Chapter 228 Isn't it enough to not die?

On the other hand, Shen Ling, Wu Miaoke, and Fang Congying had already knelt down. Fang Congying and Wu Miaoke still showed signs of struggling, but Shen Ling was laying his hands flat on the ground in front of him, his forehead resting piously on the ground. Hands, posture correct, meticulous.

Regarding this, Ou Ying glanced at her quite unexpectedly, and immediately there was a hint of understanding in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up a little, she couldn't tell whether it was ridicule or sympathy.

And Shi Yushan, who escaped for a long distance, fell heavily to the ground, his right leg was twisted in a strange posture, as if broken.

And the spell that Shi Yushan slapped at Wu Miaoke naturally didn't take effect, it just fell on the ground in front of Wu Miaoke, as if mocking Wu Miaoke for believing that people like Shi Yushan would find out with conscience.

"Emotions can be used. You are really similar to them. It's a pity that compared with them, you are just a waste after all."

Ou Ying's face remained calm, her voice was clear, but she didn't say who they were, but when she mentioned them, her voice was full of ridicule and hatred, as well as a hint of fear.

Ou Ying is so powerful, how powerful is the person he fears?

Hearing what he said, it is also like Shi Yushan who annihilates emotions and regards everything as a humble dog...

"Who the hell are you? Without spells, without spells, how could you have such means?"

Seeing that the last hope was all shattered, Shi Yushan looked at Ou Ying with a ferocious face, because he ran far away, but he was not too deeply affected by the momentum emanating from Ou Ying, but after all, it was somewhat affected, so when he spoke Hysterical, almost exhausted all his strength.


Ouyang lifted his finger, and he flipped Shi Yushan up from the air, a full meter off the ground, and then fell back heavily.

"Ordinary people can only borrow foreign things."

Shi Yushan was thrown so hard that he lay down completely on the ground, with blood oozing from his legs, as if his skin had been pierced by a bone spur from a previous fracture.

Originally, it was easy to be injured if he fell suddenly while running. In addition, he used the magic talisman, and his speed was comparable to that of a car.

Seeing that Shi Yushan had completely lost the ability to resist, Ou Ying took his posture back unhurriedly. Although there was no change, it made people feel a lot easier.

The only person in the audience who confiscated his pressure was Jia Fang, whom he deliberately protected.

Shen Ling stood up from the ground with a dazed look on her face. She didn't feel embarrassed and ashamed because she knelt down, she was just confused and didn't understand why she knelt down.

And Wu Miaoke immediately saw the spell falling in front of him, what Shi Yushan said before, and what he did after he finished speaking suddenly appeared in his mind, his face was as white as snow, his eyes were stiff, and he didn't know how to react for a while.

The bodyguard also breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead, took a look at Mo Qingxuan who looked normal, and secretly blushed. Fortunately, he didn't kneel down, otherwise he would lose face to the eldest son, and he would have to be taught a lesson. Punishment, not peeling off the skin is not enough.

Fang Congying got up from the ground with a bit of embarrassment on her face, but after all, she was not a person who sticks to small details, and quickly returned to normal, getting up worriedly and walking to Wu Miaoke's side.

"Miao Ke..."

Fang Congying hasn't spoken much since she came here, but she shows her deep affection for Wu Miaoke everywhere, so persistent and enthusiastic.

Wu Miaoke saw Fang Congying coming, and let him pull her up in a daze, staring at his face for a long time, before finally throwing herself into his arms and crying "wow".

Fang Congying caressed Wu Miaoke's back to comfort her, but didn't say a word, just hugged her tightly.

He is not a man of few words, he is a reporter after all, how can he get news without good eloquence?

But at this moment, he can't say anything. She can only wait for her to understand and let go of this kind of thing, and no one else can help her.

And Ou Ying, after giving up paying attention to Shi Yushan, turned her eyes to Shen Ling, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"Why didn't I find out last time?"

He suddenly said something thoughtlessly. Although the tone was a question, it was obvious that he didn't intend for anyone to answer.

"Do you know me?"

Shen Ling looked at the person who made him kneel before, blinked briskly and asked.

"Don't you feel close to me?"

Ou Ying didn't answer the question instead, looking at Shen Ling's eyes like a dark ink, unable to see clearly the emotions inside.

Shen Ling frowned, she felt the familiar aura from Ou Ying last time, but at that time Ou Ying only focused on her own daughter-in-law and completely ignored outsiders.

"Clean up the scum first, let's talk about the rest later."

Ou Ying raised her hand to raise Shi Yushan up, this time it was more than ten meters high, and if she fell, she would not die or be disabled.

"and many more."

Jiang Luan suddenly pushed Mo Qingxuan away and made a hasty sound.

A hint of impatience flashed in Ou Ying's eyes, he came here for his wife's sake, these people were slow and waited for a while, which made him very unhappy.

However, he still let Shi Yushan stay in the air, about five or six meters above the ground, which is as high as a two-story building.

It is really hard to imagine, how could someone have such unpredictable means, and could throw people more than ten meters up from such a long distance.

