Chapter 230 Sensational, the collapsed Taoyuan
Mo Qingxuan's expression moved slightly, and he glanced at Jian Xuan: "Ah Xuan, sit down."

Jian Xuan pursed her lips, returned to her seat and sat down, seeing Shen Ling looking at Ou Ying with flickering eyes, curious and reverent, and suddenly felt uncomfortable again.

"We don't need to test each other anymore. From your willingness to help, to coming here, everything can show that you intend to tell us everything about Taoyuan Township. First, tell us your identity, and when they asked my dad to treat you What is the identity of the patient."

When Mo Qingxuan saw Jian Xuan sitting back, he was not in a hurry to ask about Shen Ling, but asked the biggest doubt at the moment, which was considered to be the impulse to punish Jian Xuan just now, so that the kid would be more anxious.

"Oh, you're right about that."

Ou Ying turned her head to look at Jia Fang, her eyes were slightly warm, and when she looked back, her face was already soft, and she looked more dignified.

"I think you should all have studied Taoyuan Yuanji. In the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, Wuling people fished for a living. Looking forward to the peach forest, they want to exhaust the forest. When the water source is exhausted, there is a mountain pass, enter it, and go forward for a few days. Step, suddenly enlightened. The villagers do not avoid foreigners, treat each other warmly, avoid the chaos of the Qin Dynasty, and never go out again when they come to this desperate situation. Stay with the guests for a few days, and finally see them off. It failed at the end. Later, some scholars heard that they explored the way to go, but failed at the end of their lives."

Ou Ying explained the general content of "Tale Blossom Spring" clearly in a few words, as if he was helping them with their junior high school homework, but his voice was far away and calm, making the audience feel as if they were in the scene, and they didn't feel disgusted.

Mo Qing, Xuanjiang Luan and the others, including Jia Fang, all looked at Ou Ying. Now that he mentions this, could it be that the article is true?

"People in the world only know one thing, but not the other. It is impossible to study the history. It is indeed mentioned in the Taoyuan Historical Records that the Emperor Qin recruited sorcerers to refine the longevity medicine for them. Those who refused to obey must be tortured and killed. The ancestors were unbearable. All the people migrated and went to the Peach Blossom Spring. Seeing that the place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is pleasant, they used their unique secret technique to build a residence in the middle of the mountain, and planted peach trees ten miles away from the periphery, supplemented by formations, and made a peach blossom formation. Outsiders only I thought it was a peach grove resort, but I didn’t know that it was the paradise described in The Story of Peach Blossom Spring. If it wasn’t for someone with predestined relationship, I definitely wouldn’t be able to find that place.”

Ou Ying cleared her throat, and then introduced the background of Taoyuan Township. Although it was unexpected, it made sense.

After all, the following paragraph is,
"Once you get out and get your boat, you will help it to the road, aiming for it everywhere.

And the county, the prefect, said so.The prefect immediately sent people to follow him, looking for what he wanted, but lost his way and could no longer find the way.

Liu Ziji of Nanyang, a noble scholar, heard about it and went happily.In vain, looking for a serious illness, and then no one cares about it.

The fisherman made a mark, but still led everyone astray, obviously because of a change in formation, they didn't know where to go. "

As for Liu Ziji from Nanyang, he did not get to see him until the end of his illness, which proved that the paradise could not be found with high ambitions, otherwise an illiterate fisherman would not be able to find it.

The theory of fate has not been uncommon since ancient times, and no one can tell if some unreasonable coincidences are pushed to fate.

"That is to say, the people in Xanadu are all sorcerers?"

Jiang Luan looked at Ou Ying and frowned slightly. If they were all as powerful as Ou Ying, and there were a large group of men, women and children, who would be able to fight against them?

If they can't think about it one day and want to leave there, this constant and stable world will definitely be broken.

Seemingly understanding Jiang Luan's concerns, Ouying continued with a sneer on her face without explaining.

"If you haven't forgotten that article, you should still remember two of them. One is about the exchanges between men and women. The clothes of men and women are like outsiders. The other is about this person in the village. He came to ask questions. Since Yun Xianshi avoided During the chaos of the Qin Dynasty, he led his wife Yiren to this desperate situation, and did not come out again, so he was separated from outsiders. The Qin Dynasty was from 221 BC to 206 BC. Jin Taiyuan was the second year of Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin Dynasty. From 376 to 396 AD, the period lasted more than 500 years, how could the clothes be as outsiders? [-] years, how can the small Taoyuan be multiplied? It is not mentioned in the article, the population is crowded, and the fields are insufficient."

Ou Ying's eyes were slightly cold, as calm as he was. At this time, he was also clasping the armrest of the seat tightly. Although there was no expression on his face, the armrest was pinched a little by him.

Originally thought that this was just Tao Yuanming's hope for a paradise, and no one questioned the logic of it, but now it seems that there is something else.

"Under any superficially beautiful things, there is hidden filth. This is the commonality of human beings."

Ou Ying snorted softly, full of sarcasm.

