Chapter 229
Shen Ling shook his head to indicate that he was fine, but his expression was perplexed.

"What's the matter? I saw you frowning since you were in the glass factory."

Jiang Luan leaned on the back of the chair, turned her head to look at Shen Ling, her eyes were light, as if she could read people's hearts.

Shen Ling's abnormality started when Fang Congying approached Wu Miaoke desperately, as if he was touched by something.

Jiang Luan found it strange that the former Shen Ling seemed to be an emotional insulator, she always faced everything rationally, detached from everything, a creature with high IQ and zero EQ.

It's not a negative number, it's zero, because she is an emotional insulator, not emotionally clumsy, but unable to accept emotional signals.

However, since the demolition of the residential area that time, she seemed to be able to vaguely receive these signals. Today, seeing Fang Congying desperate for love touched her even more.

This is a good thing, at least for Jian Xuan, but Jiang Luan couldn't be happy.

In the morning, Shen Ling told her that her time was running out, but she did not forget.

She felt that when Shen Ling could feel these things, she also felt a call from somewhere, a call from deep in her blood.

Although this kind of thinking is too fantasy, after seeing witchcraft and Taoyuan Township, Jiang Luan couldn't help but start to doubt it.

Shen Ling glanced at Jiang Luan, but hesitated to speak.

Jiang Luan didn't speak, and waited for her to speak. Mo Qingxuan, who was driving, glanced at the car mirror in front of him, but said nothing.

In the end, Shen Ling still looked at Jiang Luan and asked, "What is emotion?"

Over the past year, she has seen Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan loving each other, Cheng Ziqian and Jiang Lu getting tired of each other, Li Jin and Qiao Yixun, the happy couple fighting...

She has seen these a lot, but she can't receive the signal, so she usually ignores them.

But now that I think about it, what kind of feeling is that?She was inexplicably looking forward to being curious, and couldn't help but think about it. Jian Xuan always looked at her annoyed, but took the trouble to teach her some common sense. He seemed vicious, but there was a hidden warmth and delicateness.

"Feelings are an important bridge between people. Everyone has a different way of getting along. Some people are tolerant, some are forbearing, and there is understanding and trust. Some people will change for love. I can't tell what it is, but, That has to be felt with the heart.”

Jiang Luan smiled slightly, her eyes fell on Mo Qingxuan's side face, thinking about the tenderness she felt that belonged exclusively to her.

Hearing Jiang Luan's words, Mo Qingxuan grasped the steering wheel tightly, wanting to see her expression at the moment, did she say this for herself?
"Feel it with your heart?"

Shen Ling hesitated and put her slender fingers on her chest, feeling the subtle and steady beating there, the confusion on her face dissipated slightly, her eyes were bright, and her little face was glowing with a halo.

Shen Ling thought about it all the way, and when Mo Qingxuan stopped the car near Jing'an Hospital, the three of them went to have lunch, and she also kept eating quietly, with a somewhat absent-minded look.

After dinner, the three of them went back to Jing'an Hospital together. Mo Qingxuan called Jia Fang. They were already waiting in Mo Qingxuan's office.

The three of them were about to enter the elevator when Jian Xuan chased after them.

"What's the matter, old man Shi, has his braids turned upside down?"

Jian Xuan followed into the elevator, not daring to harass Mo Qingxuan, she gave up hope for Shen Ling's poisonous tongue, and quietly walked to Jiang Luan's side to ask.

Mo Qingxuan glanced at him, but didn't make a sound.

Jiang Luan also rolled his eyes at him: "What old man Shi? His name is Liu Yibo. By the way, why did you come here?"

"Adu came back and told me that the matter was settled, and you will come back later. I just ran into you when I went to eat."

Jian Xuan shrugged and confessed honestly.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, and then realized that the Adu he was talking about was the bodyguard who was caught by him before, and she couldn't help but feel ashamed, she didn't know his name.

After Shen Ling saw Jian Xuan, it was rare for him not to look at him with sympathetic and pitiful eyes. Instead, he shrank to the corner with a blushing face, and couldn't help but look at Jian Xuan's face.

It has been a year, and the wound on Jian Xuan's face has already healed. Now Yushu is facing the wind, and his figure is tall and straight. Although he is not as elegant and gentle as Mo Qingxuan, it is a little more comfortable and warm, and the expression on his face is a bit grumpy. Yes, but not offensive.

Jian Xuan also finally noticed Shen Ling's strange state, and was stunned for a moment, then turned around and asked Jiang Luan in a low voice: "Is she here as an aunt?"

Jiang Luan glanced at Shen Ling, whose eyes were moist and his cheeks were slightly red, and rolled his eyes weakly: "It's just the beginning of love."

Jian Xuan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Shen Ling again, seeing that she had a spring look on her face, and she looked more and more like a new love, her heart was astringent, and her expression became a little stiff.

It took him a year to get Shen Ling to receive the signal of love. Who could turn such a non-human being into such a young lover in less than a day?
Seeing Jian Xuan's expression, Jiang Luan knew that he had misunderstood. He laughed secretly, scolded the idiot, and ignored it.

"Who is she falling in love with? That man is unfortunate."

Seeing that Jiang Luan had stopped talking, Jian Xuan couldn't help asking first, but didn't want to seem too concerned, and added that that person was really unfortunate.

