Chapter 244 Do You Really Believe It?

If it was prepared in advance, would Wu Miao behave so flawlessly?

"No, even if Miss Jiang doesn't die, she will fall into a deep coma, and there is no solution at all."

Wu Miaoke was very sure that no matter how much Shi Yushan hurt her, no matter how much she hated him, she never doubted his methods.

"Does Shi Mingyang know?"

Jiang Luan's eyes lit up with hope, her lips trembled slightly, and her eyes fell on the mobile phone in Mo Qingxuan's hand, as if she could see Wu Miaoke's face through the mobile phone, and could tell the truth from the fake in her eyes.

When Mo Qingxuan saw Jiang Luan's appearance, a storm was brewing in his eyes. If Jiang Luan and Shi Mingyang really had a relationship, he would not want Jiang Luan, but would just clean up Shi Mingyang and vent his anger.

But he couldn't say that Jiang Luan cared because she had this bottom line in her heart, and if he broke that bottom line, she would feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Luan didn't understand, he felt distressed seeing her like this.

On the phone, Wu Miaoke was silent, and Jiang Luan's hopeful heart felt a little chilly.

Shi Mingyang didn't know, would he give up the chance to possess her?
"What the hell are you thinking?"

Mo Qingxuan suddenly threw the mobile phone out of his hand, and walked in with his legs. His steps were long, but not fast, as if he was stepping on Jiang Luan's heart.

The mobile phone was smashed into the corner of the wall, and it was broken into pieces, but Jiang Luan no longer cared about the mobile phone, all eyes were on the man who was approaching him step by step.

"Brother, calm down, don't scare Luan'er."

Seeing Mo Qingxuan's appearance, Mo Qingran was also taken aback, and looked at Mo Qingxuan worriedly, he seemed to be very angry now.

Mo Qingxuan remained silent, and glanced at Mo Qingran with condensed and dark eyes, as if to freeze her blood.

Mo Qingran shrank her shoulders, gave Jiang Luan a helpless look, and stepped aside consciously.

The knot between the two of them can only be resolved by themselves, others can only persuade them, and cannot make decisions for them, she just needs to watch out for Mo Qingxuan not to do anything excessive in a fit of anger.

Seeing Mo Qingran backing away, Mo Qingxuan's expression remained unchanged. He raised his eyes to look at Jiang Luan, his feet were still unhurried, but he stomped every step. The dull voice knocked on his heart, shaking Jiang Luan's joints numb.

Seeing that Mo Qingxuan was about to approach, Jiang Luan took a step back subconsciously, but Mo Qingxuan seemed to have the ability to grasp her wrist, and the other hand fell on her shoulder, not giving her a chance to escape. His eyes were fixed on hers.

"You have already decided to be with me, why do you want to think so much? If you don't trust me or believe me, let's go to the hospital for an operation to get all your memories back. No matter what you want to do then , it’s up to you, I will never interfere!”

Jiang Luan looked into Mo Qingxuan's eyes, saw his own shadow reflected in his furious eyes, and could almost see the panic and helplessness on his face from the reflection in his eyes.

"Ah Xuan, let me go. I believe in you, let me go..."

Jiang Luan struggled, trying to get Mo Qingxuan to let go, but the furious Mo Qingxuan was very strong, Jiang Luan turned her head and glanced at her arm, there was a bluish-white color around the position where his fingertips were pinching, it was not particularly painful, But it can't be said to be good.

"Do you really believe it?"

Mo Qingxuan's eyes flashed with tyranny, and he looked at Jiang Luan fiercely.

"Ah Xuan, don't be like this..."

Jiang Luan put his hand on the back of Mo Qingxuan's hand. The back of his hand, which was always warm, could not feel the scorching heat at this moment. It was not cold, but it made people feel flustered.

"Don't do anything? You've been out of your mind since yesterday. Jiang Luan, when you were drugged by Shi Mingyang, you were all about him. I've already suffered that kind of pain. Now, we are finally together, and you still can't forget him." !Last night, why did you have that disgusting look on your face? Did being with me make you so disgusted?"

Mo Qingxuan's eyes were dark, his jaw was tense, he stared at Jiang Luan with cold eyes, and asked in a gloomy voice.

Jiang Luan's face turned pale, he still caught the disgust at that moment, but he knew it, he must know it, it wasn't him who made her disgusted!

Mo Qingxuan's words made her feel uncomfortable, how could she accept him while disgusting him?What do you think of her?whore?
"Ah Xuan, I didn't, I didn't..."

Jiang Luan choked with sobs, and moved her steps backwards. Her teary eyes were hazy, but she didn't miss the distress that flashed in Mo Qingxuan's eyes.

Since you love her so much, why do you still stab her with such words?Don't know how uncomfortable she is?

"I know you don't."

Mo Qingxuan's cold and sharp eyes softened, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

He has never been able to resist her tears.

He lowered his head, kissed the corners of her eyes, licked away the tears from the corners of her eyes drop by drop, tasted the slightly salty taste, no matter how hard his heart was, he couldn't help but soften.

Jiang Luan closed her eyes, and the uneasiness in her heart seemed to be calmed down at this moment.

