Chapter 238

Touched flashed in Jia Fang's eyes, her eyes met Ou Ying's softly, and the smile on her mouth was like the most beautiful flower.

"Then what shall I do?"

Mo Qingxuan interrupted the two to look at each other. His impression of Ou Ying was really not very good. The more unhappy he was, the happier he was.


Ou Ying frowned in displeasure, turned her gaze and gave him a word, and then continued without waiting for Mo Qingxuan to ask.

"When the people from Taoyuan Township come to you, don't they have a 20-year agreement with your father? There are less than two years left, and they will naturally come to you at that time. I will go back with you when the time comes, you just have to hold on They'll do."

Mo Qingxuan raised his eyebrows: "That is to say, I don't have to save your father?"

Ou Ying was silent for a moment, without any fluctuation in her eyes: "I can't save you, otherwise you and I won't be able to leave."

His tone was fair and objective, as if he was talking about an irrelevant person, not his own father.

When Mo Qingxuan and Jian Xuan came out of Ou Ying's house, it was already past lunch time, Ou Ying didn't intend to keep the meal, and Mo Qingxuan didn't intend to stay longer.

"Ah Xuan, I will bring Shen Ling back to you!"

Seeing Jian Xuan pondering, Mo Qingxuan opened the car door, held the door and looked at Jian Xuan to reassure him.

Jian Xuan's eyes moved, and he raised his head to look at him. It looked different from before, but it was no longer the decadent and lost soul before.

"Brother Xuan, I will hand Xuan Ye over to Ah Ye, and I will go to MIE. I will definitely be able to help when the time comes."

"what ever."

Mo Qingxuan stared at him for a while, seeing that he didn't dodge in any way, his gaze was firm, obviously he had made up his mind, so he didn't try to persuade him any more.

In the past, Jian Xuan's temperament was not suitable for going to MIE, but now because of Shen Ling, he has made up his mind, and he has also determined to change. At this time, it is good to have something to do and a little hope for the goal. I can't imagine him like this morning I spent two or three years in the same daze.

Mo Qingxuan sent Jian Xuan home first. On the way, Jian Xuan called Qiao Yiye and handed over Xuan Ye's management to him. Qiao Yiye didn't know what was going on, so he asked. MIE, Qiao Yiye heard that he was serious, and only said that you can rest assured that Xuan Ye is handed over to me, and then hung up the phone.

After sending Jian Xuan back, Mo Qingxuan went directly to Jiang Luan.

"Ah Xuan, haven't you eaten yet? I asked Aunt Zhao to leave some food for you, and I'll serve it for you."

When Bai Ge saw Mo Qingxuan coming, she got up and went to the kitchen to serve food.

Jiang Luan told her about Jian Xuan in the morning, and said that Mo Qingxuan would come directly after looking for Ou Ying, and asked Aunt Zhao to cook a little more at noon, and Mo Qingxuan left it before he came.

"Thank you, Aunt Bai."

Mo Qingxuan thanked him, then asked after a pause, "Where are Luan'er and Dododo?"

"Duo Duo just fell asleep, and Luan'er is accompanying her."

Bai Ge replied in the kitchen, put the food in the microwave and set the time.

"Ah Xuan, you went to find Ou Ying, what happened?"

After setting the time for the microwave oven, Bai Ge came out of the kitchen and motioned for Mo Qingxuan to sit down.

Duo Duo has just fallen asleep, and is not yet sound asleep. At this time, someone talking in the past is easy to wake up, and Jiang Luan still can't leave.

"Luan'er told you everything?"

Hearing Bai Ge's question, Mo Qingxuan's eyes were slightly tender, and his voice was soft.

"The matter is a bit complicated, let's talk about it later when Luan'er comes over."

"Alright, when Dodo falls asleep, she will come over, you eat first."

Bai Ge saw that his expression was still calm, and nodded with a smile. Just as the microwave oven "ding", the scheduled time was up. She went into the kitchen to bring out the food and put it on the dining table. Mo Qingxuan got up to help, but she pushed him back.

Mo Qingxuan had just eaten half of it when Jiang Luan came over.

Jiang Luan saw Mo Qingxuan sitting at the dining table eating, with a smile on his face, his expression bright: "Ah Xuan, what did Ou Ying say?"

"Wait until I finish eating."

Mo Qingxuan swallowed the food in his mouth before answering Jiang Luan, but the speed of picking up the food was obviously a little faster.

"No hurry, eat slowly."

Bai Ge looked at him with concern, her eyes were soft. In her eyes, Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan Jiang Lu were the same, like her children.

Mo Qingxuan nodded and didn't speak, and the movements in his hands didn't slow down a bit. He finished eating quickly with an elegant posture, took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, took the dishes to soak in the kitchen sink, and then came out and sat down. Bai Ge and Jiang Luan had put on the appearance of listening.

Mo Qingxuan quickly ran through the previous situation in his mind, skipped some useless plots, and started talking directly from entering Ou Ying's house.

In fact, there is nothing to say, just explain Ou Ying's intention.

