Chapter 239

Mo Qingxuan turned to look at Jiang Luan, his amber eyes were frighteningly bright, Jiang Luan pursed his lips uncomfortably, his heartbeat was almost uncontrollable.

Seeing Jiang Luan's evasive eyes and embarrassing expression, Qing Hongshui's eyes were full of affection, the light suddenly became deep, and his arms tightened, pulling Jiang Luan into his arms, wrapping his arms around her slender and soft waist Go up, tighten your strength.


Mo Qingxuan yelled again, his voice was hoarse and low, his eyes were dark, like a flame was burning.

"Ah Xuan, you..."

Jiang Luan realized what he wanted to do, and his face was anxious. After all, this is his home, if he was here...

"Ah Xuan...don't..."

The heat in Mo Qingxuan's eyes gradually faded away, and his breathing also became steady. Seeing Jiang Luan's flushed face and shortness of breath, he couldn't help turning his gaze away, with a hint of annoyance flashing across his eyes.

He almost forgot what this place was!
However, Jiang Luan's bewildered appearance made him unable to help but curl his thin lips, and her performance successfully pleased him.

Seeing the smile in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, Jiang Luan shyly pushed him away, but he grabbed his hand, unable to break free and had to let it go.

"Let's go."

Mo Qingxuan lowered his head and pecked her lips, then pulled her out of the living room.

"Where to go?"

Sitting in the car, Mo Qingxuan turned his head to glance at Jiang Luan, who had slightly red ears but pretended to be calm, and asked her casually.

Speaking of it, the two of them didn't seem to have a serious date, and they really didn't know where to go other than the restaurant.

"It was you who wanted to come out, and now ask me again."

Jiang Luan's eyebrows twitched, he didn't know where to go, he might as well play with Duo Duo at home.

She has been taking care of Duo Duo for half a year. Don't say that Duo Duo is not happy at work these days, she also feels bad.

Mo Qingxuan laughed softly, but she couldn't hear the resentment in her tone. The confusion in the living room before made her resentful.

"I know a camellia garden. We've been there before."

Mo Qingxuan glanced at Jiang Luan, seeing that her clear eyes were stained with shame, he coughed lightly and told her the destination he had planned.

The camellia garden was not well-known. It was a retired rich man who liked camellias, so he found someone to plant them on a secluded piece of land.

I knew that rich man when Jiang Luan accidentally broke in when he was a child. When he saw the beautiful camellias blooming, he dragged him to see them every day.

Because the rich man was domineering when he was young, he didn't have a good relationship with his son, and it was not easy to see his grandson. When he saw Jiang Luan and Mo Qingxuan, he was very happy and invited them to come often.

Since they entered junior high school, the two of them didn't go there very often, only once in a while.

"Camellia Garden?"

Jiang Luan was distracted, she didn't remember that there was a tea garden in City A.

"Well, a rich man made it himself after he retired. It belongs to his own interest, and not many people know about it."

Mo Qingxuan explained: "We called him Grandpa Bai when we were young, and it's fine to call him Grandpa Bai after you go. But I haven't been there for so many years, and I don't know if he is still alive."


Jiang Luan wrinkled her nose, looked at Mo Qingxuan's profile, and couldn't help but look forward to it, is this a date?
The memory of childhood is gone, and he is trying to fill it up for her.

The tea garden is relatively remote. Although it is not in the urban area, it is not far from the urban area. No wonder they found such a place when they were in school.

Seeing the parking space where dozens of high-end cars were parked, Jiang Luan looked at Mo Qingxuan slightly in surprise. Didn't it mean that few people knew about this place?

Mo Qingxuan's brows were also tightly frowned. Having known Grandpa Bai for so many years, he knew his temperament quite well.

He loved camellias, and felt it a sacrilege to be admired.

He is withdrawn, likes to be quiet and doesn't like to be noisy, and never allows outsiders to step into his tea garden.

Mo Qingxuan parked the car, took Jiang Luan's hand and walked into the tea garden.

As soon as they walked to the door, the two heard a burst of noise from inside, which added a lot of vitality to this quiet and elegant environment, but made people feel that it was too noisy.

Walking a few steps forward, the two saw a group of women playing among the flowers, some of them took pictures of their companions with a camera in their hands, some held a folded camellia in their hands, and their delicate faces were full of smiles. Yi, after seeing the two of them, the expressions on their faces were different.

Some were amazed, some were stunned, and some had scrutiny in their eyes.

"You are also guests invited by Uncle Bai, right? Uncle Bai has already talked with my father in the room."

A woman with heavy makeup said to Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan's eyes flickered, they only fell on her for a moment and then moved away, but they still made her blush and her heart beat.

Originally, Jiang Luan wanted to ask when the place would open, but when she heard the woman's words, she swallowed the question again, and slightly raised her head to look at Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan's eyes were dark, like a deep pool where he couldn't see the bottom at a glance, and there was no change on his face, but Jiang Luan was sensitive to his displeasure.

"Thank you."

