Chapter 233 Dream

Head down...

The note in Jiang Luan's hand fell to the ground. This letter is...

There is only one Shi Mingyang who can call her Aluan.In the past year, she had also heard from Shen Ling what a lowered head was.

It turned out that Shi Mingyang's so-called method was to lower his head on himself?

Therefore, Mo Qingxuan was afraid that he would be hurt too seriously, and would rather take the initiative to give in and give Shi Mingyang a chance to "fairly compete".

I thought he was betting on himself, but I didn't expect him to bet on himself!
Even if he is wronged, even if his heart hurts, he still puts down his dignity and negotiates terms with his despicable rival in love.

Jiang Luan believed that this piece of paper was put in by himself, and the rest of the things were inconspicuous little things, but it could be seen that the collector was very careful, even a broken pencil was put in with care In this dark cell.

She put the things back, closed the secret compartment, and opened the other one. There were not many things in it, just diaries and envelopes. The corner of the letter on the top was frayed, and it seemed that the owner had read it countless times.

She opened the letter, and it was a love letter written by herself. The green writing style, subtle expression, clumsy but fresh verses, and the signature were clearly her own name.

Jiang Luan put the letter away, and began to suspect that the things collected in these two hidden compartments were all her own things, right?
One is full of seemingly inconspicuous treasures, and the other is full of letters.

But she doubts, does she have the patience to write so many letters?
Just as she was about to open the second letter to read, the sound of the door opening came from the next door. She quickly stuffed all the letters back into the secret compartment, closed the secret compartment, and jumped back on the bed as if she had just gotten up.

"Luan'er, are you awake?"

Mo Qingxuan knocked on the door with a gentle voice.

Jiang Luan responded, put on the coat that Mo Qingxuan took off yesterday, got up and got out of bed.

Mo Qingxuan unscrewed the door lock, opened the door, and saw Jiang Luan standing barefoot on the ground, looking at him with innocent eyes, like a child who had done something wrong, slightly flustered.

The corners of Mo Qingxuan's mouth couldn't help but curl into a smile, and his voice was soft: "Put on your shoes and go to the outer hall for dinner. Ranran lives at home, and grandparents have been eating out recently."

Jiang Luan took a special look at Mo Qingxuan's face, the bruises had faded away, and the marks on his face could not be seen unless he looked carefully, nodded and turned to put on his shoes.

"How did you sleep last night?"

Mo Qingxuan stood at the door, watched Jiang Luan sitting by the bed putting on his shoes, and asked a question.


Jiang Luan choked on her own saliva, her face flushed from coughing, she raised her head and gave Mo Qingxuan a reproachful look, then lowered her head and continued to put on her shoes.

Mo Qingxuan felt a little strange being stared at by her, and raised his eyebrows slightly. Seeing her walking over after putting on her shoes, he naturally took her hand and walked out.

Jiang Luan looked down at the hands they were clasping, and moved her fingers, feeling the warmth of his palm, with a happy smile on her lips.

"What makes you smile so happily?"

Mo Qingxuan saw Jiang Luan lowered her head, her exposed neck and ear roots were slightly red, and she held her hand tightly, with a hint of narrowness in her voice.

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, her palms were wet with sweat, she snorted lightly and ignored it, but did not withdraw her hand.

When they arrived at the front hall, only Mo Jinxiu was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, and no one had come out yet.

Seeing the two of them approaching holding hands, Mo Jinxiu raised his eyebrows, glanced at the less obvious marks on Mo Qingxuan's face, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Ah Xuan, there is a powder puff in the upstairs room, go and cover it up."

Mo Jinxiu didn't tease the two of them, but just reminded Mo Qingxuan to cover the wound on his face.

Because Mo Qingxuan went abroad to recover from his injuries half a year ago, Zhao Yun was always very nervous about him, and would make a fuss if he bumped into him, why not explode when he saw the injuries on his face?
After speaking, he looked at Jiang Luan with a smile and beckoned her to sit down, so he stopped looking at Mo Qingxuan.

When Mo Qingxuan came down, Zhao Yun, Mo Shangshu, Chu Huan, and Mo Jinxiu had already sat down. Seeing Mo Qingxuan coming down, Chu Huan beckoned him to sit beside her.

As for Zhao Yun's side, Jiang Luan had already been pulled over to sit there.

"Where's Ran Ran?"

Seeing that Mo Qingran was not there, Mo Qingxuan asked casually while sitting down.

"Yesterday, Doudou went to bed late, and she hasn't woken up yet. Ranran just called to say that she had breakfast in her yard."

Looking at his face, Chu Huan couldn't help the smile in his eyes, and answered while holding chopsticks for him.

Mo Qingxuan never used cosmetics, but now he used a powder puff to cover up the almost invisible wound on his face, which made him a little whiter than usual, and gave him a little more of a pretty face.

Jiang Luan smiled when he saw him like this, but when he saw his gaze, his face became serious, he held back his smile, and lowered his head to eat.

"Luan'er, you are too thin, make up more."

Zhao Yun saw that Jiang Luan's eating movements were a little pretentious, and she couldn't let go, so she reminded her to eat more good food.

The Mo family's family style is good, they can't talk easily at the dinner table, and they usually don't use their own chopsticks to pick up food for others, so Zhao Yun just looked at Jiang Luan with concern, and didn't take the initiative to pick up food for her.

