Chapter 223 I'm In Trouble
"Shen Ling, there may be trouble, come with me."

Jiang Luan couldn't help saying that he pulled Shen Ling's hand and walked out. Five or six bodyguards were guarding outside. Seeing Jiang Luan and the others coming out, he bowed respectfully.

"Do any of you know where the anecdote file is?"

Jiang Luan waved his hand so that they don't have to bow, and turned his gaze around several of them.

"I know where it is."

Only one bodyguard stood up, and others didn't seem to care about such insignificant little magazines.

"Please drive us there."

Without giving him a chance to refuse, Jiang Luan dragged Shen Ling and walked out. The bodyguard had no choice but to keep up. By the way, he called Mo Qingxuan, but it turned out that he was on the phone.

Jiang Luan didn't drive his own car, but the bodyguard drove his remodeled car to the anecdotal file.

The Anecdote File is not far from Jing'an Hospital, and it takes about 20 minutes to drive there. Jiang Luan kept calling Wu Miaoke, but no one answered. It wasn't Wu Miaoke who picked it up.

"Hey, Miaoke went downstairs to pick up the courier and didn't bring her mobile phone."

Jiang Luan recognized that it was Fang Congying's voice, and his eyes froze. It has been almost half an hour since I hung up the phone. How could it take so long to pick up a courier?
"Fang Congying, right? Wu Miaoke may be in trouble. You go downstairs and wait. I'll be there in a while. Remember to bring Wu Miaoke's phone."

After Jiang Luan finished speaking, she hung up the phone before Fang Congying could speak again.

Not long after the phone was hung up, Mo Qingxuan called. Jiang Luan hesitated for a while, but still connected the phone.

"Jiang Luan, listen carefully, I'll be there right away, don't mess around before I arrive!"

As soon as he pressed the answer button, he heard Mo Qingxuan's roar from the phone, accompanied by the sound of walking, breathing heavily when talking, and feeling a little out of breath.

Jiang Luan took the phone away from her ear, rubbed her ears, and put the phone back to her ear.

"Ah Xuan, Shen Ling is with me, I'm fine."

"I know! Are you going to the Odd Archives now? Wait for me there, and you are not allowed to go anywhere until I arrive!"

Mo Qingxuan interrupted Jiang Luan fiercely, his voice was full of hostility, as if Jiang Luan would pounce on her and tear her apart if she disagreed.

Jiang Luan was silent for a moment, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said softly, "Ah Xuan, when Shi Mingyang's matter is resolved, you can tell me everything I don't know."

Then, no matter how dazed the person on the other side of the phone was, she hung up the phone directly, with a smile spreading from the corners of her mouth and eyes.

She could feel his concern and his tension, and she was very happy, so let her be willful again.

When they arrived, Fang Congying was already waiting outside the door with Wu Miaoke's mobile phone. He seemed to realize that Wu Miaoke was in danger, so he could no longer see the cheerful smile on his face, and his brows were tightly frowned. Look anxious.

Seeing Jiang Luan get off the car, he almost rushed over.

"Miss Jiang, you said Miaoke is in trouble, what's going on?"

"Didn't you say that she came down to pick up the courier? Didn't any of you doubt it after she picked up the courier for nearly half an hour?"

Jiang Luan frowned, feeling that their magazine office was too loose, no one would notice that a person left his post for such a long time.

A look of remorse flashed in Fang Congying's eyes, and he seemed bewildered.

"We are very democratic here, and everyone usually respects each other's privacy. I thought she was delayed by something, so I didn't care. Because her phone is usually on vibrate, we couldn't receive the previous call... "

"Don't worry, you..."

Just as Jiang Luan spoke, the phone in Fang Congying's hand rang suddenly, it was Wu Miaoke's phone.

Fang Congying was in a state of confusion at the moment, seeing the strange number on Wu Miaoke's phone, she couldn't think of what to do for a moment, she could only look to Jiang Luan for help.

"Come on, let's see who is looking for her."

Jiang Luan took a step back and leaned against the car door, signaling to Shen Ling who just got out of the car to keep silent.

Fang Congying pursed her lips nervously, trying to calm herself down, but her face turned pale. She pressed the answer button, and according to Jiang Luan's instructions, turned on the speakerphone. She only said hello, but it sounded like trembling.

"If you want to find Wu Miaoke, go to the glass factory on Yulin Road. I'll wait for you in the abandoned factory building. By the way, don't call the police. I don't want to kill too many people. Of course, you are willing to let those policemen come to die. I didn't either." Opinion."

A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone. Jiang Luan had never heard Liu Yibo's voice before, but he was sure of his identity immediately.

He was talking about you, and obviously knew that Fang Congying was not the only one here.

"Shi Yushan, you have done all kinds of bad things, why are you still refusing to let Miaoke go?"

Jiang Luan clenched her fists, her voice was cold, and there was strong hatred in her eyes.

Shi Yushan paused for a moment, and a stern laugh came through the radio waves, and those who heard his voice seemed to be able to see the ferocity on his face.

"It's still known to you, but what does that matter, even if you know my identity, you still can't escape the fate of death. The Jiang family and the Mo family must pay their debts in blood!"