"In that paradise-like place, there is a mass grave. How many ancestors and wives can there be? There are no more than a hundred people. They marry each other, and there are many people who are close to each other. At the same time, there are not many people who gave birth to abnormal children A few. They only say that they are of the blood of witches, which hurts the harmony of nature. Dispute this. What the fisherman saw, friendly and hospitable, was just an illusion. In the history of Taoyuan Township, the fisherman was an unpleasant intruder. Until 1120, a The young man went out and did not return for several years. When the elders of the clan found him, he married a Song Dynasty woman and gave birth to a young son. When the elders killed the woman and wanted to kill the child, But seeing that the child was white and lovely, and the blood was even better, he couldn't help but stop, and brought the man and the young child back to the mountain."

"Is Taohuayuan allowed to go out?"

Jiang Luan saw that Ou Ying closed her eyes slightly, with a hint of anger on her face, she didn't speak for a while, so she asked a question.

"This is the source of what I said before, men and women dress like outsiders. Every twenty years or so, Taoyuan Township will select a person who is born and experienced, and brings back what he has seen and heard."

Ou Ying opened her eyes, glanced at Jiang Luan, then closed them again, her voice became less clear, and sounded a little gloomy.

"The people of the tribe saw that the youngest son was gifted, capable, and bloodlined. They felt that the lack of offspring for more than a thousand years was because witches were not good at giving birth, so they murdered all the women, leaving only a woman with good bloodlines. For the matter of reproduction, adult men go out to find suitable women, give birth to children with high bloodlines, and take them back to Taoyuan to be raised, while those with thin bloodlines stay outside and fend for themselves. And saintesses, go out to find a man as a husband , give birth to a boy, or a girl with average qualifications, and then find another family until a suitable saint is born."

Speaking of this, Ou Ying glanced at Shen Ling, the emotion in her eyes made people panic.

"My mother can't be a saint, she doesn't know witchcraft!"

Shen Ling subconsciously took a step back, resisting this statement from the bottom of her heart.

If Taoyuan Township is really what Ou Ying said, how could she go back?
However, all her sorcery is from her own reading club, almost all of them can be understood immediately, it seems to be a natural supernatural ability, and before that, is it because she has little experience in shielding love and being unreasonable?

"Your mother is naturally not a saint. The saint is now in Taoyuan Township."

Ou Ying pursed her lips, and when Shen Ling's expression relaxed, she added,

"But your grandma is. Back then, your mother was the daughter of an abandoned saint, who was brought up by your grandfather alone, and your grandmother found someone else to give birth to the current saint, so now the saint in Taoyuan Township is your aunt .”

Shen Ling turned pale, and quickly shook his head: "You can't know this. You didn't know me last time. You're talking nonsense!"

She has zero EQ, but not zero IQ. She seriously doubts Ou Ying's words!
"Am I talking nonsense, you know it in your heart. People with higher bloodlines have thinner emotional lines. And you, completely shielding your emotions, don't you know?"

Ou Ying stared at Shen Ling, the subtle fluctuations on his face disappeared, and his interest in Shen Ling made him appear more human.

"But I..."

Shen Ling glanced at Jian Xuan quickly, his face was red and white, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak for a moment.

"But now you have someone you like, isn't it to shield your emotions?"

Ou Ying let go of the armrest, sat upright, looked at Shen Ling with dark eyes, and finished speaking for her.

Jian Xuan also stared at Shen Ling, clenched his fists nervously, but saw her glance at him, and quickly lowered her eyelashes, but her cheeks became more rosy, and her heart couldn't help beating.

What does she mean by seeing herself?Had he misunderstood before?

"It's still about fate. No matter how indifferent a person is, he can't escape fate when he encounters it."

With a clear voice, Ou Ying turned her head and stretched out her hand to Jia Fang. Jia Fang smiled knowingly, with a hint of affection in her eyes, and handed her soft and boneless hand to his.

"When we met for the first time, you should remember what I looked like."

Ou Ying held Jia Fang's hand and looked back at Jiang Luan, Jian Xuan and Shen Ling. He remembered that the three of them were present, but he couldn't figure out why he ignored the blood aura on Shen Ling.

"He is cold and arrogant, with a fierce look in his eyes."

Seeing that neither Shen Ling nor Jian Xuan wanted to speak, Jiang Luan expressed his impression of Ou Ying a year ago.

"Oh, even though I was pretending at that time, before I met Ah Fang, I really looked like that, or even worse!"

Ou Ying chuckled lightly, but there was a touch of gentleness between his brows and eyes, which made him look lacklustre, giving him the feeling of an ancient scholarly scholar.

"I was also one of those who went out to seek a child. When I first came out of the mountain, I was not interested in anything, and I thought that maybe it was good for me. Although I have no feelings, I am always different from them. I hate them who only seek blood. way. I didn’t know what liking was until Ah Fang appeared.”

Ou Ying turned to face Jia Fang, her voice softened a lot.

"I don't want to be separated from Afang, and I don't even want to try to separate my flesh and blood. Whether I take the child away or leave the child with Afang, I don't want to. So, I secretly used methods to prevent Afang from becoming pregnant. Shan Li There is a rule that when finding a suitable candidate, a mother-in-law must take care of her until the child is born to confirm whether the child’s blood is good or bad. It took half a year before I notified Shanli. After her mother-in-law came, she would strictly control Ah Fang, and I couldn’t show any support Ah Fang's appearance, otherwise Ah Fang's life will be even more difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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