Mo Qingxuan's thin lips opened and closed, his voice was low, and then he took Jiang Luan's hand and walked towards the two-story building deep in the tea garden.

"Let's stay and play with this sister, the camellias are blooming very beautifully here."

A woman holding a bouquet of folded camellias pulled Jiang Luan's arm, but her eyes were fixed on Mo Qingxuan.

In her eyes, it is difficult for a woman to be unkempt and not pay attention to her appearance in front of a high-quality man like Mo Qingxuan.Jiang Luan doesn't wear makeup, her clothes are simple, and she looks good. She should be Mo Qingxuan's younger sister or something.

Mo Qingxuan pulled Jiang Lu into his arms with strength, his right hand wrapped around her shoulders possessively, and he turned his head slightly, his amber eyes glanced at her inadvertently, and his eyes fell on the red eyes in her arms. When the camellia came up, there was a flash of disgust.

The woman felt cold from Mo Qingxuan's eyes, she took a step back subconsciously, and laughed: "Uncle Bai doesn't like having outsiders approaching while talking, and there will be a small banquet later, when the time comes..."

But Mo Qingxuan didn't want to hear her rambling, so his arm slipped down and fell on Jiang Luan's waist, and he walked forward with his arms around her. Their backs were intimate, no matter how stupid a woman was, she knew she was wrong.

"Hmph, Uncle Bai invited him to show him face. He brought the woman there to delay Uncle Bai and Dad's discussion of business, which annoyed them. He will suffer!"

The woman resentfully grabbed the camellia in her arms, tore off a few petals, and threw them on the ground.

"He seems to be the eldest son..."

The woman holding the camera frowned, looking at Mo Qingxuan's straight back, she had to admit that even the back of this man was handsome.

"What Grand Duke..."

The woman holding Camellia's face changed, her throat seemed to be choked by someone, her voice stopped abruptly, her face turned pale, and she turned her head to look blankly at her companion with sympathy.

God!What did she do just now?
City A has many high-quality men, but Mo Qingxuan's level is rare. How many such elegant and elegant men are there?

She just didn't expect that this fabulous man would suddenly fall into the mortal world, and even fall in front of her. She didn't react and did something disgusting.

"Lan Lan, I didn't do anything stupid just now, right? I just invited the woman next to him to stay and play. I didn't do anything."

The woman trembled her lips, carefully recalling every word she said just now, and made sure she didn't say anything offensive. After they left, she was muttering so far behind, they must not have heard... right... definitely not heard !
The woman named Lan Lan's eyes became more sympathetic. She didn't say anything excessive just now, but both her eyes and her attitude were too aggressive. She wanted to use her eyes to take off Mo Qingxuan's clothes. The noun is called adultery.

And she didn't miss the disgust and indifference that Mo Qingxuan's tears flashed when he looked at the camellia in Lan Lan's arms just now.

Fortunately, she seldom folds flowers. Before, she advised her friends not to fold flowers, but she didn’t listen. She said that if they stayed on the branches, they could only wait for withering. It’s better to please the beauties, which is considered a “deserving death”.

This time, she is really going to "deserve her death"!

No matter what the situation behind him was, Mo Qingxuan walked towards the small building with Jiang Luan in his arms, his eyes were cold and cold, and his body was full of low air pressure, making it hard to breathe.

The small building used to be lived here by Grandpa Bai. He himself doesn't like extravagance, so the small building is not big, it looks exquisite and regular, but now it has been expanded a lot. In the garden castle, all kinds of camellia trees are planted under the walls. The beauty is beautiful, but it lacks elegance and makes people uncomfortable.

At the door, there were more than a dozen black-clothed bodyguards standing. From the subtle differences in their attire and wearing, they should not belong to the same family.

"Please show your ID and invitation letter."

A burly bodyguard in a well-fitting suit held his right arm straight in front of Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan, his expression remained motionless, like a robot.

Mo Qingxuan raised his eyebrows lightly, a stern light flashed across the corner of his eyes, and his voice seemed to be frosted, making the faces of the bodyguards turn blue, and the air seemed to have become icy cold.

"When do you need an invitation letter to come here?"

"Sorry, we can't let you in without an invitation!"

The bodyguard didn't seem to hear the indifference in Mo Qingxuan's voice, and he still said what he should say step by step, if he ignored his muscles that had tensed up since Mo Qingxuan opened his mouth.

"Step aside!"

Mo Qingxuan's sharp eyes suddenly turned cold, and he walked in with his arms around Jiang Luan, completely ignoring the bodyguard's arms in front of him.

The bodyguard's expression changed, he took a step back and stood in front of him, pushing Mo Qingxuan and Jiang Luan with both hands.

Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly, his eyes were as sharp as flying knives, his palms like iron pincers clasped the bodyguard's wrist, and his voice was cold: "You dare to touch her."

The bodyguard's face became even more ugly, and he glanced at Mo Qingxuan in horror, but he really didn't dare to touch Jiang Luan again.

(End of this chapter)

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