Jiang Luan thought it was going to be bad, and looked back at Shen Ling, and sure enough, she saw that her ruddy face turned slightly pale, and sighed in her heart, Ah Xuan became more and more stupid.

Shen Ling is simple and unsophisticated, but not stupid. Jian Xuan's voice was not deliberately suppressed, so she naturally felt uncomfortable when she heard it.

Jiang Luan kicked Jian Xuan's calf. Seeing Shen Ling's expression, Jian Xuan pursed his lips, turned his head and remained silent.

The elevator stopped, and Jian Xuan took the lead to step out. The atmosphere in the elevator room was a bit weird since he said those words. Thinking of Shen Ling liking someone else, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I can't stay anymore.

But Shen Ling was standing in the corner, and after Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan went out one after another, she silently followed behind.

Jiang Luan sighed, the little girl who just fell in love can't afford to be hurt by glass, Ah Xuan is an open-mouthed idiot!
When they entered the office, Ou Ying and Jia Fang were talking. The young couple hadn't seen each other for a year. Now that they had cleared up their suspicions, they didn't seem to have any grievances. It was a typical bedside quarrel.

"Are you back? Who is this?"

Seeing them coming in, Ou Ying raised her eyebrows and didn't respond, but Jia Fang stood up and greeted them with a smile.

That natural obsequiousness was okay when she wasn't smiling, but now she was smiling happily, making people dazzled.

Fortunately, the men here have their own sweethearts, but they are not weak in mind. Although they can't turn a blind eye to her charm, they can still maintain reason.

Ou Ying also noticed that her daughter-in-law was not worried, so she frowned slightly, pulled her to sit beside her, then raised her head and nodded at Mo Qingxuan as a greeting, her eyes swept towards Shen Ling intentionally or unintentionally.

Shen Ling's eyes fluctuated slightly, subconsciously avoiding Ou Ying's gaze, always feeling uncomfortable being looked at by him.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Jian Xuan clenched his fists and his jaw tensed. This man is not as handsome as he is at all. Isn't it because he has a better temperament, a stronger aura, and greater skills?
Moreover, his wife is by his side, what is Shen Ling thinking?

"Can you tell us about Taoyuan Township?"

No one paid any attention to Jian Xuan, who was drinking dry vinegar. After everyone sat down, Mo Qingxuan asked a question.

"Taoyuan Township?"

Ou Ying raised her eyebrows, and quickly understood what Mo Qingxuan was talking about: "Why should I tell you?"

"Because you want to escape from there."

Mo Qingxuan looked into his eyes without avoiding it.

Ou Ying pursed her lips, her eyes were cold, and the momentum on her body also exuded, giving people a feeling of oppression in the whole office.

"No matter where it is, it is my home after all, why do you think I will tell you?"

Mo Qingxuan frowned, turned around and held Jiang Luan's hand, secretly concentrating on resisting his powerful aura, with storms in his eyes, looking at Ou Ying coldly.

As for Jian Xuan, she held Shen Ling halfway in her arms, and looked at Ou Ying with hostility.

It wasn't easy for him to resist, but seeing Shen Ling about to kneel down towards Ou Ying, he forcibly hugged Shen Ling in his arms, and Ou Ying's momentum didn't have such a strong influence on him.

"Mr. Ou, is this your attitude?"

Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly, his eyes flickered with a gleam, and his aura rose. Although he was not as strong as Ouying, he still had the strength to resist.

Ou Ying glanced at the hands that Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan were holding, and then looked at Jian Xuan who was hugging Shen Ling, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she withdrew her pressure, everyone immediately relaxed.

"Since you are willing to come here, I think there are two reasons. First, you really want to see people in Taoyuan Township have bad luck. Second, you are interested in her."

Mo Qingxuan coughed lightly, leaned on the back of the chair leisurely, and his aura also dropped. When he was about to speak for the second time, he deliberately cast his gaze on Shen Ling.

After Ou Ying's aura disappeared, Shen Ling felt that she was embraced by Jian Xuan, her face flushed slightly, she pushed him away and stepped aside, looking left and right with bright and clear eyes, unable to hide the embarrassment on her face ashamed.

Hearing Mo Qingxuan's words, Jian Xuan's eyes that were originally dimmed because Shen Ling retreated from him suddenly opened, and turned to look at Ou Ying.

"Although I don't like those people, you alone are not enough to make them unlucky."

Ou Ying scoffed at what Mo Qingxuan said, it wasn't that he underestimated them, they might have some influence in the world of mortals, but to those people in Taoyuan Township, all their means were like ants struggling in the hands of giants, and they couldn't do it with all their strength. It didn't work out.

"Ants can also pile up elephants to death. I admit that you are very powerful, but if the crowd in city A rises up and attacks, you may not be able to please."

Standing between Shen Ling and Ou Ying, Jian Xuan stared coldly at each other, full of hostility towards Ou Ying.

Ou Ying didn't seem to notice his hostility, and just chuckled lightly: "Indeed, it's not difficult to kill me alone."

"But what do they rely on? Just relying on the potential energy I just released, those who are within a hundred meters of me will definitely kneel down and surrender. There may be many who can walk to me, but there are definitely not many who can easily deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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