Chapter 234 Shen Ling Is Missing

Those idiots didn't understand, they thought this was an opportunity for them to make a profit, and secretly attacked the company while Pei Beichuan was away.

Pei Beichuan's business philosophy is relatively solid. Although this situation is troublesome, it is not impossible to solve it. It just consumes more energy and time.

After the two of them finished eating, Mo Qingran washed the dishes casually, and the three of them went to the front hall together.

As soon as they arrived in the front hall, they found that the atmosphere was not right.

Mo Shangshu and Zhao Yun have already returned to their yard.

Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan sat on the sofa wondering what they were thinking.

"Mom and Dad, what's the matter with you? Don't you go to work?"

Doudou was hugged by Jiang Luan, and Mo Qingran was relaxed. Seeing the two sitting there staring at each other, she couldn't help asking strangely.

"Ah Xuan came over just now."

Chu Huan frowned, thinking about Jian Xuan's appearance just now, he seemed to be bewitched by something, but he couldn't read his mind, and could only feel that he was about to collapse.

"Why is he here? Where are people?"

Mo Qingran glanced at the living room, but did not see Jian Xuan.

"Go to Qingluan Court, we have already called Ah Xuan, he will come out in a while."

Mo Jinxiu also sighed, Jian Xuan's state was very unusual just now, it was difficult for them to follow, he just kept saying "Shen Ling is gone", but they didn't know who Shen Ling was at all.

Jiang Luan came in after holding Doudou, and felt strange when he heard what Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan said.

"Luan'er, you guys are a little familiar with Ah Xuan, have you ever heard him mention Shen Ling?"

Seeing Jiang Luan coming in, Chu Huan called her over, took Doudou from her arms, and cast doubtful eyes on Jiang Luan.

Jian Xuan's expression looks like he's fallen in love, but that kid usually plays with girls most of the time, rarely serious, and shows no signs of falling in love.

Jiang Luan handed Doudou into Chu Huan's arms, feeling vaguely strange, thought about it seriously, and shook his head.

"Maybe Ah Xuan will know a little bit, they often get together. I haven't heard that Ah Xuan said that he knows someone named Shen Ling."

"Ah Xuan doesn't know how to fall in love, does he? I can't tell."

Mo Qingran sat down on the sofa and peeled grapes for Doudou to eat.

"Who falls in love like a lunatic?"

Chu Huan was dissatisfied with her attitude, and glared at her: "Give Doudou less grapes, if you eat too much, you will get sick."

Mo Qingran stuck out her tongue, and the grapes that were about to be brought to Doudou's mouth turned around and sent them into her own mouth.

Doudou bared her teeth at her, then turned her head and acted coquettishly at Chu Huan: "Grandma, I want to eat grapes."

Looking at Doudou's watery eyes, Chu Huan immediately changed his words without principle: "Grandma will peel it for you, but you still have to eat less."

"Yeah." Doudou nodded, and gave Mo Qingran a provocative look.

Mo Qingran wanted to cry but had no tears. When we first met, this kid was so rare. He even said that he wanted to be his girlfriend, but he became an enemy in a blink of an eye.

They didn't have a long fight, Mo Qingxuan walked in from the outside, followed by Jian Xuan who was in a state of despair.

"Ah Xuan, don't worry, tell me what's going on now."

Mo Qingxuan pushed Jian Xuan to sit on the sofa, and sat down beside him.

"Shen Ling is gone, I disappeared early this morning."

Jian Xuan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but the panic in his eyes could not be concealed.

"So, who is Shen Ling?"

Mo Qingxuan frowned, feeling a little depressed that his words didn't convey the meaning, when did Jian Xuan look like this?

Jian Xuan's eyes widened, and he looked at Mo Qingxuan in disbelief: "You don't know Shen Ling anymore?"

"Who is she, and why should I know her?"

Mo Qingxuan's eyes were stained with impatience. Ever since Jian Xuan saw him, he had been talking about Shen Ling's disappearance. He was still thinking about how this kid came to find him after falling out of love. Did he think he knew Shen Ling?
It's ridiculous!

"Sister Luan'er, you know, right? Shen Ling helped you defeat Shi Mingyang yesterday."

Seeing that no one believed her words, Jian Xuan looked at Jiang Luan for help.

Jiang Luan looked at everyone in embarrassment, making sure that no one knew Shen Ling: "Ah Xuan, are you dreaming? It was Ou Ying who defeated Shi Mingyang yesterday."

"That Ou Ying obviously went with Brother Xuan later. The one who went with you, Sister Luan'er, was Shen Ling. Why did you forget? She has obviously been here for a year!"

Jian Xuan saw that they didn't seem to be teasing him, his eyes were full of despair, he couldn't believe that they had completely forgotten about Shen Ling in just one night.

"one Year?"

Mo Jinxiu realized the seriousness of the matter, and his eyes became serious.

"A year ago, wasn't it the time when Shi Yushan cheated his death?"

Chu Huan raised his eyebrows. At that time, Jiang Luan was still controlled by Shi Mingyang, and he was only thinking of Shi Mingyang, and Mo Qingxuan was very sad because of this.

"Could it be..."

