Chapter 243 Burning
When approaching the door, Jiang Luan caught a glimpse of a bunch of camellias on the ground and discarded them casually. The petals on one of them seemed to have been pulled by someone, leaving only half intact.

Jiang Luan bent down to pick up the camellia, shook it slightly in his hand, and just took it away.

"If Miss Jiang likes it, you can fold some and take it away."

Seeing Jiang Luan's actions, the bodyguard who brought them out said something more.

Mo Qingxuan frowned, and glanced coldly at the bodyguards, Mr. Bai is gone, can even these bodyguards give away the beloved things he left behind at will?
"No need, I'll just take this."

Jiang Luan didn't understand Mr. Bai's love of flowers as deeply as Mo Qingxuan did, but after hearing what the bodyguard said, he felt uncomfortable after all.

How can a man who is five big and three rough understand Jiang Luan's delicate daughter's heart?

Seeing the reactions of the two, the bodyguard realized that he had said something wrong, and instead of trying to remedy it in vain, he wisely chose to shut up.

Seeing that the two were getting into the car, the bodyguard bowed slightly: "My lord, Miss Jiang, walk slowly, be careful on the road."

"Thank you."

Mo Qingxuan turned his head to look at him, thanked him, closed the window and drove away.

"This tea garden, I will take it back."

Seeing the bodyguard who was still standing there in the rearview mirror, Mo Qingxuan's low and mellow voice sounded in the car, with a hint of chill, and he was bound to win.

Jiang Luan was fiddling with the camellia in her hand, when she heard Mo Qingxuan's words, she turned her head to look at him in a little surprise: "This is originally from the Bai family, why do you want to take it back?"

"It belongs to Mr. Bai."

Mo Qingxuan suppressed the coldness in his voice and corrected Jiang Luan.

"Anyone who doesn't love what's behind him doesn't deserve it. I took it back for Mr. Bai."

"Well, as you like."

Jiang Luan stopped talking, looking at the ruined camellia in his hand, a tinge of anger rose in his heart.

She doesn't know how to imitate Daiyu's behavior of burying flowers, and she has no interest in it, but just to take pictures to look good, she folded a lot of flowers that others have worked so hard to plant. Throwing it on the ground and stepping on it at will, this kind of behavior is too much.

"You just said that I won't go back tonight, when did I say that?"

Remembering that when he was inside, Mo Qingxuan called Bai Ge to say that he would not go back, Jiang Luan frowned slightly, wondering what Bai Ge would think.

"It's so late, it's time for Aunt Bai to go to bed."

Mo Qingxuan's eyes turned slightly, and he concentrated on driving.

"It's only 07:30, and Duo Duo doesn't go to bed until eight o'clock. My mother and Xiaolu also go to bed at nine o'clock at the earliest."

Jiang Luan rolled his eyes, exposing his clumsy excuse.

"Come to my house today, I miss you."

Mo Qingxuan turned his head, his scorching eyes seemed to melt Jiang Luan, the beating light in his eyes made Jiang Luan's heart palpitate.

He said, I miss you, what does it mean?
Jiang Luan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned her head and looked out of the car window, the cool night wind blew away the heat on her face, but couldn't calm the ripples in her heart.

Surprisingly, she didn't feel disgusted, but looked forward to it.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Luan lowered her eyelashes, leaned on the back of the seat, and tried to calm herself down.

The child is born, so what's the point?

Although I can't remember the past, it doesn't affect the close contact between the two of them.

Jiang Luan's silence made Mo Qingxuan's heart even hotter. He stepped on the gas pedal hard, wishing that it was an airplane instead of a car, as if he was afraid that Jiang Luan would regret it if he delayed for a while.

In less than half an hour, Mo Qingxuan parked the car outside Qingluan Garden and led Jiang Luan out of the car.

Jiang Luan's palm was already wet, and he was held by Mo Qingxuan's fiery palm. It didn't take long for the sweat on his palm to be evaporated by the temperature of his hand.

As soon as he entered the small living room of Qingluan Court, Mo Qingxuan exerted force on his arms, Jiang Luan fell into his arms unexpectedly, and a pair of iron arms wrapped around her waist almost instantly.

"I, I haven't showered yet..."

"Wash one by one in a while."

Jiang Luan put his arms on Mo Qingxuan and shouted helplessly, "Ah Xuan, Ah Xuan..."

"Luan'er, I'm here."

At the last step, Shi Mingyang's face suddenly appeared in Jiang Luan's mind.

"Relax, Luaner..."

Feeling Jiang Luan's body stiffen instantly, Mo Qingxuan mistook her for being unwell, and softly comforted her.

Jiang Luan raised her head and looked at Mo Qingxuan with wide eyes, the bewilderment in her eyes slowly dissipating.

"A Xuan..."

Jiang Luan hugged Mo Qingxuan's neck, tears hit his neck, but he didn't cry out, but his body twitched slightly.

The matter with Shi Mingyang was still a thorn in her heart after all, she had to ask Mo Qingran as soon as possible, otherwise she would never be able to be with Mo Qingxuan with peace of mind.

Jiang Luan's tears came inexplicably, Mo Qingxuan tried his best to support his upper body, and stared at Jiang Luan carefully with his deep eyes, her appearance worried him.

"Luan'er, what's the matter?"

Mo Qingxuan rubbed her face with his thumb, the wet fingertips made him feel distressed.

