Chapter 225
Her hatred for Shi Yushan was already overwhelming, because he killed her father, and also because he killed the old woman, two blood feuds, she couldn't control herself.

In fact, she was not such a restless person, but when he saw Shi Yushan, he couldn't bear it at all.

"Miao Ke."

When everyone was not paying attention, Fang Congying only saw Wu Miaoke who was tied up in the warehouse, and rushed out around Shi Yushan.

Shi Yushan was repulsed by Shen Ling. He threw away the spell in his hand and was about to fight back, but when he saw Fang Congying wanted to enter the warehouse, his eyes turned cold, and he teleported over to throw Fang Congying who had rushed into the door.

Fang Congying was caught off guard, and the tall man was thrown out by Shi Yushan without any resistance, and hit a piece of discarded tempered glass, and bounced back several meters. piece.

"Miao Ke."

Fang Congying knew that she couldn't beat Shi Yushan, so she didn't even look at Shi Yushan, she held her chest in pain and coughed, got up and staggered and continued to approach Wu Miaoke.

From the first time we met, Jiang Luan didn't dislike this man who was full of novelty and anecdotes. Seeing that he desperately wanted to get close to Wu Miaoke, she couldn't help but sweat for him.

"Shen Ling, can you help him?"

Jiang Luan turned her head to look at Shen Ling, but she saw that Shen Ling seemed to be in a trance, staring at Fang Congying in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

On Fang Congying's side, since Shi Yushan wants to take Wu Miaoke as a hostage, it is naturally impossible for Fang Congying to approach him. If he has a chance to save her, he teleports over and kicks him away.

In the same direction, this time Fang Congying was kicked directly onto the shattered glass just now, some stubbles of broken glass pierced into his skin, and the blood stained the blue glass shards under him, like a bright red flower blooming. Bana flower.

"Shen Ling!"

Jiang Luan frowned and pushed Shen Ling. If this continues, Fang Congying will die.

Shen Ling woke up like a dream, her pink lips opened and closed, and her ethereal and soft voice was full of confusion: "Why did he go there when he knew it was impossible? Why didn't he come back when he knew he was going to die?"

Jiang Luan looked at Shen Ling in surprise, and saw that her elf-like eyes were dyed with a layer of light, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

"Moths jumping into the flames, knowing that they will die, why do they jump there?"

Jiang Luan pursed the corners of her lips. Wu Miao was undoubtedly lucky. When everyone thought that she might not be able to survive in City A after revealing her identity, she found her place in the anecdote file, and because Knowing that she was in the Anecdotal Files, the magazines of the Anecdotal Files became popular instead.

After revealing her identity, Wu Miaoke can be said to have a double harvest in her love career. With Fang Congying, a sincere man who loves her, what is she dissatisfied with?

"Aying, don't come here. You go, he won't do anything to me. I beg you, you go."

Wu Miaoke woke up from the coma with a groan. The first thing she saw was Fang Congying who was staggering towards her with wounds all over her body, and Shi Yushan who teleported to Fang Congying again, crying loudly.

At the end of the speech, Shi Yushan once again punched Fang Congying in the abdomen. Originally, Shi Yushan's physical fitness was not good, and the strength of the punch was limited. At most, it could bend Fang Congying.

However, Fang Congying was already so weak from being thrown and kicked off guard before, this punch hit her abdomen, and she kicked and retreated for several steps, fell to the ground, and couldn't stand up no matter how hard she tried.

"Fang Congying, that's enough! It's useless for you to die like this."

Jiang Luan yelled and was about to walk over, but was pulled back by the bodyguard, and then the bodyguard raised his foot and walked over.

Seeing the bodyguard approaching, Shi Yushan gave up on Fang Congying, and teleported to the bodyguard again. Just as he was about to make a move, the bodyguard said coldly, "I'm just here to bring him back. I won't move that woman."

With a grinning grin, Shi Yushan patted his hand on the bodyguard, and at the same time chanted a spell, the bodyguard lay on the ground with a purple face as if struck by lightning.

"Shen Ling, I remember that you can't teleport so many times in a row, right?"

Jiang Luan suddenly thought that Shi Yushan had already teleported five or six times in a row since the first time he fought Fang Congying, plus he teleported in from outside the glass factory before, this is simply unimaginable.

I still remember that the reason why Shi Yushan was arrested last year was that he was caught by the police because he first suffered a backlash and then teleported for his life. After being blocked, he could not teleport again.

As for Shen Ling, when his family surrounded Jing'an Hospital after Mo Qingxuan's accident, he teleported back and forth twice to bring Mo Jinxiu and Mo Qingran into the hospital, exhausted and pale.

Shen Ling withdrew her thoughtful eyes from Fang Congying, and looked at Jiang Luan, her beautiful eyes were already stained with the cause and effect of the world, they were still clear, but they were a little more radiant.

