The doctor's hands cover the sky, and the male gods can't stand high

Chapter 245 He Was Still Inside When It Exploded

Chapter 245 He Was Still Inside When It Exploded
"is it here?"

Jiang Luan's lips trembled a bit, she felt it was unbelievable that she could still make a sound.Is it uncomfortable and forget the feeling of heartache?


Before the phone was hung up, Mo Qingran's doubtful voice came from the phone, and he said excitedly: "Luan'er, my brother succeeded. Maybe there is Taoyuan Township, maybe my brother will be back soon..."

Jiang Luan pursed her lips. Even though she had the phone next to her ear, she felt that Mo Qingran's voice was getting farther and farther away. She even clearly heard the sound of a crack in her heart.

Ah Xuan succeeded?right?But what about others?

What is the definition of success?Getting out of the body is success.

The successful person is Ou Ying, right?His goal has been achieved, he is free, he has feelings, he can stay with Jia Fang forever, and he can learn to accept and love Jia Fang's family.

But what about Ah Xuan?Why didn't Ah Xuan come back?What does Ou Ying mean by "I'm sorry?"
"I'm sorry, after the mass grave was destroyed, I'm going back to rescue Mo Qingxuan. But before I reached the front hall, Taoyuan Township started to explode. The explosion started from the front hall, and I had no chance to go in. The explosion spread far away , Someone pushed me at the last moment, and I saw that it was Mo Qingxuan. After I escaped, the entire Taoyuan Township exploded, and half of the mountain collapsed. And Mo Qingxuan, he is still inside."

Ou Ying's face was full of guilt, he was trying to take advantage of Mo Qingxuan at the beginning, without him holding back the people from Taoyuan Township, he would not have been able to succeed at all.

He even thought that if he left directly after destroying the mass grave, with Mo Qingxuan behind him, and the people in Taoyuan Township would not care about him, his chances of successfully escaping would be much greater.

However, Mo Qingxuan pushed him at the last moment to save his life, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, he just doesn't understand feelings, but he is not a bad person.

After getting a definite answer, Jiang Luan opened his mouth and turned around for a while, followed by a feeling of nausea, his stomach twitched a few times, but he couldn't vomit anything.

Many fragments came out of my mind, his coldness, his violence, his helplessness, his pampering, his smirk...

The gentle him, the cold him, the gentle and charming him, the burning desire in his eyes...

Also, when she looked at others with concern, his eyes full of sorrow and sorrow...

"A Xuan..."

Jiang Luan murmured, his eyes went dark, and he fell down on the sofa.

"Miss Jiang..."



One after another, exclamations rang in my ears, but they seemed to be far away in the sky, untouchable and intangible. The mobile phone in my hand fell to the ground, and Mo Qingran's shout seemed particularly far away.

Two years later,
A girl in a blue princess dress had a cheerful smile on her pink face, running barefoot on the beach.

"Duoduo, come and eat watermelon."

A crisp and refreshing voice sounded, which sounded very comfortable in this hot summer.

The two-year-old girl turned around, her clear and pure eyes were flickering and very cute, seeing Jiang Luan holding a doll in her arms, her big eyes instantly bent into two crescent moons, her smile was very pure, and she was very good at hooking People, those who saw it couldn't help but bend their eyebrows and eyes with her smile.

Not at first, but it only showed up after she was a year old.

Every time Jiang Luan thought of Mo Qingxuan and felt uncomfortable, seeing her smile, she would inexplicably bend the corners of her eyes, and the depression in her heart would disappear like a burst balloon.

"Who allowed you to laugh like that?"

Jiang Luan glared at her angrily, but couldn't help but smile.

"Heck, mom, I like it."

Duo Duo smiled and clapped her hands, her delicate white hands picked up the hem of her skirt, and ran towards Jiang Luan like a gust of wind.

Even though she is small, she runs very steadily. She runs on the clean beach like a cool wind, creating the most beautiful scenery in Jiang Luan's eyes.

Jiang Luan almost twisted her nose because of her anger, the devil likes her smile like this.

Just imagine, a mischievous child is teaching her a serious lesson, and then the other party tilts his head and shows a cute smile, and the key point is that you also smile with her, and the serious atmosphere dissipates in an instant , who should be naughty, who should be naughty, and who should be naughty?

"Hug brother, hug..."

Duoduo ran to Jiang Luan's side, loosened her skirt with her tender hands, pulled Jiang Luan's loose hem to make her bend down, and looked at her brother eagerly with big eyes.

"elder sister……"

The child in Jiang Luan's arms had his finger in his mouth and waved his little hand as he struggled to get off the ground, calling his sister indistinctly.

"Go over there and eat watermelon."

With a sullen face, Jiang Luan ignored Duoduo's unreasonable request, turned around and left, ignoring the pitiful appearance of the pair of children staring at each other through the autumn water.

With her small body, hugging her younger brother is just rolling on the ground together, doesn't she know her virtue?
"Mom, brother...hug..."

Dodo stamped her feet in dissatisfaction, and trotted along behind Jiang Luan.