Mo Qingran's eyes widened. With the appearance of sorcerers, she had a little understanding of sorcery, especially Liu Yibo's wife Su Yuman, who was taken away by Shi Yushan before. She died because of the phantom. What Xuan met might be the illusion that Shi Yushan made especially for him, and then Shi Yushan was defeated yesterday, maybe he died, and Shen Ling disappeared naturally.


Jiang Luan knew what Mo Qingran was thinking, and shook her head to deny her guess.

"Before Shi Yushan seized the house, he had no chance to touch Ah Hyun at all. After the seizure, he didn't have any spells on him, let alone do it. Moreover, as far as I know, there is no illusion that others can't see. As long as Ah Xuan can see it, we are Impossible not to see."

In fact, Jiang Luan also had this idea at first, but she quickly denied it. After all, she had been with the old woman for a while, and although she hadn't learned witchcraft, she knew a little more about it than Mo Qingran.

Chu Huan signaled them to be quiet, then sat up straight, turned on the power, and looked into Jian Xuan's eyes.

If Jian Xuan was in a normal state, she would not be able to easily detect his thoughts. Except for Jiang Lu and Qiao Yixun, the two children in these families were very simple, the other children were very good at hiding their thoughts. Out of respect for the privacy of her own children, she rarely reads their hearts.

However, under special circumstances, seeing that Jian Xuan's words are not expressive, she can't say anything clearly, and she is on the verge of collapse, there is almost no obstacle for her to detect with supernatural powers.

After about half an hour, Chu Huan put away his abilities and let out a sigh of relief. Instead of getting better, the expression on his face became more dignified.

"It's not that simple, let Ah Hyun talk about it."

Chu Huan sighed, then turned his head to comfort Jian Xuan: "Ah Xuan, don't worry, there may be something wrong in the middle. Tell me everything about Shen Ling, don't worry, speak slowly."

Seeing that Chu Huan believed in him, Jian Xuan knew in his heart that he was too impatient. Although his eyes were still bewildered, his expression improved a lot.

He started talking about Mo Qingxuan asking him to find the sorcerer and witch, until he saw Shen Ling for the first time, the conflict between the two, and then he talked about Shen Ling following him back and forth, helping to treat Fengzi and Archie, and the following He described many matters in detail, covering every aspect, and even when it came to Shen Ling's words that made him furious at the time, there was amused and nostalgic eyes in his eyes.

Thinking about it now, every word, every word, every movement, every voice and smile of hers was engraved into his mind unconsciously.

Because everyone only forgot the part about Shen Ling, but not the rest, so what Jian Xuan said can be connected easily, and it is easy for everyone to understand.

After Jian Xuan and Shen Ling left yesterday, Jian Xuan saw that Shen Ling had been absent-minded, so he took her out to relax. Naturally, he refused to give in, and only said that she should be with him.

What's rare is that Shen Ling seemed to understand his intentions, and would flirt with him from time to time, making him feel itchy in his heart, but he didn't dare to act recklessly.

Later, in Xuan Ye's exclusive lounge, Shen Ling said that he wanted to try red wine, but he got drunk after drinking a glass, said some inexplicable things, and admitted that he might have fallen in love with Jian Xuan a long time ago. Take the initiative to throw yourself into the arms.

Jian Xuan was so infatuated that she ate Shen Ling and wiped it all away. As a result, she disappeared this morning. When she asked the bar waiter, she didn't know who he brought with him yesterday, and even the manager who personally entertained them couldn't remember any With such a person, he really panicked. He didn't even have time to make a phone call, so he drove all the way to Mo Zhai and asked them if they remembered Shen Ling.

In the end, their answers made him unacceptable. Shen Ling seemed to be only in his memory, and no one else even remembered this person.

"Fengzi and Archie, didn't Ou Ying treat them?"

A long time had passed by the time Jian Xuan finished speaking, and the hall fell into silence for a while, until Jiang Luan hesitated to say this sentence, and the heavy atmosphere in the air was broken.

"Is Ou Ying such a kind person?"

Mo Qingxuan sighed, he had an impression of the Taoyuan Township that Ou Ying mentioned, and of the Holy Maiden, but he forgot about Shen Ling.

People in Taoyuan Township are indifferent by nature, without Jia Fang's mediation, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to help.

"In other words, all of our memories about Shen Ling have been erased by the changes?"

Chu Huan and Mo Jinxiu looked at each other in disbelief.

Although they don't know witchcraft, they are not simple characters. Chu Huan, Mo Qingran, and Mo Qingxuan each have supernatural powers. Not to mention changing their memories, even if they are approached, the breathing rate of strangers It can make them instinctively alert.

"If it's Taoyuan Township, it's not impossible. It's just, can they come out of the mountain?"

Jiang Luan frowned, they had not had time to tell Mo Jinxiu and Chu Huan about the details of Taoyuan Township yesterday, only she, Mo Qingxuan, and Jian Xuan knew about it.

"Do you know the situation in Taoyuan Township?"

Mo Qingran looked at Jiang Luan with curiosity in his eyes.

The shock when she first met Ou Ying a year ago, she still remembers to this day, and she is also full of curiosity about what kind of place Taoyuan Township is.

(End of this chapter)

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