Jiang Luan shook his head, his tear-stained eyes were full of uneasiness, and he stared closely at his face as if he wanted to confirm something.

Mo Qingxuan sighed, suppressing the desire to explode, and was about to withdraw, but was hugged tightly by Jiang Luan, with some demanding and attachment in his clear eyes.

"Luan'er, I love you!"

Mo Qingxuan was the most irresistible to her eyes like this, flames danced in his deep eyes, as if he couldn't bear to see her tears, he lowered his head, closed his eyes and kissed the corners of her eyes, gently licking away the tears from the corners of her eyes .

His thoughtfulness and meticulousness inexplicably filled Jiang Luan's uneasiness in his heart. The tears had stopped at some point, the rain stopped and the wind stopped, Jiang Luan snuggled into Mo Qingxuan's arms and fell asleep.

Mo Qingxuan looked down at the blush on Jiang Luan's face that hadn't dissipated, and pressed his lips to her forehead, his eyes were dark and his brows were slightly furrowed.

He couldn't figure out what Jiang Luan was worried about, he was already willing to give himself to him, he had already identified him, and knew that he was Dodo's father, why he didn't agree to get married, why he still felt uneasy.

Bai Ge told him this afternoon that Jiang Luan had no intention of getting married yet, so he guessed that she might have some concerns in her heart.

what is it then?

Mo Qingxuan's jaw tightened, and his arms tightened suddenly, which would make Jiang Luan uneasy, isn't it Shi Mingyang?
Jiang Luan in his arms moved uncomfortably, and he realized that his strength was too heavy, so he relaxed his arms, rubbed Jiang Luan's head against his chest, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep deeply.

When Jiang Luan woke up from sleep, Mo Qingxuan no longer knew where he had gone.

Jiang Luan let out a long breath, went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed into the clothes that Mo Qingxuan had prepared for her, and went to find Mo Qingran.

Doudou was carried to Zhao Yun and Mo Shangshu early in the morning. When Jiang Luan went, only Mo Qingran was there.

Hearing Jiang Luan's worry, Mo Qingran smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, Shi Mingyang was injured and hospitalized the day he used witchcraft on you. During this period, he held his hands at most. Later, after he was discharged from the hospital, my brother told you that he The wound hasn’t healed yet, so you can’t do strenuous exercise. You cared a lot about this at the time, so it shouldn’t be possible for you to be distracted. Then, you became suspicious of him, and it’s even more impossible.”

Jiang Luan breathed a sigh of relief, but still had reservations about what Mo Qingran said.

She just said should, not sure, after all, it's their business.

"Then did I spend the night at Shi Mingyang's house?"

Jiang Luan bit her lip and stared at Mo Qingran's eyes. Seeing the sympathy in her eyes, she felt a little depressed.

Obviously, she lived in Shi Mingyang's house, and she was obsessed with Shi Mingyang at that time, and Shi Mingyang wished that she would take the initiative to throw himself into his arms, consensual...

"So you've been worrying about this?"

Mo Qingxuan's voice sounded at the door, Jiang Luan suddenly jumped up from the sofa, his face was pale.

Mo Qingxuan turned his back to the light, and couldn't see the emotion in his eyes, but it was easy to feel his unhappiness, and the low pressure around his body almost condensed into substance.


Jiang Luan took a step back, Mo Qingxuan's anger made her feel wronged, and she was very flustered.

Mo Qingxuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a number, and after waiting for a while, asked in a deep voice, "Is it convenient now? Find a place where no one is around, and ask you something."

Then, he put the phone away and turned on the speakerphone. There was a rustling sound of walking on the phone. Not long after, the door was opened and closed, and Jiang Luan even heard the sound of a lock being locked.

"Okay, what does the eldest son want to ask?"

Unexpectedly, it was Wu Miaoke's voice that came out of the phone.

Both Jiang Luan and Mo Qingran turned their puzzled eyes to Mo Qingxuan, wondering what he meant by calling Wu Miaoke.

"Wu Miaoke, tell me, what did you tell me after Shi Yushan passed away...after he seized the house?"

Mo Qingxuan's voice was deep and deep, as if he was suppressing endless anger, but also faintly distressed.

It turned out that Jiang Luan had been worrying about this all this time, but he didn't realize it!


Wu Miaoke was taken aback for a moment, as if recalling what she had said to Mo Qingxuan.

"Before you bring Shi Yushan's body back to County L, you come to me. Say what you told me that day again."

Mo Qingxuan frowned slightly, he didn't have much contact with Wu Miaoke, and he didn't say much, so how bad is her memory?
Wu Miaoke was really wronged. Mo Qingxuan called and asked directly. She was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what he said.

Fortunately, she quickly remembered, oh, and said what she said that day again.

"After Grandpa Shi found out that Brother Mingyang liked Miss Jiang, he cast a curse on Brother Mingyang with Miss Jiang's horoscope. If the two of them had a relationship, Miss Jiang's life would be in danger."

"Is there any way to avoid this?"

Mo Qingxuan's jaw moved, and he stared at Jiang Luan with deep eyes, unable to tell whether it was joy or anger.

When Jiang Luan heard Wu Miaoke's words, there was a trace of suspicion on his face. No matter how you look at it, these words seem to have been made up in advance, but will they?Would Mo Qingxuan do such a thing?

(End of this chapter)

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