Hearing Duo Duo's shout from behind, Jiang Luan looked down at Guo Guo, who was lying on her shoulder and looking at her sister who occasionally let out a smirk, her eyes were soft.

After learning about the explosion in Taoyuan Township, her memory recovered, and she remembered everything about Mo Qingxuan.

After more than two months, it was found out that she was pregnant, so she stayed at home while Duo Duo raised her baby.

Fortunately, there are two children here, otherwise, how would she live without Mo Qingxuan?
Ah Xuan is really ruthless, is this revenge?

She disappeared for four years back then, making him think she was dead, so now he wants to come back for revenge, let her also experience the feeling of heartbreak?

In the past two years, there has been no news of Mo Qingxuan. As expected, many corpses, some crops, and ancient buildings were dug up from the mountain where the Taoyuan Township exploded. Because of the existence of mass graves, the official guess is that they were ancient Sacrificial places or burial tombs and the like. As for the scattered corpses, they may have been rushed out of mass graves in the aftermath of the explosion.

But no one can explain why there are fresh crops in the burial tombs. Although the good fields have been bombed, the crops are clearly still bright green.

Moreover, the scattered corpses were bloody and healthy, and no one could explain why.

No one wants to believe that there will be people living in the mountains. After all, as a famous tourist attraction in City A, there are still many people who have been here, and no entrance has been found.

Jian Xuan also came with Shen Ling. Shen Ling was taken away by people from Taoyuan Township after having sex with Jian Xuan. He was forcibly locked up and instilled what a saint should know, as well as some knowledge of witchcraft.

Shen Ling first knew the taste of love, so he was extremely repulsed by these, so he was locked up by the people of Taoyuan Township, named Siguo.

Mo Qingxuan used the exchange as an excuse to express his attitude. Unless they let Shen Ling go, they would not treat their patriarch.

As a conditional exchange, Mo Qingxuan performed a minor operation on the patriarch first, which did not affect the overall situation, but woke up the patriarch Ou Jingshan who had been in a coma for nearly 20 years.

The people in Taoyuan Township were not good at psychological tactics, seeing that Mo Qingxuan was not willing to accept his will, they could only let Shen Ling go.

After Shen Ling left, Jian Xuan who was outside responded and sent her to MIE for temporary protection.

The explosion in Taoyuan Township was caused by Jian Xuan, and Mo Qingxuan didn't trust Ou Ying. Even if the mass grave was destroyed, the witchcraft methods of the people in Taoyuan Township were still there. Their lack of affection started from the time of conception. The living soul is bound, and the living soul may not necessarily become friendly and amiable.

Mass graves have been destroyed, and they may not do anything when they are angered.

Letting this group of old monsters who have transcended the realm of human beings out of the mountains, I am afraid that City A will become a mess in a short time.

Mo Qingxuan's family and his foundation are all in City A, so they dare not make this bet. The only way is to destroy this place and these people.

Mo Qingxuan naturally had a means of escape. When he estimated the time and guessed that Ou Ying might have destroyed the mass grave, he left the front hall with an excuse. Jian Xuan asked someone to set off the explosives, and Jian Xuan responded.

However, when Mo Qingxuan was about to reunite with Jian Xuan, he suddenly wanted to struggle, as if he couldn't get out of there. At this moment, Ou Ying appeared. Pushing it out, he was engulfed by the explosion range.

The police found many corpses, and also checked the DNA of the surrounding blood. There was Mo Qingxuan's blood DNA, but none of the corpses belonged to him.

Jiang Luan couldn't help thinking, maybe Mo Qingxuan is not dead?

After all, it has been two years, and the corpses in the mass grave, as well as the corpses of other people in Taoyuan Township, have already been buried collectively, only Mo Qingxuan has no news.

At the same time, Ou Ying's father, Ou Jingshan, also disappeared!
But after the news of Mo Qingxuan's accident was reported back to the Mo residence, Zhao Yun lost his breath in a moment of excitement, and went there on the same day if the rescue could not be completed.

Mo Shangshu is better, but after all, he is getting old. After losing his only grandson and wife one after another, his spirit is not as good as before. Now he is bedridden all day, like a medicine jar.

"Luan'er, Guoguo's birthday party is ready for tomorrow, and you can check the guest list to see if there is anything you want to add."

When Jiang Luan was looking at the pair of children lost in thought, Mo Qingran's voice came from afar.

Jiang Luan looked back and saw that she was stumbling over slowly, holding her big belly, holding a piece of red paper in her hand, with dense black dots on it, probably the guest list.

"Little aunt, why are you busy with such a big belly? If there is anything to do, let my mother and Xiaolu come?"

Jiang Luan shot at her, put Guoguo in her arms on a blanket under the sun umbrella, let Duoduo look at her younger brother, and quickly went up to hold her arm.

Mo Qingran had been with Jiang Luan the year before last, and said that Doudou was too young and the two children were too close to each other, so she never made up her mind to have a baby.

It wasn't until Pei Beichuan urged Doudou to tell her that she wanted a younger sister last year, and Jiang Luan and Chu Huan also persuaded her, that she agreed to conceive one. Now they are all boasting about giving birth, and the due date is only a few days away.

(End of this chapter)

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