Chapter 226 Shi Yushan, Do You Have a Heart?

In fact, he did have ulterior motives. He was afraid of Shen Ling's methods and did not want to confront them head-on, but Shen Ling obviously did not leave that easily.

This quality of Shen Ling is actually invaluable. If the two sides are not enemies, Shi Yushan doesn't mind being friends with her, but Shen Ling's talent makes him jealous, and she also stands on the opposite side to help Mo Qingxuan, Jiangluan and the others. It was simply intolerable for him.

Shen Ling probably didn't expect Shi Yushan to block his own blow so easily. Although hastily, he used the greatest strength after all, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Shi Yushan naturally refused to let go of this opportunity, and continued to prepare the spell that was about to be prepared in his hand, aiming at Shen Ling, ready to kill him with one blow.

Sensing an unprecedented crisis, Shen Ling pushed Jiang Luan away and fought with all his strength.

Of course, it was impossible for Shen Ling to catch Shi Yushan's well-prepared full-strength blow in a hurry. Just when the two sides were about to meet, the spell in Shi Yushan's hand suddenly flew out and landed on a far wall, and the whole workshop instantly The room collapsed and collapsed, showing the power of that spell.

However, Shen Ling's strength fell on Shi Yushan. Although he failed to knock him down, he was forced to take a sudden step back, with a trace of blood spilling from his mouth.

Shi Yushan straightened up and turned around, and Shen Ling also looked behind Shi Yushan.

At the door of the warehouse, a slender figure stood there, behind her was a figure leaning against the door of the iron house, it was Wu Miaoke and Fang Congying.

Their attention was all attracted by Shi Yushan, but no one noticed that Fang Congying was pretending to show weakness from the beginning, and when Shi Yushan gave up paying attention to him, he went to rescue Wu Miaoke.

After Wu Miaoke was untied, he chanted a spell. Although he couldn't really control Shi Yushan, he unexpectedly deflected the destructive spell in his hand, and then used his strength to fly out, saving Shen Lingyi Life.

"You're looking for death!" Shi Yushan's eyes sharpened, and as he chanted the spell, Wu Miaoke suddenly realized that her body was out of control. She quickly slammed into the tempered glass next to her, no matter how much she wanted to stop, she couldn't control it.

"Miao Ke!"

Fang Congying was frightened by Wu Miaoke's actions. She didn't know where the strength came from. She rushed over and hugged Wu Miaoke's shoulders, but she couldn't control the strength. Both of them fell to the ground. Fang Congying held Wu Miaoke under her body But Wu Miaoke still struggled to get up.

"Grandpa Shi, you, what did you give me to drink before?"

Although Wu Miaoke's body is out of control, her eyes are full of horror and disbelief, her voice sounds a little struggling, and she seems to be a little out of control when speaking, but after all, she has more control than body control.

She also called him Grandpa Shi. After all, she grew up with him, and her relationship was even deeper than that of her parents.

Shi Yushan killed her mother. She hated and struggled with it, but she still couldn't let go of the last trace of affection in her heart. So half a year ago, she only reminded Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan why they should beware of Liu Yibo.

If she had told them back then, Shi Yushan would not be where he is today. At that time, he had only seized the house for half a year, and he had been trying to integrate and adapt. There was not much progress in witchcraft, and he could only rely on some props. If he was caught at that time , There is no way to recover.

But now, he has re-practiced witchcraft in just half a year, and it is even stronger than before.

"Trash! You've been by my side for so many years, and you're still so stupid! What an unbearable fool!"

Shi Yushan stopped chanting the mantra, and the angry voice echoed in Wu Miaoke's ears.

As Shi Yushan stopped chanting the mantra, Wu Miaoke finally regained control of her body, but was bruised all over by Shi Yushan's words.

Sensing that Wu Miaoke was no longer struggling, Fang Congying gritted her teeth and got up from her body. The wound on her body oozes blood again, but she didn't care, pulled Wu Miaoke who was lying on the ground with a mournful face, and grabbed her waist with both hands. Arm, as if afraid of Shi Yushan chanting the mantra again, in case Wu Miaoke would really charge into it.

"Grandpa Shi, why? What do you think I am? You have always been so kind to me, are you just pretending?"

Wu Miaoke sat on the ground, as if she didn't feel Fang Congying's movements, she just stared at Shi Yushan.

Her father died when she was very young, she has no impression of her father at all, and her mother is also gentle and kind. After her father died, Shi Yushan often took care of herself, and her affection for her mother was not even half as much as she was for Shi Yushan.

In her heart, she regarded Shi Yushan as her own grandfather since she was a child. Ever since she met Shi Mingyang and heard that Shi Yushan wanted to promise herself to Shi Mingyang, she even regarded herself as Shi Yushan's grandson-in-law. It seems that he has regarded himself as the Shi family.

However, Shi Yushan's words sent her into hell.