The corner of Jiang Luan's mouth twitched, every time she ate with Zhao Yun, she would definitely hear that you are too thin, she fits well, she looks thin and has flesh on her body, where is she thin?
After dinner, Jiang Luan went to find Mo Qingran, and Mo Qingxuan went back to Qingluan Garden to continue the related cases studied in the past two days.

When Jiang Luan arrived in Mo Qingran's yard, Doudou was getting dressed, and when she saw Jiang Luan coming in, she swished back under the quilt, leaving only her head exposed.

Mo Qingran, who was dressing him, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "I'm sorry for asking you to wake up earlier, is it embarrassing now?"

"You know how to be shy at such a young age?"

Jiang Luan also smiled, seeing Doudou's face of shame and anger, turned around and went out the door, and kindly closed the door behind her.

It's a good thing for children to have a sense of shame, and this is the last time to tease them.

Less than 5 minutes after Jiang Luan went out, the door was opened from the inside, and Doudou ran to Jiang Luan, holding her arm and shouting happily: "Aunt Luan."

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth, it's so ugly now."

Mo Qingran came from behind, smiled and tapped the back of his head, telling him to wash his face.

"Dad said I was handsome no matter what!"

Doudou threw her head back, grabbed Jiang Luan's legs and crawled into her arms, grabbing her arms with both hands.

Jiang Luan was afraid that he would fall, so she wrapped her arms around him to make him sit more safely and comfortably.

"Your father lied to you. Children who don't wash their faces will turn black when they grow up, and they won't be able to marry a wife."

Mo Qingran was dumbfounded by his words, and took him out of Jiang Luan's arms with a tigerish face, and rushed him to the bathroom to wash up.

Seeing Doudou running to the bathroom, Jiang Luan couldn't help but frowned with a smile.

"How can you tease a child like this? He's still so young."

"Blame me? This kid knows how to pick up girls at a young age, and that's all he does."

Mo Qingran sat down next to Jiang Luan, rolled her eyes, and had no idea how this little guy knew so much.

However, it cannot be denied that Doudou is very suitable for her, has a happy temper, and is also very good, knowing that she loves others.

"Ran Ran, did I know when Ah Xuan performed the operation on me?"

There were only two people left in the small living room, Jiang Luan asked.

The smile on Mo Qingran's face froze slightly, and he looked at Jiang Luan carefully, seeing that she looked calm and looked at him with a smile in her eyes, she curled her lips helplessly.

"Actually, my brother didn't tell you at the time, because he was afraid that you wouldn't be able to accept it. But after he left, you were already awake when I went upstairs. You know, I don't want you to hate my brother in the future, and I can't refuse you Require."

Mo Qingran shrugged. She didn't need to hide and test her relationship with Jiang Luan. If Jiang Luan came to ask her, he must have known it, and he was not just here to deceive her.

Jiang Luan showed such an expression as expected, and said nothing more, just as Doudou also washed up and rushed out.

"If you have a chance in the future, tell me again what you told me that day. And what Shi Mingyang did to me."

Jiang Luan greeted Doudou while whispering a few words.

Mo Qingxuan said that she was used witchcraft by Shi Mingyang, fell in love with Shi Mingyang, and it took a while for Shi Mingyang to relieve her after finding out that she was pregnant.

There were at least two or three months in the middle, and since she was devoted to Shi Mingyang with all her infatuation, and her love was so deep, it would be fine to do something...

This was what she was most worried about. Mo Qingxuan didn't say anything, but just skipped it. She could see that it was painful for him to think about that period of time, and it was only when he saw himself that he felt a little relieved.

She also believed that even if something happened between herself and Shi Mingyang, Mo Qingxuan would not care.

But she cared, even if she didn't leave Mo Qingxuan for this kind of thing, she still cared and wanted to know.

The small kitchen had stewed porridge early in the morning, Jiang Luan carried Doudou to the small dining room, and filled him with a small bowl of porridge.

"Luan'er, don't you have to go to work today?"

Mo Qingran filled a bowl of porridge and sat opposite, only then remembered to ask Jiang Luan.

After she got married, she went abroad with Pei Beichuan for half a year, but she still hasn't returned to work at the company. She plans to send Doudou to school in the next two days, and she will return to work at Mo's company.

Pei Beichuan's side can be handled by himself, and Mo Qingran is not a dodder who is willing to cling to men. It's cool to be regarded as the boss's wife when he goes to work in Pei Beichuan's company, but there may be some people with dark thoughts Attacked her behind her back, saying that she was incompetent and was relying on her husband to get a job or something.

"Take three days off, where's your family?"

Jiang Luan responded casually, looking at the mother and son eating at the table, they are indeed close, even though they have only been together for more than half a year, they have a lot in common in words and deeds, and the movements and postures of eating are almost carved out of the same mold. Extra fun.

"He's gone to the company. After all, he hasn't been in charge for half a year. He has to go back and sit down."

Mo Qingran curled her lips. There were a few bugs in the company who wanted to fish in troubled waters, thinking that it was normal for Pei's other companies to have problems, and it was normal for the branch in City A to have problems.

Simply mindless!Mo Qingxuan didn't attack the city A branch at the beginning, and even deliberately maintained it so that the city A branch would not be affected as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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