"You can't say that, it has something to do with the distance. Every time he teleports is a short distance teleport, it's not difficult to do this. It's just that I really can't be as easy as him."

Shen Ling admitted frankly that he was not as good as Shi Yushan, and there were only doubts on his face, but no negative emotions such as remorse.

Jiang Luan's heart sank, does this mean that Shi Yushan's ability is superior to Shen Ling's?

If this is the case, she, the bodyguard, and Fang Congying are basically of no help here, and maybe the five of them really have to stay here.

At this moment, Shi Yushan had given up and almost couldn't get up, but Fang Congying, who was still struggling, walked towards Jiang Luan and the others with a sinister smile on his face.

Seeing Jiang Luan's dignified face, Shi Yushan smiled in a good mood, and his glasses reflected the sun's light, making him look even more chilling.

"Jiang Luan, don't worry, after you die, I will send your mother and sister to accompany you. There is also the Mo family, none of them can escape!"

Shi Yushan approached step by step, like a mouse playing with its claws, with a sense of superiority, he refused to give her a good time.

Hearing this, Jiang Luan's clear eyes suddenly widened, his face turned red with anger, and he yelled, "You dare! If you dare to do this, I will never let you go!"

"Tsk tsk, the declaration of a loser is really old-fashioned. I thought you would have some fresh lines, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. You should know that the thing I fear the most in my life is ghosts."

Shi Yushan laughed even more happily, he didn't take Jiang Luan's threats to heart at all, and took her words as a joke.

"There is an injustice and a debtor, why do you insist on committing more crimes?"

Seeing that Shi Yushan looked like he was insane, Shen Ling frowned with a look of compassion, trying to persuade him to return to the right path.

"My son's death has something to do with them! I know you are powerful. You have already reached the full level at a young age. If you take time, you will definitely surpass me. It is a pity to die like this? You are not as good as me now, so you can't stop me. So, As long as you withdraw and don't get involved, I can completely let you go."

Shi Yushan snorted coldly, quite afraid of Shen Ling's ability.

Dogs jump over walls in a hurry, and rabbits bite people in a hurry. After all, he is not young, and he will never take these allusions lightly.

Shen Ling was not a rabbit, but a fledgling goshawk, a tiger whose teeth were not sharp enough.

In his whole life, he never believed in luck or took chances. Today, Shen Ling was pushed into a hurry, and he tried his best to meet him. He didn't have the confidence to escape.

Shen Ling is capable, and he will not let her go, but he will definitely not confront her head-on today.

"My father once told me that the reputation of sorcerers is ruined by you evil witches. I didn't understand when he said it, and I couldn't understand it before that, but I never doubted what my father said."

Shen Ling looked at Shi Yushan with calm eyes, not happy with things, not sad with himself, detached from things.

"You rely on your extraordinary abilities, and you have abilities that ordinary people don't know. You are superior to others, and you don't allow others to offend. You take what you do for granted. No one is the creator, and no one has the right to despise others. As a human being, you should understand that all living beings are equal. It makes sense. If you persist in your obsession, you will be entangled in karma and consequences after death, with heavy sins and evil consequences in purgatory, when the time comes..."

"Enough! It's not your turn to teach me yet!"

Shi Yushan interrupted Shen Ling's words angrily, his face was livid, obviously Shen Ling's words touched the strings in his heart.

"I don't believe in karma! I only believe in my own eyes and my own ability! Don't pretend to be merciful here, stir up other people's karma, and you won't have any good retribution .”

Shi Yushan stared at Shen Ling, and secretly used blood as a guide to light up the spell behind him, just waiting for the chance to strike a fatal blow and take Shen Ling down. At that time, the remaining four people here will be rounded and flattened by him, life and death will be difficult to control themselves .

Sensing the breath of the talisman paper, Shen Ling's face darkened, and he snorted coldly, "I'm obsessed with it!" His lips opened and closed with his hands raised, and the scattered voices scattered in the breeze, but the volume did not decrease, as if it was in his ears.

In the midst of the flying sand and soil, the surrounding weeds and dust covered the sky and attacked Shi Yushan at such a fast speed that it was almost impossible for people to react.

Shi Yushan had no choice but to give up the spell that was about to be completed in his hand, and raised his hand to block in front of him, his voice was as heavy as a bell, and it was like thunder, and he chanted a spell that Jiang Luan and the others couldn't understand, and pushed the sundries against him Yi Yi was one meter away, and the clothes on his body were not dusty at all. Although he was still in a mess, people couldn't help feeling his supernatural powers.

He didn't waste too much mana. After fixing those things, he didn't throw them back to show off, but withdrew his mana, and let those things fall on the ground like rain, dusty, but born between the two sides. There is a short fence between them.

"Is this all you have?"

Shi Yushan sneered, and no longer tried to persuade Shen Ling to leave, he could see that this woman was stubborn, and followed to the end like an idiot when she recognized something.No matter what he said, she would think it was ulterior motives.

(End of this chapter)

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