Chapter 221 Missing 2
No one can stop him from taking revenge. It used to be his son's revenge, but now he has added his own. He will never let the Mo family and the Jiang family have a better life. God blocks and kills gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!
After Jiang Luan sent Shen Ling to Jian Xuan's house, she called Bai Ge, and before they came home, she drove directly to Mo's house.

Dodo burst into tears when she saw Jiang Luan's mouth squeaked, struggling in Chu Huan's arms, and rushed towards Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan hurriedly took a few steps to take Douduo over, seeing her out of breath from crying, her heart ached terribly.

Originally, when she went to work this week, Dodo was always afraid that she would leave again. She left without a word after dinner today, so Dodo was naturally sad.

"Duoduo started crying right after you left at noon. In the end, I couldn't help but hugged Ah Xuan for a while before I stopped crying. After sleeping with Ah Xuan for two hours, I woke up and started crying again. This time even Ah Xuan coaxed me I can't stop. I wanted to call you, but I thought you might be in a hurry, so I didn't dare to call you. "

Chu Huan handed Duo Duo to Jiang Luan, seeing Duo Duo waving her small arms tightly clutching Jiang Luan's collar and crying heartbreakingly, she was also full of helplessness.

Jiang Luan hugged Duo Duo tightly in distress, and couldn't help the red eyes, kissing her tender little face while comforting her in a low voice.

"Baby don't cry, mother is back, be good, don't cry..."

Jiang Luan coaxed her for a long time before Duo Duo stopped sobbing, her little hands were still holding on to Jiang Luan's collar.

"Aunt Chu, can you get me a towel? The fabric of my clothes is too hard."

Jiang Luan had no choice but to turn to Chu Huan for help. She rushed back without changing her police uniform. Duo Duo's small face was pressed against her shoulder, and the collar easily pricked Duo Duo's skin.

Chu Huan brought her a towel, carefully raised Duoduo's head, and put the towel under it.

"Duoduo was fed milk powder by Ah Xuan at three o'clock, and she should be hungry by now, so you should feed her milk first."

Seeing Jiang Luan holding Duo Duo helplessly with distressed face, Bai Ge reminded her.

Jiang Luan nodded, and went upstairs to nurse Duo Duo in her arms.

The next day, Jiang Luan called Li Lianbin to explain the situation. Instead of going to work, Jiang Luan went to Jing'an Hospital.

Fengzi and Archie are in a special situation. They have been living in the VIP ward on the 14th floor of Jing'an Hospital for the past few days. More than a dozen bodyguards are guarding it in turn. Except for Mo Qingxuan, Qiangzi and Shen Ling, anyone can inaccessible.

Jiang Luan had already talked to Mo Qingxuan yesterday, and Mo Qingxuan also greeted her, so when she and Shen Ling appeared at the door of the VIP ward together, the bodyguards at the door did not stop them. After seeing them walk out of the elevator door, they respectfully He called out to Miss Shen and Miss Jiang, and stretched out his hand to push the door aside.

Although the bruises on Mo Qingxuan's face dissipated a lot, his image was damaged after all, and with an ancestor like Shen Ling around, he still didn't plan to show up, but connected to the ward's surveillance at home.

With Jian Xuan as a lesson from the past, Mo Qingxuan was unwilling to appear in front of Shen Ling with his current image.

Thinking of Mo Qingxuan's aggrieved face yesterday, Jiang Luan couldn't help curling his lips, and subconsciously glanced at the surveillance camera in the corner. At this moment, Mo Qingxuan was sitting in his small living room in Qingluan Garden watching the Situation.

"The two of them have almost recovered their minds, but they still have obstacles in communicating with others. They will be fine after two more treatments today."

Seeing the two dazed people sitting by the bed, Shen Ling casually explained the situation to Jiang Luan.

Jiang Luan frowned and looked at Shen Ling. This was the first time Shen Ling spoke after meeting today. It was the same as yesterday, the ethereal feeling always made people feel unreal, and seeing her walking almost seemed to be floating and swimming. Looking at her feet, it was clear that she was walking alternately, no different from usual.

"Shen Ling, do you feel that you are different from usual these two days?"

After the two entered, the bodyguard closed the door from the outside, Jiang Luan sat down beside him, watched Shen Ling standing in front of one of them and began to chant a mantra, and asked a question with concern.

After Shen Ling finished reciting the mantra, he pointed his finger in the middle of the forehead of the person in front of him, and then looked at Jiang Luan. A hint of confusion clearly flashed in his clever eyes, but he finally ignored her question.

Jiang Luan sighed, Shen Ling will not lie, nor will she hide her thoughts, the only way to deal with her is to be straightforward.

However, this time she avoided it. After a year of acquaintance, although it was not a deep friendship, Jiang Luan still knew Shen Ling well.