"Mr. Ou, now is a society ruled by law. As a policeman, I can't just watch you kill someone."

Jiang Luan was also a little helpless, among all the people present, no one hated Shi Yushan as much as she did, but as a policeman, she couldn't just watch Ou Ying kill someone in front of her.

"Isn't it all right if you don't die?"

Mo Qingxuan pulled Jiang Luan back, and a deep voice rang in her ears.

After hearing this, Ou Ying finally took a look at Mo Qingxuan: "It is said that doctors are benevolent, you are really different."

Having said that, there was no contempt and disgust on his face, he just let go of his strength and watched Shi Yushan fall down.

The ground was full of weeds, and the height of five or six meters was not enough to fall Shi Yushan to death, but now he was terrified and bruised, and there was only one breath left to survive the fall.

With the muffled sound of "bang", Shi Yushan uttered a short moan, parted his lips, and vomited a large mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, obviously he had broken his internal organs, he was hanging with only one breath, and he could die It's been a while.

Jiang Luan stared at Shi Yushan lying motionless on the ground with a complicated expression, and knew that he was useless.

She knew Mo Qingxuan's concerns, people like Shi Yushan were reluctant to die, as long as he was left alone, he would be able to toss the rivers and seas non-stop.

Jiang Luan withdrew her gaze, called Li Lianbin, and asked him to send someone over. Ou Ying didn't want to contact the police, so she took Jia Fang and left first, saying that she would wait at Jing'an Hospital after lunch.

But Wu Miaoke and Fang Congying had special identities, and it was not convenient for them to appear here as reporters, so they also helped each other out of the glass factory. Mo Qingxuan motioned for the bodyguards to follow, drove them back to the city, and sent them back after dinner.

These things are almost over. The rest of the things about Taohuayuan have nothing to do with Wu Miaoke and Fang Congying. They know it well. Although the nature of the studio is special, this matter is in line with the subject matter, but these are not levels they can touch after all. .

Shi Yushan is almost dying, and now he is exhaling more than inhaling, as soon as he dies, Wu Miaoke will be completely liberated, out of sight and out of mind.

When leaving, Wu Miaoke didn't even look at Shi Yushan, her face was pale and her spirit was particularly bad.

Everyone left, and only Jiang Luan, Mo Qingxuan, and Shen Ling were left at the scene. After all, if Shen Ling was not at the scene, Shi Yushan's situation could not be justified.

When Li Lianbin arrived, the scene was a mess.

Not far away, the collapsed iron house and Shi Yushan, who was lying on the ground without knowing his life or death, made it obvious at a glance that a large-scale fight had taken place here.

And Mo Qingxuan, Jiang Luan, and Shen Ling all stood aside with tired expressions, and when they saw them coming, they cheered up and explained the general situation.

The version they said was naturally that Shi Yushan sent a text message to Jiang Luan, explaining his position. Jiang Luan felt that the sorcerers fighting with outsiders would only increase the casualties, so they only brought Shen Ling over, and Mo Qingxuan followed.

What happened after coming here was half-truth and half-false, and then added the delay of Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan, finally let Shen Ling defeat Shi Yushan. Shi Yushan's magic amulet failed on the way to escape and broke his leg bone. As for why he fell? Li Lianbin didn't ask if they didn't tell me that he was half-dead.

After all, everyone knows that if Shi Yushan is not made like this, it's not certain what will happen if he is left alone.

The breath left now is for the policemen brought by Li Lianbin to see that Jiang Luan, Shen Ling, and Mo Qingxuan belonged to legal self-defense, and at most it was an overdue self-defense. After all, Shi Yushan was not killed by them.

"Xiao Jiang, you are exhausted too, go back and rest. According to the previous promise, Liu Yibo will be arrested and brought to justice, and you will be given three days off."

Li Lianbin generously let Jiang Luan take her leave, after all, she had promised her before, and Jiang Luan had made such a great contribution, it was not outrageous to give her a three-day leave, and no one else had anything to say about it.

After leaving the glass factory and getting into the car, Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan looked at each other and smiled. They were full of vigor and vitality. How could they look tired?

Shen Ling's exhaustion is real. He had gathered enough strength to meet Shi Yushan's spell before. Although he didn't receive the spell in the end, his strength fell to nothing and hit Shi Yushan, but the spell in his body was finally released, and he was in a state of exhaustion. It hasn't dissipated yet.

"Shen Ling, are you okay?"

Jiang Luan and Shen Ling sat side by side in the back seat, Mo Qingxuan drove, looking at Shen Ling's still pale cheeks, Jiang Luan asked with concern.

Speaking of which, they felt sorry for Shen Ling. Shen Ling's original intention was just to make some money and continue to live a carefree and secluded life on the top of his mountain. As a result, Ou Ying, who appeared unexpectedly a year ago, made Shen Ling stay , although she made a lot of money, it was against her original wishes after all.

What's more, in the past year, she ran back and forth, especially during this time, she was indispensable for many things, and she was really exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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