Chapter 222
The eyes of the two of them sharpened, and they looked at Shen Ling with hostility.

There are quite a few bodyguards under Mo Qingxuan, and there are not many who have the opportunity to stay by his side often. The two of them have been assigned to monitor Liu Yibo, so they have never met Shen Ling, and they don't know who she is.

If it wasn't for Jiang Luan's familiarity with her, just based on this sentence, the two of them would definitely have a reason to beat her up. In their world, there is no such thing as not to beat a woman, and it's not Cheng Ziqian.

"Don't care what she said, she didn't mean anything malicious."

Seeing that the eyes of the two were not friendly, Jiang Luan stood up and explained something for Shen Ling, and then looked at them with concern: "How are you doing? Do you have a bad headache?"

"It's okay, Miss Jiang, why are we here?"

Fengzi and Archie looked at each other, then turned back to look at Jiang Luan, they still wanted to buy Jiang Luan's face, but they didn't even glance at Shen Ling, they were angry.

"You really don't remember?"

Jiang Luan leaned against the wall, frowning at the two of them, if they forgot what happened before dementia, it would be meaningless for her to come here today.

Hearing this, Fengzi and Archie lowered their heads in deep thought, their expressions sombre, apparently they just woke up and their minds are not clear yet, and their memory is a bit confused.

But they quickly dug out the previous memories from their chaotic minds, looked at Jiang Luan at the same time and said, "That Liu Yibo has a problem."

Jiang Luan raised her eyebrows, she knew this a long time ago, she wanted to know what happened before Liu Yibo attacked them.

Seeing Jiang Luan's reaction, the two also realized that they were talking nonsense, and there was a look of embarrassment on their faces. Archie asked, "Miss Jiang, how long have we been unconscious?"

"You are not fainted, you are just stupid."

Shen Ling blinked, seeking truth from facts, they were indeed not unconscious, they were just fooled by Liu Yibo.

Fengzi wants to faint again, who is this woman, and who will drag her out?
Jiang Luan twitched the corners of her mouth, held back her smile, turned on the recording pen she had prepared and asked, "You have been using witchcraft for several days. It was Shen Ling who lifted the witchcraft for you. Do you still remember that day? What happened?"

Archie thought for a while, and quickly cleared his mind: "It was our turn to follow and monitor Liu Yibo that day. He didn't seem to have any abnormalities in the past six months, and everyone was a little relaxed. But that day I suddenly saw that he left the hospital at noon. , I took a taxi and didn’t know where I was going. I hurried to follow and found that it was heading towards his house. When I was approaching his house, I saw a police car parked downstairs in the community, but he didn’t stop there. The taxi drove until it stopped near the abandoned garden not far away."

Fengzi also remembered, and cut off the conversation: "Archie is responsible for tracking and monitoring Liu Yibo himself, and I am responsible for monitoring his house. Because the house I rented is opposite the main entrance of Liu Yibo's house, I didn't see the windows behind the building. Until It was only when the police came that I realized something was wrong. Before I had time to contact the eldest son, I saw Archie driving by. I realized that the taxi in front of me might be Liu Yibo. I went downstairs to follow and met Archie. "

At this time, Jiang Luan's phone rang, interrupting Fengzi's words, Jiang Luan gave him a sorry look, took out the phone and took a look, it was Shi Mingyang calling.

It is inconvenient for her to answer the phone now, so she hung up the phone directly, then edited a text message and sent it, saying to call him later, and then signaled them to continue.

Fengzi sorted out his thoughts, and continued: "We only saw Liu Yibo get off the car, and then entered the garden. We were afraid that he would find us, so we followed quietly, and at the corner of a wall, we took two pieces of talisman papers head-on. Then there was the sound of chanting a mantra. I don’t remember the rest of it, and it’s just now when I’m conscious again.”

Jiang Luan frowned. If that was the case, it would only further prove that Liu Yibo knew witchcraft. Apart from that, their statement didn't have any favorable clues.

"Didn't you hear anything else Liu Yibo said, or did you have any clues?"

Unwilling to give up, Jiang Luan asked again.

Fengzi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but saw Archie glance at him quickly, then looked at the recording pen in Jiang Luan's hand, and closed his mouth again.

"No, our last impression is those few incomprehensible spells."

Archie shook his head, but his eyes were fixed on the recording pen in Jiang Luan's hand.

Jiang Luan noticed Archie's eyes, turned off the recorder decisively, and put it in his pocket.

As bodyguards, Archie and Fengzi undoubtedly have the best acuity. Jiang Luan is here now, and Mo Qingxuan is not accompanied, which has already explained Jiang Luan's position. She is talking from the perspective of the police, and Archie What He Fengzi could say to the police had ended just now.

Now, Jiang Luan is the woman their eldest son likes, so naturally they should know everything.

"Actually, that spell didn't make people fall into a coma very quickly. The last thing I heard was Liu Yibo on the phone, as if he was questioning someone."

Seeing Jiang Luan put away the recorder, Fengzi didn't hide anything, and told Jiang Luan the last thing he kept.