In other words, as long as there are people who have met Shen Ling, there are very few who don't know her, because she is a transparent person, her heart is clear and transparent, she can distinguish hypocrisy at a glance, and she will not give birth to any kindness to people with good intentions. wary.

Shen Ling chanted spells to the two of them in turn, and prepared some potions for them to drink.

The way she feeds the medicine is quite simple and rude. She uses a spell to force two people to open their mouths, shut their mouths, and swallow. The way was flushed with choking, but she ignored it, and took a second gulp, and Archie's face turned better.

When Shen Ling finished these, it was already an hour later, Jiang Luan watched her throw all the used things into the trash can, and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

While waiting for the two to recover, Shen Ling lowered his eyelids as if thinking about something.

Jiang Luan found it strange that such an expression had never appeared on Shen Ling in the past.

About ten minutes later, Shen Ling raised his head to look at Jiang Luan, with a trace of confusion flickering in his aura-filled eyes.

"Jiang Luan, I think I'm out of time."

Jiang Luan was taken aback by her words, and subconsciously asked, "Why don't you have time?"

"I don't know, I just feel like I'm running out of time. It's a weird feeling and I can't really explain why I feel that way."

Jiang Luan's first reaction was, what should Ah Xuan do?

However, seeing Shen Ling's confused expression, she couldn't ask.

Shen Ling, do you know Jian Xuan's feelings for her?
In the past, Shen Ling was transparent and pure, completely shielded from emotions, and had a feeling of detachment.

But now she seems to be different. Although she is more ethereal and full of aura, she seems to have realized something.

When she said that she had no time, Jiang Luan clearly saw the struggle and reluctance in her eyes.

"For a long time, we have all deliberately not asked about your life experience. It is reasonable to say that this age is not self-sufficient like in ancient times. It is not difficult to live in seclusion. But it is impossible for a normal person to live in a remote place all the time. Dealing with people. You are already in your 20s, but you don’t understand anything. You are just like a blank sheet of paper. In terms of human relations, you are not even as good as a five-year-old child. Originally, this is your privacy. Out of respect, we have never I asked you, now, since you mentioned it, can you tell me about it?"

Jiang Luan pinched her palms and asked everyone's confusion.

Everything about Shen Ling was too mysterious, and she could tell that Jian Xuan was sincerely attracted to her.

She could see Shen Ling's changes, and her feelings made Jiang Luan inexplicably uneasy. If it was true, what should Jian Xuan do?
For Jian Xuan's sake, she had to ask.

"I have lived with my father in the mountains since I was born. I have never seen what my mother looks like. When I was young, my father told me that the world is dangerous and he only wants me to live my life safely and happily. He taught me many principles, including witchcraft. But never taught me witchcraft. When I was seven years old, my father who went out to buy me a birthday present came back suddenly, and he actually wanted to kill me."

Shen Ling didn't go into details. After Jiang Luan finished asking, she only hesitated for a moment, and then began to tell. When she mentioned that her father was going to kill her, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of sadness.

This was the first time Jiang Luan saw her in such a strong mood, her shoulders trembled slightly.

"When I was so scared that I didn't know what to do, my father suddenly bit his wrist again, took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and threw it to me, and then committed suicide. I recognized the bunch of keys, it was his room He always carried it with him. When I opened the box, there was a whole box full of books, all about witchcraft. I didn’t know until much later that my father had been taken away, but he Knowing witchcraft, he locked his soul in his body, and the man couldn't squeeze out his soul, so he forcibly suppressed it. When he was about to kill me, my father felt it and woke up in time to stop him."

Shen Ling's story seemed to be over, and the strong emotional fluctuations on his face were like ripples on the surface of a lake. After rippling, they returned to calm.

"Well, didn't your father mention the matter of Taoyuan Township? And it's not in the books he left?"

Jiang Luan frowned, Shen Ling's emotional line didn't seem to be closed, even though she was sad, she quickly recovered after telling the story.

However, it doesn't mean that she has no feelings and she won't feel uncomfortable.

"No, I also resonated with that person named Ou Ying last year."

Shen Ling shook her head. It was an inexplicable feeling. Before that, she didn't know the existence of Taoyuan Township at all, and she didn't even know that the witchcraft she learned was different from others.

"Um... why are we here?"

Jiang Luan wanted to ask again, but the two people sitting on the hospital bed were already awake, frowning and rubbing their temples and looking around, although they were still weak, their eyes became alert, and their sharp eyes were cast on Shen Ling and Jiang on Luan.

"Miss Jiang?"

Archie was stunned for a moment when he saw Jiang Luan, his eyes lit up, his vigilance dissipated, and then he became confused again.

Jiang Luan raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Mo Qingxuan's subordinates all knew her. There were traces of their acquaintance everywhere. Why didn't she notice it before.

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Seeing that the two of them had returned to normal, Shen Ling stood up from his seat and asked, before they could speak, he added: "Sure enough, the current appearance is much more pleasing to the eye than before."

(End of this chapter)

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