"Not to mention that your revenge is untenable. Wu Miaoke grew up with you and respected you like a grandfather, but you killed her mother for your own selfishness. Now you catch her and use her Come and threaten us. Shi Yushan, if you want to talk about revenge, don't you think Wu Miaoke should seek revenge from you? Shouldn't those people who were killed by you seek revenge from you?"

"She betrayed me!"

After listening to Jiang Luan's words, Shi Yushan suddenly roared angrily. When Jiang Luan and others were stupefied, his voice became calm again, but it sounded very indifferent.

"You don't need to talk nonsense, I just wait for an hour, if you don't arrive after an hour, Wu Miaoke will die."


Before Jiang Luan could even speak, a busy tone came from the phone, and Shi Yushan actually hung up the phone.


Jiang Luan opened the car door and sat back, greeting Fang Congying and Shen Ling by the way.

The place Shi Yushan chose is far away. Yulin Road is not in the same direction as Lao Cai’s house, but it is also a suburb of the city. There are dozens of factories nearby, big and small. The glass factory he said is abandoned, so there is no need to worry about it. Someone is passing by.

It took almost an hour to drive there from here, and he called on time!
"Miss Jiang, the eldest son asked you to wait for him to come over."

Seeing that everyone got into the car, the bodyguard looked embarrassed.

Just now, Mo Qingxuan knew that Jiang Luan would not listen to him, so he specially sent a text message to the bodyguard, telling him to support Jiang Luan and Shen Ling no matter what, and wait for him to come.

Jiang Luan frowned, looking into the bodyguard's eyes from the rearview mirror, her voice was soft but with a hint of coldness.

"You should have heard Shi Yushan's call just now. He only gave you an hour. Now if we delay for a minute, Wu Miaoke will be in more danger. If you don't want to, I have plenty of ways to kick you out of the driver's seat." Get down, and then I'll drive."

The bodyguard frowned. The fact that Ayang and Ajun had suffered at the hands of Jiang Luan was not a secret among their group of bodyguards. He believed that as a policeman, as a person who had fought against Mo Qingxuan for more than 20 years, Jiang Luan Luan will definitely do what he says, if he doesn't listen to her, he will just be unconscious by the side of the road and wait for Mo Qingxuan to arrive.

On the way, Jiang Luan briefly explained the situation to Fang Congying. He didn't explain the grievances between Shi Yushan and the Mo family, but only briefly explained it.

Only then did Fang Congying know that Wu Miaoke's seemingly unintentional reminder that day turned out to be a great risk.

At the red light intersection, the bodyguard sent a text message to Mo Qingxuan. He didn't dare to try Jiang Luan's methods, but he couldn't ignore Mo Qingxuan's words.

Seeing his movements, Shen Ling who was sitting on the passenger seat glanced at him, and a soft and ethereal voice sounded in the car: "No matter how many people who don't understand witchcraft go, they will die."

The movement in the bodyguard's hand paused, and he decisively pressed the send button. Although there are still a few words left to type, the address has been successfully entered, and the rest is not important.

Facts proved that the bodyguard's action was correct. Jiang Luan realized what the bodyguard was doing after hearing Shen Ling's voice, grabbed the car cover of the front seat, jumped up, and immediately snatched the phone from the bodyguard's hand .

It was not difficult for the bodyguard to avoid Jiang Luan's attack, but he couldn't use it in the carriage, and was afraid of hurting Jiang Luan, so he just pressed the send button and let go.

After Jiang Luan snatched the phone back, she only saw a notification that the message was sent successfully on the screen of the phone, and a green checkmark seemed to mock her for unnecessary actions.

"Do you want to kill Ah Xuan?"

Angrily, Jiang Luan smashed the phone on the ground, because there were floor mats in the car, the phone only made a dull crashing sound and did not break apart.

"I'm just reporting the situation to the eldest son."

The bodyguard's expression remained unchanged, just when the green light came on, he started the car and rushed out.

Jiang Luan also knew that he could not be blamed, but as Shen Ling said, most of them were delivering food at this time. If Fang Congying didn't really care about Wu Miaoke, Jiang Luan didn't even want them to go. Only she and Shen Ling, there were few people. The smaller the goal, the greater the chance of success.

But she completely forgot that Mo Qingxuan cared no less for her than Fang Congying cared for Wu Miaoke.

It was just because she didn't want anything to happen to Mo Qingxuan, she was afraid that something would happen to him.

Even if I forgot everything before, from the throbbing of the "first" meeting, to the heartache when he saved himself, to the thoughts in her heart when he was recuperating abroad, to the care and concern for her after he came back...

She can be sure that in her heart, he is different from Shi Mingyang, and she is not indifferent to him.

Jiang Luan picked up the phone from the ground, the screen was still on, and Mo Qingxuan didn't reply, maybe he didn't see it yet, maybe he just read the text message and was trying to rush this way.

Closing her eyes forcefully, then opening them again, Jiang Luan's slender fingers hopped lightly on the phone screen, edited a text message after a while, pressed send, then opened the window and threw the bodyguard's phone out of the car window, Watching the passing cars roll over the fuselage, the mobile phone became scattered fragments in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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