Jiang Luan frowned. If this person was Shi Yushan, who would he call?
Thinking of the call from Shi Mingyang just now, Jiang Luan's expression changed, and he took out the phone from his pocket and dialed it back.

Shi Mingyang seemed surprised that Jiang Luan would call so quickly, but his voice sounded very happy.

"Aluan, are you done with your work?"

Shi Mingyang's voice was a bit strange, but the ending was light, and he seemed to be in a good mood, which was completely different from the feeling when we met the day before yesterday.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Luan didn't answer and asked him directly.

"It's okay, I just didn't go to work today, and I thought about my grandpa, so I wanted to ask if you have any new progress."

Shi Mingyang's tone dropped slightly, but his voice was very gentle, and he didn't tell Jiang Luan that he just wanted to hear her talk.

"The clue is broken. I just have something to ask you." Jiang Luan pursed his lips, how could he hear the change in his tone?It's just that now I can only pretend that I didn't hear it.

"What do you want to ask?"

Shi Mingyang didn't mind Jiang Luan's blunt way of changing the subject, and asked following her words.

Jiang Luan glanced at Fengzi and Aqie, they were staring at her, and Shen Ling who was beside him also sat back and leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed.

"I just want to ask, when did you know that Liu Yibo is your grandfather?"

Jiang Luan left the wall, walked back to her previous position and sat down, lowered her eyelids and looked at the ground, hiding the emotions in Qing Hongshui's eyes.

The voice on the phone paused, Jiang Luan clearly heard Shi Mingyang's breathing suddenly increased, but he quickly returned to normal.

"When Su Yuman was rescued, Mo Qingxuan called me."

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, did Mo Qingxuan determine that Liu Yibo was Shi Yushan so early?

Seemingly aware of Jiang Luan's doubts, before she could open her mouth to post, Shi Mingyang added another sentence: "He only said that my grandpa might still be alive, so he wasn't sure. Of course I didn't believe it at the time, so I called Miaoke after I hung up the phone. Miaoke obviously knew something, but she didn’t tell me anything.”

Jiang Luan stood up abruptly from the stool, and she didn't seem to feel any pain when her knees touched the edge of the stool, and her expression was a little flustered.

"You said, you only found out that Shi Yushan was alive after Su Yuman was rescued. Are you sure Shi Yushan didn't call you before?"

"No, he did call me, but not before, but after three o'clock in the afternoon. A Luan, is there any problem?"

Sensing Jiang Luan's excitement, Shi Mingyang asked with concern.

"Senior Mingyang, I'll call you later."

Jiang Luan hung up the phone as soon as she said that, Mo Qingxuan's phone call came in just after she hung up, she pressed the hang up button without thinking, found Wu Miaoke's phone number and dialed out.

How could she have forgotten that Wu Miao was the first to notice that Liu Yibo was wrong, she was the one who warned them to be careful of him at first, otherwise Mo Qingxuan would not have sent someone to monitor Liu Yibo for half a year.

Besides Shi Mingyang, the only person Shi Yushan could contact was Wu Miaoke.

Shi Mingyang knew the time was obviously wrong. According to Fengzi and Aqi, the police had just arrived when they followed Liu Yibo, that is, Shi Yushan. At that time, let alone rescued Su Yuman, they were not even sure whether anyone in that house had been arrested. captivity.

Shi Mingyang didn't receive Shi Yushan's call until three o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, both Fengzi and Archie had been discovered, and the time was obviously wrong.

Then, only Wu Miaoke is left!
Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, Jiang Luan felt his heart was about to jump out, and he only hoped that Wu Miaoke would answer the phone quickly.

Fortunately, she didn't wait too long, and after beeping four or five times, the call was connected.

"Hello, sister Jiang Luan?"

Wu Miaoke kept Jiang Luan's phone number, so she directly identified her as soon as she answered the phone.

"Miao Ke, where are you now?"

Hearing Wu Miaoke's voice, Jiang Luan breathed a sigh of relief and asked impatiently.

"I work at the company, what's the matter?"

Wu Miaoke asked suspiciously, Jiang Luan heard the sound of typing on the keyboard over there, it seemed that she was working on the phone while talking to herself.

"Where is your company located?"

Jiang Luan grabbed the phone in his hand tightly, and asked him the company address regardless of whether he and she still had quarrels.

Wu Miaoke didn't answer, and the sound of typing on the keyboard also stopped, Jiang Luan obviously felt that she didn't want to tell him.

At this moment, someone shouted on the phone: "Wu Miaoke, there is your courier."

"Sister Jiang Luan, I'll go pick up the courier and call you later."

"Wait a moment……"

Before Jiang Luan could finish speaking, Wu Miaoke on the opposite side had already hung up the phone, and she didn't answer the call back.

"Archie, Fengzi, does any of you know where the office of the anecdote file is located?"

Jiang Luan stared at Archie and asked them. The two of them didn't know what Jiang Luan meant by asking, but they didn't pay attention to such side magazines, so they could only shake their heads regretfully.

(End of this chapter)

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