyes dissipated.

Shen Ling is no better than him, he can be sure of this, coupled with some of his forbidden techniques, there is more than [-]% chance of winning against Shen Ling.

But Shen Ling's sensitivity and perception are too sharp, he has never seen this ability in any book.

Anyone, when not using witchcraft, was the same as normal people, he had always thought it was.

Until the last time he found out that Shen Ling could sense the aura of witchcraft, he directly concealed all his aura, that is to say, not only witchcraft, but if he didn't come forward, even the police dogs would not be able to detect his existence.

It was because he wanted to guard against Shen Ling, so when he gave Lao Cai the medicine two days ago, Lao Cai just opened the lid, but he stopped him and told him to leave here before drinking.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, Shen Ling still noticed it.

It seems that this Shen Ling should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it must be a big trouble!

Liu Yibo sat leaning on the bed made of scraps of wood, a trace of hostility flashed in his gloomy eyes, and a sinister arc curled up at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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