The doctor's hands cover the sky, and the male gods can't stand high

Chapter 231 The Importance of Saints and Patriarchs

Chapter 231 The Importance of Saints and Patriarchs

At this time, Jia Fang knew why she had been married for five years but was not pregnant. She didn't know whether she should be sad or moved, so she just held on to Ou Ying's hand. After all, she was glad in her heart. Use her as a reproductive tool.

"Actually, my mother-in-law is already impatient, and she has frequently hinted at me changing people in the past two years. So I have been very anxious, just waiting for Ah Fang to take the initiative to resist, and I want to see Ah Fang's determination to fight side by side with me. In the end, I waited It was Ah Fang's despair and accusation. Perhaps, I used the wrong method at the beginning, and I shouldn't have mistrusted her."

Jia Fang shook her head, a soft and soft smile appeared on her enchanting face, but this time it was not as uncomfortable as it was a year ago, instead there were two kinds of harmony perfectly blended together.It looks very comfortable and very attractive.

"But, didn't you say that there are no women in Taoyuan Township except the saint? Who is that mother-in-law?"

Mo Qingxuan frowned, his scrutinizing eyes fell on Ou Ying, he had already mentioned the filth and filth of Taoyuan Township, what else could he not say?

Also, Ou Ying didn't answer his question before.

Patients who needed a doctor did not appear in Ou Ying's introduction.

"You still found it."

Ou Ying didn't take it for granted, she turned around, and when facing them, the gentleness on her face had subsided, and she naturally showed a dignified expression.

"You must be wondering what's going on with the potential energy on my body?"

Mo Qingxuan was noncommittal, he was indeed interested, but after all, it was not related to himself, he never put too much curiosity on irrelevant things.

"Taoyuan Township is said to be a village, but in fact it is a country of its own. The patriarch is the patriarch in name, and he is equal to the emperor in terms of treatment and status. In ancient times, the emperor would generate a kind of potential energy due to his high position for a long time, but It's very slight, not enough to make people feel convincing, but it's just a kind of oppression by the authoritative force. The potential energy of the patriarch of Taoyuan Township is present from birth. It is not obvious when you are young, and you have to learn to restrain yourself from the age of four. At the age of one, we must be able to retract freely."

Ou Ying didn't intend to ask them to answer, seeing that their interest was aroused by her, she continued talking.

"That is to say, you are the future patriarch of Taoyuan Township, equivalent to the ancient prince?"

Jian Xuan frowned. She knew that Ou Ying could not be a sorcerer everywhere in Taoyuan Township, but she never thought that his status was so noble.

However, such an identity is also a burden, and freedom is a luxury for him.

"It's up to you to understand it."

Ou Ying didn't mind his misinterpretation of her identity, of course it wasn't a misinterpretation, it was the truth.

"As for grandma..."

Ou Ying raised her head and looked at Shen Ling, without saying anything.

Jiang Luan's heart skipped a beat, and an inconceivable expression appeared on his face. The only women in Taoyuan Township are saintesses. With an identity like Ou Ying, who is qualified to monitor him, who else is there besides saintess?

"That mother-in-law is actually Shen Ling's grandmother?"

Jiang Luan looked at Ou Ying tentatively, with disbelief in his eyes.

In her heart, even if that mother-in-law wasn't like Nanny Rong, she wasn't much better.In the end, Ou Ying actually gave her such a big surprise!
"She abandoned her husband and daughter back then, what kind of grandmother is she? People in Taoyuan Township are all perverts!"

Seeing that Shen Ling's face was slightly pale, Jian Xuan frowned, stood up from the chair and looked down at Ou Ying, what about his potential?He is not afraid of him!

"Since she has awakened her emotions, it is impossible for Taoyuan Township not to notice."

Ou Ying looked at Jian Xuan with some sympathy, "Prince" is important in Taoyuan Township, but saintess is even more important. If a prince is replaced by a saint, people in Taoyuan Township will not have any objections.

"So what? Isn't there only one woman in Taoyuan Township? You already have a saint!"

Jian Xuan refused to give an inch, and gritted her teeth loudly, like an angry leopard, swearing to defend her territory to the death.

The sympathy in Ou Ying's eyes became stronger, and she kindly sent a message to Jian Xuan.

"The saint was about to step down at the age of 45, but the current saint is 46, and she will not have children."

If you can't bear children, you will naturally continue to stand on the workbench. Even if you are old, you can't get rid of it.

Jian Xuan's jaw was tense, but his eyes were stained with fear.

Even Ou Ying was restricted, how could Shen Ling escape?If Taoyuan Township really wants Shen Ling...

"Then, it should be your father who let my father, or let me heal you?"

Mo Qingxuan turned his head and glanced at Jian Xuan, obviously without any emotion, but Jian Xuan shivered inexplicably, but he was speaking to Ou Ying.


Ou Ying was not surprised at all that Mo Qingxuan could guess it. From the first time I met him, I found that he had a strong logic, and he might catch a loophole in a single sentence, not to mention that he said a lot today.

Although from the beginning to the end, he didn't even mention the patriarch much.

"Then I want to know, in Taoyuan Township, is the patriarch or the saint important?"