For a long time, she accompanied Shi Mingyang by his side. Shi Mingyang liked Jiang Luan, and Shi Yushan was also standing by her side. She thought that she was special in his eyes, more important than her grandson.

However, seeing his cold and mocking eyes, her belief all along collapsed.

"What is it? I thought you were a worthwhile child, and you should have inherited some of your father's ideas. In the end, you were so stupid that you didn't make any progress in witchcraft, and even your brain didn't work! You What do you think I gave you to drink? Sugar water? Are you still hoping that what I gave you is just an insignificant potion to scare you?"

Shi Yushan didn't hide the sarcasm in his eyes, looking at Wu Miaoke as if he was looking at a piece of trash.

Wu Miaoke's face was completely white, even her lips lost their blood color, her eyelashes trembled slightly, tears were blinked out, falling on her face in strings, and dripping down her chin onto the skirt of her clothes.

This is what it feels like to be betrayed by someone she admires and loves for her grandfather who has loved her for more than 20 years, it hurts so much!
As if he was tired of seeing Wu Miaoke, and seemed to really think that Wu Miao was an unbearable trash who was no longer a threat to him, Shi Yushan turned around and looked at Shen Ling and Jiang Luan, with a gloomy voice: "Get ready Are you going to die?"

"Shi Yushan, do you have a heart?"

Jiang Luan walked up to Shen Ling, frowned and questioned Shi Yushan.

"Wu Miaoke regards you as a belief, but you treat her like a shoe. She only wants to live an ordinary life, so why do you want to arrest her?"

"Ask her that."

With sarcasm in Shi Yushan's eyes, he approached step by step: "She knew my identity half a year ago, and someone started watching me half a year ago. If it wasn't for her, how would you know who I am? If it wasn't for her, I would have You have avenged Ming Yang's father and me, how could you stand here and question me?"

"No! Wu Miaoke didn't tell us your identity at all. From the beginning to the end, she didn't tell us anything, she only asked us to pay attention to Liu Yibo. If it wasn't for Wu Miaoke who still cared about that little affection, she would have told us from the beginning Liu Yibo was taken away by you, and you have been caught in prison long ago, facing the fate of being shot again!"

Jiang Luan stood there steadfastly, although he was afraid of what Shi Yushan would do again, but his feet did not move.

"If she really cares about love, she should shut up and say nothing. That idiot, really thought that you would look up to me after betraying me? After all, you are just cheating in the name of justice." She's all."

Shi Yushan prepared the spell. This time it was different from the previous ones, but it was equally lethal. When the last word was pronounced, he raised his hand and punched out the spell.

This time, no one really helped them.

Shen Ling's face was pale and exhausted after the blow he gave Shi Yushan with all his strength just now, and he couldn't get out even with that blow.

Even if it could be done, how could it resist Shi Yushan's spell?

"Such a scum!"

The gentle voice rang in everyone's ears, with majestic momentum, the familiar sense of space oppression made everyone present feel that their breathing was stagnant, and their movements became slow and stiff. The spell that Shi Yushan cast with all his strength was silent The sound died out, and he fluttered and fell to the ground, as if mocking Shi Yushan's self-righteousness.


Hearing a voice, Jiang Luan turned around in surprise, only to see Mo Qingxuan standing there wearing home clothes, tall, elegant and elegant, even though he was wearing home clothes, even with blue marks on his face, Still intact his outstanding temperament.

Why is he here?

"Ah Fang, you say this kind of scum, what should I do to be worthy of him?"

A laughing voice sounded in the ear, but it made people's heart tense inexplicably, and then everyone saw behind Mo Qingxuan, two people walking side by side from behind a metal building.

The man's demeanor is elegant, but he can't hide the dignity and domineering in his bones. The woman's smile is soft and warm, but she can't hide her natural charm, and even her voice is full of deceit.

"Haven't you always refused to listen to my opinion?"

The man Ou Ying's forehead was dripping with sweat, showing embarrassment, his arrogance disappeared: "That's what I didn't understand before, and I won't in the future, it's all up to you."

Seeing Ou Ying's embarrassing expression, Jia Fang couldn't help a smirk, but her eyes were full of tenderness and love: "Now you can talk, I only hope you will do what you say, don't let that old witch bring someone back , you changed your mind again."

Thinking of all the past, Jia Fang couldn't help showing fear in her eyes.

Even though I forgave Ou Ying and let go of the past with him, how can I let go of the oppression that lasted for several years?

"I... really can't learn well!"

Just as Ou Ying was about to continue explaining, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and her voice was condensed with frost. When she moved her fingers, the bones of Shi Yushan not far away suddenly made a crisp sound, tiny cracks appeared on her glasses, and her facial features also leaked out. blood.

Jiang Luan suddenly thought of the method Ou Ying used last time, space compression, that almost supernatural method.

(End of this chapter)

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