"Can't you trust me? Since you don't want to have another operation to restore your memory, just trust me. I never lied to you! Luaner, I will never lie to you if I lie to anyone."

Mo Qingxuan's lips moved slowly from the corners of Jiang Luan's eyes to her ears, and the moist breath sprayed on her ears, not ambiguous, but the best comfort.

Jiang Luan nodded in his arms, completely forgetting the last question before.

Shi Mingyang didn't know about this spell, and with his attachment to Jiang Luan, would he let go of this opportunity to cook raw rice?

"Luan'er, remember, I don't care what you're struggling with, what you're feeling uncomfortable with. Remember, without you, there would be no Ah Xuan. Don't try to escape from me, unless I die!"

Mo Qingxuan said domineering words in a tone as if he was cursing and swearing, but Jiang Luan, who always liked to confront him, didn't feel any resistance, but nodded in his arms, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.

Mo Qingxuan stroked her hair gently, and said softly, "Luan'er, let's get married."

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, as if hesitating, then nodded.

In fact, she just got stuck in a dead end and couldn't get out. Mo Qingxuan's scare made her think about it.

No matter what happened before or what happened, it was all under her involuntary circumstances.

Now she belongs to Mo Qingxuan regardless of her body and mind!
Thinking of Shi Mingyang, Jiang Luan was always in a complicated mood. As a friend, Shi Mingyang had nothing to say, was considerate and thoughtful, and never wronged her.

In her memory, Shi Mingyang didn't do anything that made her intolerable.

But after knowing the previous grievances, my perception of him has plummeted. Even if it doesn't reach the level of hatred, I still don't want to see him after all.

Jiang Luan's wedding was delayed in the end. After notifying everyone, people from Taoyuan Township came three days before the wedding.

Before leaving, Mo Qingxuan stared at Jiang Luan with burning eyes, pressed a kiss on her lips, and said softly, "Wait for me."

Jiang Luan nodded, feeling inexplicably panicked, and personally put on Mo Qingxuan the consecrated jade pendant that had been repaired by someone, and said several times in succession that she must come back.

Jiang Luan waited for three days, but did not wait for Mo Qingxuan to come back. She went to the police station to resign, but Li Lianbin withheld the resignation report and told her that she could come back anytime.

Regarding this, Jiang Luan just forced a smile, turned around and left without saying anything, Li Lianbin felt uncomfortable looking at the distraught look.

Shi Mingyang came to Jiang Luan a few times, but she avoided seeing her. Shi Mingyang, who seemed to understand something, asked someone to bring a letter to Jiang Luan, and then left the country.

Jiang Luan stared blankly at the envelope for a long time, but tore the letter to pieces without opening it.

Now that it's broken, let's clean it up, why are you procrastinating?

She didn't read the letter just because she didn't want to hate, resent, or forgive.That's it, forget about him.

Ah Xuan, do you think I am very obedient? If you don't like my contact with Shi Mingyang, I will forget about him. Will you come back?

On the third day, Ou Ying and Jia Fang came.

Jiang Luan met Ou Ying three times in total, each time with a different style, the first time was cold and arrogant, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.The second time Wen Ru was indifferent, but he was a wife slave.

For the third time, I really felt that he looked like a flesh and blood person, at least there was an expression on his face.

"Miss Jiang, I'm sorry."

Ou Ying lowered her head slightly, with his unique arrogance between her brows, but a hint of apology in her eyes, and the lines on her face softened a lot.


Jiang Luan turned her head to look at him, as if she couldn't understand why he said sorry to herself.

why?Why did he say sorry, why did he not see Mo Qingxuan even after he came back?

Seeing Jiang Luan's empty and lifeless appearance, Ou Ying felt as if her heart had been stabbed.

He never thought that one day he would feel so ashamed of a person, not only because of the return of the living soul called emotion after the mass grave was broken, but also because of...

At this time, Jiang Luan's phone rang, she picked up the phone in a daze, didn't even look at the caller ID, just pressed the answer button and put it next to her ear.

"Luaner, watch the news, City A Daily Channel."

Before Jiang Luan could speak, Mo Qingran's voice came from the phone.

She didn't know that Ou Ying was back, so she told Jiang Luan that it was just to make Jiang Luan feel better, her state these days made everyone uncomfortable.

But he didn't know, with Ou Ying's unclear sorry first, Jiang Luan would only feel more uncomfortable after seeing the news.

Jiang Luan froze for a moment, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and tuned to the daily channel of City A.

"Yesterday, a big explosion occurred in the famous Taolin in City A. Afterwards, some citizens found traces of the explosion on the east edge of the Taolin, which was suspected to have erupted from the mountainside. At present, the police in our city have deployed martial law to evacuate the crowd and investigate the cause of the explosion. No tourist casualties have been found so far. This station's reporter Du Jin reported."

In the picture, Jiang Luan could clearly see that at the end of the luxuriant peach grove, there was a motley crowd. The police had already lifted the martial law line, and the reporter could only shoot from the outside.

The scene didn't look so shocking, at least not a single peach tree in the peach forest was destroyed, but the mountain almost collapsed in half.

(End of this chapter)

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