To sum up, there are only two points. One is that blood is not born, but exchanged with talent and emotion.The other is the matter of resentment in mass graves.

Hearing Ou Ying's request, Jiang Luan and Bai Ge looked at each other, clearly seeing the worry in each other's eyes.

"Ouying asked you to hold them back. They might know about the mass grave being destroyed right away. How can you escape when you're next to them?"

Although Mo Qingxuan acted very relaxed and deliberately ignored some details, Jiang Luan was still keenly aware of the danger that Mo Qingxuan might encounter.

Since the mass grave is the foundation of Taoyuan Township, and there is a connection between the lives and souls of all people, it is very likely that they will be aware of it immediately, and Mo Qingxuan will undoubtedly be the most dangerous at that time.

He said he was holding back the people in Taoyuan Township, but he was actually delivering food to them.

"Since Ouying said that, there must be a solution. Of course, I won't let him dictate."

Sensing her worry, Mo Qingxuan smiled at her, his brows were relaxed, elegant and elegant, making people unable to take their eyes off her.

With Shen Ling's previous convictions, how could he trust Ou Ying without reservation?

From the beginning to the end, he, Mo Qingxuan, was not someone who would be played around with applause!

"I always feel that Ou Ying doesn't seem like someone who would consider others."

Jiang Luan still shook her head, what Ou Ying said earlier was deeply engraved in her heart, like a gnat in her throat.

People in Taoyuan Township have no feelings, they are humanoid machines with superior means, cold and indifferent, looking at the world like ants, regardless of life and death.

This can be seen from their means of reproduction, without considering the feelings of the child's father or mother.

I didn't understand before, why the children born by human beings have no emotions, but now I fully understand, and my perception of Taoyuan Township is even worse!
They disregard human relations, only to carry on the family line, marry people by deceptive means, and don't care about the feelings of the children's mothers (fathers) at all. Those abandoned children before coming here are people with thin blood and can't be used for them. Damaged by their methods, few are normal.

No wonder sorcerers in the eyes of the world are greedy, cunning, insidious and changeable rogues.

In their hearts, they only had themselves, and they didn't consider other people's feelings at all. It was a great surprise that Ou Ying could do this to Jia Fang.

"I understand, but he is true to Jia Fang. Based on this alone, I can at least be sure that he really wants to destroy Taoyuan Township. Since that's the case, I just let him go on this point. Others, he Don't expect me to run around and work hard for him, I will naturally have my own arrangements."

Mo Qingxuan's eyes sharpened, and there was a faint light in them. He was never polite to those who intended to hold him in the palm of their hands.

"Ah Xuan, I know you know it well. But witchcraft is not the world we are familiar with after all. Dealing with them, if you are not careful, you will be lost forever."

Bai Ge also advised, although everyone knows Mo Qingxuan's ability, but witchcraft is an area they are not familiar with, and it is easy to suffer in it.

"Aunt Bai, I know."

Mo Qingxuan looked at the white pigeon and nodded. Those gentle eyes with a smile seemed to have convincing power. Just one look could easily soothe the worries in his heart.

"Okay, it's rare for Luan'er to rest for two days, you go out to relax, and Duo Duo will bring it to me."

Bai Ge knew Mo Qingxuan's temperament, not to mention that this kind of thing was not something they told him not to let him go, so he didn't have to go.

Rather than start worrying now, it's better to make preparations with peace of mind, so that Mo Qingxuan can be more secure when the time comes.

"I'm still thinking about taking a rare break and spending more time with Dodo."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips, she didn't spend much time with Dodo recently, every time the little guy saw her he would either cry or laugh, and he would not let go in her arms.

Children are very sensitive. If they don't see their mother for a long time, they will think that their mother doesn't want them.

"Don't worry Dodo, she is easy to take care of, and you don't have to be afraid that she will be unfamiliar with you when you come back every day."

Bai Ge waved her hand and got up to see her off.

She didn't know what Jiang Luan was worried about. They could only solve their problems by themselves, and others could only do their best to persuade them. In the end, Jiang Luan's knot was still on Mo Qingxuan.

Maybe it's because the two of them spent too little time together. After all, Mo Qingxuan was a complete stranger to Jiang Luan a year ago. Talking, but because of the previous family members' besieging Jing'an incident, it made his reputation even louder.

In the past six months, he has had an average of two surgeries every day. Now that his face has been injured, he has taken two days off and pushed the less important surgeries to others so that he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Jiang Luan shrugged helplessly, turned his head and looked into a pair of smiling eyes, he felt a throbbing in his heart, and his ears couldn't help but heat up.

Mo Qingxuan saw Jiang Luan's slightly evasive gaze, and the smile in his eyes became stronger. He stretched out his arm and took her hand naturally.

Jiang Luan was startled, and retracted her arms a bit. Feeling the tightness in Mo Qingxuan's hand, she gave up struggling, her eyes were clear, and her face was a bit shy.

"Go ahead, remember to call if you come back late."

Seeing the interaction between the two, Bai Ge couldn't help but put on a smile, turned around and went to the backyard after speaking, and stopped disturbing the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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