Mo Qingxuan was not complacent because he guessed right. He already had a vague guess about Ou Ying and Ou Jingshan when Mo Jinxiu told him about Ou Ying and Ou Jingshan.

In fact, Mo Jinxiu didn't know anything about that patient except for the name Ou Jingshan and his resemblance to Ou Ying.

Ou Ying seemed not expecting Mo Qingxuan to ask such a question, she was stunned for a moment, but she really started to think seriously.

Is the saint important?Undoubtedly very important!The traditions that have been passed down for thousands of years cannot be done without saints.

But what about the patriarch?The saintess can be changed, as long as you look for a bloodline with good qualifications, although it is difficult to find, it is not impossible to find.

However, the potential energy of the patriarch is a kind of jade seal passed on to the country that others cannot take away. It is said that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the country has no two monarchs. There is no one with potential energy in the second family.

In the future, the patriarch can be changed, but the patriarch must never be changed!

Ou Ying's potential energy, compared with her father's, is naturally lacking.

There is no doubt that the importance of the patriarch is above that of the saint!
However, what kind of confidence does Mo Qingxuan have to solve such a difficult problem for Taoyuan Township?
"I can't think of a reason why the saint is more important than the patriarch."

After a moment of silence, Ou Ying spoke out her own answer, even though everyone knew the answer.

"The people in Taoyuan Township, shouldn't be so talkative, right?"

Mo Qingxuan tapped lightly on the table, his eyes shimmered, his voice was warm, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was elegant and charming, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Not really."

Ou Ying nodded: "But why do you ask them to promise?"

"Don't worry about my reasons, your words are enough."

Mo Qingxuan stood up, twirled a black voice recorder with his fingertips, and clicked to play.

"Then I want to know, in Taoyuan Township, is the patriarch or the saint important?"

"I can't think of a reason why the saint is more important than the patriarch."

"The people in Taoyuan Township, shouldn't be so talkative, right?"

"Not really."

The recording is not long, but the content is not simple at all.

Ou Ying's expression moved slightly, and her voice was clear: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I don't like to take all the initiative in other people's hands."

Mo Qingxuan put the recording pen into his pocket, and the smile on his face deepened: "I know your method very well, but this recording is not worth destroying, right?"

Ou Ying chuckled, he was more and more like a sour scholar in ancient times after he had restrained all his potential energy.

"That's right, it's really not worth destroying."

After finishing speaking, Ou Ying ignored Mo Qingxuan, took Jia Fang's hand and walked out. When she reached Shen Ling's side, her footsteps paused, her eyes darkened inexplicably.

She was luckier than herself, there was Jian Xuan who cared about her, and Mo Qingxuan who cared about Jian Xuan.

She is not fighting alone!

But so what?After all, he's just a mortal who hasn't even opened his eyes. Facing those old monsters who have lost their love and love, he is looking forward to how they will fight against Taoyuan Township.

Ou Ying left, but Mo Qingxuan and the others did not see him off. After all, the two were not friends, and when he left, it was already a tear.

After Mo Qingxuan sat back at his desk, he opened his laptop and pressed the power button to bring up the monitoring channel. As expected, it was completely dark, showing that there was a monitoring failure between 03pm and 30:[-], and there was nothing.

The recording pen was indeed something that Ou Ying left for herself.

Mo Qingxuan was not surprised by this, but closed the notebook calmly.

"Brother Xuan, is it necessary to record?"

Seeing Shen Lingwu meditating, Jian Xuan ignored her own thoughts and turned to Mo Qingxuan to ask.

He vaguely felt that the communication between the two seemed to imply something, and he could tell that Ou Ying was not sincere, but he just didn't understand what the two of them meant.

A year ago, Ou Ying made all electronic equipment useless with a single gesture, and made so many reporters stumble with a single stare. This ability still remains in his memory.

However, the two seem to have a tacit understanding.

Mo Qingxuan didn't look surprised when he saw the problem with the monitoring, but he went to check the monitoring immediately.

Ou Ying obviously could disable the recording pen from the very beginning, but she didn't do anything.

"Ah Xuan, what is the operating loss of Xuan Ye?"

Mo Qingxuan took out the recording pen, and after confirming again, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked up at Jian Xuan.

Jian Xuan was stunned for a moment, and protested dissatisfiedly: "Xuan Ye is thriving and making money every day, so how can there be any losses?"

"With your brain, it's a miracle that you don't lose money."

Mo Qingxuan chuckled, opened the notebook again, connected the recorder to the notebook, tapped on the computer for a while, then took the recorder off and turned off the computer.

Jian Xuan saw that Mo Qingxuan was no longer paying attention to him, so he lowered his head in thought.

"Ou Ying is lying."

Shen Ling couldn't help but despise Jian Xuan's IQ.

"Then why did he want to slander Taoyuan Township's reputation?"

Jian Xuan was puzzled, what Ou Ying said was too true, he couldn't tell where he was lying.

He's not stupid, if Ou Ying is lying, it's impossible for him not to notice.

But he didn't see what Shen Ling could see, and that was a blow.

(End of this chapter)

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